Macro Needed For Email/submit Button

Jan 13, 2009

I've got this macro I pulled from some other site and it's not working quite like it should. In my eyes at least...

OK, first, a little back story...
At work we used to have a custom Outlook form that was used for submitting office supply order requests.
The form was stored on our public drive for all to access it when needed.
Well, the form broke somehow and no one knows how to fix it.
We need something to replace it.
Keep in mind that we have no access to the Internet, nor can we send/receive emails outside of the company.

So, I created a simple form in Excel with a drop-down list of all the items in the supply cage, a form field for the senders name, etc...

What the macro does is, it copies the active worksheet the form that just got filled out) to a new workbook (dropdown data is on other sheets in the original) and then opens Outlook (2003) to send it as an attachment.

The only catch is that when the email arrives the only thing filled out is the form fields, NOT the drop downs...

The ONLY way I can get the drop downs to send with data in them is to leave the original open.

Oh, and for some reason every time I sent this while testing, it would name the attachment Book1, Book 2, Book3, and so on. I can't have that...

Here's the code I'm currently using:

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Macro Delete Submit Button When Item Selected From Dropdown List

Mar 4, 2014

I have an excel form with a command (submit) button that opens up Outlook when clicked. I am looking for a way to have this submit button disappear when the user selects a specific item in a drop down list to make sure they do not email the form when it is used for a promotion (Promotion would be selected in the drop down).

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Can I Add A Submit Button To Worksheet

Apr 25, 2007

I'm working on an order form in excel and wondered if someone can tell me if it's possible to add a 'submit button' to a worksheet (order) that would do the following,

1.) print 3 copies (orders) of the current sheet

2.) create a new worksheet in the same workbook with a new order number (a specific cell in the worksheet) one higher than the current one. Also naming the new worksheet with the new order number.

3.) Save the current workbook.

Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself here but any help would be much appreciated as I'm really rusty at this...

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Submit Button Next Blank Line

Sep 26, 2009

I have the following code that works just fine half of what I need it to do. The line that adds the text in column A functions correctly but the code for column B fails because column B is empty by default. The goal is to have the information in column B on the same row as column A. As well as adding two more cells on the same row as column A. The two new columns would be E and G and should be in the same row as the information from Column A. with formulas copied from e2 and g2.

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Submit Button To Transfer Data From One Spreadsheet Into Another?

Mar 13, 2013

I want a Macro that I would like to assign it to Control Button on Spreadsheet 1. When the user clicks on this Button only "Selected data" i.e. Cells A3, B4, C5, E5 will be transferred to Spreadsheet 2. The data transferred into Spreadsheet 2 should be inserted in the first available row and hence not override other data. Also, I have a question, both files will be sitting on the same shared network path however,for the update to happen to we need to have both files opened at the same time? If yes can we design something to update Spreadsheet 2 without having it opened?

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Data Validation Conflict After Submit Button - VBA

Feb 10, 2014

I have a simple form built, but the data validation is only partially working. I've attached a sample workbook.

basically, when a user tries to put in a letter in the GP interaction field rather than a number, it prompts user to re-enter. This part is working, except when the submit button has been clicked, the field clears. the field clears, it prompts the user to re-enter.

form based input - Copy.xlsm‎

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Command Button (submit) Spreadsheet Level

Jun 2, 2009

I have made a userform with some code in it that I would like to be on the spreadsheet itself instead of a user form? How is this done? The problem is getting the below code to work at spreadsheet level since I did not write the code below. I have the button the spreadsheet, but I don't know how to see the name of the button or assign the below command to the button.

I need a macro to copy data from the two combo boxes that appear on the spreadsheet and place the data into cell A for the first combo box and cell B for the second combo box.

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Invoke Page And Click On Submit Button

Nov 23, 2013

I am new to excel macro. Want to invoke a page and click on submit button. Getting "Object doesnt support this property or method" error on the line "Subm.Click"

My code is,
Sub Macro1()

Dim IE As Object
Dim URL As String
Dim Subm As Object

URL = Range("B3")

[Code] .........

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Dependent Combobox Userform - Submit Button Isn't Working?

Jun 4, 2014

I am currently running VBA when ComboBox1 is selected ComboBox2 shows specific information based on lists in the spreadsheet.

Now I would like it if ComboBox2 showed "Business Improvement" then ComboBox3 will show information set in that list.

