Sorting According To Previous Column Sorts

Sep 22, 2006

I need a macro or some idea on how to sort the following numbers (I hope this makes sense!)... The problem is with the zeros get sorted to the top (or even if I have blank cells sorted to the bottom) and I need them to ignore the zeros and sort according to the value in their column but not any other column. However, I need them to be sorted in order from D, C, B, A.


ie I need them in the following order.


Therefore they need to sort based on the following columns.

This is because I am charting the values in a column clustered chart that need to be in ascending order.

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Sparklines And Column Sorts

Jun 4, 2014

I am generating sets of data in Sheet2 to be used for Sparklines in Sheet1. These Sparklines will sit in Column D alongside other pieces of data. The data needs to be sortable by Column A which is a list of Cities.

When sorting my data, Z-A for example, all the relevant data sorts just fine but the Sparklines do not move with the rest of the data.

Is there a way to make Sparklines move with Column sorts?

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Sorts Data By Column In Descending Order

Mar 26, 2012

I have a macro built that sorts my data by column in descending order depending on what column of information is selected from the drop down menu.

However I need the macro to sort column F in ascending order, and continue to sort the other colulmns in descending order when selected.

I can't get my macro to switch the sort from descending to ascending order for this one column. Looking to see if this is possible, and if so what macro formula I would use.

Here is what the macro i am currently using:

Sub ddSort_Click()
Dim iDdSortVal As Integer
Dim CurrSheet As String
Dim lFirstSectionRow As Long
Dim lLastSectionRow As Long
Dim strCol As String
Dim lRptHeaderRow As Long
Dim iRptMeasColumn As Integer

CurrSheet = ActiveSheet.Name

[Code] .......

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Macro Optimization And Moving Text From One Column To Another And Deleting Previous Column

Nov 7, 2009

I am running Win XP and Excel 2003.

I have a macro I found here on the boards written by Lenze to delete an entire row based on what is found in column A. I would like to delete any row where Col. B contains 10 or less characters and I have modified it to do so (or at least I think it does). My problem is that it takes about 12 minutes to run the macro (I have about 50k lines to run through). I was wondering if this is the fastest method or if it examines things other than just column B.

Sub Test()
Dim i As Long
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If Len(Cells(i, "B")) < 11 Then Cells(i, "B").EntireRow.Delete
Next i
End Sub
After this runs, I am left with Columns A to somewhere around AH. The columns are generally in the format of text followed by a numeric column. An individual text column has the same name through all of the rows. The numeric columns have varied values whether negative or positive.
Ideally what I would like: If a given cell (ie. C2) in Row 2 is numeric, then copy the cell to the left (ie. B2) into (ie. C1) and then delete Column B. I need this to work for multiple columns from B to C, skip D and E, and then from F to AG (and maybe beyond).

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Macro To Copy Data From Previous Column Into Next Free Column

Aug 20, 2014

I have a spreadsheet which is updated daily. Row A of the sheet has the date in it, and every day a new column is created for the that set of data. I have the below code which works at the moment:

[Code] .....

I want to use this same code on another spreadsheet to do the same process (I need to copy and paste 4 columns (A,B,C + D, into E, F, G & H, then tomorrow it will copy E, F, G & H into I, J, K &L etc etc)). The problem I'm having is that A1:C1 is a merged cell, then D isn't (used as a border to separate). So when it is copied I need to select the merged cell columns and column D (i.e. A:C & D on day 1) and paste it into E:H with E1:G1 merged.

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Function To Put In A New Column To Get The Abbreviated Year And Month Of A Previous Column In The Same Row

May 18, 2007

Is there a function to put in a new column to get the abbreviated year and month of a previous column in the same row???

Ex. Row A B C D
3/14/2007 5/16/2007 2007-3 2007-5

Instead of using the YEAR MONTH funcion for each row is there a universal function that I could designate to the whole column of C and D something like C=YEAR(A(row#))???

