Delete Entire Row Through Macro Button And VB Code

Aug 21, 2007

How can we delete entire row using VB Code.

say example i want to delete a row having name 'Anis' by clicking on a buttton

is this possible?

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Macro Code To Delete Entire Row If Cell In Column Is Equal To Value

May 7, 2014

I need an easy code that searches all of column A and deletes the entire row if the cell has the value "-". It needs to find the last row of data using something like LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

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Macro - How To Delete Entire Row

Mar 17, 2014

If column B contains the word FALSE, I need to delete that entire row, then I need to repeat this action on 11 sheets out of 14 on one workbook, in one action.

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Macro That Will Delete Duplicates On Entire Worksheets

Dec 29, 2011

I have a macro that delete empty cells in a column, what i wanted to do is while deleting the empty cells is that the macro will also delete duplicates in ENTIRE WORKSHEETS. My file has so many sheets so i need a macro that run or loop on my entire worksheets.

This is my code. that only runs in a single sheet.


Sub deleteblanks()
Columns("H").SpecialCells(xlBlanks).Delete (xlUp)
End Sub

[Code] ..............

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Macro To Check For Information And Delete Entire Row

Oct 8, 2007

My workbook is set up such that column B has dates (starting in B11 and going to B1200). C11:Z1200 has data that correspondes to the date in Column B. There are a lot of dates that don't have data. For example, row 15, there is a date in B15 but no other information for the remainder of row 15.

I'm trying to write a macro that will delete entire rows for the dates in which there is no data. So, I'm presuming that it would search C15:Z15, if there is not information in these cells, then delete row 15.

Row 16 becomes 15 when you delete 15.. I don't know how to get around this.

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VBA / Macro For Delete Entire Row If Formula Result Is Zero / Blank

Apr 27, 2014

I'm looking for a VBA/Macro for delete the entire row if a particular column formula result is zero/blank.

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Macro To Delete Entire Rows If Certain Cells Are Empty

Mar 5, 2009

I'd like help in creating a macro that deletes an entire row that has emtpy cells in col B, C & D in the same row.

So for example if I have empty cells in b3,c3 & d3 I'd like the row deleted.

I've used the code below for just column B but I need to include column C & D as well. I tried putting Columns("B:D") but it deletes everything.

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Macro To Delete Entire Row If First 2 Letters In Column B Equals To P4

Mar 29, 2013

I've seen a few examples of macros to delete the row if the first letter is something, but not if the first 2 is equal to something.

I'm looking to go thru every row that contains data and look in Column B to see if it starts with P4 or P5. If that's true, then delete the entire row.

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VBA Macro To Delete Entire Column When Background Cell Color Is Red

May 17, 2013

with performing the following tasks with VBA:

1). For each cell that in the range that has a Red background delete the entire column
I have attached a sample spreadsheet where I have tried to do this. It's not quite working. It does not seem to work when there are RED cells next to each other.

I know that I can do a simple thing like column("A:A"), but I'd rather have it in a loop as in the sample code, in case the columns change in the future.

2). The second task is to delete the rows in the spreadsheet where the first cell in the row is a blank.

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Macro To Delete An Entire Row If A Duplicate Entry Appears Only In A Certain Column.

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a macro to delete an entire row if a duplicate entry appears only in a certain column.

1. Look for the column header with the name "File Number"
2. Anytime the same number under the "File Number" column appears more than once in that column, keep the row that contains first occurrence of that number buy delete the entire row anytime that number is repeated in another row in that same column.

This is regardless of what is contained in the other columns. For example..let's say these cells contained this data...

B1 - UTE00225
B2 - UTE00546
B3 - UTE65513
B4 - UTE00225
B5 - UTE00225

In this case, I would want to keep rows 1, 2, and 3. But, I would want to delete rows 4 & 5 because the number "UTE00225" has already appeared first in B1. I'm using Excel 2003.

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Catch An Error And Reset The Entire Code To The Very Beginning And Skip That Entire Entry

Jun 5, 2008

I want to catch an error and reset the entire code to the very beginning and skip that entire entry. When I use "Next fieldSheetName" I get "Next without For," error 1004. Searches tell me I have an open block somewhere, but that's not true. Removing that statement (and having the loop iterate as normal) has no error at all.

Dim employeeName As String
Dim fieldMax, x, y As Byte ' Counters mostly
Dim workedHours, fieldSheetName As Integer

fieldMax = 204 ' Row number to stop on in the field time sheet
row = 4 ' Row specification for field time sheet. Begin at row 4 to ignore headers
' and start on the first name. This should not be changed!
Col = 3 ' Start at column 3 then increase by one to start going to next time entry

For fieldSheetName = 4 To fieldMax Step 8 ' This is our MAIN loop. It iterates from 0 to fieldMax, which is 204...........

