Macro To Look For A Word In Cell - Cut The Row And Paste In Another Sheet In Same File

Sep 9, 2013

I have a list of asset data (columns A:Z and over 20,000 rows).

I want a macro to find the word TAG in column F then cut off the entire row for all that meet the criteria and paste in another sheet. So I can see both sheets.

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Macro To Search A Word In Sheet And Then Copy And Paste Data In Cell

Apr 26, 2013

I would Need a macro which would Search a Keyword in the excel sheet and copies and pates the data in Cell "A2". for Example "Market" and then after the search it copies 12 rows upwards and 10 columns from the Cell that the word "Market" is placed. And then it copies 12 rows downwards and 10 columns from the Cell that the word "Market" is placed.

I have tried recording the same but it does not work if the Word "Market" is placed in different cell value.

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Is It Possible For A User To Select A File And Cell To Paste In During A Macro

Sep 3, 2008

I was planning to do was have a macro where the document opened and the cell that information was pasted in was decided depending on which cell was selected when the macro was run.

This worked fine, but it does mean that it needs someone who can edit the VBscript every time there is a new starter or someone leaves so isn't really viable.

What I was wondering, is if it is possible for me to start a macro, which then drags in the information I need from a text file, does all the calculations and rearranging, and then brings up a prompt for the user to open the document they want to paste it in, click on the cell where the pasting will start, and then the macro continues from there?

To try to explain it in as clear a way as I can. Say we have three managers, Alan, Brenda and Charlie. In Alan's team there are 10 staff members. Aaron, Bill etc.etc. If we have just run the report for Aaron, the macro will run, automatically drag all the information in and rearrange it, then it will pause while the user opens up the "Alan" spreadsheet, they select the "Aaron" first cell, click OK or something, and then the macro continues on its happy way?

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Macro: Paste Cell From Specific Files To 1 General File

Aug 17, 2009

i have about 80 files that all have the same structure. I also have a general excel file that I need to fill with values from each of the 80 files. I'd like to use a macro that can be applied to each of the 80 files at a time (or at the same time, if that's possible) so I can copy the cells (only the text, not the formula) I need from each individual file to the general sheet.

each file is:

xyz 123
abc 456
ghi 956

I need to copy the "123" to a cell in the general sheet, "456" to a different cell in the general sheet and so on (to be able to choose which cell in the general sheet I am copying to).

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Copy Row From One Sheet And Paste To Another If A Key Word Is Found In 1 Column?

Apr 15, 2014

I have 10 worksheets in my workbook. The two that I'm concerned with in this post are "Main" and "Completed".
If Column AA in "Main" contains the word "Complete" (which is from a drop down list) I want to copy the entire row from "Main" and paste in the "Complete" sheet without over-writting previous pasted rows.

Back in sheet "Main" I want the data in that row to be cleared with the exception of Column A as it contains a formula for sorting blanks. If I delete that row it will mess up my links on other sheets.

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Copy Word File Into Sheet

Apr 14, 2014

i have a directory of words file with same format, how can i insert this files to excel sheet?

for example attach tow files,

Code: [URL]...

Code: [URL]....

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Extract Data And File Names From File In Folder And Paste Into One Sheet?

Jan 13, 2013

The code below looks at file names in column A and then goes to a folder and opens and copies the data in range c2 -lastrow from each file and pastes the data into sheet2.

how I could add to the code so that it also inserts the file name in column c?

It would make it easier to track the data in column B.

Sub CopyFromFile()
Dim fPath As String
Dim lRow As Long


I have attached a sample workbook. The list of file name is in sheet 1. An example of the output is in sheet 2. The data in column A is dummy data generally spans 100's of rows not just 10 as in the example.

The purpose of the code is to be able to put a list of file names in column a in sheet 1 and extract data from those files in a folder. The data extraction works fine. The reson for adding the file names is so that I know what file the data came from.

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Attach A Pdf Or Word File Inside Sheet?

Jan 29, 2009

I would like to attach a pdf (or word) file inside an Excel sheet so that it is seen as a pdf icon or word icon when viewing the sheet. Any of you who knows if this is possible and how to do it?