Also, my submit button isn't working and I can't find out what's wrong using the debugger

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Email A File To Install A Macro, Toolbar & Button To A User. Re-explained In Post 19

Feb 17, 2009

I have finally come up with a macro and would like to install it to around 10 people's "Personal Workbook" in my department. Let me explain a bit further...

We use web-based software which has an "Export to Excel" option which we all use. The resulting data populates into a spreadsheet automatically.

I would like the user to be able to click on Tools/Macro/Run Macro and then run that particular macro. I assume that this macro should be in the "Personal Workbook" so that the macro will be visible no matter what worksheet they may have open?

Can this be done automatically/with a macro or must this be manually done?

I"m using Excel 2003.

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Macro To Submit A New Income Into A Table

Mar 8, 2007

I m making a spreadsheet for Income and Expenditure Calculations. The problem i'm having is creating the macro to submit a new income into a table.

As you can see from the above image ive got a cell to type in the income amount and a combo box to select the month that it applies to, my problem is the VBA code for the "GO" button.

I started by trying to name the value from the combobox as something e.g. selectedincomemonth = ComboBox1.Value

However this wouldnt recognise as an object, what do i have to do to get VBA to recognise what has been selected from the ComboBox, and could somebody help me with the code to search what has been selected in a list.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro With Submit Function Included?

Jul 12, 2014

I cant find out of include the submit button. I can fill out the field but not submit.

Use excel 2003


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Automatically Unprotect Worksheet Before Email Macro Then Protect After Email Is Sent

Mar 2, 2009

I currently have a button then when pressed automatically sends a summary report taken from the first page of Sheet 1.

Worksheet needs to be protected all the time, but Macro only works on an unprotected worksheet.

I was wondering what additional code and where to put in so that when
protected back again after Macro has been executed?

Here’s the Macro taken from [url]

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Delete Sheets Macro Needed!

Jan 31, 2009

I have a macro on: Sheet101 (DAY 1) that adds additional sheets.
Example: When I click active button it will add Sheet102 (DAY 2) & can add up to Sheet130 (DAY 30)

I want a macro that will delete any of the sheets added from Sheet130 (DAY 30) to Sheet102 (DAY 2) But WON'T Delete Sheet101 (DAY 1)

If I have added 3 sheets I want it to delete those 3 Sheets:

Sheet104 (DAY 4) <--DELETE
Sheet103 (DAY 3) <--DELETE
Sheet102 (DAY 2) <--DELETE
Sheet101 (DAY 1) <--DON'T DELETE

& give a vbOkCancel MessageBox saying: Do you want to Delete Added sheets?

Okay the code below works, but one thing!

It deletes DAY 30 to DAY 20, then it skips DAY 19 to DAY 10, then Deletes DAY 9 to DAY 1.
So it's not deleting DAY 10 to DAY 19...

Do I need to add a wildcard?

Here is the Code: .....

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Macro Needed To Open Folder

Oct 4, 2008

need a macro that will open the following folder

c: my documentskatyexcel

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Macro Needed For Worksheet Change Event

Jul 31, 2008

In Col D of my spreadsheet, I have a list of security codes, in this list there is a security code "all", i need a macro that will add 1 to the code, so it reads "all1", now i need the macro to run as soon as new data is pasted to sheet "Lending", the ranges in Col D do change on a daily basis therefore cell reference for security codes is not fixed.

Can this be achieved? ............

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Recursive Division Macro Mod Needed For Char Type

Nov 11, 2008

I need a slight mod to the below code which works perfectly otherwise. What it does is it divides whatever is in column K by 30 and puts in its relative cell in column M( There a bunch of mini tables below each other with blank rows in between).

The thing is sometimes there are characters in column K like "N/A" for instance and the macro crashes since its only designed to take into account numerical and blank cells in column K.

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Macro Needed To Fill Down Other Cell Base On Condition

Apr 8, 2009

I have accounts that I need to compare to see if they exist on my system the account that has a listed date, exist on my system then if I can fill the dates in the accounts the match then I will be able to delete the other accounts that don’t have a date see attach file for more understanding.

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Call One Macro From Multiple Buttons - With Specifics As Needed

May 10, 2009

I've searched through the forums for this information, and I have found a couple of similar issues that have been solved, but copy+pasting the code into my form has not had favorable results.

Basically, here is what I am after:

I have a sheet that already has 4 buttons active, with a handful of other subs that they are calling. I am wanting to be able to add new buttons and have them call a universal macro that will forward them to my existing subs. However, I'm wanting a variable to be set based on the Caption of the button that was clicked. For example:

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Simple Macro For Dividing Cell Content By 100 Needed

Dec 14, 2006

I'm only starting to get into the Macro side of excel, and I've created a couple of macros to automatically format cell contents and the like.
However I'm having trouble trying to divide some cell contents by 100.

