Merge Similar Codes Into One

Jun 8, 2009

I have the following seven codes used to fill a ListBox with data retrieved form a range (DACNRange).. they are almost the same .. the only difference between them is the range column number (highlighted with red). Instead of these seven similar codes, Can we create a general code replaces them all?

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How To Merge Similar Data

Jan 23, 2013

I have a large spreadsheet where some data are similar. for Example

Robert $1000
Louis $600
Glen $350
Doreen $2300
Robert $500
Louis $600
Glen $750
Doreen $300
Robert $3000

I want to merge all Robert together, all Louis together and show as one Robert $4500. How can I do that ? Should I use a Look up.

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How To Merge Two Codes To Allow (2) Functionalists

Jan 3, 2014

How to merge two codes too allow (2) functionalist

I have a rather complex situation that I'm not sure how to handle. First let me provide some background on what I have accomplished thus far.

Background: I have an excel file with two worksheets. Worksheet two, named Data, is where all my data is located. It begins with A1 going through JC4 (A1:JC4). However, for the purpose of my project the data I'm concerned with starts on E1 through JC4. Also, every other column is formatted with ="".

I have used the following sequence of commands, obtained from a website, to make it much simpler to define name ranges:

Select the worksheet "Data"Select cell A1Select the current region using CTRL + SHIFT + 8Press CTRL + G to bring up the Go To dialog boxClick on the "Special" button to bring up the Go To Special dialog boxSelect "Constants" and press the ENTER key (or click the "OK" button)Now define the Named Ranges using your selection by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F3Excel will ask you to "Create names from values in the:" Make sure only "Top row" is selected, then press the ENTER key (or click the "OK" button)Check that the correct named ranges have been defined by opening the Name Manager with CTRL + F3 While I have defined named ranges with the above steps, this is not the same as a dynamic named range. At least I don't think its the same thing.

I have also protected the worksheet to prevent anyone from changing the formatting. Note: the top row of each column that contains information has been designated as the name for the information that comes after it (see step 8 and 9 above). Now, my first worksheet is where I have created conditional drop down screen by using data validation. The drop down screen are conditionally formatted. Meaning depending on the selection from the drop down screen in cell E27 will determine the list on the drop down screen in cell F27, and so on through cell H27. Furthermore, the drop down items on:

1) Cell E27 (in the first worksheet) are located on the second worksheet in cells E1, G1, I1, K1. Each of those columns have a list of items that fall under them.

The lay out of the data worksheet is too combursome to list out, but I have attached a picture. IF you follow the data you will see some of the information is listed in two cells, for conditional formatting purposes. I have also attached a picture of worksheet 1 with the drop down screens.

Code 1: (allows the selection of multiple items in one cell separated by a comma)

Developed by Contextures Inc.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngDV As Range
Dim oldVal As String
Dim newVal As String
Dim lUsed As Long


Code 2: (allows for manually adding directly to the drop down list a new item that is not on the list. It will then add it to the list after the hard entry directly to the drop down menu). Remember the list will be on the Data worksheet, worksheet #2. The drop down menus are on the first worksheet).

' Developed by Contextures Inc.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Set ws = Worksheets("Lists")


I have added the first code by right clicking on the worksheet and viewing the code, then adding Code 1. It works beautifully.

What I'm trying to figure out is how to add Code 2 to the mix with out unding Code 1. I'm trying to either combine the codes or insert the second code without disrupting Code 1. Remember I have already created a defined name range in my Data worksheet for all my columns/information. I tried deleting Code 1 and only inserting Code 2 but it didnt work. Code 2 does not work based on how I have designed the formatting. How do I apply Code 2 to what I have done thus far? Can this be done by bypassing a dynamic name range, since I have already assigned a defined name range? I want both codes to apply to Columns E, F, G, and H on the first worksheet.

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Merge Workbooks Into One Workbook Without Losing Macros And VBA Codes

Aug 3, 2012

I have 4 different workbooks that I want to merge into one workbook. I tried moving the sheets from these workbooks into one workbook but to my surprise all the vba / macros didn't transfer over to the other workbook.

