What I want to do is delete a row if the middle column is less than 1.
However my loop seems to skip a row if the column data is like the below
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) < 1 Then
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Loop Until ActiveCell.Value = "End"
I have working code that returns a row number within a for loop based on parameters I set.
Each time the for loop runs I would like to store this row number, then after the loop has finished, delete all stored rows.
Code: for rowNum = 1 to x (some variable end row number which I already have worked out using End(xlUp).Row) if x = y then *storedRow = rowNum end if next rowNum *
Lines with a * are the bits I can't work out. I've been trying to understand arrays by reading posts on what other people have done, but I can't fit (or fully understand) the reDims, or reDim preserves into my code. I've seen what appear to be quite complex ways involving uBounds and LBounds, but unfortunately I can't see how to use them.
All I want is to simply keep adding a row numbers to a variable, (i.e. row 2, 5, 20, 33, 120, etc) and then delete those specific rows.
I want to get out of a loop in the middle of it, with out going out from the whole procedure.
By the way, is there is possibility to send him to other location in the code instead of going out of the loop?
Do While ( Cells(counter, 5).Value = 1) 'some commands If R(1) >= 0.83 * R(2) Then 'some commands Else ' here I want it to go out of the loop, ' but not to get out of the whole porcedure End If counter = counter + 1 Loop
FUNCTION(A) If Condition 1 is True Then...Make Cell B Blue
FUNCTION (B) X=X+1 Loop Until X = 100
I want to make it so the "If Then" statement, if true, will cause the loop to skip FUnction B and head back to Function A with X equal to X+1. What do I put in the if statement to make this happen. NEXT X or something?
I have output from mainframe that is copy/paste to an excel workbook. I need to have VBA loop and delete the 15 rows. This is mainframe output so it will always be 15 rows
I use this code to delete some rows, how I would modify it to work in another spreadsheet where it would "Loop" through and delete rows that start with "User:Kellcyna" down to where the rolls start with "Numbers", and delete the rolls that start with "Total cost center" down to where the rolls start with "Numbers".
The data can contain up to 50000 rolls at times.
Sub Finally() Application.ScreenUpdating = True [a:a].AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" [a2:a65536].SpecialCells(xlVisible).EntireRow.Delete If [a1] = "" Then [1:1].Delete ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False [Code] ........
Here is a sample of the data I need the macro to work on. The rows I need deleted are the rows that are highlighted.
User: Kellcyna STANDARD HOURS BY COST CENTER Date: 09/29/2013 Time: 15:10:04 Page: 10
Order Op Emp Post Work ctr Setup Unit Planned Earned Total Actual Actual Actual Total Total Orde C R
# Date SU Unit Plnd Stds Setup Run Tme Brd Tme Prod Run Time E
1. Delete all data after row 51. 2. Find the average cost (column 4) and delete all rows where the cost is below average. Thus only retaining rows with an above average cost. 3. Then I want to conditionally format any number in column 6 which appears more than three times. 4. I want to loop this through all worksheets in my workbook.
I have two worksehets. The first worksheet contains data on products. The product code is in column A. My second sheet contains a list of product codes in column a. I want to delete all rows in worksheet 1 where the product code doesnt exist in the list in worksheet 2. Can someone provide a outline for a macro to loop over sheet one and look up the value in worksheet 2 and delete the row from worksheet 1?
I have anywhere from 3000 to 10000 rows to delete in a a number of worksheets, but would like to avoid using a loop as even with onscreen update turned to off like this:
I need to be able to run a macro that will find the word “report“ within a cell in column A. Once found it I then need it to delete that row, the row above and then the 9 rows underneath it. Once it has deleted that data I need it to then move to the next and so on.
It’s a report I have dropped into excel which repeats the page header. E.g the following is repeated constantly which I need to be deleted:
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Report: xxx Company: xxx Turnover By C 01/04/2008 To **THIS REPORT Customer: 0 T ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Account Cust Num ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
I have some code that is working great except that it throws up an error on the last run through because it doesn't find any more rows to delete. I've tried "On Error GoTo" but it doesn't catch it. It seemed to work on my home computer which is running Excel 2010 but then on Excel 2007 I get the debug screen and I don't want that to show up for other users that I share the code with.
Sub DeleteHeaders() Dim lastrow As Integer lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
In the code below I find rows containing "$$ #" at the far left and process it. For all the remaining rows I want to delete the entire row, my macro only deletes some rows. Obviously I am not grasping something about looping throught the rows to delete unwanted data.
I have two worksheet. One worksheet (ws1) contains a list of item I want. The other sheet (ws2) contains multiple columns where the header (row 6) is named by item name.
I have the following code which deletes the entire column if the header name is not in the list contained in ws1 :
VB: Sub delete_col() Dim wanted As Boolean Set ws1 = Workbooks("test1").Sheets("aaa")
First of all, this loop does not work properly since deleting the entire column shift them on the left, so when I first analyze column 11, if I delete it and then analyze column 12, the real column 12 now became column 11 and so on...
Secondly, this code is pretty slow. I am pretty sure I don't have to loop through my initial item list everytime I do Instr on a new column.
I am looking for a formula to delete information from the middle of a text string. I have ~ 1,000 lines of data. Each text string is composed of the same way. The data I am looking for is two parts of the string (1) all the text up to and including the first “%” character (2) the last six characters.