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Insert And Fill Column Up To Where Data Is In Previous Column

Nov 23, 2012

I am after a macro to insert a column lets say between column A and B. Once column inserted new column B should be filled by a text say "January" but it should be only filled upto the data of column A so if column A has data upto A600 then column B should be filled from B1 to B600.

I tried recording but it fills data upto B65000+.

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Sorts A Data Using Formula

Sep 8, 2007

I have a formula which sorts data so all data that has EUSTON in column C will be shown first and then then all data which has EUSTON in column D once its been sorted.


What im trying to do is to be able to add BLETCHLEY so it does the same thing.

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Macro Sorts Similar Worksheets

Mar 25, 2012

I have a file called "registrantExport" with "_great north", "_new england", "_new england", etc. I'm trying to sort them by Division and then by Last Name. Here is the macro I've tried to make, however it doesn't work properly, as it only applies to great north. How could I make so that it works for any worksheet I apply the macro to?

Sub macro1()
' macro1 Macro
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("great north").Sort.SortFields.Clear
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("great north").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _


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Multiple Sorts In Connections To Other Databases?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a connection to an SQL database using microsoft query.

The query definition includes: ORDER BY AAStocktrans.Code But I need a two level sort along the lines of:

ORDER BY AAStocktrans.Code THEN ORDER BY AAStocktrans.Date but obviously that is not correct - cannot use THEN. what I do use to make this work?

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Scatter Chart To Create A Map (of Sorts)?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm trying to create a very simple map.

I've got three columns.
Member, X, Y

Naturally, the first column contains someone's name.
The other columns contain XY coordinates.
These coordinates start at 375 and end at 499 on both axes.

I'm needing the points to show the member name and xy coordinates in the popup when hovering over the point.

How do I accomplish this?

Here's some sample data.

JOE 397 397
JIM 421 384
JANE 467 406
JEFF 389 395

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Macro That Sorts Data With Blanks At The Bottom

Nov 13, 2012

I am trying to add a macro that finds a dynamic range (number of rows changing with different data sets) sorts column B, then column A, moving blanks to the bottom. My dilemma is as follows:

I have a template with formulas that cannot be changed (I cannot paste special values, or clear the cells). Column A includes HLOOKUP formulas for cells A14:A120. Column B includes VLOOKUP formulas for cells B14:B120. The different data sets I pull in have different numbers of lines, which is why I need to maintain the formulas. However, I cannot seem to find a way to accurately sort column B first from smallest to largest and then column A from smallest to largest. In all data sets there will be at least a few blank lines that I need to move to the bottom. However, due to the formulas within the cells (column A returns a value of 0 and column B returns a value of “ “), excel does not recognize them as being blank. Here is a sample data set.

S&C Group
77770000587-WEST TOWN BRANCH


In this case, I would like St. Charles & Algonquin to be at the bottom because column B is blank.

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Find Last Previous Non Blank Value And Summarize Previous 6 Months?

Dec 10, 2012

see attached file. Need to find latest non blank value - in attached file it is highlighted in yellow. From there, want to summarise 26 weeks back so, in the attached file:

Row 2 would be finding 750 and summarised back 26 weeks from 30 sep 2012
Row 3 would be finding 2250 and summarised back 26 weeks from 2 dec 2012
Row 4 would be finding 5000 and summarised back 26 weeks from 4 nov 2012

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Excel 2003 :: VBA Code That Sorts And Deletes Data

Jan 19, 2012

Below is an extensive macro that basically writes data from a user's template to a certain data sheet (in the form of rows) depending on their "service group." There have been 3 separate instances of a user saving data and instead of adding rows onto the bottom of the entire list of data, the sheet only has their data and no headers/filters. I believe it is somehow deleting all the previously written data that was on that sheet.

