Macro That Will Select Certain Record Type And Calculate Information?
Apr 2, 2014
I am trying to come up with a way, and do not know if it is possible. In the attached spreadsheet, I am looking to find a way that will automatically filter a group of records from the f column (all CC, all 2ndR, all NA) then calculate the information in in Columns G and H and place it in the appropriate box in D-21 through D 37. Example. I want all the rows that ONLY have CC in Column F. Then take the information from those records in Column G and column H. I want the sum of Column G in D21/2 and Column H in D23/4. I
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Mar 25, 2013
I am trying to find a macro that look for last non empty cell in column A and them paste a formula/comment in all cells of column B.
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Oct 7, 2009
In a worksheet, I have a listing of people. In a different sheet, I have a list of trips. I want to be able to select a person (a right-click, function), then move to the other sheet, find the desired trip and, double-clicking, select that trip to be associated with the selected person. Those two data elements would be written to another sheet. I can select the person and switch to my listing of trips. I can double-click on the desired trip. But I can't figure out how to join the two and write the data.
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Mar 20, 2009
I'm trying to find a macro that will run allowing the user to select a 'starting record number' and a 'finishing record number' when printing.
I have a spreadsheet that feeds from a master list in excel, from over 5000 records.
I need to print the s'sheet with any given indivdual record's information at any given time.
Individual prints are fine. However if I wanted to print from record number 1500 to record number 3000 it would take me all day.
Is there a way I can set up a macro so an option form pops up? allowing selection of "From record" and "to Record" ?
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Jan 25, 2013
I have a combobox on a Userform, when the userform initializes i want it to populate Combobox1 with all the Unique values from SHeet 1 Column A (variable length to the column)
I dont know how to select a unique record only.
*thinking a bit further ahead i have a second combobox that i need to populate with unique values from column B on sheet 1, where in column A matches what was selected in combobox 1
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Apr 6, 2007
I want a macro to select the cell with i type. Like i type in cust-0001 and it selects the cell which has cust-0001. I then want it to select the cell in column C that is in the same row with that value. E.g. Find cell in column A with value cust-0001 and then select the cell in column B in the same row.
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Apr 10, 2014
I have an excel file with the ID, Name, workID and Creation date fields. Some people have several work ID's created in different times. How can I select row that contain work ID's that were created the latest. I may have several records per person, I need only the latest record. File contains about 3000 records, I can't go through all of them.
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May 10, 2006
I've created a budgeting spreadsheet and it is available to users via the web. When I initially created this I was short sighted and set everything as $'s. Users have limited ability to set formatting on this sheet.
I was wondering if I could create a drop down list for users to select their currency type which in turn would then drive the formatting used in the cells. I'm not quite sure how complicated this would be. Is this something that could only be done usa VB code? I'm pretty basic in Excel (know a good amount of formulas, etc).
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Jan 6, 2007
Im trying to record a macro that will enter a formula in a cell each time I run the macro
Drop the Lowest2:
=IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE((SUM(C5:L5)-MIN(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,2))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-2))*Scale!$B$2*10),(IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10),"",AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10)),AVERA GE((SUM(C5:L5)-MIN(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,2))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-2))*Scale!$B$2*10)
Drop Lowest1:
=IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE((SUM(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,1))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-1))*Scale!$B$2*10),(IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10),"",AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10)),AVERA GE((SUM(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,1))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-1))*Scale!$B$2*10)
I know I can write the formula in a simpler way, but I was asked to make it like this.
The problem is that when I enter the formula in the cell while recording. I got a message: "Unable to record" so this part can't be recorded
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Sep 1, 2009
This problem seemed to revolve around "digital signing" with further macro changes done from a different machine (without the proper certificate). Excel warns of the problem and then "unsigns" the project.
I've got a problem with spreadsheets that I've been working on. Now, when I tell it to record a macro, I get the macro name, shortcut assignment dialog box and then an error "Unable to record." After "Ok"ing that dialog box, the normal recording macro dialog comes up. Also, lo and behold, there will not be a macro recorded.
I've got no protected cells or sheets and it doesn't matter what security level is set. It is a "signed" macro but I can take off the signature and still have the problem. I checked for "Help - About" for deactivated modules and there was none.
