Lookup On Specific Words

Apr 29, 2014

I have two sources of information that I need to look up on, but one of the sources contains other words within the same cell?

For Example I have a source of data which contains all our client names, and I need to search for the client name in a second source of data to bring through the value from another cell, however the table array that I would do the look up on contains both the client name and project name together in one cell - therefore I am unable to do a normal Vlookup - also the client name is not always the same number of letters.

See an example:

Source data 1:
Client name:

Source data 2:
in cell A1 XYZ Ltd/project ABC
in cell A2 shows the value e.g.: £5000

Would there be anyway to do a look up on XYZ Ltd to bring through the value in A2 on source data 1?

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Tabled Lookup: Able To Lookup If Anywhere In A Cell Contains A Word From A List Of Words, And Then Provides An Output

Apr 27, 2009

I want to be able to lookup if anywhere in a cell contains a word from a list of words, and then provides an output.

Column G:
VAT payment
HMRC payment

I have a table on the side that shows:
Column Y Column Z

ie. If anything in column G matches one of the words in Column Y, then output the Column Z. I have use a Vlookup that works for the first two, as VAT is the first thing, but dont know how to make it work if the key word is in the middle of the cell.

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Lookup - With Words??

Dec 30, 2008

I'm having a slight problem with lookup. I have attached the workbook. On the worksheet "Time List", it shows each round what time each team plays in order of time. On worksheet "Ind. Times" it is supposed to list the game times in order of team rather than times.

I'm using lookup, but the values in "Ind Times" are incorrect. If you look at the very first value... It says Monday Night Roast have a BYE Round 1, but looking at "Time List" you see they actually play at 8.00pm. On a side note, if I change the values of the team names to numbers - it works no problem at all.

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Find Words Through Lookup Function

Jul 31, 2008

I have an issue with VLOOKUP. By runnig VLOOup we can get the data that there is present in a specified range. But how about to get the data DISPLAYED which is not there in the specified range. I tried combining IF and VLOOKUP functions. I am on a simple project now and I would be happy if I could get the answer immeidately

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Searching For Specific Words

Mar 15, 2007

I have 1000 diff names in a spread sheet and wish to search another spread sheet with these names on and alot more.

I want the search to look in the larger spread sheet for these 1000 names
and copy all the informtaion in the cells to a new sheet, if the name is not found i would like something like "no info found" to be seen.

Im a novice to doing this sort of thing in excel, but i have found this script which searches for the word "mail box" and copies all the info in the cell when it finds it.

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Replace Some Words In Cell With Those From Lookup Table

May 29, 2009

We have a list of typed information (see attached) in which we would like to remove some words and simply replace with a space "". In addition to this: Unfortunately, folks tend to mistype or misspell words, add extra digits, etc, and for those mistakes we would like to replace them with corrections. Therefore, for this problem, we have a Replacement Table and the Subject Data, an example of which is shown in the attachment. I have posted a slightly similar problem on Ozgrid recently:

Replace Words In Cell Matching Those In A List
and in that link, the following UDF was proposed:

Function ReplaceIfInList(rList As Range, rCell As Range, _
strReplacement As String) As String
Dim rLoop As Range

If rCell = "" Then Exit Function
For Each rLoop In rList
If ReplaceIfInList = vbNullString Then
ReplaceIfInList = Replace(rCell, rLoop, strReplacement)
ReplaceIfInList = Replace(ReplaceIfInList, rLoop, strReplacement)
End If
Next rLoop
End Function

This worked great, but at the time i posted this, I did not have the foresight to anticipate the flexibility in what the replacement text would be (the above code always replaces with a ""). THIS new Post is asking the following:

Is there a way to define (or modify the above) User Defined Formula that will analyze the words typed in a cell, which are typically separated by spaces (or on accident, multiple spaces), and essentially use the Replacement Table as a reference for what word to replace with?

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Determine If Cell Has Specific Words?

Jun 18, 2008

Basically, I want a formula that searches for more than one word anywhere within a cell, and if the cell contains any of those words somewhere in it then I want to display a value, but if the words aren't there, then stay blank.

