Macro Sorts Similar Worksheets
Mar 25, 2012
I have a file called "registrantExport" with "_great north", "_new england", "_new england", etc. I'm trying to sort them by Division and then by Last Name. Here is the macro I've tried to make, however it doesn't work properly, as it only applies to great north. How could I make so that it works for any worksheet I apply the macro to?
Sub macro1()
' macro1 Macro
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("great north").Sort.SortFields.Clear
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("great north").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
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Jan 23, 2010
i have multiple worksheets which has data (similar to sheet "Homewares") which need to be summarised in the summary sheet, i need macro that will grap all the info from all worksheets and pull data into sheet summary. The headings in data sheets will always be in Col A, i need to populate the summary sheet with this data please see below example
AB1 2 3CompanyHomewares Limited4 5Register NameInvestment Services Pty Ltd6 7CodePCABO1 8 9Sec TypeFPO10 11Option Expiry Date 12 13Total Holdings5,947,500.00
Excel tables to the web >> [url]
Macro to return result as per below screenshot
ABCDEFG1 2 3 4 5 6CompanyRegister NameCodeSec TypeOption Expiry DateTotal Holdings 7Homewares LimitedInvestment Services Pty LtdPCABO1 FPO 5,947,500.00 8 9 10 11
Excel tables to the web >> [url]
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Nov 13, 2012
I am trying to add a macro that finds a dynamic range (number of rows changing with different data sets) sorts column B, then column A, moving blanks to the bottom. My dilemma is as follows:
I have a template with formulas that cannot be changed (I cannot paste special values, or clear the cells). Column A includes HLOOKUP formulas for cells A14:A120. Column B includes VLOOKUP formulas for cells B14:B120. The different data sets I pull in have different numbers of lines, which is why I need to maintain the formulas. However, I cannot seem to find a way to accurately sort column B first from smallest to largest and then column A from smallest to largest. In all data sets there will be at least a few blank lines that I need to move to the bottom. However, due to the formulas within the cells (column A returns a value of 0 and column B returns a value of “ “), excel does not recognize them as being blank. Here is a sample data set.
S&C Group
77770000587-WEST TOWN BRANCH
In this case, I would like St. Charles & Algonquin to be at the bottom because column B is blank.
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Apr 13, 2012
I have two work sheets as-
Sheet 2
nameschooldate of admission
abcpublic school2/9/2011
efgpublic school3/4/2010
hijprivate school5/9/2011
klmprivate school8/9/2011
mnoprivate school9/10/2011
now what i want is - on sheet 3 compiled data as-
idnameclassscoresschooldate of formation
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Dec 23, 2008
I have an application where I create up to 400 worksheets based on imported data.
These worksheets are named programatically with a main name and a sheet index number (to ensure no duplication of sheet names).
Typical Sheet names are "VARIOUS (1)"; "VARIOUS (2)"; "PART 1000 (3)"; "PART 1000 (4)"; "PART 1001 (5)"; "PART 1001 (6)" etc.
I want to be able to loop through all the sheets and copy similar named worksheets to seperate workbooks. So all the VARIOUS go to one workbook, all the PART 1000 goto another, and all the PART 1001 goto another. I can only determine the worksheet names by looping through all sheets - as I am not sure what they will be called because it is done programmatically. ALL sheets will contain a "(n)" where n is the sheet number, so I believe can extract similar names from the string preceding the left bracket.
At the moment I just lump ALL the worksheets irrespective of name to a single workbook creating an array and using the SPLIT function. This is very efficient and what it does, and I still want to use the SPLIT function and arrays.
this is the code I currently use, any help much appreciated!!! Please tell me how to modify this existing code to clump together similar names and copy - I guess I will need to loop multiple times to achieve this.
For Each mySheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Range("Arc").Value = "'" & Range("Arc") & "," & mySheet.Name
If Left(Range("Arc").Value, 1) = "," Then
Range("Arc").Value = "'" & Right(Range("Arc").Value, Len(Range("Arc").Value) - 1)
End If
Sheets(Split(Range("Arc").Value, ",")).Select
Sheets(Split(Range("Arc").Value, ",")).Copy
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Jun 4, 2014
I am generating sets of data in Sheet2 to be used for Sparklines in Sheet1. These Sparklines will sit in Column D alongside other pieces of data. The data needs to be sortable by Column A which is a list of Cities.
