Sumif Return The Specific Value Based On The Lookup

Sep 21, 2009

I have attached an example. I am wondering how I can get [K2] to return the value 501 based on the lookup.

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Lookup Date And Return Specific Cell Value From A Range

Jan 31, 2014

I have a table that has a number of new starters and corresponding appointments offered, what I originally required was to lookup the chronological date after the new start date.

However this has now been scuppered by my boss who has requested that not only lookup the date, but also add who the appointment is with, but if I do this the first array formula stops working and to tell the trust I'm not to sure how to do it anyway.

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Lookup 2 Criteria And Return Info In Specific Column

Feb 8, 2008

I've got a database that is sorted by date...

I need a formula that will look for 2 criteria and once it finds those 2 matching criteria, I need it to return the information on that line that's in column 6, let's say.

so in one column I have the date, the next column I have the sales persons name, 4 columns over I have their order number.

In cell a1 of worksheet 1, I have a drop down ready that has all my sales persons listed. In cell a2 I will manually enter the date that I need to reference.

I need the formula to then look for cell a1 and a2 in worksheet 2 where I have my spreadsheet with the info I mentioned above, match that criterium in worksheet 2, and return the info in column 6.

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How Do I Lookup Based On 2 Columns And Return A 3rd

Nov 30, 2009

I have 2 worksheets with thousands of rows. I need to lookup 2 columns (customer account # and number of occurrence) and then return a 3rd column (type of occurrence).

How do I do this? Normally I use sumproduct but in this case I need the result to be the text value for the type of call, not a count.

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Return All Data Based On Lookup

Dec 8, 2009

How to return all possible values based on a single lookup ( or another condition / macro )

I have a table in B5:E100
In A1 I have a value

I need to look in B5:B100 for the value in A1 then place the contents of B:E for those cells in G5:J5 downwards

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Return Text Based On Lookup Value

Mar 5, 2008

I have a database of customers that are all sorted by a customer number.

I have a form that has a number of fields that display customer info. When I use a blank of this form and put the customer number in it's correct field, all the other info fields do a vlookup on the customer number in the database file and return the info, such as phone numbers, name, address, etc.

Here's my question;

How can I check for a blank (using ISBLANK, I assume) to check to see if the customer number exists in our database and, if it's NOT blank, operate on it with the following example which is used to return their insurance expiration date.

=IF((VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))<TODAY(),"EXPIRED",VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))

I realize that this may be a sledgehammer approach and that Access is probably a better tool, but my company has not shelled out the $$ for Access...yet.

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Dynamic Lookup Based On Specific Criteria?

Dec 21, 2011

I am getting an error i have list (sheet4) i want to lookup the data from different table (Name range) based on the location in column A i am using the small function copy down, in cell C6 i want the range ROWS($A$2:B6) go back to ROWS($A$2:B2) since the criteria in column A has changed from China (A5) to US (A6)


Array FormulasCellFormulaB2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:A2)),1)C2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:B2)),2)B3


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Return A Lookup Value Based On A Range Of Options?

Jul 13, 2013

I have used the below formula which works in a standard cell, however I would like to have this is a VBA code using the Target.Offset option, however I can not get this to work. There may also be a better way of doing this.

The code is looking to see if the 1st cell (A118) is empty or not, if it is empty do nothing otherwise it then looks up the value in the 2nd cell (B118) and assigs the appropriate name from the range values.

=If(A118="","",LOOKUP(B118,{0,0;0,"";1,"Main Bank";71,"PFS";80,"Main Bank";106,"Dry Clean / Photo";112,"SCO";141,"Cafe";168,""}))

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Return Data Based On Lookup Criteria

Aug 31, 2006

I have an array in excel, 4 columns: Month, Day, Stock, Price. I dont know the most efficient way to handle arrays. I know i can loop through an entire array to find a specific value, but if i have a large array, this doesnt seem efficient.

For example, I would like to find the price in an Array (or Range), when i know the value of two columns. If this were in a database, I would write sql like this: " select Price from TABLE where month = 1 and Day = 3". The result would be 40.21. How can i do this with an array? I have attached a sample spreadsheet with the example mentioned above..

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Return Result Based On Lookup Value Returned

Oct 17, 2006

I have four columns, A through D
Column C is returning a simple vlookup of A
I need Column D to return a value where C is TDMA return TDMA or when C is GSM lookup column B compare to tab2 (columns A through L) returning column 12.

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Return Values Based On Lookup Result

Feb 4, 2008

I am currently looking at the workings of a spreadsheet designed by someone else.

First of all i need to know,how these combo boxes are created in the attached sheet,because it cant be addition to tht in the coloured cell (F17)i'm trying to dereive a formula which is,if (C17 = doll "1"),but its not working.Please someone give me a solution.

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Return Unique ID Based On Multi-Column Lookup

Dec 18, 2008

I'm looking for a formula (VBA I'm assuming) that will help me create a unique customer ID out of data that my website generates in order to import records into my accounting system.

