I have a userform with several checkboxes which relate to different areas to run a report on. In total i probably have 70 odd checkboxes which are set out in groups according to what they relate to (on a multipage on the userform)
I've set out the option to 'select all checkboxes' within a particular group which may contain a certain number of checkboxes (but not all). I'd like my model to run reports to the selected group of checkboxes rather than all of them.
So for example, on page 2 of my multipage i have 5 checkboxes which i've named in the GroupName section in properties as Group1. When my user selects the relevant 'Run Group 1 Reports' button on Page 1 i'd like my model to ru though code using the group of 5 checkboxes relating to Group1.
some of my groups will be for 30 / 40 checkboxes and running it though groups would save a lot of time.
it's been a while for me so bare with me. I've created a user form with four checkboxes each representing a worksheet. I want to loop through all the checkboxes and those that are checked should be printed.
I have one Sheet for each day of the month, named 1,2,3,4 and so on. Each Sheet is copied from the second Sheet upon creation, so they are all the same, except for the first sheet. On each Sheet there are a couple of checkboxes (four at the moment) placed at the same position och each Sheet.
If, let's say the first checkbox on Sheet 6 is checked, then the next seven Sheets checkboxes that is placed on the same spot should become triple-state. I want this to happen in real-time, not when the Sheets are copied/created. In other words, when I click a checkbox on any given day (Sheet), the next seven checkboxes on the upcoming 7 Sheets should change state.
This is to say "this is ok for seven days, and if there has gone 7 days since the last click - the checkbox is empty.
Is it possible to distinguish a checkbox that is inside a frame from one that is outside it? What I am trying to do is loop through all the checkboxes on a multipage but only those that are within a specified frame.
I am trying to change checkboxes caption name using a loop so that I don't have to change them individually. Here is a simplified example of what want to do:
1) I save the caption names in a array 2) I run through a loop to rename each checkboxes using the names saved in the array
Sub change_Checkbox_Caption Dim MyArray(1to3) as string Dim IndexMyArray as integer MyArray(1) = "YES" MyArray(2) = "No" MyArray(3) = "Maybe"
I have a userform that contains 15 labels, each label has Numbers in it each time i click on a label the text is inserted into an excel spreadsheet. I use it as a fast input solution and works well and has done for a few years.
I Now want to Add three checkboxes to the userform If checkbox One is ticked i want the letter "A" and the number in the label i choose to be inserted into the spreadsheet. Checkbox Two "B" Checkbox Three "c"
I would only ever tick one of the checkboxes never two or three so it would be A, B or C
a. I m trying to put up a userform that a. select different autofilteroptions (I'm using checkboxes) b. let the user to do som autofiltering of several workbooks (the workbooks are similar regarding structure and formats). c. take a copy of the result from the autofilter result d. paste this in a new workbook e. go to next workbook, do b. and c. and paste this under the result from the last session.
I never paid attention to how to make checkboxes work since i though i would never use them but now here I am searching Mr.Excel trying to find simple answers.
Heres the deal: I got a form that has 6 checkboxes on it, each of the boxes has a different end-value. Kinda like a scoring sytem or quiz form. check1 = 15 check2= 15 check3 = 10 check4 = 8 check5 =5 check6 =5
then i have a textbox(1) below it that will display the total of "points" that was checked. And eventually the points would be somehow converted to a msge box ( like 20 "you fail") but Im sure theres a post somewhere about that so i'll worry about that later.
Heres what i've been trying to work with. Also why is it i cant get multiples to check is there a property setting that i'm missing?
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then CheckBox1.Value = 15 Else CheckBox1.Value = -15 End If
I am making a UserForm with how many hours it takes to complete a project. The format is something like:
Task/Resource Man Hours (check box) Task name 1 # of Hours to complete (check box) Task name 2 # of Hours to complete
I have 20 different task names, and the User enters the # of hours into a textbox. When the form is filled out the User hits OK and the cell adds up the total # of hours and produces that value.
What I want is to have the OPTION to check a box next to each task name (shown above), and for each check box checked, the Cell's value will still show the total # of hours AND have a breakdown listing each task name checked and # of hours to complete.
So im trying to get this userform to work something like this:
User select "Full" or "Half" from OptionButtons.
If "Full" is checked the value of all TextBoxes should be "2" and if checked "Half" it should be "1".
But then they got an option to remove one or two categories. Lets say the user wants to remove category 1 and 2, the value should be double in category 3 and 4, in this case the value should be "4" in both category 3 and 4.
But if the user only wants to remove one category he/she needs to double one of the other three categories.
So what I am looking for is something like the checkboxes are disable or hidden when it should not be an option for them to be used.
The userform that looks like this: OptionButton1 "Full" OptionButton2 "Half"
I have a userform with three checkboxes on it. In the manuals I have read (and websites I am learning from) I have encountered articles that give me the impression that it is possible to create a collection of almost any object, and then quickly return properties about the collection as a whole. So, I am wondering, is it possible (or even appropriate) to group the checkboxes on this userform into a collection, and then, with a few lines of code, see if any of them are checked? If this is not possible, or efficient, is there another way to do it? I'll admit that three IF statements are not all that hard to enter, but I know the day is coming when I will make userforms with many more checkboxes in them.
