I've been using the following code and would like to add another IF that checks the value of a cell to see if it holds today's date.
If Range("E" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value "Closed" Then
If Range("E" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value "Closed w/o Customer Confirm" Then
'Select SR in Sheet to update
Range("B" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Select
[Code] ......
I tried to modify it to...
If Range("E" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value "Closed" Then
If Range("E" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value "Closed w/o Customer Confirm" Then
If Range("AK" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value "=today()" Then
'Select SR in Sheet to update
[Code] ......
I've tried a couple of other things but no success
Im working on a document for work, its sort of a learning hobby tbh, something i want to learn. Im trying to do things myself from the books etc, vids from the net. This one i cant find the answer to so before i go ahead i would like to see if it can be done
Basically, we have a few documents that change every day. we get the raw data, and delete coloumns, change the size to autofit width etc...
(im creating a main macro to do that now)
But with that data i need to..
open a new book (but the book name is never the same... book1, book2 as you know) paste the data save it
.... the file name! needs to be something like this "Department 20130401" which i saved on 01/04/2013
if i did the document on 10th september.. it would be "Department 20131010"
I have Coloumn A with the dates 01/01/2013 etc and Colounm B with Department 20130101 etc Cell ("I1") has =Today() in it
could a macro change the filename from a vlookup result?
I have a row that contains each date for the year in B5:NB5. I would like to have a button or macro that will jump to the cell containing today's date.
I have a worksheet that has a sent date and expected delivery date I need create a macro that will alert me if today's date is within 5 days of expected delivery date.
Hi All, I want to set up a macro that will input a date stamp for the working day before this one. I have to input the status of dozens of meeting rooms everyday and the checksheets that I work from are from the previous working day (So on a Monday, I want the Macro to enter Friday's date). I wanted to create a quick macro to save myself the hassle of entering the date for every entry and obviously, if I incorporate the TODAY() function it will update every time I open the workbook and give me the wrong date.
I've been checking related threads and can't seem to find either a VB code or a function that'll enable me to do this (I haven't looked particularly hard as I'm at work ).
I need a formula that will calculate the number of days from a date entered into cell A1 to today's date. Whether it's before or after todays date. Example:
If a1,a21,a41 have a value greater than 0, I wish to stamp cell b1,b21,b41 and so on with todays date, but without the stamped value changing/advancing tomorrow. At the moment cells b1,b21,b41 are copied down as follows. =if(a1>0,TODAY(),"") This works fine, but the date stamp of course changes tomorrow. I can not apply code to the whole b column as cells b2:b20, b22:40 etc have other non-date format data to which the code does not need to apply - the todays date value cell occurs every 20 cells.
I am trying to compare a row of dates (row 1) and need to compare to today and write future under dates in the future. I am doing this in VBA, it is part of a bigger macro. This is the outcome I am looking for:
My spread sheet is a church offering register that is used to record weekly contributions. Column A contains the names of the individual contributors. Columns B through BA are used to record the weekly contributions for each of the 52 weeks of the year. Row 1 of columns B through BA contains the Sunday date MM/DD/YYYY. I would like to have a macro that would scan those cells looking for a date < today. If that condition is true, I would like to hide that column. When date = today or date > today the macro can end. The goal is to have display the current week's column immediately following Column A.
I'd like a macro to rename a worksheet from its current name of "FullScreen (2)" to say Numbers, plus today's date (without the plus) For example... Numbers as of 02-17-09
how I can create a formula that would highlight the cell in a colour if the date was past todays date? This is what I'm doing - I have the expiry date of people's insurances. so e.g todays date is 8 th January, so if the insurance had expired 31.12.08, i would want the cell to be highlighted red. I think it may be an IF function but I cant remember.
I need to VBA code that will loop through the active sheet for all rows, column C2 through however many rows there are. Col C contains a date in the format: mm/dd/yyyy. I need the VBA to compare this date to today's date+30 days and if the date in C2, etc. is greater than today's date + 30 days, shade the row a particular background color (e.g., 3).
I'm trying to write a batch file that connects to a database and passes in an SQL query. One of the conditions of this query is the date. I need the batch file to figure out what todays date is and pass that in.
This is what I currently have.
ws_tran_date between to_date( '&datefrom 08:30:00AM', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') and TO_DATE('&dateto 08:30:00am', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
When I run the batch file, it asks me to input the dates manaully in the format DD-MON-YYYY (eg 7-NOV-2006). I need the batch file to figure this out on it's own.
I'm looking to combine today's date and a string in the same cell. This is what i've come up with:
The problem is that this gives today's date in a numerical value rather than in "short date" form like I want. If i format the cell as a date it doesn't change anything.
Whatever the method, for what I'm doing it has to take place in on single cell.
Upon opening a spreadsheet, I would like a macro to highlight the cell which contains todays date. This will be selected from a range of dates which are already populated in column B. Is it possible to have a macro which can select the cell in column B which contains today's date? If possible, please could you include the code for doing this upon opening the spreadsheet. I'm not too confident about that either!
I have written a few macros, which use date type variables. Because VBA uses the 1900 date system, and some workbooks use the 1904 date system, I have to first check and see if a workbook uses the 1904 date system, and if so, subtract off 1462 days where appropriate. My macros used to check the date system by using the command:
If ( ActiveWorkbook.Date1904 = True) Then nh_stringToDate = nh_stringToDate - 1462 End If
But, sometimes the macro resides in one workbook (call it macro.xls) but the currently active workbook is some other workbook (something.xls). What I really care about is the date system of macro.xls and NOT something.xls. So, instead of "ActiveWorkbook" is there some other object I can use to refer to the workbook in which the macro itself resides? I don't want to rely on using the name of the macro workbook (macro.xls) because this could change! So I need a way to simply refer to the workbook in which the macro resides.
I've got the following function that check if each cell has a date greater than TODAY(). If result is true, it'll display "NO GO". Otherwise, it'll display "GO".
I would want to improve on it such that if any of the 'B5:F5' cell is empty, it'll display "Incomplete" instead of "No Go".
I’ve been searching the forum but am struggling to find exactly the information I need!
I’m trying to get a column of cells to update with the date that the cells contents change to “Y”. I had been using the formula =IF(I7="Y",TODAY(),"-") in cell J7 but this updates the date every day. I need this date to remain the same as when it’s first populated.
I’ve been trying to cut and paste text from existing posts into the Visual Basic code but am new to this so am not getting the results I need. I had tried:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) 'will put date in column B when something is put in A If Target.Column = 9 Then Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Date End If End Sub
But this caused all sorts of problems! I then tried messing around with:
Option Compare Text Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) On Error GoTo enditall Application.EnableEvents = False If Target.Column = "I" Then If Target.Value = "Y" Then Excel.Range("J").Value = Date End If End If enditall: Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
But this doesn’t work either. In fact, both these codes are probably riddled with errors as I’ve been trying to learn by trial and error!
I have made the macro that does as ,soon as i open the file, select today's date but only if date is in sheet5... sheet 5 is may so it works. Doing the same job for every sheet in the file.
I'm trying to create a workbook which has dates in column B, starting with row 10. I'd like to have a code which will hide the rows if the date is less than today upon workbook open. This would need to apply to worksheet1 only.
I would like to highlight (conditional format) the "response required by" (Row A) cells / dates if the "current date" (cell $B$2) is exceeded AND if the "response provided By" (Row B) remains BLANK: