Macro Code To Delete Identified Columns

Sep 22, 2004

I am developing some code to extract selected worksheets to a new workbook, and provide the data in a "standalone" form where certain formulas have been converted to values etc. As part of this project, hidden columns are made visible, then data is pasted as values on a row by row basis, then the previously hidden columns are deleted. Here is the code that unhides the columns and identifies those columns as ones that it needs to delete later on:

'Expose hidden columns and keep a list
For i = 1 To 200
Range("a1").Offset(0, i - 1).Select
If ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Hidden = True Then
colnum = ActiveCell.Column
ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
If HideCOL <> "" Then
HideCOL = HideCOL & "," & colnum
HideCOL = colnum
End If

End If


The macro then goes about its business doing this and that, and at the end comes back to delete those offending columns whose numbers have been stored in the variable "HideCOL".

'Delete columns that were hidden
If HideCOL <> "" Then
Dim colArray As Variant .............

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Macro To Delete Vba Code - Macro Security Warning

Feb 7, 2008

I have recently grabbed the very helpful "Macro to delete VBA code" from this site, and it's working but with one small problem.

My worksheet runs a lot of code, then deletes all macro code and saves itself.

The problem is the next time i open I still get the macro security warning!

I've checked thoroughly and there is definatley no vba left anywhere.

If I open the document, enable macros, and save it, then open it again, I no longer get the warning.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Search Multiple Columns And Delete Any Duplicate Cells (not Rows)

Jun 12, 2014

My Excel program (Excel 2010) currently has several columns and each column looks for and pulls data from a specific file on my computer. Then I need to delete any duplicate data entries, count the number of unique entries and track the changes through a chart. I have everything done except I cannot figure out (or find on the internet) a way to search in multiple columns (more than 2) and delete just the duplicate cells. I want to delete the cells in a way where there is one left. For example if the code 12gf is duplicated three time, I want to be left with one 12gf (it doesnt matter what column the original one is left in). Additionally, column length changes and they are not sorted. I have attempted to attach an image of an example file below.

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Macro To Delete Columns

Sep 7, 2007

I have written a complex macro but i would like to delete some of the columns from my spreadsheet using the macro? I can highlight the column but then dont know what next to write to get the column deleted.

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Delete Entire Row Through Macro Button And VB Code

Aug 21, 2007

How can we delete entire row using VB Code.

say example i want to delete a row having name 'Anis' by clicking on a buttton

is this possible?

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Delete Query Tables Macro Code

Aug 14, 2008

I am currently working on a project that uses Excel to parse a .txt document. Its working quite well for me. It functions by having two worksheets. In the first worksheet I use the " import external data" menu to import my .txt file. In another worksheet I have set up fields that show only the important information from the .txt file and leave the junk behind.

I’m looking to improve the functionality of this by adding a button to automatically clear the data in the first worksheet so that new data can be added quickly.

I have searched the forum and found a couple of threads on "QueryTables". After reading up on those, I have made a simple button with the following code.

Sheets("Sheet1"). Cells.Clear

After I load a .txt file and parse it using the formulas set up, I copy my needed information and then press this button. The cells clear, and the QueryTables are "reset" (maybe not the right word). Now a different .txt file can be imported and the process starts again.

The problem I am having is that. If there is no "QueryTables.Item(1)" to delete, I get a run time error. (Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range).

Would anyone know how to make my button conditional to having a "QueryTable" active? I.E. If I press it when there is no data loaded it doesn't do anything or give me that error.

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Delete All Range Names Macro Code

May 13, 2008

I have written VBA code which is operated every month. This code deletes several range names in a target spreadsheet, performs other actions - including extracting certain areas to different spreadsheets and then closes the spreadsheet without saving.

The range names in the target spreadsheet are required for ongoing use, so can not be deleted permanently.

Is there any code that deletes all range names in one go? At present my code includes the results of recording a macro wherein I delete each range name in turn - creating script over 100 lines long.

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Delete Chart Series Via Macro Code

May 27, 2008

I have a spreadsheet (see attached) in which there are many series and i want to be able to delete most of the series except the first 4.

(The 0%, 5% 10% air voids and the 95% comp line)

iv got this code, which is attacted to a command button, which works fine to delete all the series but makes the graph a blank white box. id prefer it so it delete just the series not the graph "picture?" ...

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Macro To Delete Columns If They Contain Data

Dec 16, 2008

I am working with Excel 2003. I have a series of spreadsheets generated by my companies database program. For a special project I am trying to work on, I would be able to get my results much much quicker if I could get a macro that would do the following:

The first row is a list of headers. I need the macro to look at each cell below the header, and if any data exists in that column, I need it to delete the entire column. The results I will get will tell me quickly which headers are in certain jobs but are constantly not being used. They are trimming the database at work and this type of macro would help me tremendously.