I should also mention that this is a shared workbook. I specifically created separate sheets for each "service group" to eliminate the possibility of users overwriting each other's data (Perviously 60+ users were saving to the same sheet and running into conflicting changes errors. Now the max users writing to one sheet is 10-12). Since it is not occurring every time, I am not sure where the error is. Could it possibly be in the sort or delete sections in bold below?

I am using Excel 2003.

Sub SaveData_Test()
' Procedure : SaveData_Test
' Author : Julie/Cecil
' Date : Fri, 1/13/12
' Purpose : Modified Julies code to capture date entries
' associated with hours logged per category.
' Check notes attached to "sOp" string comment
' for additional details.

[Code] ..........

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Lookup Formula For Previous Column?

Jul 26, 2013

I have a column of numeric values in column B. I have the date that corresponds with each value in column A. I am using a max formula to find the highest value in column B. What could I use to return the date of the highest value from Column A?

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How To Arange And Count Various Numbers In Previous Column

Jun 4, 2007

Let's say there is a one column with 9 cells. I need in another column to be aranged various numbers in previous column and in another column to be counted every number how many times appears.

Below is one small example of what I need.

4 2 2
8 4 3
10 8 2
4 10 1
8 15 1

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Save Previous Cell Value In The Corresponding Row Of Different Column In Same Sheet

Apr 4, 2014

I found some VBA code that saves the previous value entered into a cell and displays it as a comment. I've attached that workbook as an example, but I want to change 3 things.

1) I only want to capture the previous values from Sheet1.Column1 (you'll see the example captures changes on the whole sheet1).
2) I want to 'paste' the previous value of Sheet1.Column1 in the corresponding row of Sheet1.ColumnD (i.e. the previous value of A5 will be displayed in D5). The code currently pastes the value in the corresponding address in sheet2.
3) I do not need the comments part. Simply displaying the previous value in the corresponding row of Sheet1.ColumnD is good enough.

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Move Every Other Cell In A Column To Row Above It Then Delete Previous Row

Jul 11, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I need to rearrange to improve readability. I have an example attache, which is easier to understand than describing it, but I'll try:

I want to start in a1, move to a2
copy a2 to b1
delete line 2 (the previous lrow 3 now becomes row 2
if a2 > 0.01, skip it and
move & select cell a3
... and repeat the above logic, on the next series of cells...

copy a3 to b2
delete line 3 (the previous lrow 4 now becomes row 3
if a3 > 0.01, skip it and
move & select cell a4
...and repeat the sequence again.

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Find Value And Then Copy Info From Previous Column

Feb 15, 2010

I have a spread sheet with bunch of rows and columns. Columns goes all the way from A ... BB and rows from 1 to 40,000

The main focus is column Y and AC

If there is a value of FALSE found in column Y then macro should go to previous row and copy the value that contains in column AC and then move down to the next row, , where the value FALSE was found and that's in column Y and paste that value in column AC the NUMERIC VALUE

Below is the data ...

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Conditional Format To Mark Increase From Previous Column

Sep 5, 2013

I have a goal set for the year. With conditional formatting, each month will be set to either red or yellow based on where it stands in relation to the goal. I would also like to show an increase or decrease in productivity for each month. I tried to use conditional formatting with the formula:

=IF(C2=D2, "", IF(C2<D2,"↗","↘")).

The formula works on its own without the conditional formatting so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I've attached a sample with all the conditional formatting and formulas in place.

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Sum Alternate Columns Base On Previous Column Entry

Jun 14, 2007

I am trying to resolve a calculation issue where I want to sum accross columns depending on an entry in the column immediately preceeding. The layout is an Attendance sheet, The columns are for the days of the Month ( 1 - 31 ) and the rows are the Months. There are 2 columns associated with Each day. The first column is for the type of Time Off ( Vacation, Sick, Personal, etc ) the column next to it records the number of Hours some one took off. The work book has a Sheet for Each Employee and a running total needs to be maintained for the amount of "off time" each employee takes by the various time off categories. I have tried setting up range names but this won't work as there will be multiple sheets. I believe the problem is the mixture of Text and Numeric data but could not resolve.