I searched here but all I can find were people that wanted to make a summary workbook or merge workbooks into a worksheet which isn't what i want to do.

I just want to simply merge these workbooks into one workbook without losing all the marco and vba stuff that are in each workbook.

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If Statement Limit Workarounds: Convert Various Codes From One Column Of Spreadsheet Into Different Codes In Another Column

May 5, 2006

I'm trying to convert various codes from one column of an excel spreadsheet into different codes in another column. I was able to accomplish this with "If" statements, however I'm only able to string together seven of these statements in one command. Is there a better way to add formulas for more than seven conversions? Below is a copy of what I've done so far with the seven converts:


I want to add about 15 more codes to convert within this formula but it's maxed out in the format I'm using.

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Similar Names ....

Feb 21, 2008

As you can see in the example below, in column B I have a list of vendor names, some of which are similar but not identical. (For Example, in one instance a vendor will be called "Ford Motor Co.", while in another it will be called "Ford Motor Inc.".

I need to populate column C, which at every instance where two plants (listed in column A) have similar vendor names in Column B, a universal name will be assigned and recorded in column C for each of the similar names.

HOpefully it is clear as shown below.......

As you can see in the example below, in column B I have a list of vendor names, some of which are similar but not identical. (For Example, in one instance a vendor will be called "Ford Motor Co.", while in another it will be called "Ford Motor Inc.".

I need to populate column C, which at every instance where two plants (listed in column A) have similar vendor names in Column B, a universal name will be assigned and recorded in column C for each of the similar names.

HOpefully it is clear as shown below.......

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Formula Similar To Vlookup

Apr 10, 2009

I have created a sheet that contains a new diet program, calculated down to the precise calorie required for my training routine. Please see below for an example of one of my daily meals:


I need a formula that will help me to create a weekly shopping list (as the values in the example above will change on a regular basis). So I need to take all values from the from columns A & B, multiply them by 5 and then show me the totals in another sheet.

Similarly, I need to do the same with columns E & F, only they need to be multiplied by 2. The totals then need to be added to give me the required amount (in grams) for the week.

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Matching Similar Entries

Feb 18, 2010

=ISNUMBER(MATCH(X1,A:A,0)) where X1 is cell you are checking for a match to check and see if there are duplicates in 2 rows. Is there anyway to check to see if a cell contains a string of numbers. Example: Cell A1 has 0000402502LK and Cell A2 has 402502. Is there anyway to get this to show up as true since the 402502 in contained in the string in A1?

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Similar But Not Duplicate Rows

Jan 29, 2014

I want to delete rows that are a subset of any other row. Not manually, as there are thousands of rows. For example, in the attached file, row 4 is a subset of row 5 (also row 12 of row 13, row 14 of row 15, and both rows 21 and 22 of row 23).

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Function Similar To LEFT / MID / RIGHT

Dec 8, 2008

I need to return the text from a string, in a similar way to they way LEFT/ RIGHT would do.

I have some text in a cell, say A1 that looks like this ->


I want to return everything before / after the --- symbols.

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How To Combine Cells With Similar Value

Jan 11, 2012

How to combine cells with a similar value inside them into a single cell. Here is what my data looks like.



For example, I need to have every cell with SNM9012 to combine into the same cell. If I could figure this out it would save me hours vs pasting the similar lines into textmate and removing the enters.

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Sumif With Condition Similar?

Oct 22, 2013

When you filter a spreadsheet, you can find results that are similar to a condition. I have families of products that share a common 3 digits, but the rest of the model number is different. The 3 similar digits could be the first 3 digits, or it could be 3 digits starting with the 2nd digit. This spreadsheet has each complete model number on its own row. In that row is a number that represents a volume. I want to be able to sum the volume column if the model number contains the 3 digits.Model Number

A hat

B hat

A glove


In the above example, the total for "hat" = 5 + 1 + 8 = 14

I would type in a condition (family name) into another cell (D1) and the formula in D2.

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Retrieve Similar Value From Another Sheet?