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Macro To Open Word Table Doc And Paste

Aug 26, 2009

I am trying to have Excel 2007 open a Word Table, Select All, then Copy and paste to the open workbook. Here is what I have so far:

Sub Comments()

Dim objWord As Object
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True

objWord.Documents.Open "R:JohnstonOfficeProductionSO COMMENTS.doc"

Right now I and getting an "Type not defined" error and the Dim oData As New DataObject step. Also if delete the code to clear the clipboard, I get an error at the WholeStory step.

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Writing Macro To Grab All Data From Word And Just Paste In Excel

May 8, 2014

I need in XL for a macro to run, open my word file, copy the entire thing and then paste it back in XL.

So leaving it general, Word.doc and Excel.xlsx

It's all because my company's POS system will only export to Word but everything we do is in XL.

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Macro To Copy Dropdown List Created In Cell O2 And Then Paste In Same Sheet

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to write a simple macro to copy a drop down list I created in cell O2 and then paste in the same sheet. I need it to paste starting in cell A2 and then move to A4 and so on for every even row cell through A9778. I would also like it to keep a border around the cell. I can't find direction on how to tell it every even cell or defining x and then doing x + 1...

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Cut Last Word From A Cell And Paste In Another

Jun 8, 2007

I have a long list of addresses in excel. I need the postcodes to Georeference them but the addresses are all in one cell (seperate cell for each address). For instance:

Cell A1:
My house, Whalley New Road, Lancashire, BB4 9TP

I need to extract the postcode ( zip code) and paste it into a seperate cell. I then need to repeat this for every address. I have had a play around but am not getting far at all. From other questions asked like this they all seem to just want to trim!

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Macro To Hide Cut,copy,paste,save,saveas Option In Word

Feb 15, 2007

I want to restrict users to just read or print a word document. Document is very confidential so we dont want them to copy or manipulate the document.

I thought of giving password to restrict to read only option but that still lets users to copy and paste on to a new document.

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Macro To Pull Out Data From Word File

Mar 4, 2007

I need to pull out data from a word file(can open in excel 2003) which has several different rows with data in a certain format each time.

I want to take the data from sheet #1 in the format


where the underline always equals an 8 digit number that directly follows that unique text(no spaces)

and pull out all the 8 digit numbers from the sheet and put them into sheet #2 that my macro creates.

Also the additional rub is that I need to pull only the unique 8 digit numbers as there will be several repeats.

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Paste Text Inside A Box On Sheet 1 That Automatically Paste Into A Cell In Sheet 2?

Mar 3, 2014

Can I paste text inside a box on sheet 1 that automatically paste into a cell in sheet 2? I'm trying to make sheet one look more like a web page. I want to be able to create text boxes on sheet one that will automatically copy the text into a certain cell in sheet 2. Seems like I seen something a long time ago where you go to sheet2 and in the cell you want the text to show up, you type in something like =sheet1 box1 .

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Copy And Paste From Word To Cell

Nov 4, 2008

I am trying to copy the the following from MS Word and paste it in one MS Excel cell:

This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.
This is just a test.

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From Array And Paste To Separate Sheet Paste Special Transpose

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.

The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?

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Copy/Paste If Cell Equals A Word

Jul 13, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to go down a list of words and copy/paste a row if it equals a specific ring of words. For example, if want to go down a column and copy the word "Dog" if the word is "Dog" and paste it to the second sheet in a certain column... The thing that I can't figure out is how to step down to the next row until the cell is empty.

Sub Cats_and_Dogs()
For i = 1 To 100
If Range("i, 1") = "Dog" Then
End If
End Sub

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Macro To Copy From One File And Paste Under The Last Used Row Of Another File?

Jun 26, 2012

I already have code that I believe is supposed to do what I'm trying to accomplish. However, it doesn't fully work. The Macro is below:

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and Settingsplp138DesktopExample 1.xls"
On Error Resume Next
With Workbooks("Example 2.xls")[code]....

Basically, what I'm trying to accomplish is to have a certain range from one file copied, and pasted in the next available (empty) row of another file. While debugging I see that everything is working except for the actual pasting.

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Cell Formatting - Type In A Word In Sheet 1 Say Mike On Sheet 2?

Jan 28, 2014

I was wondering if there was any way to do a cell format so that if I type in a word in sheet1 say "mike" on sheet2 the word "mike" cell would be highlighted? or if there is a formula you could use to do that.

