Lookup Formula Return The Highest Value
Jan 26, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that is comprised of 3 columns:
Column A - a list of values
Column B - the rank of the value in the adjacent cell in column A out of all values in column A
Column C - the quartile rank (1, 2, 3 or 4) of the value in the adjacent cell in column A
I would like to create a formula that would return the highest value in column A that is ranked in the 2nd quartile.
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Apr 6, 2009
I have rows with text and numbers. In order to ensure that the numbers are accurate, I have a "QC formula" that calculates a check using all of the numbers from 1 row. The challenge is that the "QC formula" needs to vary depending on a text value within the row.
How can I lookup up the text value and then return the correct active formula for that row? I have too many differet text values to do a nested If statement. see simplified example below.
Condition ABCFormula' Needed based on Condition
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Sep 30, 2009
I have a column with 11 different numbering schemes that go from 736466.01 through 736466.11 In the group from 736466.01 through 736466.07 I need to have the adjacent column look to those cells and if it finds 736466.01-.07 return "CM" if it is 736466.08-.11 I need it to return "TC". I created the formula below but it doesn't like something I have done unless I change the format of the 736466.xx to text. Anything other than 736466.01-.11 should return a "null" or "void" Can you help me improve this formula, or show me a better way of creating it?
=LOOKUP(E2,{"736466.01","736466.02","736466.03","736466.04","736466.05","736466.06","736466.07","736 466.08","736466.09","736466.10","736466.11"},{"CM","CM","CM","CM","CM","CM","CM","TC","TC","TC","TC" })
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Apr 1, 2014
I am trying to use a formula similar to VLOOKUP() to look in a table for two values and if both values are found, return another value.
Sheet2 is an example of my output file, sheet one is a generated file. i would like the vlookup formula in sheet 2 cell D2 and down to be something like this,
But I would like to lookup A2 and B2, and the row that contains both values, return the value in the J column
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Dec 8, 2013
I am trying to create a workbook where I can log what work I have done in one spreadsheet and allocate an invoice number to it. In a separate spreadsheet within the same workbook I have created an invoice template. When I enter in the invoice number into the invoice template it's not collecting the correct information.
For example, if I want the details for invoice 10 to show in the invoice template, details for invoice 19 appear.
I have used this formula:
=IFERROR(INDEX(ServiceRecord[[Invoice number]:[Date invoice issued]],
SMALL(IF(ServiceRecord[[Invoice number]:[Date invoice issued]]
='Invoice TEMPLATE'!$F$8,ROW(ServiceRecord[Invoice number])),ROW(1:1)),2),"")
I am wanting to add new information as time goes on and also to be able to put in any invoice number into the invoice template to recall information as needed.
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Dec 2, 2008
I have an excel work book that has distances in column A from A2:A10 like so:
I would like to compare the value inputed into cell C2 against the distances and return the exact match or next highest distance to D2 if there is no exact match.
i.e. If 1340 is put in Cell C2 I would like excel to return 1400 to cell D2 as 1400 is next highest distance from 1340.
Here is the kicker, the distances cannot be sorted and I would prefer not to use VBA but I will if i have to.
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Jun 18, 2009
The following calc works perfectly to find the latest entry in a column of meter readings in one worksheet and return the value to a master worksheet.
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Apr 23, 2006
Im just setting up a spreadsheet for structural timber design calculations. One of the requirements for this spreadsheet is to look up a Zx value from a table. Once the Zx value is found it returns a size of timber from another column. I have managed to create the function so that it looks up the Zx value and returns the size. However, if the function cant find the exact Zx value, which will usually be the case. The next lowest Zx value is used. Is there a way i can edit this function so that it returns the next highest Zx value instead of the next lowest. At the moment this is the code i am using.
= LOOKUP(Q92, 'Zxx Table'!E5:E172,'Zxx Table'!C5:C172)
Where Q92 is the value to be looked up. E5:E172 is the column of values to be searched. C5:C172 is the column of values where the result comes from. In addition to this just to further complicate things, can it return say the next 5 highest values? If a lookup function cant be used could you tell me another way that i can achieve this.
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Oct 26, 2006
I have a table of information which is sorted in ascending order. I have created a vlookup to find the highest value as close to 1 as possible.
Say it returns the value 0.95.
i now have another cell which i need to find the second highest value from the column of data.
however i dont know how to do it. because the second vlookup function just returns the 0.95 all the time and not the second highest value..
Column A
So in the cell with the first Vlookup i get the value 0.95 returned.
I need then for the second cell to return the next highest value in this case 0.90.
Then third cell third highest
fourth cell fourth highest value etc.
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Aug 20, 2014
I need a formula that will give me a persons name that is stored in Column B based on the highest value within 5 named ranges. Each named range is a selection of every other cell in individual columns i.e. named range junior1 is cells in column E, named range junior2 is cells within column H and so on.
I've attached the worksheet as it as present.Sample Running Scores 3.xlsx
Cell Y3 shows the highest individual score shot (not handicap score) from columns E,H,K,N,Q (or more accurately the named ranges Junior1, Junior2, Junior3, Junior4, Junior5 within these columns). Each of these columns represents a different round in each league, in this case a Junior National League. I now need Y4 to show me the name of the person that shot the highest individual score, in this case Person 21.
I know I need to use a combination of Index & Max in some way but I can't work out what or how.
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Dec 21, 2006
I am looking for formulas for cells B21 and B22 that will return the value from column A corresponding to the occurence of the highest/lowest value of Index compared to cell B:19, that is, the most recent Index data.
This seems to be an excellent candidate for LOOKUP as the data in Column A are unique and sorted.
Then, we have cells B:25 and B:28. On what "Week Ending" did the Min/Max value occurred?
