Highlight/select Data Between 2 Cells Containing Specific Words
Nov 6, 2008Sample data (all in column a):
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 1
Heading 2.........
Sample data (all in column a):
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 1
Heading 2.........
Select Specific Cells And Transfer This Data Into A New Row In A Different Worksheet, how can I do this in a macro?
I am trying to pull a select 6,048 rows out of 288,000 rows.
I am trying to select specific cells and transfer this data into a new row in a different worksheet. The code i am using i used sucessfully on a user form to take the entries from text boxes and place in a row in a new worksheet. I would like to try and do the same thing but on a worksheet rather than a user form. My code is
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you select specific coloured cells from a range of data in one go, without having to scroll through the worksheet and pick them out individually?
How we can select specific cells in the filtered data using VBA in Excel 2010.
I need to select 10th column, 5th row data .. or 10th column, 6th row data .. or 13th column, 8th row data...
How to select this data using VBA.. I am struck here .. If I give the below code.. the hidden cells inbetween the filtered data is getting selected.. only the first row is getting selected correctly.. i.e, ..rnVisible(1, 2).Select .. If I change the row like rnVisible(2, 12).Select its selecting the hidden cells ..
Dim rnVisible As Range
Set rnVisible = ActiveSheet.Rows("2:10000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
rnVisible(2, 12).Select
MsgBox ActiveCell.Address
[Code ........
I have a column with rows from 41:254, the first cell contains a word, and the next is blank, and this repeats the whole way down.
a previous macro i run changes one of the cells in the range (one of the ones containing a word) to a number value, i want to write a further macro to select this cell that has now changed. when it changes it will be the only cell in the range with a number in.
Is there a way of counting how many rows have cells containing a specific word. Some rows will have multiple cells with the word in and some will have none. I only want a count of the number of rows and not the number of times the word appears. How can i acheive this with VBA?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to build a function, but I haven't been able to successfully navigate some of the eccentricities of Excel formula-building.
Right now I am working on counting all of the cells that contain numbers (so likely just a =COUNT function), but will be eventually getting other descriptive stats as well. My problem is that I would like to create a formula that will perform the counting/mean calculation, etc., but only on a specific column that has the header cell that contains several specific words. Rather than having to type in the target words for each column, I would like to have the target words in the function be imported from multiple designated cells.
For example,
I want to find how many numbered cells are found in column E headed as "dog brown," but I also have columns headed as "cat brown" "dog black" etc. (which I will be using the formula on later) to paint a small picture, in my descriptive table, "dog" is in B31 and "brown" is in C30, then "cat" in B32 and "black" in D30.
I'm trying to use a conditional format on a range of cells so that if there is more than 1 "A" contained in any given row, the cells containing the "A"s are highlighted (e.g. red)
I've tried:
but it doesnt work & now I'm stuck.
How do I select or highlight cells from row 1 through row x (a numeric variable) in column A? I'm eventually hoping to shift those cells in column A (from row 1 to x) to the right by one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to have a few words shown based on figures in specific cells. I not quite sure how to explain, but i will try my best:
A1 = 5
A2 = 0
A3 = 7
The function i am using looks something like this:-
=IF(A1<6,"Do I Have Sickness Self Cert?","Do I Have Doctor's Paper?")
However, by using this function, if the cell is empty it still shows the first wording when i need it to show lets say between 1 & 6 shows the first wording and more than 6 shows the second wording! If you know what i mean... I know what i want to do but cant really explain it very well.
Maybe it should look something like this but it does not work the way i am doing it.
=IF(E156>1<6,"Do I Have Sickness Self Cert?","Do I Have Doctor's Paper?")
I need to figure out how to have the macro look for a specific word and then highlight the last two columns in that row of that word and then repeat the process throughout the spreadsheet. I think it gets me very close to what I'm looking for: ('average of submitttocomplete' is the word i'm looking for)
Dim lColumn As Long
lColumn = Cells(Selection.Row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Range(Cells(Selection.Row, Selection.Column), Cells(Selection.Row, lColumn)).Select
I need to creating a macro to highlight entire rows if a cell in that row (C) contains specific values.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow would you select all cells in a column that contain #N/A in them, all at once so I can delete them from my column?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find a solution for highlighting cells in a column that are repeats, ie. >3. I also need these cells to only be highlighted if the adjacent cell in the next column contains specific text. I have tried using conditional formatting with a countifs formula to no avail.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi need to word to be high light or underline for misspelled words in excel need vb or macro.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have received a workbook containing lists, unfortunately the names are listed in individual cells - several per cell, separated by commas. I need to highlight wherever a particular name occurs without splitting the data from the cell, ie like Find but within the cell.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to select all cells in column A that begin with the text "SP". Some cells will be contiguous but others will not. For instance in one case, I would like the macro to select cells with the text "SP" which would result in cells A1, A2, A3, A10, A15 being selected. I am working on building a macro that will then do other things to these cells/rows so this is the first step.
The below code will select the first cell with "SP". How would I alter this code to only search Column A and select multiple cells? or totally different code.