For example, my cell could say: "Magenta, Rose, Lime, Lavendar". I want to search this cell for any of the these words: "Lime", "Forest" or "Teal". If any of these appear, I then want the cell with this formula to say "Green".

I know the formula to search for only one word /phrase in a cell, I use: =(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("yellow",A1)),"colour","-")), (i.e. if the word "yellow" appears anywhere in cell A1, then this cell will show the word "colour", if not then a "-".) I tried adding an 'OR' function in this to search multiple words but it didn't seem to work.

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First IF To Be Ignored If Specific Column Contains Any Of The Words Shown

Jul 21, 2009

=IF((P3<$Q$1),E3-S3,IF((G3="B"),"Not Changed",IF((G3="MT"),"Not Changed","Not Changed")))

Above is the formula I'm trying to get to work but it's not-a-happenin. It seems like the first IF overides all of the others. Basically I want the first IF to be ignored if column G contains any of the words shown. So basically what I think is happening is that P3 is less than Q1 so it's ignoring the rest of the IFs.
Originally my formula worked fine as:

=IF(P4<$Q$1,E4-S4,"Not Changed")

But I realized that i needed a certain category of product ignored. Products are labeled in column G.

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How To Return One And Two Words Before And After Specific Word

Apr 14, 2012

I am in need of a forumula. I am trying to extract one word before a keyword, one word after a keyword, 2 words before a keyword, and 2 words after a keyword.

For example:

The keyword is blue:

birds are blue today - 1 word before=are; 1 word after=today; 2 words before=birds are; 2 words after=today

blue is my favorite color - 1 word before=(null); 1 word after=is; 2 words before=(null); 2 words after=is my

see blue colors in the sky - 1 word before=see; 1 word after=colors; 2 words before=see; 2 words after=colors in

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Extract Numbers After Specific Words?

Mar 13, 2014

I am trying to extract numbers after a specific text in a text, for eg :

abc SN 12345 xyz
edf SN No. 456 mno

As per above, i want to extract any numbers afters "SN". the numbers can be vary in digits i.e. it can be 3 digit numbers or 4 or 6. Also, at times there is some other text in between (like SN No.) numbers and search word (i.e. SN)

Any formula to get result as "12345" and "456".

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How To Delete All Words Containing Specific Characters

May 14, 2014

I need a formula which can clean up a huge data set. Essentially i need to delete the entire word which contains the characters "aceae". note that "aceae" is a suffix, but i need to delete the entire word not just the suffix, plus keep the rest of the string. i have tried the "find and replace" function of excel with wildcard, but that deletes everything before/after without deleting the entire word. i have tried a combination of formulas to isolate the unwanted words, but that method is inefficient and inaccurate. below is a schematic of what im looking to do:

Column A ------------------------------ Column B
l. planeri asteraceae africa laselva-----> l. planeri africa laselva
l. planeri moraceae europe singer------> l. planeri europe singer
origin l. fluviatilis bignoniaceae asia----> origin l. fluviatilis asia
alternate l. fluviatilis piperaceae asia---> alternate l. fluviatilis asia

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Delete Rows That Contain Specific Words

Nov 10, 2006

how to create one macro: I have a spreadsheet with 8 columns with various text headings. Each column has different data (some show dates, some show only figures, some show text). Specifically, column E (entitled "Sub Item Reference") has various text entries (e.g. "Newsletter" or "Booklet"). I am hoping to find a simple macro that will search column E and delete any rows where that column contains the text "Cover" or "Label". I'm sure it's the simplest thing going but I can't seem to work it out.

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Count Of Specific Word In Cells With Many Words

Apr 16, 2008

Is there a way of counting how many rows have cells containing a specific word. Some rows will have multiple cells with the word in and some will have none. I only want a count of the number of rows and not the number of times the word appears. How can i acheive this with VBA?

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Make A Lookup On A String Of Words From One Of My Worksheets And Hyper Link

Oct 9, 2008

I want to make a lookup on a string of words from one of my worksheets and I also whant to make a hyper link so that when I click on the lookup command I should pop to the other worksheet were my database is.

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Counting Cells With Numbers In Column That Contains Specific Words

May 9, 2014

I'm trying to build a function, but I haven't been able to successfully navigate some of the eccentricities of Excel formula-building.