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Macro To Search For A Word In One Sheet

Aug 12, 2013

I want to search for a word say "Output" in a Column 7 in one sheet and return the value present in the Upper cell of Output Cell and its adjacent cell to a cell in another sheet example:

Yes 10
No 20
Output Value

Here i want to search for word "output" in a column and return the above value "No" and its corresponding value "20" to a cell in another sheet.

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Paste Text Paragraph Into Excel And Give Each Individual Word Into Its Own Cell?

Sep 10, 2013

How do I paste a text paragraph into Excel and give each individual word into its own cell?

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Paste A Word In Front Of Text That Is Already Residing In Cell Throughout An Entire Column

May 24, 2007

I am trying to do, is paste a word in front of text that is already residing in cell throughout an entire column, and then automate this process by creating a macro that will do the same thing for me throughout an entire column. To best explain this, it woudl be like if you have a column 100 rows/cells long, and every cell already contains data. I need to insert something in front of what lies within each cell.

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Macro Error - First Sheet In Each File To Master File

Mar 7, 2012

I am receiving an error at

Set CopyRng = Wkb.worksheet1.Range(Cells(RowofCopyworksheet, 1),
Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column))

I am trying to copy the first sheet in each file in the designated folder and paste it into a master worksheet.

Below is the code.

'Description: Combines all files in a specific folder to Format File for Upload.xls
Sub MergeMultipleFiles()
Dim path As String, ThisWB As String, lngFilecounter As Long
Dim wbDest As Workbook, shtDest As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
Dim filename As String, Wkb As Workbook
Dim CopyRng As Range, Dest As Range
Dim RowofCopySheet As Integer

[Code] ....

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Macro To Unprotect Sheet - Paste Then Protect Sheet

Apr 8, 2014

I want a sheet to copy and paste into another worksheet, I have that code and its working fine, but what I also want to do is for the sheet to be protected,so the code would be, copy, unlock, paste, lock, save.

Here is the code I have so far. I know i have to include ActiveSheet.Unprotect "passowrd" ActiveSheet.Protect "password", but I dont know where to include that last part of the code.

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Macro To Copy Data From One Sheet - Paste In Another Sheet

Jul 29, 2014

How to create macros. I need to copy a certain group of cells from one sheet to another, and then do it for x number of times. I'm just using the record function and now i'm lost. Here is the code i currently have:

Sheets("Mapping QTR2").Select

[Code] ....

Also, column C is blank. i would like to get the values from another list in the same workbook, say "branch list". I would like to populate Column C with one specific branch for each "batch", if that makes any sense...

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Copy/paste From File Opened By Macro

Oct 16, 2008

I have a macro which opens two different hyperlinks in excel. Opened workbooks have are named like 1.asp and 2.asp. Both contains only one spreedsheet. I need to copy these spreedsheets to the Workbook, from which they are opened.

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Macro Coding: Add A Code To The Sort And Paste Macro That Will Open The Second Spread Sheet

Jul 21, 2007

I am making a spreadsheet that sorts and pastes, but I need to know if I can add a code to the Sort and Paste Macro that will open the second spread sheet needed without just already having it open and using the

Windows("estimate sheet one.xls").Activate

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Macro Paste- Macro To Get The Values From Cells D29 And H24 In The Resource Calculator Sheet

Sep 17, 2009

I need a macro to get the values from cells D29 and H24 in the Resource Calculator sheet and populate it into cells N8 and O8 in the Input form.

Users will then be able to change the information in the calculator and click the macro again to populate N9 and O9 and so on.

Is there a way to do this?

I've attached the file for you to see.

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Copy And Paste Value Macro / Save Individual File To Right Of Specific Tab

Mar 25, 2013

I have a current macro that saves each sheet as their own file. The first 10-15 sheets are not really necessary, so I typically delete them once the macro has run. I am looking to add two things to my current code:

1. Add a tab called Start. Make the macro look for 'Start' tab and then just save each sheet to the right of that as its own file.

2. Save each sheet in the macro as just a copy/paste value. They current have a lot of links and it makes each file close to 3MB. That makes it incredibily difficult to paste all in one email.

Here is the current code:

Sub CreateWorkbooks()
'Creates an individual workbook for each worksheet in the active workbook.
Dim wbDest As Workbook
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim sht As Object
Dim strSavePath As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

[Code] ..........

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