Raw Data CARDINAL HEALTH 5.5%13CARDINAL 5.513 CARDINAL HLTH 5.5 061513 UST BILL 0%09US TREAS BILL 0%09 UST BILL 0.0 092409 WORLD SAVINGS 4.125%09WORLD 4.125%09 WORLD SVGS 4.125 121509 JP MORGAN 5.375%12JP 5.375%12 JPMORGAN CHS5.375 100112
Desired Result CARDINAL HEALTH 5.5% 061513 UST BILL 0% 092409 WORLD SAVINGS 4.125% 121509 JP MORGAN 5.375% 100112
I need to create a loop within a loop. First loop works fine as follows: -------------------------------
x = 0 Dim DirArray(0 To 80) As String Dim intI As Integer For intI = 0 To 80 DirArray(intI) = Range("start").Offset(intI, 0).Value Next
For x = 0 To 80 lob = DirArray(x) Range("lob") = lob Calculate Sheets("WBB LOB Summary").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True Next
---------------------------- At the 'start' point, first loop works downward through rows. Second loop would work across columns in each row within the first loop. I will have to use a variable for 'y' (the across value) b/c the number of cells containing data can vary between 3 & 9, but I have a COUNTA in each row setup to use as the variable.
So spreadsheet data would look like this with A being the 'start' cell: A 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 C 1 2 3 4
I need to pickoff A1, A2, A3, B1, etc, picking up every sub-category on the sheet.
I am trying to Find a cell containing a string ("derf" in this case). Then bold the entire row and continue to loop till it hits the end of the row and column. Here is what I have.
Sub Macro3() Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Select 'Finds the bottom in column B and sets it to endhere ActiveCell.Value = "endhere" Range("A1").Select 'goto the top Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "endhere" 'The Do Loop Starts Rows("1:30").Select Set rfoundcell = Selection.Find(What:="derf", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) With rfoundcell rfoundcell.EntireRow.Font.Bold = True End With Loop 'Keep looping till it hits the bottom of the columns row! End Sub
I have one column of names in excel. The column may contain more than one row with the same name but these rows with the same name will all be grouped together. This is an exampe (each name represents a row in column A):
What I want to do is copy the rows with the same information, e,g, the rows with 'julie' above, paste them into a new spreadsheet and email this spreadsheet to specific email addresses and then do the same for 'jonathan'.
I can work out how to send an email using VBA but I am really stuck as to how to go through the rows and send the email in discrete 'chunks'. I have tried using a for next loop, looping through the rows and copying/pasting rows that are the same as the previous one into a new spreadsheet but this does it one row at a time. If I include the instruction to email the spreadsheet within the loop this would also email the new spreadsheet one row of information at a time, i.e. three emails for 'julie' each containing a spreadsheet with one row of information on it, rather than one email containing one spreadsheet with all three rows on it.
I have a sheet where i want to delete duplicate rows where column A and column B combined are equal, i.e. range(Ax:Bx) where x is the current row. I am using the macro below but cant seem to get it working as I keep getting a type mismatch error and Im not sure why.
I am looking for a formulas to first find the middle number in a column of numbers eg 1,2,3,4,5 3 is the middle (similar to median) thats where the calculations start...
it then assigns values of minus to the numbers above the middle and plus values to the numbers below the middle 1 -50 2 -50 3 0 4 +50 5 +50
now when it comes to even numbers eg 1,2,3,4,5,6 if i use median it divide 3 & 4 and comes up with 3.5 ........ i want it to recognize 3 and 4 as the middle numbers and assign plus and minuses above and below the middle numbers 1 -50 2 -50 3 -25 4 +25 5 +50 6 + 50
Just need to delete some hyperlinks in column A on 50+ worksheets. Thought a loop through all the worksheets would do it. Only works on active sheet. Forgive my ignorance, don't really even know where it goes, once it works - module or workbook?
I'd like to tell Excel that anytime it finds the text "ABC" anywhere in any cell in column B but doesn't have any data in column A, to delete the entire row.
I was wondering if it is possible to delete rows if a value appears only 1 time in a column? To clarify since 123 only appears once in column A I want the entire row 4 deleted.
I want to create a Macro to be used on the Active Sheet that FIRST deletes all the rows that contain the following values in Column E. Here are the values contained in Column E that will result in deleting the whole row: PT, JK, BH.
Here is a data sample, the real data will have thousands of rows:
Second, I would like the Macro to DELETE the ENTIRE Column E Not just the values in Column E.
I have searched high and low for a more efficient macro than the current loop i have. I have a range that varies in size but always follows the same format. After i reach a certain value output from a formula, "4", I want to delete all lines below that line. So I want to find value "4" then move one row down and delete all lines to line 2004. I have attached the macro that i compiled but it takes a couple of minutes to run.
Sub manual() Dim Firstrow As Long Dim Lastrow As Long Dim Lrow As Long Dim CalcMode As Long Dim ViewMode As Long With Application CalcMode = .Calculation .Calculation = xlCalculationManual . ScreenUpdating = False End With With ActiveSheet .Select ViewMode = ActiveWindow.View ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView.................
I have a spreedsheet that has both numerical data and text data in column "A". I need to delete all the rows that have text in Column A and keep the rows that have numerical data.
I have written some code that will allow me to filter and delete any rows where there is a value in a column ( column J in this instance ) more than 2500. The problem is that it only wolrs when i press F8 and step through the code, and not when i press the commnd button and run it.
Sheets("CAIZOLY9").Select Range("A1").Select Do Until ActiveCell = "Payment Amount" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select ActiveCell.Select Loop
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "" ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select If ActiveCell > 2499.99 Then Selection.EntireRow.Delete Else End If Loop Range("A1").Select End Sub
I am trying to delete rows that do not have values in column B. This is a quote form that takes up over 1000 rows but not all are needed (ie lines that do not have any value in B "qty"). Is there a way do have excel delete these without doing it manually?