Right now I am working on counting all of the cells that contain numbers (so likely just a =COUNT function), but will be eventually getting other descriptive stats as well. My problem is that I would like to create a formula that will perform the counting/mean calculation, etc., but only on a specific column that has the header cell that contains several specific words. Rather than having to type in the target words for each column, I would like to have the target words in the function be imported from multiple designated cells.

For example,

I want to find how many numbered cells are found in column E headed as "dog brown," but I also have columns headed as "cat brown" "dog black" etc. (which I will be using the formula on later) to paint a small picture, in my descriptive table, "dog" is in B31 and "brown" is in C30, then "cat" in B32 and "black" in D30.

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Highlight/select Data Between 2 Cells Containing Specific Words

Nov 6, 2008

Sample data (all in column a):

Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 1
Heading 2.........

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IF Function (few Words Shown Based On Figures In Specific Cells)

May 17, 2009

I want to have a few words shown based on figures in specific cells. I not quite sure how to explain, but i will try my best:

A1 = 5
A2 = 0
A3 = 7

The function i am using looks something like this:-

=IF(A1<6,"Do I Have Sickness Self Cert?","Do I Have Doctor's Paper?")

However, by using this function, if the cell is empty it still shows the first wording when i need it to show lets say between 1 & 6 shows the first wording and more than 6 shows the second wording! If you know what i mean... I know what i want to do but cant really explain it very well.

Maybe it should look something like this but it does not work the way i am doing it.

=IF(E156>1<6,"Do I Have Sickness Self Cert?","Do I Have Doctor's Paper?")

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Calculating Percentage In Cell And Omitting Values When Specific Words Present

Apr 5, 2014

I have a daily report that gives a percentage based on what is typed into the "Supplier" and "Total Sales" columns but I'm having trouble writing the following formulas since my excel knowledge is relatively low.

1. Where a cell in the "Supplier" column says anything but "Den", "Burrowed" or "Studio Nyx" I need the "60%" and "40%" columns filled with the relevant formula (=B11*60% for example) and the "100%" column blank.

2. Additionally, if the cell contains "Den", "Burrowed" or "Studio Nyx" I need the "100%" column filled and the "60%" and "40%" blank.

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Excel 2003 :: Take Specific Text From Cell And Copy It In New One (Text And / Or Words Position Varies)

Jan 17, 2013

I'm having a 6000+ records, (contacts DB) exported in Excel 2003 format from MS Outlook.

Except the "First" and "LastName", all other contact elements are in the field "Notes" (which is the BZ column according to the exported outlook layout) multiplied by 6469 (records in total)

Useful information are included !!!

I'll give an example of a record...

Column: BZ, Row: 543 says --> "2110000000-6989000000, 1TOK_TER:17-11-010(25 DAYS LESS),

Now, I want every time to take the part of the text says "TER:something..." (part of which is date, but not every time with the known format dd-mm-yyyy, as you see here is yyy, followed by something else, with parenthesis here and maybe more data) and copy it in a new cell..., e.g:CO Column, same Row...

Above and every field which by the way is formatted as General (and it is text mainly) are made by merging older excel fields where data laid here and there, that's why you see the commas...with the method of a module with the following code:

Function MyMerge(Rng As Range)
For Each Cell In Rng
Temp = Temp & Cell.Value & ", "
Next Cell
Temp = Mid(Temp, 1, Len(Temp) - 2)
MyMerge = Temp
End Function

Note1:Records with the above string (TER:dd-mm-yyy) are 771 from 6469.
Note2: As an alternative solution I can see an extraction of the TER:dd-mm-yyy string and the copy in a new place, like the:CO Column, same Row...

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Replace All The Times That These Words Appear In The Rest Of The Sheet With The Words In Column B

Sep 20, 2006

I have a column of words in Column A and I want to replace all the times that these words appear in the rest of the excel sheet with the words in Column B. If someone has already answered a similar problem link me to the thread because I can't find anything.

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Macro To Only Keep 100 Words In Range Of Single Words Per Column?