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Oct 2, 2013
I am trying to achieve the below objective but getting error message
Objective: select last non blank row and offset to next cell type a message in it
error message: Runtime error 1004 : method 'Range' of Object '_Global' Failed
Sub lastRowAll()
myvar = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(11).Column
myrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(11).Row
Range(myvar, myrow).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Experiments with VBA"
Range(myvar, myrow).Offset(0, 1).Activate
End Sub
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Jul 14, 2006
I have made a simple procedure (which will extend to make something that I have to make but for time being) it asks user to select a chart type in a userform using option buttons and then the chosen chart type is taken as the chart type and makes the chart.
problem is that the typechart - variable to identify the chosen chart type - is not being recognised. Here's the coding, the variable is not passed (in yellow bolded) from one procedure to another?
Private Sub NextButton_Click()
Call ShowType
If bFlag = False Then
MsgBox "Not Selected"
Call ShowType
Call MakeChart
End If
End Sub
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Sep 26, 2013
I'm trying to apply the code for accumulating value in a single cell to a range of cells.
I want to use the code found in this thread [URL] ..... but, it only lets me edit "B1" to another single cell. I need my cells G4 to G469 to operate the same way.
How to edit the code so I can include a range or show me a version of the code where I can enter my desired range?
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Jun 7, 2014
I receive monthly expenditure returns from different departments which I have to consolidate. The problem I'm encountering is that some departments submit their data as a monthly figure and some as the cumulative position. It would be useful if I had a formula that identified what data type was submitted and from that calculate both the monthly and cumulative figure.
If you look at the attached example I'd like to input a formula in columns I and J that uses the data contained in columns B to E to calculate the monthly and cumulative expenditure figures.
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Sep 18, 2009
In the attached file, I want to have the user select a receipt # and have it copy the information, for that receipt from the log, to the receipt tab. Then I want it to print the receipt. The macros that are in the file already, were created before I added a column for Receipt No., and don't ask for user input. File is attached.
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Feb 10, 2009
I am trying to create a worksheet which can calculate the Outstanding Work Estimation based on available information.
The information available with me is presented in Rows 3, 4, 5, and 6. For these types of work orders, I have information regarding their Previous Outstanding Status, New Orders, Completed Orders, and at presented Unworked Orders (or Outstanding orders at the end of Jan 2008).
Second set of information is available in rows 9 to 23. This information provides for which type of orders were completed by Staff 1 and Staff 2.
Based on these two sets of information, I am trying to get to the point where I can calculate the following:
a) Applying the weight of orders (namely 1A, 1B, 1C and Blend) by using the drop down list function in column B, I should be able to get the results in Column C (C25 onwards till C40), Column D (D25 onwards till D40), and Column E (E25 onwards till E40). Simlarly for all other months...for February, March, and so on...till December 08.
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Feb 18, 2007
I recently installed Excel 2007, and have shared others' joy in searching for things on the ribbon. I tried to record a macro to insert an autoshape. Excel creates the macro, but drawing the autoshape is not recorded. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious ...
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May 25, 2007
I seek advice on using the value of NOW() as a record ID in an address book program. Question #1: Do Excel developers often use a record ID? Question #2: What record ID schemes are fequently employed besides date/time? I have decided to create an Excel address book as an exercise to increase my knowledge of VBA, and also as a useful application for work.
I realize that a record ID is not essential in Excel in the way that it is essential in Access, but I feel the need to have some unique ID associated with each address, so that I may have different worksheets, with data related to a given Contact, sort and manipulate it, if necessary, but have the record ID as a way to restore the relationship of rows to a given Contact, and also, as a handy way to examine the data in the date/time sequence in which it was entered. I have experimented with the following code, to assure myself that I can access the number returned by the NOW() function, manipulate it as a string, and format in various ways if necessary.
Dim n As Double
n = Now()
sn = Str(n)
p = InStr(sn, ".")
first = Left(sn, (p - 1))
l = Len(sn)
d = l - p
S = Mid(sn, (p + 1), d)....................
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Feb 9, 2007
I have a relatively simple, though large, spreadsheet. I get the following in many of my cells: The Error Checking Options button is displayed and the cell itself. is marked with a small green triangle in the upper-left corner. When I click the button, the error type is displayed, followed by the following list of error-checking options:
information specific to the error type
• Show Calculation Steps: demonstrates all steps leading to the error
• Ignore Error: allows you to accept the formula as entered, without Excel displaying the Error Checking Options smart tag
• Edit in Formula Bar: allows you to edit the formula that is generating the error in the Formula Bar
• Error Checking Options: opens the Options dialog box, where you can select the rules governing error checking
• Show Formula Auditing Toolbar: displays the Formula Auditing toolbar
When I check the formula it calculates correctly. What triggers this when there is no error, is there a way to prevent it from appearing in the worksheet?