When sorting my data, Z-A for example, all the relevant data sorts just fine but the Sparklines do not move with the rest of the data.
Is there a way to make Sparklines move with Column sorts?
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Sep 8, 2007
I have a formula which sorts data so all data that has EUSTON in column C will be shown first and then then all data which has EUSTON in column D once its been sorted.
What im trying to do is to be able to add BLETCHLEY so it does the same thing.
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Feb 13, 2007
I am working with financial data and am exposed to a problem that excel formula cannot solve. I am very new to VBA and would like some assistance please. I have in one excel column the list of maturities in dates eg. EN02, EN03, EN04 etc (EN=January). I have in another column the corresponding prices for these maturities. What I would like to do is compute the returns on similar maturities and paste the returns in the returns column. I can use a formula for this when the consecutive maturities are the same. The problem arises when I want excel to find the previous similar maturity, which may be 5 cells or so before. How do I write a macro to find the similar maturity, compute the returns and place that returns value in the returns column.
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Nov 14, 2012
I have a connection to an SQL database using microsoft query.
The query definition includes: ORDER BY AAStocktrans.Code But I need a two level sort along the lines of:
ORDER BY AAStocktrans.Code THEN ORDER BY AAStocktrans.Date but obviously that is not correct - cannot use THEN. what I do use to make this work?
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Oct 7, 2009
I'm trying to create a very simple map.
I've got three columns.
Member, X, Y
Naturally, the first column contains someone's name.
The other columns contain XY coordinates.
These coordinates start at 375 and end at 499 on both axes.
I'm needing the points to show the member name and xy coordinates in the popup when hovering over the point.
How do I accomplish this?
Here's some sample data.
JOE 397 397
JIM 421 384
JANE 467 406
JEFF 389 395
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Sep 22, 2006
I need a macro or some idea on how to sort the following numbers (I hope this makes sense!)... The problem is with the zeros get sorted to the top (or even if I have blank cells sorted to the bottom) and I need them to ignore the zeros and sort according to the value in their column but not any other column. However, I need them to be sorted in order from D, C, B, A.
ie I need them in the following order.
Therefore they need to sort based on the following columns.
This is because I am charting the values in a column clustered chart that need to be in ascending order.
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Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to create a macro, that ultimately does the reverse of one written a while back.
I have created a macro that exports "Roster_Data" to "envision_Roster" in .csv style formatting. What I want to achieve is reverse engineer the macro to return the data back to a similar state.
I am trying to transpose column D into rows that correspond with dates in column c in a sheet called "OutputView" this in essence is similar if not exactly the same as the original worksheet "Roster_Data"
I have split the macro I am working on into three separate modules.
Module 1 - Initial Export of "Roster_Data" to "envision_Roster"
Module 2 - Format and output worksheet to find MAX date and MIN date and produce top rows of data
Module 3 - Analyse, Undertake Logical Tests of data, and transpose to suit (Replicate the initial "Roster_Data" view)
I'm having trouble visioning this altogether so I've been starting with basic code to output basic stuff, but I still can't relate this back to my data.
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Mar 4, 2012
I have a Macro 'Timenow' to give current time in a Cell of MS Excel, but then it changes all Cell values of sheet where the macro was used.
Sub Timenow()
' Timenow Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+b
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=NOW()"
Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm"
End Sub
Even assigning value to variable does not work:
Sub Timenow()
' Timenow Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+b
Dim TN As String
TN = Format("=now()", "h:mm")
ActiveCell.Value = TN
End Sub
how to restrict the macro to change the value of current/active cell only without effecting other cell values?
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Mar 26, 2012
I have a macro built that sorts my data by column in descending order depending on what column of information is selected from the drop down menu.
However I need the macro to sort column F in ascending order, and continue to sort the other colulmns in descending order when selected.