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VBA Macro To Delete All Columns That Have Cells Containing Value

Dec 19, 2012

For now, I have data in Column A to E. I have the first row (A1 to E1) contaning different numbers. I need a macro that delete all collumns that cells (in A1 to E1) contain number 1. Next month, I may have 10 columns (A to J) and I want to run the same macro that delete all columns that A1-J1 containing value of 1. The number of columns changes every month, so I want a macro that work to the last column without the need to specifying that column range.

I was using this, but did not work propery (since It just deletet every other column & have to run it a few times to complete & need to specify column range):

Range(A1:E1).Select For each cell in selection If cell.Value>1 Then
Cell.EntireColumn.Delete End If Next cell

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Speed Up Macro Code To Delete Duplicate Rows

May 2, 2008

I have a VBA Macro that loops through about 100,000 rows in an Excel file and removes rows that have a duplicate cell value. The macro takes about an hour and a half to run. Are there any ways to make the Macro run faster? Any ways in general to make VBA macros run faster?

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Delete Multiple Columns In Different Range Using Macro

Aug 6, 2012

Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft

When I wrte a macro as above, i get error "the command cannot be used with selections that contain rows or columns and also other cells. Try selecting only entire rows, columns or just group of cells".

Actually i want delete all columns except B:B and F:F

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Write A Macro To Delete Columns In A CSV File

Dec 27, 2006

I have a CSV file with the following columns:

column1, Column2, Column3
A, B, "C,D"

I need to write a macro to :

1. Delete column2

2. Save the CSV file. At the time of saving I need to supress all default messages.

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Macro Code To Delete Entire Row If Cell In Column Is Equal To Value

May 7, 2014

I need an easy code that searches all of column A and deletes the entire row if the cell has the value "-". It needs to find the last row of data using something like LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

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Macro Code To Add 3 Columns After Each Different Item

Jan 2, 2012

know a macro code to add 3 columns after each different Item.on my spread sheet.



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VBA Macro To Delete Rows/Columns, Insert Formulas & Auto Fill

May 28, 2009

I'm running a macro that opens another workbook and read data from it.How can I incorporate this code into my macro.Sorry i don't knwo VBA.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsmsimantbDesktopINFRACHEM_POLYMERS - DON''T DELETE.xls]Sheet1"

UserGRP_MAcro Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Existing userGroup"............................

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Apply AutoFilter Across Columns Macro Code

Apr 30, 2008

I have to create autofilters dynamically on x columns based on the selection I make. I created this code but is not working.

LastColumn = Cells. Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
Range(Cells(17, 1), Cells(17, LastColumn)).Select
With Selection
.AutoFilter = True
End With

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Automatically Insert Rows With Identified Quantity

Dec 2, 2009

How do I automatically insert rows given the identified quantity to insert and copy the contents of the previous item on the insert rows. Does that make any sense

a1 - abc
a2 - def
a3 - ghi

I need to insert 10rows below a1, and copy a1 across the inserted rows. Now I have a ton of this case currently do it manuaaly, it might take me a lifetime to complete.

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Mark Duplicates That Are Identified In A Seperate Column

May 7, 2007

I am looking for a way to ease a 24,000 line duplicate list into showing just the files from a specific folder/subfolder and its dupes. I have marked the files that reside in that folder by adding a column and entering a "1" in it. What I am looking for is a way to add that "1" to the others of that unique numerical ID duplicates, so I can sort and trim the list to just those files. End result is to show files in one folder and the locations of duplicates of those files elsewhere for eventual cleanup.

Very loosely, if C2=C1 and B1=1, then make B2=1 (and so on)
(A is blank and only there in case a formula needs input there)


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Activate Sheet Identified By Cell Next To Button

Aug 15, 2008

I have an index page with hundreds of worksheets (poor spreadsheet design i know) I am looking for a button to go next to the sheet name on the index sheet, read the cell in the button's macro code and when pushed go to that sheet's location. I can easily make a button to go to one sheet but with hundreds of sheets this becomes a monotonous task. Example

Index Sheet

Sheet 2 (Button) <-- Button reads the text, takes you to the "Sheet 2" location
Sheet 3 (Button)
Sheet 4 (Button
Sheet 5 (Button)

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Macro Code To Filter Out 'Exact Matches' In 2 Columns

Nov 29, 2006

I have a large worksheet in drive C: called 'hits.csv' that has manufacturer part numbers in column G and column L.

I need macro code to find all rows in the worksheet where the part number in each cell in column G is exactly the same as the part number on the same row in the corresponding cell in column L. The macro should then delete/remove all rows where there is no exact match.