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Dec 1, 2009
I have the basics set up, but need to work out how to make it calculate my pay per shift dependant on the type of shift i have worked.
I have attached a screen shot of the current page,
In it i have currently used validation drop boxes for the location and worked columns with tables just to one side of the sheet.
The shift pay is the column i am having trouble with.
I would like it to change dependant on what is selected in the 'worked' column.
For most things it should just display basic plus holiday, however if supervisor is selcted in the work column, it should display basic plus holiday plus supervisor.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have a macro that I found somewhere on the net to look within a folder and list all the files of a certain file extension.
The macro to do this is in the attached example and is called 'Get_File_Names_Within_Dir_ext'.
I have created a basic userform outline, 'UF1' for the user to define:
Select File Extension
Select Folder to Search
Destination Sheet
I just don't have any idea how to sync the two.
If you type 'exe' into 'TB1_File_Extension' of 'UF1' the macro should search for '*.exe' files within the specified folder.
The search folder 'RefEdit1' box should open a windows explorer box (or some such) so that the user can select the directory in which to search for the previously specified file extension.
'TB2_Destination_Sheet' is a text box for the user to type the sheet within the workbook in which to list the files found within the specified directory.
'CB1_Find_Files' should activate the macro to find any files for the specified criteria.
There is also a Button 'Find File Types' in Sheet1 of the file which should activate the userform 'UF1'.
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Jun 25, 2014
l would like to record a macro that allows one finds a 'key word' in sheet 1 ,then the macro should copy the entire raw of the search results to worksheet 2 .The macro should enable the user to have as many searches as possible but pasting all the results on one worksheet.
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Jul 11, 2014
I cannot get a formula to transfer (copy) into a separate cell, the calculation will not display unless I select the f2 function or save. Also when I copy the formula into numerous cells below the original formula how do I stop it incrementing?
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Mar 16, 2014
I am creating an asset management sheet. For the formula I am trying to work out there uses 3 fields : ID, start date, and end date.
What I want to do is be able to show if the ID is duplicated within another record with an overlapping date. So an item is flagged if it is in the list within the same dates as another record. I tried a few countif formulas but with no success.. I may just be approaching the problem incorrectly though.
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Jan 14, 2009
When I choose to record a macro, the window to name the macro opens and allows me to name it, but when I close it, I can see it is recording at the bottom of the sheet, but the stop button with the relative/absolute button has disappeared. I can't change relative/absolute. How can I get the button back on the page?
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Oct 27, 2007
How do I enable macro recording in Excel2003? When I select Tools - Macro, the 'Record New Macro' selection is disabled. How do I enable it?
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Dec 14, 2006
I'm trying to determine the speed of a macro. I searched and have had no luck. recently with some help I reduced my macro speed from minutes to seconds and I was wondering is there code out there that I can record the speed of an existing macro.
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Oct 31, 2008
I have a table where I have dropdown menu for selecting data and a vlookup for filling other fields.However, I would like to create totals at the bottom of the sheet. But I dont know how many rows I will need because the data to this sheet are added from another sheet in the workbook. I would like to create something like this :
No. Name Weight Amount Total Weight Unit Price Total Price
1. Product 30 2 60 100 200
then I will not have no. 2 , but add new record button that will create a new row and will copy the dropdown menu and the Vlookup function so the format will be the same for product no.2 as it is for the product no.1 ... thus I will not have any unfilled rows in the table and after the last row there will be a totals row that will sum up the whole table... How to do that "add new record button" so that in the table will show up only those rows, that are actually filled with data?
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Mar 16, 2009
I am trying to have a macro send the data from sheet 2 to sheet 3, record the data then next time shift down a row and enter the new data below and below every time new data is entered.
I have recorded a macro, but I am stuck with the recording the data and then returning to a new row.
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Jul 1, 2009
I have already looked at many of the posts but I have not found the solution that I am looking for. I am familiar with VB and the NOW function.
I am trying to create a macro that will reference a cell and place a static date and time next to the cell. I want this date and time to only change when the checkbox is clicked.
I have a checkbox in E11 that is linked to F11, I would like to have G11 record the date and time that the checkbox is clicked. I have already tried the following.
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