I have a current list of customers in CSV format with the columns: CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerZip

Each customer in our accounting system is assigned a unique,7 digit CustomerID in the format of XXX#### where XXX are the first 3 letters of their last name, and #### is a 4 digit number (with leading 0's) to create unique ID's for customer with the same first 3 characters of their last name. SAMPLE LIST:

SCH0001, Lindsey Schubert, 75230
SCH0002, Thomas Schoembs, 53132
ADA0001, Samantha Adams, 28205

What I'd like to do is pass the formula 3 parameters (Cust_First_Name, Cust_Last_Name, Zip) and have it parse the .CSV file and either return an existing customer's current ID or generate the appropriate new, unique ID, making sure in increase the 4 digit # accordingly and insert leading 0's if necessary.

Another caveat, if possible to work with, is the ability to also pass the formula another range of cells to append to the end of the .CSV file's data for comparison reasons. There are times when I'll bulk-import orders (or we receive numerous in the same batch) and the potential exists to have two customers that would have the same CustomerID created using JUST the .CSV data. Ie. If we use the example above and have new customers of Steve Schwab and Julie Schwitzer - we'd end up incorrectly assigning them both SCH0003, where if we'd read Steve Schwab's newly created info and customer ID of SCH0003, then Schwitzer would correctly be assigned SCH0004.

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Lookup Match And Return Comment Based On What Is In Relevant Column

Jan 15, 2014

The logic of the formula like this....

TAB X, Column A contains a data set, each row is a unique value. In column B of TAB X, I want to input a formula that performs the following logic: Search TAB Z, Column C, for an exact match of data contained in TAB X, Column A....and if found, look in TAB Z, Column D...if a blank cell is contained there, then in TAB X, Column A, say "Unsettled" ; however, if there does exist any character (not-blank) in TAB Z Column D, then in TAB X, COlumn A, say "Settled".....but, if the data ID listed in TAB X, column A is not found whatsoever in TAB Z, Column C, then say "NOT FOUND". So for example, within TAB X, Column A there is a unique ID in one of the rows "ABC123", then searches "ABC123" in TAB Z, Column C. If found, it looks in TAB Z, Column D and that cell is blank, so TAB X, Column B, same row that contains ABC123, the result is "Unsettled".

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Find First Non Blank Cell And Return Number Above It Based On Lookup From Other Sheet

Oct 18, 2013

I have two spreadsheets.

spreadsheet 1:
Lookup from Order numbers listed from A5:A177.
requested formula in I5: I would like a lookup to sheet 2 based on the order number (F19:F191), to return the cell above the first non-blank value.

spreadsheet 2:
Lookup value:Order number listed from F19:F191.
Data search:AY19:CI191
return the (date) which is in the range above the data search from row AY18:CI18.

I've had a look at few forums but i'm getting mixed responses, having to use index / match / lookup / min / --.

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Reverse VLookup (Index Match) To Return Multiple Values Based On Single Lookup Criteria

Jul 11, 2012

I have encountered a situation where I need to essentially accomplish a reverse Vlookup (using index match) and return multiple values.

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Lookup With Multiple Criteria: Return The Amount Paid And Full Cost Based On The Person's Name And The Date

Apr 21, 2006

I would like a lookup that takes multiple criteria and that is not an array formula! Unfortunately I decided to use array formulae and my spreadsheet went to over 45mb!! Not good. I've searched the forum for an answer to my questions but couldn't find any! I've attached a spreadsheet as an example. The examples I am using have {Sum(IF)} formulae in it (array) and I would like to change those to others that will not increase the file size so much and will not take too long to calculate.

Basically, I would like a lookup that will return me the Amount Paid and Full Cost based on the person's name and the date. the data and the results table are both on separate sheets. It would be nice to bring that file's size back down to less than 4mb!!

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Lookup Range Of Cells And Populate Specific Cells Based On Matching Data?

May 23, 2014

I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.

I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.

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Sumif / Lookup For A Value And Sum

Dec 4, 2013

Column A has employee Numbers . ( May repeat , not necessarily specific no.of times )

Column B has date of Joining

Column C has effective date ( There is certain amount to be paid to that employee , from that date until it is revised to a new value )

Column D to - Column H has Months .(Jan-2013 to Jun 2013 ) with the amount to be paid as stated above.

What is the total amount to be paid for an employee considering the updated values .

As shown in the excel , coloured cells are to be summed up for an employee (ex:- Emp.No 1 , Emp. No 2 )

Emp. NoDate of JoiningEffective Date Jan-13Feb-13Mar-13Apr-13May-13Jun-13
11-Dec-12 1-Dec-12100110000400010003000 500


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Jun 12, 2009

I have data columns A-C


Material Year/MonthHeight in cm

and over about 1000 rows.
On sheet 2, i have list of material numbers (about 60 in total)
what i need is a formula that will lookup each material number in the long list
and give me the average height for a particular month.

i.e. in example material 1000000006 average for period 200902
= (114+120+110)/3 =114.67
so i'd end up with on sheet 2 columns A-F
with headings below with relevant formula for each month.

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Count Formula, Lookup Or May Sumif?