Bonus Question, if Excel encounters more than 1 value that satisfies the formula, what happens?
************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1.xls___Running: xl2000 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB24C24B27C27=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box
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Jan 31, 2014
I have a data table in which the values are reported daily. I have created a pivot table using this data and grouped the dates in to week long blocks.
What I require is for the group value to return the highest values found within the 7 day period, this would link with the grand total column.
________A B C D E Total
01/01/14 1 1 1 1 1 5
02/01/14 1 1 1 1 1 5
03/01/14 1 2 2 2 1 8
04/01/14 1 1 1 1 1 5
05/01/14 1 1 1 1 1 5
06/01/14 1 1 1 1 1 5
07/01/14 1 1 1 1 1 5
In this example when grouped by week i would get the result:
__________________ A B C D E Total
01/01/14 - 07/01/14 1 2 2 2 1 8
I have also attached a sample spreadsheet.
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Apr 9, 2014
I need a formula that can lookup the sell price with the highest frequency. For example, I need to look up item 2100 in sheet2 and sheet1 contain data for vlookup like this:
ID No_Frequency Sell Price
2100 4 2.99
2100 5 3.49
2100 1 1.99
I need to be able to look up and return the sell price of 3.49 since it has the highest frequency.
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Jun 13, 2014
I have a row of numbers (per example below) and I would like to return the column header for the max value and the second highest value, even when the second highest value is the same as the max value.
For example
A B C D E Highest Second Highest
1 2 3 2 3 C E
3 1 3 2 2 A C
The return values are under the highest and second highest column headers?
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Jul 14, 2009
I'm looking to return in cell BG2, the highest alphanumeric value from 10 non consecutive cells (highlighted yellow). When I use the MAX function it works fine should I only have numbers in the 10 cells, but the values in the cells very from 1A to 5Z [all instances of these values are shown in a table on sheet2 with their 'scoring']
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May 2, 2010
I have a simple list of alphanumeric asset numbers,
AKR DC 0001
AKR DC 0002
AKR DC 0004
And so on, I want to run a piece of code from a user form which will return the highest value in the range plus one on the numeric portion. I can find the largest value easily with a sort and last used cell value and I could drag out the numeric portion, increment and crowbar it back in but I'm sure there is a more elegant way.
All asset codes follow the same naming convention and all reside in column a of the active worksheet.
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Dec 18, 2013
I have done many research online to cater to my require but fail to accomplish it. I need to determine the decision base on ranking of the number in the Rank column. which is than reflected in the calender. But per day basis, it needs to only be green for the top "number of quota set per day" highest ranking. I have also attached the sample for a clearer understanding
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Oct 9, 2009
column a has dates & column d has values - what is formula to find highest number in values and return it's date (using =large(Dxx:Dxxx, 1) to find highest number
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Feb 10, 2009
Formula: ......
I am looking for the value in column G, a formula that will search B-F and return the Group with the highest percentage for each zip.
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Nov 16, 2011
I am looking for a formula to extract numbers from a list in descending order. As the list may have more than one entry of the same number the formula i need should only show one of that particular number.
So in effect
Column A
Hopefull end result
Column C
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Dec 12, 2011
If the weight selected is between the ranges e.g 1.5kg for England so that it returns the higher value 10.69. At the moment if I put in the vlookup formula it returns the lower value of 9.60.
Weight KGEnglandScotlandWales0.
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Aug 8, 2008
I have a column with a list of SKUs (item identifiers) that are actually combination of letters and numbers. They start with one of the following 4 letters: A, B, C, D
I would like to return the highest sku for each of the 4 letters. For example, Excel should look up column A and return "A3500" in Range(D4) as seen in the attached image.
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Dec 10, 2012
I'm trying to return a distinct list of rows that filter based on the latest date and largest quantity for each distinct AccountID and ProductID combination.
I tried some variant of the =max function, but I need two filters.
The purpose of this is to create a data set of all company accounts with the most recent number of products used to upload to a database.
The simplified and original data set is as follows:
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Mar 7, 2013
I have an array of data with multiple codes stored in text...
I want to set a formula in a cell to look for all instances of specific text in an array. Then compare the value of all of the column headings, which are numbered across the top of the array, which contain a match in that column and return the highest value.
Example: 10x10 array, columns 1,3, and 5 contain "text" somewhere in those columns. Formula would return 5.
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Jun 29, 2009
I have a list of records each with a postcode that takes either of the two formats:
N4 3HF
I also have a list of postcodes that show only the first part of postcodes
What formula would look up "SA1 6HU" and return SA1? while being also able to look up "N4 3HF" and return N4?
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Jan 20, 2014
I'm trying to wrap up a spreadsheet and I'm trying to figure out how to have my formula use the highest of 2 numbers when making a calculation.
For example:
Cell A1 = 5000
Cell B1 = 3828
I want the formula to use A1 in this case. However, if the total of B1 = 6000, I want the formula to use B1 instead of A1 in the calculation. (A1 = 5000 will always be a constant/base).
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Apr 20, 2009
i want my formula to look up the highest value from a range (the =max column), then return a name in the leftmost column. What it actually is, is a player of the month for fantasy football. Each week the player gets a score, then each month, a total of four weekly scores. i want to look up who scored the most and return the player name to me. see the attachment.
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Apr 3, 2013
a formula to rank a set of data ? The smallest data will be rank 1 and the highest will have the last rank. this range of data has some spaces in between, that needs to be ignored but should not be deleted. I have attached a spreadsheet stating the case.
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Dec 5, 2006
Is there a formula I can use to find the Highest and Lowest value in a column?
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Apr 8, 2009
I have 6 rows (A-F) with dollar vallues. I am trying to create a formula on row G that will give me the highest dollar value out of rows A-F.
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