I have 2 files I'm working with, one contains information regarding cd's and percentages, however the percentages in this file cannot be formatted to percentages (so the powers that be say) for whatever reason.
I copy all this information into another file which does have the percentages formatted as percentages, the result is that the values get multiplied by 100.

So values that read:

for example, appear on the new sheet as:

Is it possible to write a macro that will divide these percentages by 100 so the read correctly as:

the macro will have to work on selected ranges.

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VBA Macro Needed For Auto Fill Using Another Cell Reference

Apr 28, 2009

Is there anyone who can suggest a solution to my problem below ?
Basically, what I need is a macro which would ideally work like this:

if D32 = 1, then the background colour of D4 should be red
if D32 = 2, then the background colour of D4 should be orange
if D32 = 3, then the background colour of D4 should be yellow
if D32 = 4, then the background colour of D4 should be green

And then I plan to use it for columns E, F, G

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How To Create A Button That Send Email

Aug 30, 2012

Anyway if its possible...i need to create a button in my worksheet, such that when one clicks it, it'll compose an email thru Outlook; outputting a specific range as the body of the email.

How do i do this?

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Vb Code Macro Needed To Transpose Data From Columns To Rows

Oct 14, 2008

i have the following spreadsheet with dummy data however, there is a before and after scenario i have posted is this possible with a macro ...

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Send Form As Email From Control Button?

Apr 5, 2013

I am trying to get a form sent as an email by pressing he control button without having to cut and paste into an email sheet. I have tried with

[Code] .....

but the code I put in only opens a new email form, which requires cut and paste.

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Populate Data From A Sheet To Outlook Email From Using A Button

Mar 5, 2010

I made a button in excel that when pressed automatically pops up a outlook email window with the excel file attached to it and written information that i want in the emal.

is it possible for me to have data from certain cells in excel populate automatically in the outlook email when i press the button to have the email popup?

what i would do is have certain words from some cells in excel fill in some blanks in a paragraph i have in the email that pops up when i press a button in excel is this possible of so how can i do it?

i am trying to say i will paste the VB code i have that allows me to have outlook email pop up with information i have in the email....

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Generate Email When Button Is Pushed

Oct 25, 2012

I am using the following piece of VBA code in Excel 2007 to automatically generate an email when a button is pushed:

Sub SendEMail()
Dim Email As String, Subj As String
Dim Msg As String, URL As String
Dim r As Integer, x As Double
r = ActiveCell.Row
'Get the email address
Email = Cells(r, 3)

[Code] .....

The button to launch this code sits in cell AK7. What I would like to do is have the macro copy the email address present in cell E7 into the email address section of my created email. In addition I would like the reference provided in cell AJ7 to appear in the Message Subject part of the generated email in the format " RCS Reference contents of cell AJ7".

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Assigning Macro To Each Button To Zip Files Dependent On Button Name?

Jan 28, 2014

Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.

The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.

[Code] .....

Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".

If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.

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Macro Works With Form Button But Not Command Button

Oct 5, 2006

This is probably really straight forward but cant see why it happens, the following macro works fine when called by a button created by the form toolbar but doesnt when called by a command button, get the runtime error 1004, "select method of range class failed"


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Macro To Button To Zip Files Dependent On Button Name

Jan 29, 2014

Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.

The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.


[COLOR=#333333]Dim Btn As Button[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim rng As Range[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]For I = 2 To RowCount + 1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]With Worksheets("Sheet1")[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set rng = .Range("B" & I)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set Btn = .Buttons.Add(rng.Left, rng.Top, rng.Width, rng.Height)[/COLOR]


The following code is my Zip macro:


[COLOR=#333333]Sub Zip()[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim strDate As String, SavePath As String, sFName As String[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim oApp As Object, iCtr As Long, I As Integer[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim vArr, FileNameZip[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim FName() As Variant[/COLOR]


Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".

If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.

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Macro Needed To Include Particular Columns Out Of So Many Columns In A Sheet

Apr 23, 2014

I have file with so many columns and i want to keep only columns i want.



for example here i want to keep only gen, red and white columns only out of columns what i have in my data. I have so many columns in my original data but here i given just small example. How to proceed with macro or any other way because removing manually taking long time for me.

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