I can't get my macro to switch the sort from descending to ascending order for this one column. Looking to see if this is possible, and if so what macro formula I would use.
Here is what the macro i am currently using:
Sub ddSort_Click()
Dim iDdSortVal As Integer
Dim CurrSheet As String
Dim lFirstSectionRow As Long
Dim lLastSectionRow As Long
Dim strCol As String
Dim lRptHeaderRow As Long
Dim iRptMeasColumn As Integer
CurrSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
[Code] .......
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Jan 19, 2012
Below is an extensive macro that basically writes data from a user's template to a certain data sheet (in the form of rows) depending on their "service group." There have been 3 separate instances of a user saving data and instead of adding rows onto the bottom of the entire list of data, the sheet only has their data and no headers/filters. I believe it is somehow deleting all the previously written data that was on that sheet.
I should also mention that this is a shared workbook. I specifically created separate sheets for each "service group" to eliminate the possibility of users overwriting each other's data (Perviously 60+ users were saving to the same sheet and running into conflicting changes errors. Now the max users writing to one sheet is 10-12). Since it is not occurring every time, I am not sure where the error is. Could it possibly be in the sort or delete sections in bold below?
I am using Excel 2003.
Sub SaveData_Test()
' Procedure : SaveData_Test
' Author : Julie/Cecil
' Date : Fri, 1/13/12
' Purpose : Modified Julies code to capture date entries
' associated with hours logged per category.
' Check notes attached to "sOp" string comment
' for additional details.
[Code] ..........
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May 11, 2008
I've been trying to make a "pivot table" of sorts, but I'm having trouble because I need to have a few columns - I wanted to have a "planets" column, then a "Weight" column and a "mass on planet", so that when a weight is entered the "mass on planet" comes up
I've worked out how to use the drop down list so only one planet comes up at a time, but I still can't work out why I can't have three columns - it just doesn't let me make an empty column that can be filled out.
Step-by-step instructions would be GREATLY appreciated as this is my first attempt at excel.
On another note I have a task to use excel "creatively", any ideas? I need to put in graphs, is it maybe possible to also put in GIF's?
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Feb 21, 2008
As you can see in the example below, in column B I have a list of vendor names, some of which are similar but not identical. (For Example, in one instance a vendor will be called "Ford Motor Co.", while in another it will be called "Ford Motor Inc.".
I need to populate column C, which at every instance where two plants (listed in column A) have similar vendor names in Column B, a universal name will be assigned and recorded in column C for each of the similar names.
HOpefully it is clear as shown below.......
As you can see in the example below, in column B I have a list of vendor names, some of which are similar but not identical. (For Example, in one instance a vendor will be called "Ford Motor Co.", while in another it will be called "Ford Motor Inc.".
I need to populate column C, which at every instance where two plants (listed in column A) have similar vendor names in Column B, a universal name will be assigned and recorded in column C for each of the similar names.
HOpefully it is clear as shown below.......
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Apr 10, 2009
I have created a sheet that contains a new diet program, calculated down to the precise calorie required for my training routine. Please see below for an example of one of my daily meals:
I need a formula that will help me to create a weekly shopping list (as the values in the example above will change on a regular basis). So I need to take all values from the from columns A & B, multiply them by 5 and then show me the totals in another sheet.
Similarly, I need to do the same with columns E & F, only they need to be multiplied by 2. The totals then need to be added to give me the required amount (in grams) for the week.
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Feb 18, 2010
=ISNUMBER(MATCH(X1,A:A,0)) where X1 is cell you are checking for a match to check and see if there are duplicates in 2 rows. Is there anyway to check to see if a cell contains a string of numbers. Example: Cell A1 has 0000402502LK and Cell A2 has 402502. Is there anyway to get this to show up as true since the 402502 in contained in the string in A1?
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Jan 29, 2014
I want to delete rows that are a subset of any other row. Not manually, as there are thousands of rows. For example, in the attached file, row 4 is a subset of row 5 (also row 12 of row 13, row 14 of row 15, and both rows 21 and 22 of row 23).