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Data Validation: If Previous Column Is Having A Value, Then Return FALSE Else TRUE

Jun 27, 2008

I am applying data validation in my workbook. The data in ColS consist of:

(Row2) X
(Row3) Y
(Row4) Y
(Row5) Y
(Row6) X

In ColT, I am to apply data validation: i.e. If in concerned row of ColS is having "X" value, then I am to show an error message. Else, values from A2:A5 should be shown in the as list and these should be accepted in ColT.

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Highlight Column And Row Of Active Cell But Retaining Previous Formats

Feb 28, 2014

I have found this code by searching witch is perfect

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
With Target 'With the cell that was selected,
.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
.EntireColumn.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

The point is that i want to retain the previous formatting of cells when i select another cell. And also i would like to create a switch to turn the Worksheet_SelectionChange event on and off. The tricky part is here i guess, becouse i would like when turned off to retain the previous formatting also.

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Sorting One Column From A Table Using SUM Totals In That Column

Mar 10, 2014

Basically i have 2 tables like the ones below:

Name Rd1Rd2Rd3Rd4Rd5
Zac 8
James 6
John 8
Frank 4

Name Total

Now i want the total column in the second table to update and add the numbers as i update the rounds in the first one Which i can do through SUM or SUBTOTAL. However i want to sort the total column so the highest number is at the top and everytime i do it changes the name column not the total column.

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Running Tally Traffic Light System - Find Previous Values Upwards In A Column

Jul 21, 2014

I'm trying to work out to most efficient way of making a quality monitoring system which uses traffic lights to show problem products.

The traffic light system need to obey the following "rules".

Each product is tested once daily When a product fails once it moves to Amber, When a product Fails twice in a row it moves to RedOne pass when a product is in Amber Status, will reset it to green.If a Product is in Red status, it much have 3 consecutive passes to reset to Green.

I have tried to use array formulae to look up a column for previous values in the past for this sort of thing, but with 100000+ rows it runs far too slowly.

Banana Problem?
Traffic Light (0=green, 1=amber, 2=red)


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Sorting A Column

Jan 31, 2008

I have a column which represents by each cell value's number the priority of each row in the table.

What I need to do is create an embedded code that updates the numbers in that column when any value in that column is changed.

For example:

Where the cell values in the column are..


and we change the fifth cell's value to 2


now there are two cells in the column with the same value, we want to keep the value we just changed in the 5th cell but update every other cell that is following the value of 2....


then I would like to resort the table by these new priorities.

similarly if the change is to increase rather than decrease the priority value...where the 3rd cell was increased from 3 ...


changed to 5..


the new change would become...


in this case the 4 becomes 3 and the previous 5 becomes 4 which keeps their relative place in the priority ranking.

I would like this to then resort the table based on this column.

I would like this to execute on the exit of the cell when a cell in the column is changed.

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Use Value In Column After Sorting

Mar 12, 2009

I would like to use the value displayed in column H under the column header after filters have been applied. There will always only be one row displayed after filtering. I'm using Win Xp with Office 2003 ....

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Sorting Info In A Column

Apr 17, 2009

I need to sort information in a column containing both numbers and words. In the "asending" & "desending" it only gives two options to choose from. (none) & PartNum.

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Sorting Numbers With #div/0! In Column

Oct 20, 2009

I have some numbers in a column which due to other cells not yet being filled in are returning a supressed #div/0! error. This is fine, but when i go to sort the column it puts them in the wrong order. I would like to record a macro, and assign it to the column header in order to sort the column.

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Sorting A Column By Time?

Jul 23, 2013

I am trying to sort a column so it'd be like a schedule the earliest time on top and latest on the bottom. I understand it is a form of custom listing but I am not quite sure what is the way to enter that list entry...attached is my excel spreadsheet I am currently working on.

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