Note: The part number in every cell in column G is the only thing that is in each cell in that column. However just to warn you that the part number in every cell in column L is at the beginning of each cell, followed by a space and then a description of the part.

Once it has done the above, I would also like this macro code to open a worksheet called 'partnumbers.csv' in drive C:. It should then compare the part numbers in column A of this file with the part numbers in the above worksheet ('hits.csv'). The cells in Column D of the file 'partnumbers.csv' all contains a price. Where the macro finds an exact match on the part numbers in these 2 files, it should copy the price from the cell in column D in the file 'partnumbers.csv', into Column K of the other file, 'hits.csv' where the match exists.

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If Then Formula - If Value Is Higher Than Identified Cell Then Other Cells Populate?

Jan 6, 2014

I am trying to determine how to great a formula for cells E5, E6 of the attached (in pink) that says if the value of the cell above (E4) is equal to or Greater than the value of cell E10, the cell will perform the formula that I already have in E5, E6.

But what I'm trying to do is create a 5 year investment plan whereby the worksheet automatically inputs those values for me if the balance is above our minimum reserve. That way I can play with the default assumptions and see how it changes throughout the worksheet.

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Vb Code Macro Needed To Transpose Data From Columns To Rows

Oct 14, 2008

i have the following spreadsheet with dummy data however, there is a before and after scenario i have posted is this possible with a macro ...

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Delete Multiple Columns By Column Name No Criteria Need, Just Delete Them

Jun 24, 2009

I would like a macro to find the columns named "apple" and "peach" and delete them. These would always be in row 1 but would always be in different column letters which is why I want the macro to simply find these columns by their name and not by their column letter.

And yes, I do mean the entire column altogether, shifting entire columns to the left. Wipe it off the face of the earth

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Delete & Merge Columns,Delete Rows With Filter, Etc

Jul 15, 2009

1. Remove J,K,N,A Columns,

2. In the last O (TIMESTAMP) column, the date is 14-Jul-09 format change it to 07/14/2009 (this format mm/dd/yyy

3.Filter L column (VAL_INLAKH) Remove all rows from whole sheet which has 0 value

4. Column C (EXPIRY_DT) date format is 24-Sep-09 , "dd-Sep-09" change to "Sep" only

respectively )

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Code To Delete Rows Based On Status Code In Column

Jul 24, 2009

I'm trying to write a VBA script which will delete all rows in my Excel spreadsheet where Column I (which contains a status code) does not contain the word "Completed".

At the moment, I'm doing this the other way round: my script is able to search for entries in Column I which contain the status codes "Pending", "Awaiting Authorisation", "In Progress" etc and delete them. The idea is that when all those rows are deleted, I'll only be left with rows which have a status of "Completed". This works fine at the moment. However, the concern is that if a brand new status code is added to the data file, my script would be unable to pick it up and delete it. This is a small sample of the code I'm currently using (which deletes all the rows with statuses other than Completed):

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Increase That Amount By A Percentage Identified In Another Cell And Display The Value Only Without Any Formalas In A New Cell

Jan 19, 2009

If a cell is not blank, then increase that amount by a percentage identified in another cell and display the value only without any formalas in a new cell. To this end I wrote this IF statement:


Observation: I see a FALSE in CS9 where this IF statement exists, however, CP9 does not display the required value.

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Macro Delete Page (delete A Sheet In A Macro But When I Run The Macro)

Jun 19, 2009

I want to delete a sheet in a macro but when I run the macro, I always get a message warning and I have to answer the msg box to delete the page. Below is the macro command I am using.


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Index Function - Data Identified Based On A List Of Account Numbers And Return This Data To A New Sheet

May 8, 2007

I have a multiple column spreadsheet (Call it- "Money") whereby I need the data identified based on a list of account numbers and return this data to a new sheet.

In "Money" I have:

IE; columns B, C respectively have cust #A100 & 20.00
columns E, F respectively have cust #B100 & 40.00
columns G,H respectively have cust #C100 & 60.00

(above for illustration-there are 100 lines of data in these columns with varied account numbers and respective dollars)

So what I have now is a new sheet I have named "Control". I have listed all my account numbers like A100,B100 etc. in column A. These are the account numbers for ident purposes.

I need the data entered in "Money" identified by those columns B,E,G with respective amounts from C,F,H and based on the list I have in "Control" whereby in "Control" if A100 is listed in column A then the figure to be returned in column B is all the data bits found in all columns C,F,H from the entire sheet "Money". Tough to explain but ie below....

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Delete The Columns First Then Rows Will Not Delete

May 22, 2008

Is there a limit on the number of rows and columns that can be deleted in a macro on Excel 2003? I am trying to create a macro that, amoung other things, delets 1119 rows and 54 columns. If I delete the columns first, the rows will not delete. If I delete the columns first, the rows will not delete.

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