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Jan 23, 2013
I have a large spreadsheet where some data are similar. for Example
Robert $1000
Louis $600
Glen $350
Doreen $2300
Robert $500
Louis $600
Glen $750
Doreen $300
Robert $3000
I want to merge all Robert together, all Louis together and show as one Robert $4500. How can I do that ? Should I use a Look up.
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Jun 8, 2009
I have the following seven codes used to fill a ListBox with data retrieved form a range (DACNRange).. they are almost the same .. the only difference between them is the range column number (highlighted with red). Instead of these seven similar codes, Can we create a general code replaces them all?
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Dec 8, 2008
I need to return the text from a string, in a similar way to they way LEFT/ RIGHT would do.
I have some text in a cell, say A1 that looks like this ->
I want to return everything before / after the --- symbols.
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Jan 11, 2012
How to combine cells with a similar value inside them into a single cell. Here is what my data looks like.
For example, I need to have every cell with SNM9012 to combine into the same cell. If I could figure this out it would save me hours vs pasting the similar lines into textmate and removing the enters.
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Oct 22, 2013
When you filter a spreadsheet, you can find results that are similar to a condition. I have families of products that share a common 3 digits, but the rest of the model number is different. The 3 similar digits could be the first 3 digits, or it could be 3 digits starting with the 2nd digit. This spreadsheet has each complete model number on its own row. In that row is a number that represents a volume. I want to be able to sum the volume column if the model number contains the 3 digits.Model Number
A hat
B hat
A glove
In the above example, the total for "hat" = 5 + 1 + 8 = 14
I would type in a condition (family name) into another cell (D1) and the formula in D2.
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Nov 28, 2013
I have an excel grid which have 2 sheets, sheet2 have all the data, I am doing a macro which based on a value that I put in sheet1 is supposed to find Items which have similar value +/-3 from sheet1. I made a code which I posted below, I don't have any error message but it doesn't work as it should. I explain you with an example: If in the data grid I have the following values
if the value I look for is 12 +/-3, it doesn't find anything.
if the value I look for is 11 +/-3, it finds 11.8 but not 13,
if the value I look for is 20 +/-3, it finds 18.1,
if the value I look for is 23 +/-3, it finds 25.5,
Here is my code:
Sheet1.Cells(1, 3).Select
Dim Amin As String, Amax As String ', Bmin As String, Bmax As String
Amin = Sheet1.Cells(3, 2).Value - 3
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Mar 6, 2014
Problem is Findstring finds cells that contain "SS1" AND "SS1 EXT". These are separate grades.
I need Findstring to only find SS1. Using xlWhole doesn't work for me, as the cells also contain other data. For example: " SS1 48 /"
FindString = "SS1"
Findstring1 = "SS1 EXT"
With Sheets("Sheet1").Range(Rng4)
Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
[Code] ........
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May 2, 2014
Cell A1 = 78-36
This is a win/loss ratio so to have it as a percentage I would have to divide the first number by the sum of the two numbers so 78/114 = 68.4% How would you do this with a formula?
I came up with this that isn't quite right, because RIGHT and FIND don't work together.
There must be a smarter way of doing this. TY
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Jan 3, 2007
This is probably a simple question, but one I can't figure out after several hours. I am creating a spreadsheet focused on certifications.
I need to take the date each initial certification was achieved, and add x years to each cert, which is simple enough.
The sticky part is that the (date + x years) can't logically be a weekend; if it is, I need to subtract one or two days from the result, so that it's the *weekday* immediately prior.
e.g. if my initial certification date is: 1/23/2006 and my certifcation expires in four 4 years:
A47= date(2006,1,23)
h47= 10
Result = Saturday, January 23, 2010
If the result is a Saturday or Sunday, I need to subtract one or two days from the date. In this example, I'd like: Friday, January 22, 2010 as the result.
I've been playing with 'if', et. al., to no avail.
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Feb 28, 2007
I am after a control similar to the Properties one in the VBE. The one where you modify properties for a control in design mode.
Does anybody know of a suitable Control that I can use in my project that has similar usage?
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