Jun 22, 2009

I need to add the total of staffs hours worked for one day, but the problem is that I don't recieve the data as hours but as symbols(letters of the alphabet) representing time worked. Eg "A" is 3.5 hours, "B" is 4hours "C" is 4.5 hours ect, ect.

In the example the top table is a one month time sheet for each staff and there working shifts. The bottom table is the part that I need a formula for. I need a total for each symbol for each day so I can total the hours at the bottom where it says total hours. I have given an example on how the bottom table should look when the formula is completed.

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SUMIF For A Specific Month

May 12, 2009

i thought i had something sorted out for this yesterday, but coming back to it today it hasn't worked at all.

i've created a spreadsheet with records of what jobs my heavy plant repair company has opened, which contains such data as when the job was if and when the job was closed and the value of the job when it was closed.

now i have to create a summary sheet that totals the values of the closed jobs in a given month. i've included an mock up of the database in question, but i just can't seem to get it to work.

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Sumif To Return An Intersection

Jun 24, 2006

I have the following data sets


TRANCODES 234568 .........99


003-0018-01 28 10
003-0018-01 40 10
003-0021-00 8 25
003-0021-04 4 63

In worksheet1 I need to compare the part number and the trancode then
return the quantity from worksheet2 -

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Sumif Statements To Return Zero Instead Of N/A?

May 8, 2013

I am trying to use a SUMIF statement to sum values off of 3 seperate tabs. My issue is that the ID's used are not on each tab. Is there a way to return a ZERO if the ID is not found on the subsquent tabs?

=SUMIF(Sheet1B:B, A1, Sheet1E:E)+SUMIF(Sheet2B:B, A1, Sheet2E:E)+SUMIF(Sheet3B:B, A1, Sheet3E:E)

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Get A Vertical Lookup Or SumIF Formula To Check Multiple Tabs?

Jul 17, 2006

How can I get a vertical lookup or sumIF formula to check multiple tabs for a given value?

Or - is there a way to specify the tab? For instance, put "Tab A" or "Tab B" in Cell A1, and have the lookup formula reference the value of Cell A1.

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Adding Variable To Specific Sheetname In A Sumif Function

Feb 4, 2010

Hi, looking for help desperately in fine tuning a formula. I have a formula at the moment (which works) for searching through a list on a separate file and totalling up all values which relate to it, see below:


The tab ‘1’ in the formula relates to the first of the month so this month there are 28 different tabs with similar information.

With C10 containing the date in this instance, does anybody know a way of making ‘1’ a variable so that entering ‘04/02/10’ would change it automatically into a 4? (Unfortunately for me changing the 1 to =c10 didn’t work).

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Sumif: Return The Contents Of The Respective Cell

Nov 5, 2009

In Column A, in each cell in rows 1-10, there is various text that may or may not include "ABC" and "DEFG" as the first four letters. In Column B, rows 1-10, there is numerical data. What I would like to do in Column C, rows 1-10, is place a formula that would return the contents of the respective cell in Column B, but only where the first three or four letters in the respective cell in column A is "ABC" or "DEFG".

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Lookup On Specific Words

Apr 29, 2014

I have two sources of information that I need to look up on, but one of the sources contains other words within the same cell?

For Example I have a source of data which contains all our client names, and I need to search for the client name in a second source of data to bring through the value from another cell, however the table array that I would do the look up on contains both the client name and project name together in one cell - therefore I am unable to do a normal Vlookup - also the client name is not always the same number of letters.

See an example:

Source data 1:
Client name:

Source data 2:
in cell A1 XYZ Ltd/project ABC
in cell A2 shows the value e.g.: £5000

Would there be anyway to do a look up on XYZ Ltd to bring through the value in A2 on source data 1?

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V Lookup And Return Value

Oct 8, 2008

I have this vlookup formula and as you can see when I run it works good. The only problem is that I would like to have formula that it something is not found I don't get #N/A , but rather a 0 or blank.


010775010775 49,028,244.58
010200010200 3,373,145.76
010700010700 113,667.00
010300010300 14,382.54
011000011000 (1,518,076.05)
010600010600 589.98
011900011900 6,280.31
011100011100 313.08
010750010750 570.90

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IF Or LOOKUP To Return Different Value..

Jun 15, 2009

Column A lists types of employees (managers, engineers, sales reps, etc.), each of which earns a seperate hourly rate. Column C lists hours worked, and Column D lists the total pay (Cx*Bx).

So column B is missing. Is there a way to generate the hourly rates in column B for each employee type in collumn A, i.e. if it's an Engineer, return $29, if it's a Technician, return $18, without an infinite set of True/Fasle conditions.

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Return A Value If The Lookup Contains...

Sep 11, 2009

I have two files with the below data:

File A
Bob Jones
Williams, K.

File B
Jones, Bob
Williams, Ken

The only commonality between the two files is the last name. I can easily separate the last name off File B, since it is always 'last name, first name'. I want a lookup formula to use the last name from File B (after I separate it), lookup to File A, and if it finds a cell in a specified column that contains the same last name, return data from another column within File A.

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