Jun 3, 2014

I'm looking for a macro to remove all words (in a single word per cell format) in a range (approx 100 columns & 7000 rows), except for a list of 100 words.

I'd prefer to email the file if that's okay.

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Auto-calculate 2 Column That Contains Numbers And Words Words

Jul 16, 2009

I've been using conventional method to do this and it's time consuming. I would like to total up 2 column. A multiply B to be exact. Below are some examples:

Table 1 - Before totaling up:

2 x Button A White
4 x Button B Pink
5 x Ribbon A Black
3 x Thread A White
2 x Cloth A Blue

Table 2 - After totaling up:

Button A White
Button B Pink
Ribbon A Black
Thread A White
Cloth A Blue

I need to have the sum of the "Quantity" multiply "Product". Or in short A x B.
And the end result need to have the number and "x" sign removed while keeping on the the products names. (2 x ) Take note it's "number" space "symbol" space.

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Lookup Specific Text From Same Date

May 19, 2014

Basically i have date in col A, Name in col B and Status in col C.

Let say A2 & A3 are both 1 Jan 2014, B2 & B3 are both "exam 1", C2 is "success", c3 is "failed"

Is there any where to add helper column so in row A2 : C2 mark with "blank" and A3:C3 mark with "yes"

So then when i pivot it ..i can add the helper column as criteria and choose "yes".

I attached sample file here [URL] ..

Just click download on that site and you can save or open the data.

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Sumif Return The Specific Value Based On The Lookup

Sep 21, 2009

I have attached an example. I am wondering how I can get [K2] to return the value 501 based on the lookup.

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Lookup Last Date For Class With Specific Criteria?

Jul 26, 2013

I manage a list of web-based classes offered by my company - each class name, date, time, and attendance is recorded in the list. Periodically, we send out marketing emails for these classes to promote attendance, which is also recorded in the list.

Issue: I have a summary list of the class names (where each class is only listed once) and I'm trying to come up with a formula that will pull the class date for the last time that course was marketed.

I have attached an example of what I am trying to do - using colors instead of class names. The last date marketed for each color is already hard-keyed into the summary to show what should be there.

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Dynamic Lookup Based On Specific Criteria?

Dec 21, 2011

I am getting an error i have list (sheet4) i want to lookup the data from different table (Name range) based on the location in column A i am using the small function copy down, in cell C6 i want the range ROWS($A$2:B6) go back to ROWS($A$2:B2) since the criteria in column A has changed from China (A5) to US (A6)


Array FormulasCellFormulaB2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:A2)),1)C2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:B2)),2)B3


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Two Columns - Lookup Rate Corresponding To Specific Date

Jan 30, 2012

I have 2 cols of dates; col1 effective from, col2 effective to. In col c i have a list of corresponding rates. How can i look up the rate corresponding to a specific date. I've tried lookups and matching formulas but not working.

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Find Words - Deleting The Words - And Deleting Some Info After The Words.

Jun 23, 2006

I am trying to find certain words in a column and delete the word and characters following. For example, Say I have a column of info as seen below. This is a test of me. I am just experimenting with this stuff. Deleted (6/15/01) Let me know what you think. I am not sure about it all, but I guess I will figure it out. riviledge1 (01/05/06) Now let's see what happens when I try to test it.

I want to find all the "Priviledge1 (01/05/06)" and replace with nothing. Please note, the date will change with each record, so I need to figure out how to tell Excel to find "Priviledge1", delete it and the date behind it. So I want to delete "Priviledge1" and the next 11 characters including the space.

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How To Turn Abbreviated Words Into Full Words

Feb 4, 2013

On to the topic, I have all the US and Canadian states abbreviated (CO = Colorado, etc.) and was wondering if there is a way to make all of them convert to their respective names in one fell swoop instead of writing it in for each one, one at a time. Something along the lines where I can make, CO = Colorado, TX = Texas and then hit enter and all of the abbreviations would convert. Some kind of command.

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Sort On Number Of Words (words With Least Characters First)

Jan 22, 2010

I want to sort on number of words, i.e. if a cell contains 1 or 2 words etc, with the cells containing 1 word coming first then cells containing 2 words. Also, if possible, first the cells with fewer characters.

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