Nov 28, 2013

I have an excel grid which have 2 sheets, sheet2 have all the data, I am doing a macro which based on a value that I put in sheet1 is supposed to find Items which have similar value +/-3 from sheet1. I made a code which I posted below, I don't have any error message but it doesn't work as it should. I explain you with an example: If in the data grid I have the following values


if the value I look for is 12 +/-3, it doesn't find anything.
if the value I look for is 11 +/-3, it finds 11.8 but not 13,
if the value I look for is 20 +/-3, it finds 18.1,
if the value I look for is 23 +/-3, it finds 25.5,

Here is my code:

Sheet1.Cells(1, 3).Select
Dim Amin As String, Amax As String ', Bmin As String, Bmax As String
Amin = Sheet1.Cells(3, 2).Value - 3


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Using Find For Similar Searches

Mar 6, 2014

Problem is Findstring finds cells that contain "SS1" AND "SS1 EXT". These are separate grades.

I need Findstring to only find SS1. Using xlWhole doesn't work for me, as the cells also contain other data. For example: " SS1 48 /"


FindString = "SS1"
Findstring1 = "SS1 EXT"

With Sheets("Sheet1").Range(Rng4)
Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _

[Code] ........

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FIND From Right To Left Or Similar?

May 2, 2014

Cell A1 = 78-36

This is a win/loss ratio so to have it as a percentage I would have to divide the first number by the sum of the two numbers so 78/114 = 68.4% How would you do this with a formula?

I came up with this that isn't quite right, because RIGHT and FIND don't work together.

There must be a smarter way of doing this. TY

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Workday Function Or Similar

Jan 3, 2007

This is probably a simple question, but one I can't figure out after several hours. I am creating a spreadsheet focused on certifications.

I need to take the date each initial certification was achieved, and add x years to each cert, which is simple enough.

The sticky part is that the (date + x years) can't logically be a weekend; if it is, I need to subtract one or two days from the result, so that it's the *weekday* immediately prior.

e.g. if my initial certification date is: 1/23/2006 and my certifcation expires in four 4 years:

A47= date(2006,1,23)
h47= 10


Result = Saturday, January 23, 2010

If the result is a Saturday or Sunday, I need to subtract one or two days from the date. In this example, I'd like: Friday, January 22, 2010 as the result.

I've been playing with 'if', et. al., to no avail.

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Control Similar To The Properties One In The VBE

Feb 28, 2007

I am after a control similar to the Properties one in the VBE. The one where you modify properties for a control in design mode.

Does anybody know of a suitable Control that I can use in my project that has similar usage?

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Using Borders Where Data Is Similar

Apr 17, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that has descrptions in column D. Where the descriptions are the same ,

I need the VBA code that will do the following:

1) Sort the data by columns C (descending), G (ascending) & E (ascending)

2) Putting a border around all the data where the decriptions are the same
i.e from column A to Column I beginning from row 2

I have attached a sample file for ease of reference....

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UCASE, LEFT$ And Similar

Sep 16, 2008

I use these and related functions (Format, Right$ etc) in my VBA code. Works perfectly on my machine, butwhen a colleague opens the sheet I get repeated compile errors - "Can't find project or library". I have checked all the references and tey are all there, so much scratching of head.

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Checking For Similar Values In A Row

May 4, 2009

I'm trying to create a formula that would check if there are similar values in a row. How should I do this? There are 20 values in a row, and they should all be different (true). If similar values are found, it should give a warning or highlight the two or more cells.

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Find Similar Content

Jan 17, 2007

Daily We have to search the similar numbers in a enormous database (around 35000 - 45000). Base will vary daily.

The Numbers in 2nd Row of 'wish sheet' has to be compared with 'base sheet' (B,G & L columns in Base sheeet) and the similar numbers has to be copied down from corresponding 3rd row. single character variants and double charcter varients need to be found. box is made to differentiate single and double variants. The test file may be useful to identify my problem.

It is very difficult to use find Numbers manualy. We have been helped by the experts on various circumstances in the past. So, We again seeking help from our senior brothers here.