Every thread I see on Google search for creating check boxes on a user form based on worksheet data says to use a list box, but I really want check boxes. Any code that will create, on initialize of the user form, a check box for each item in Import!B2:B (last row), regardless of the number of items? I am only worried about having about 20 max. Usually, it will only be 5 to 10.
I did try the list box, but it doesn't populate the list box.
Code: Private Sub UserForm2_Initialize() Dim lbtarget As MSForms.ListBox Dim rngSource As Range
Have got a userform with four checkboxes representing specific salary bands. What I have tried to do is to filter the data according to options chosen, but the code seems not to be working.
Code: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With Me.CheckBox1 .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft End With With Me.CheckBox2 .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
I want to add a user-form on a chart, which will have check-boxes that will allow me to select series(lines) that I want see and compare in a chart. Currently my line chart has 24 series (Lines) which makes the chart very difficult to view and looks very busy. How do I add list of check-boxes that will allow me to select one or multiple lines that I want to see at a time?
I have a userform that contains several textboxes, checkboxes, and comboboxes. There are also some command buttons, one of which says clear all. What I want to do is loop through the controls and clear the contents or change the value to false, depending on the type. I can do this by type the name.value = "", but there are alot of controls. If possible, a loop would be much more effecient.
The compile errors were happening in the For i statement, interesting enough the compile error went away after I closed the demo/example worksheet that had it in there too...? Not sure if that was the exact fix/trick. Now comes the next error: Run-time error '13': Type mismatch on the line highlighted below.
What else can cause this Run-Time error?? or is there another way to carry the listbox result into that second column. I am starting to think that the Run-Time is because the value selected was not found in that second column, or I am looking in the wrg column.....
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lbVal As Long
If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub 'Not sure that I need the next line. Listbox is a SingleSelect. For i = ListBox1.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1 If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then lbVal = ListBox1.Value
I am trying to loop through a listbox with the code below.
what is happening is; if there are 6 items, the msgbox will show 6 times, but always with the last item in the list. I have tried different modifications but can't get it. There are no headers in my listbox.
The code listed below checks to see if any checkboxes are checked via a form and if they are then populate a string variable with text to build out a range to be used for a Defined Name Range in excel. The code works but I was wondering if the same functionality could be written better.
Private Sub cmbRun_Click() Dim SelectedRange As String If CheckBoxML.Value = True Then SelectedRange = "Revenue!$M:$M" Goto jump1 Else If CheckBoxML.Value = False Then Goto jump1 jump1: If CheckBoxSL.Value = True Then SelectedRange = SelectedRange & ",Revenue!$N:$N" Goto jump2 Else...............................
I have a userform with fields (TextBoxes) Num1, Num2, Num3, Num5 and Num5
I also have an array which i have looped through and seeded with five values.
Now when I try and loop again and pass the values from the array to each of the textboxes I cant remember the syntax to reference the textbox using the loop variable - Num(var). I've experimented with the & symbol but it escapes me at the moment !
I am using stuff from loops http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/control-loop.htm to loop through all the controls on a UserForm. But I can't find a way of controlling the order in which this is done. I tried both TabIndex and moving the controls around without success. Is there a property of a control that controls the loop order.
I have a couple of Inactive controls in my userform. I need to activate them only if a certain condition is found to be true and also dynamically give them their name and caption property.. i have an idea how to loop through controls like my code below but have no idea how to loop through just inactive controls.
Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In Me.Controls If TypeOf ctl Is Label Or TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Visible = True End If Next ctl
Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;The reason I want to do it this way is because if I dynamically create controls, I am able to see it in my userform at runtime but those controls actually don't get saved in the userform for future use.
I have below code for prevent to close a user form:
[Code] ....
But this work to me only one time, when i make a second press on close button user form close. I think i have to make a loop or something but i really don't now how?
On opening of my WorkBook I refresh my PivotTable and that takes a while so while its refreshing. So I want to launch a UserForm that basically have a loop showing progress bar similar than the Windows loading bar (i.e. a set of green vertical green bars moving in a black rectangle).
I have a list of account entries on sheet1 that go from 1/1/2014 to 2/05/2014. I want a userform that prompts for a cutoff date, where I will enter 1/31/2014, and it will then clear all entries AFTER the date that I enter into the userform.
I will be doing this on a monthly basis, and the number of rows will change each month.
Loop sequentially numbered text boxes. I have a user form with two sets of text boxes one set named txtN109 through txtN134 the other txtC109 though txtC134. Instead of having to have
I have 10 comboboxes - all require exactly the same list. Rather than having to copy the list 10 times in the coding - and changing the combobox name from listcode1, listcode2 etc, is there a loop code which I can add to do this for me??
Private Sub Userform_Initialize() 'Empty txtdate txtdate.Value = ""[code].....