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Macro To Add Delete Button

Oct 25, 2013

Currently have a sheet that allows me to pick an item from a drop down list and show me the code for that item.

I already the macros for adding an item to the list via a add button. All this dose is if the item is not on the list i can simply be added into the two boxs and then click the add button.

What i want to do is add a delete button. This is in case someone enters the values wrong then can select it in the list and then click the delete button.

So all i want is to look at the item cell, match to a range and delete the row.

I have added a link to what it looks like as well as the coding i have used so far. [URL] ........

Sub Add_to_list()
' Add_to_list Macro
' Adds new item to list

[Code] .......

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Create Macro Button And Assigning Macro Code

Aug 10, 2014

Refer to attached file.

I have below code which successfully create a macro button and assign the macro correctly.

This is only doing for one sheet and i need to modify the code so that it does for all sheets of the workbook.

[Code] ....

Test Macro_Botton.xlsm‎

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Macro Button To Add / Delete Rows Across Multiple Sheets

Jul 24, 2014

I've been piecing a macro together from different sites and have run into a couple issues I can't find resolutions to. I have a excel doc for tracking paint emissions per week. I would like to have a button on my master tab that will add a row and fill the formatting from the line above across all 60 some sheets. Ideally I would like the same button to first prompt if you want to add or delete rows. When adding rows I would like it to add it above the button (there's 3 buttons and for 3 different sections) and if deleting ask which row to delete. If it can't be done in one button that's fine, I can live with that. The big thing I need is for it to replicate across all of the excel sheets. I've attached a copy of the document

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Macro Button - Insert / Delete Across Multiple Worksheets?

Mar 19, 2014

I'm trying to track information pertaining to employees across different worksheets in one excel file. I have one sheet that is the master list of employees. The first column of every worksheet is the same (employees names based on their location) but track different information.

I want to be able to create a macro button that will update all the worksheets if i insert or delete an employee from the master list. When a new row is inserted, the other worksheets should be updated as well with the new name and a blank row to be filled in. And when a name is deleted, the entire row should be deleted as well.

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Macro To Attach To A Button So I Can Delete The Contents Of All VALUE! Cells

Nov 26, 2008

how i might create a macro to attach to a button so i can delete the contents of all VALUE! cells. Either this or have a script in the background so no cell will return VALUE! (or any other error if possible)

I know if i had all the formulae sorted they might not butit's quite a large spreadsheet. The reason for the VALUE! error is text in cells that the formal points.

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How Do I Get Past A Delete, Cancel Button During A Macro Loop?

Aug 12, 2009

I would choose to select the delete button. I've created a new worksheet within a workbook, insert text and formatting, and copied to a specific place in the active worksheet. Everything works well except 1. there is a LOT of coding because I recorded the macro and 2. the delete message pops up for every files the macro manipulates. I have to click "delete" about 60 times throughout this macro and would love to be able to let it click its own delete button!

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Assigning Macro To A Button Code

Apr 29, 2007

i wrote the program and created a button on the toolbar. what i did not know was other people outside of my location will be using this program. so when they get the file, they will have to reassign the macro to the button since the file location will be different. i have already written instructions with screen shots in case the boss wants to go that way. i would like to do this with code. they would run another program which would get the path and name of the file and assign it to the macr.

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Macro Delete Submit Button When Item Selected From Dropdown List

Mar 4, 2014

I have an excel form with a command (submit) button that opens up Outlook when clicked. I am looking for a way to have this submit button disappear when the user selects a specific item in a drop down list to make sure they do not email the form when it is used for a promotion (Promotion would be selected in the drop down).

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Add Button To Sheet & Assign Macro Code

Apr 2, 2008

how I can write code to create a button on a worksheets and then link to another subprocedure.

I tried recording a macro and this is what excel so eloquently gave me:

ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(384.75, 60.75, 79.5, 39.75).Select
Selection.OnAction = "CreateImport"
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 1").Select
Selection.Characters.Text = "Parse Deposits for Import"
With Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=25).Font
. Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Regular"
.Size = 10
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.TintAndShade = 0
.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With

This works fine, my only problem is if the button that is created is actually named Button2 or 3, etc. Is there a way to assign the new button to a variable, or would it be an object? this way it wouldn't matter what it was named.

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Macro To Delete Vba Code - Macro Security Warning

Feb 7, 2008

I have recently grabbed the very helpful "Macro to delete VBA code" from this site, and it's working but with one small problem.