Sub test()
Dim r As RangeSet
r = Cells.Find(what:="SP", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not r Is Nothing Then r.Select
End Sub
I have a data set containing text (no numbers) that spans several columns and rows. I have a list of 'allowed' words (about 100 words) that can be in these cells. If a cell contains a sentence with a word that is anything other than these allowed words it should be somehow marked. Ideally the 'wrong' word itself is marked, but it would already be very useful if the cell that contains the word is marked in some way.
I tried conditional formatting, but it seems to only allow formatting cells that contain a certain word, not if it doesn't contain certain words. Is there a function or a script that would be able to do this?
Simplified example:
Say you have four allowed words:
You have the following cells:
>Apple Banana
>Pear Pear Orange Pear
>Banana Apple Orange Kiwi
The third cell should be marked because it contains a word outside of the set.
I am having a problem with a sumproduct strand. I've written 4 different ways to no avail. What I'm trying to accomplish is to select specific the sum of various lines of data that fit within 3 parameters
1.) =SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!$H:$H="XYZ"),(Sheet1!$G2:$G136="Withdrawal"),(Sheet1!$I2:$I136="113183"),Sheet1! $K2:$K136)
Response: #NUM!
Response: #Num!.................
Is there any way to select specify month of the many years of data with any function?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have Excel 2007. I have a spreadsheet with email addresses in it surrounded by other text. I want to automatically highlight in yellow each row containing the words gmail, yahoo, hotmail and so on.
I CTRL-H then enter the info as you see it in the pic attached. When I click Replace All it says "that function is not valid". It works like a charm for every other word I test it with.
I'm after a formula (or similar) that if cell H1 has no data in then cells A1:G1 must be highlighted in a colour, considering A1:G1 has data in. And then when data is input into cell H1 then the highlight disappears. is this possible?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have been wracking my brain around how to put this formula together.
Is it possible or it can't do more then 1 cell at a time?
Here is an example:
If F1= button request and E1= Scoring then OK (take no action) also i want to add that Folder in F and Corrupt in E would = OK
If it doesn't match to highlight the cell in red
I could not find an easy solution to the find/remove duplicates in a row from left to right.
I have an other option: sort all data in one row, then it will show me, if there are any cells with the same word.
But .. here is my first problem:
First row is A1: AS1 with data.
A2: BB2 with data
A3: BD3 with data
A4: BX4 with data and so on.
When I start at A1 and press Shift/CTRL/Arrow right, it will hilite the row until BX1 and if I use the sort command, it will place all empty cells in front of the data.
What I need is hilite only up to the last column in that row.
So I could slowly work myself downward. Or prehaps there is a formula?
I could insert an empty space and write the formula in A1 and copy it down to A1644.
I have 1000 diff names in a spread sheet and wish to search another spread sheet with these names on and alot more.
I want the search to look in the larger spread sheet for these 1000 names
and copy all the informtaion in the cells to a new sheet, if the name is not found i would like something like "no info found" to be seen.
Im a novice to doing this sort of thing in excel, but i have found this script which searches for the word "mail box" and copies all the info in the cell when it finds it.
I have two sources of information that I need to look up on, but one of the sources contains other words within the same cell?
For Example I have a source of data which contains all our client names, and I need to search for the client name in a second source of data to bring through the value from another cell, however the table array that I would do the look up on contains both the client name and project name together in one cell - therefore I am unable to do a normal Vlookup - also the client name is not always the same number of letters.
See an example:
Source data 1:
Client name:
Source data 2:
in cell A1 XYZ Ltd/project ABC
in cell A2 shows the value e.g.: £5000
Would there be anyway to do a look up on XYZ Ltd to bring through the value in A2 on source data 1?
Basically, I want a formula that searches for more than one word anywhere within a cell, and if the cell contains any of those words somewhere in it then I want to display a value, but if the words aren't there, then stay blank.
For example, my cell could say: "Magenta, Rose, Lime, Lavendar". I want to search this cell for any of the these words: "Lime", "Forest" or "Teal". If any of these appear, I then want the cell with this formula to say "Green".
I know the formula to search for only one word /phrase in a cell, I use: =(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("yellow",A1)),"colour","-")), (i.e. if the word "yellow" appears anywhere in cell A1, then this cell will show the word "colour", if not then a "-".) I tried adding an 'OR' function in this to search multiple words but it didn't seem to work.
=IF((P3<$Q$1),E3-S3,IF((G3="B"),"Not Changed",IF((G3="MT"),"Not Changed","Not Changed")))
Above is the formula I'm trying to get to work but it's not-a-happenin. It seems like the first IF overides all of the others. Basically I want the first IF to be ignored if column G contains any of the words shown. So basically what I think is happening is that P3 is less than Q1 so it's ignoring the rest of the IFs.
Originally my formula worked fine as:
=IF(P4<$Q$1,E4-S4,"Not Changed")
But I realized that i needed a certain category of product ignored. Products are labeled in column G.
I am in need of a forumula. I am trying to extract one word before a keyword, one word after a keyword, 2 words before a keyword, and 2 words after a keyword.
For example:
The keyword is blue:
birds are blue today - 1 word before=are; 1 word after=today; 2 words before=birds are; 2 words after=today
blue is my favorite color - 1 word before=(null); 1 word after=is; 2 words before=(null); 2 words after=is my
see blue colors in the sky - 1 word before=see; 1 word after=colors; 2 words before=see; 2 words after=colors in