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Getting Cells With Similar Criteria

Jul 19, 2007

Is it possible to get multiple cells with the criteria? it always happen to only show the first cell in a column that have that criteria. For example, I have a column1 named "projects" and a columnb named "employees". How do I get all the names that have the same projects?

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How To Vlookup Summing Similar Cells

Dec 18, 2013

I have attached the file, in the last sheet (Consolidated) i need to get the data from all the previous sheets, my problem is that whenever i have similar cells the data that is showing is only the first value and not the sum of all values,

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Formula That Is Similar To The Pivot Slicer?

Jan 31, 2014

I have a list box contains of customer name and I used that to set up formula based on your selection in the list box. However, I wonder if there is a way that can select multiple customers in the list box and it will add up all that customers from your multiple selection like in the pivot slicer. I don't know if we have any formula that can do that complicated thing.

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Gather Data Across Several Similar Sheets

Mar 3, 2014

This particular formula is used several times to gather various data points across 3 different sheets named Month-1, Month-2 and Month-3.I gather the data the following 3 formulas then sum it as needed with a helper cell.



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Group The Similar Items On The X Axis?

Dec 10, 2008

I cannot figure out how to keep my formatting in this post, so sorry for this being smooshed************

I have data that looks like this:
Alphaeus District Editing BMI 100
Alphaeus District Editing CurlUp 100
Alphaeus District Editing ModdedPullUp 100
Alphaeus District Editing OneMileRun 100
Alphaeus District Editing OneMileWalk 100
Alphaeus District Editing SitAndReach 100..................................

When I try and chart it I get the whole DISTRICT label going upwards and theTESTS going sideways... causing a jumbled mess....

Is there anyway I can group these Items first so I would get something like this in my chart:

New District
test 1 bar
test 2 bar
test 3 bar
Alph District
test 1 bar
test 2 bar.......etc

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Merging Similar Data And Amounts

Feb 22, 2013

Column A: List of document numbers
Column B: List of amounts

111 $5.00
222 $10.00
111 $5.00
222 $15.00

I need to merge all equal document numbers so that it shows the full amount on that document number. It needs look like this in the end:

111 $10.00
222 $25.00

I realize a pivot table will do this but the formatting of a pivot table will not work with what I am ultimately trying to do.

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Finding Similar Numbers In Two Sheets

Jun 25, 2013

I have an excel file which contains two sheets. In one sheet there are some numbers in a single column. In the other sheet again there are certain numbers span across rows and columns (a number may be duplicated). I need to check whether there are numbers which exist in both the sheets. If such a number is found it may be marked (say with a color) in both the sheets.

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Selecting Groups Of Similar Data

Aug 5, 2009

I have ~1,000 rows of data utilizing columns A:C. The data is "grouped" by data that is in column C. Layout is as follows for example

Row01.....Column A......Column B.......Column C
Row02.....some data.....some data.....apples
Row03.....some data.....some data.....apples
Row04.....some data.....some data.....apples
Row05.....some data.....some data.....apples
Row06.....some data.....some data.....oranges
Row07.....some data.....some data.....oranges
Row08.....some data.....some data.....oranges
Row09.....some data.....some data.....oranges
Row10.....some data.....some data.....pears
Row11.....some data.....some data.....pears
Row12.....some data.....some data.....pears

I have been trying to come up with some code that will "select" groups of data and then perform an action on those cells. As an example:

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Nested IF Statements Or Similar Formula

Oct 16, 2009

Trying to make it even more complicated....probably again misplaced my parenthesis

=IF((AND('Input Page'!B43="-",OR('Input Page'!B13="New Lease In-House",'Input Page'!B13="New Lease w/Co-Broker")),'Analysis Report'!D57*'Input Page'!B32/”2”,'Analysis Report'!D57*'Input Page'!B32/"4",IF(AND('Input Page'!B43="-",OR('Input Page'!B13="Renewal In-House",'Input Page'!B13="Renewal w/Co-Broker",’Input Page’!B13=”Expansion In-House”,Input Page’!B13=”Expansion w/Co-Broker),'Analysis Report'!D57*'Input Page'!B32,'Analysis Report'!D57*'Input Page'!B32/"2"))

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