My worksheet runs a lot of code, then deletes all macro code and saves itself.

The problem is the next time i open I still get the macro security warning!

I've checked thoroughly and there is definatley no vba left anywhere.

If I open the document, enable macros, and save it, then open it again, I no longer get the warning.

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Assign 2 Macros To 1 Button (or Adding VBA Code To The Existing Macro)

Dec 23, 2009

I'm verrry new to editing VBA code and I've been trying to figure out how to send a column of data ("Min Data" AB3:AB21 from "Sheet1") to a worksheet ("F4" - Min) and sending another column of data ("Max Data" AC3:AC21 from "Sheet1") to a different worksheet ("F4" - Max) by using only the one button ("Record Data" from "Sheet1"

I've been trying to figure out ways to edit the VBA in "Module 1" to make this work

Can anyone help me out here? If what i'm asking for isn't clear enough, just let me know and i'll try to explain in more detail.

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Hide/Unhide Entire Row With Button IF

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to get a Button to hide and unhide rows depending on Column A only which is a pasted link to other sheets. The rows should hide when Cell A is empty or 0.

or 2 buttons one for hiding and the other for unhiding rows.

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Enable Button If Entire Row Selected

Nov 30, 2006

how to enable a button only when a full row has been selected

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Delete Query Tables Macro Code

Aug 14, 2008

I am currently working on a project that uses Excel to parse a .txt document. Its working quite well for me. It functions by having two worksheets. In the first worksheet I use the " import external data" menu to import my .txt file. In another worksheet I have set up fields that show only the important information from the .txt file and leave the junk behind.

I’m looking to improve the functionality of this by adding a button to automatically clear the data in the first worksheet so that new data can be added quickly.

I have searched the forum and found a couple of threads on "QueryTables". After reading up on those, I have made a simple button with the following code.

Sheets("Sheet1"). Cells.Clear

After I load a .txt file and parse it using the formulas set up, I copy my needed information and then press this button. The cells clear, and the QueryTables are "reset" (maybe not the right word). Now a different .txt file can be imported and the process starts again.

The problem I am having is that. If there is no "QueryTables.Item(1)" to delete, I get a run time error. (Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range).

Would anyone know how to make my button conditional to having a "QueryTable" active? I.E. If I press it when there is no data loaded it doesn't do anything or give me that error.

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Macro Code To Delete Identified Columns

Sep 22, 2004

I am developing some code to extract selected worksheets to a new workbook, and provide the data in a "standalone" form where certain formulas have been converted to values etc. As part of this project, hidden columns are made visible, then data is pasted as values on a row by row basis, then the previously hidden columns are deleted. Here is the code that unhides the columns and identifies those columns as ones that it needs to delete later on:

'Expose hidden columns and keep a list
For i = 1 To 200
Range("a1").Offset(0, i - 1).Select
If ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Hidden = True Then
colnum = ActiveCell.Column
ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
If HideCOL <> "" Then
HideCOL = HideCOL & "," & colnum
HideCOL = colnum
End If

End If


The macro then goes about its business doing this and that, and at the end comes back to delete those offending columns whose numbers have been stored in the variable "HideCOL".

'Delete columns that were hidden
If HideCOL <> "" Then
Dim colArray As Variant .............

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Delete All Range Names Macro Code

May 13, 2008

I have written VBA code which is operated every month. This code deletes several range names in a target spreadsheet, performs other actions - including extracting certain areas to different spreadsheets and then closes the spreadsheet without saving.

The range names in the target spreadsheet are required for ongoing use, so can not be deleted permanently.

Is there any code that deletes all range names in one go? At present my code includes the results of recording a macro wherein I delete each range name in turn - creating script over 100 lines long.

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Delete Chart Series Via Macro Code

May 27, 2008

I have a spreadsheet (see attached) in which there are many series and i want to be able to delete most of the series except the first 4.

(The 0%, 5% 10% air voids and the 95% comp line)

iv got this code, which is attacted to a command button, which works fine to delete all the series but makes the graph a blank white box. id prefer it so it delete just the series not the graph "picture?" ...

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Speed Up Macro Code To Delete Duplicate Rows

May 2, 2008

I have a VBA Macro that loops through about 100,000 rows in an Excel file and removes rows that have a duplicate cell value. The macro takes about an hour and a half to run. Are there any ways to make the Macro run faster? Any ways in general to make VBA macros run faster?

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Insert A Button In Spreadsheet - Check The Entire Column?

Jul 13, 2012

I insert a button in spreadsheet, when I click this button a userform appears with place to input value. I would like to check the entire column (maybe < 100 rows), if there is number exceed the input, then disply that ROW in another sheet.

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