Min If Function Doesn't Work For Earliest Date Lookup
May 23, 2014
I am having issues with a min if formula, even though i enter it as an array (ctrl +shift+enter), it only returns a zero.
The formula is supposed to return the earliest date from Raw data if the name of the company matches the one from the data validation ('Company lookup'!D3).
Dates are in column D and company name in column M
I checked, the dates are all formatted as dates
=MIN(IF(RAW!$M:$M,'Company lookup'!D3,RAW!$D:$D))
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Dec 8, 2013
On the attached sample file, I used this array formula to lookup fo the
"First purchase date" - {=MIN(IF((Sheet2!A:A=Sheet1!A2),Sheet2!B:B))}
However, for the "Second purchase" and "Third purchase", i'm stuck and can't think on how to return the dates.
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Apr 25, 2014
i checked and checked and my IF function just gives me the wrong answer... attached is just a sample data..i have over 230 lines to check actually..
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Mar 30, 2014
I have titles in column A and multiple codes per title in column B.
I want all the codes for a single title copied onto another sheet.
I can't use =B1 as the sheet gets updated every week and the amount of codes per title changes.
I was thinking using lookup but the majority of column A is blank and I don't know how to make it look in the row above if blank, or if that is even possible.
Another option would be to look for the title in column A then copy column B until the text "Group Total" which always appears at the end of a titles codes.
Attached File : Practise sheets.xlsx
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Mar 23, 2012
HTML Code:
If Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A23C567 Or Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A65C321 Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 7).Value = "Business and Private Banking"
End If
Im trying top use the above bit of code and it does not work when the criteria is Text , so if I simply change the above to =1234567 it works fine -- But I need it to be alpha numeric
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Jan 31, 2014
I'm coping and pasting data (html) into a worksheet. When I try to format some of the columns as accounting$, number, ect. They won't format. It looks as if there are spaces before and after the data. So I tried the trim and clean function but it doesn't work, so I guess the blank "spaces" are not really spaces.
It gets better...
When I do the same exact copy and paste (as html) on another persons computer, they are able to format just fine, and the "spaces" are removed automatically.
Why is this working on one computer but not the other? Is it a setting that my computer has enabled or disabled? If so, what is it?
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Mar 28, 2009
I have written a user-defined function that searches for a small range within a larger range. The function requires two input parameters: the range you are looking for, and the range you want to look within.
For example, I might look for the string of values in cells A1:D1 in a larger range E1:H20. The function returns the row number in the larger range where the smaller range is found.
My problem is this: The function is working fine when I call it from another sub procedure. However, when I try to run it as a worksheet function, I get a "#VALUE!" error. The function pops up in the "insert function" menu, and it prompts for the two input parameters.
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Feb 8, 2012
I'm using Excel 2007. When I try to scroll with the mouse wheel, it doesn't do anything. If I hold down the control key and scroll with the mouse, it zooms in and out. So that works fine, but I can't do the basic scrolling up and down the document with the mouse wheel. There is no "Tools, Options" menu in 2007 so I don't even know where to find this type of option. The options available from the Office button are completely different.
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Jul 25, 2014
I'm trying to pull the earliest and lasted times out of a list of time stamps. Say I have a column full of clock in and clock out times and wanted to find the first clock in time and the last clock out time (just an example). My lookup_value would be a Store number. I can't post it here due to legality reasons, but I have a column a store numbers that will be my lookup values and I need to find the earliest and lastest time in a list of data on another tab.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a hyperlink to [url] that doesn't work. When I click it I get an error saying "Unable to locate the server or proxy server". But when I cut & paste the address from the hyperlink into my browser (no chance of mistyping), it works fine.
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May 19, 2008
As said, the right click doesn't work anymore, last week it was working but it doesn't anymore. When I right-click wherever in the spreadsheet nothing happens but I know it's working because it works outside excel.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have two columns in a table; Plan and Date.
Plan Date
A 01/02/03
B 12/08/05
C 02/04/06
C 06/04/07
C 06/04/07
Now I want the third column, also a date, so that it returns the earliest date for the repeating plan type.
Plan Date New Date
A 01/02/03 01/02/03
B 12/08/05 12/08/05
C 02/04/06 02/04/06
C 06/04/07 02/04/06
C 06/04/07 02/04/06
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Mar 14, 2008
a formula to pick a first and last date from two lists of dates.
I have attached a spreadsheet to show the exact problem.
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Jan 22, 2014
See the excel sheet [URL]
I need to delete all the digits before / and also the / - in the valuta columns. But this =RIGHT(B2,LEN(B2)-6) doesnt work It says > the formula you typed contains an error
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Mar 12, 2008
What am I doing wrong here. Some times if I do a =if( ) formula it doesn't work. For example, look at the attached picture. Cell K63 should say "End of Run". But it doesn't, What gives?
Also I have had before where i do =IF(X62>$O$2,"End of Run", 0) (and $O$2 =81) and the cell when X62 is 81, not greater than. I know I can to >=, but thats not what I am doing.
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Nov 30, 2012
i got a long macro to delete all rows with contains a column with the value 'xx'. The macro works in sheet 2K, 2F and 1G. But the weird thing is it doesnt work in sheet 1K (i copied the exact same part of the macro out of the other sheets). Is it possible that there are to many rows in the sheet (sheet 1K has 24.000 rows, 50% or more will be deleted with the macro. The error says bug in the line: If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.EntireRow.Delete It stops showing all the rows wich should be deleted.
Sub GrondeigenarenVerwijderen()
Application.Goto ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("2K").Cells(1, 1)
Dim DeleteValue As String
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Jul 27, 2013
im trying to use below formula using SUM and two IF conditions and 1 left formula
Cond 1
Cond 2
the following formula works to capture the sum of combination 22 and m9:
however, in my original table, the 22, 23 etc are values with 6 numbers as shown below
Cond 1
Cond 2
following formula didnt work;
why the secund formula didnt capture anything when i added left to the first one.
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Dec 25, 2013
I have below macro for Sheet2 and i have created a button on Sheet1.now whenever i press this button the macro will run and save Sheet2 as PDF file.
The problem is when i hide Sheet2 the macro doesnt work and it gives an error " Invalid procedure call or argument.
how to make this macro run even when the sheets are hidden ?
Sub PDF_Table()
'Sheet2.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$a$1:$x$140" '*****
'*** can remove the above line if sheet areas are already set and will not be altered
With Sheet2.PageSetup
.CenterHorizontally = True
.CenterVertically = True
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.Zoom = 60
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Jun 12, 2014
I can't get this to work. What am I doing wrong? I keep getting a #VALUE! error.
I want to sum the NUMBERS in golumn G if the DATE in column L matches the DATE in cell F37 AND if the TEXT value in column B is equal to the TEXT value in cell G36.
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Jun 26, 2008
The answer is probably "because I'm stupid", but I really can't get my head around it! I'm playing with variant arrays for the first (and possibly last) time,
The code I have is:
Sub test()
Dim vSheetColours As Variant
Dim iCounter As Integer
vSheetColours = Range("Colours").Interior.ColorIndex
For iCounter = 1 To UBound(vSheetColours, 1)
MsgBox vSheetColours(iCounter, 1)
Next iCounter
End Sub
(Obviously this code doesn't do anything useful - but if I could get it to work, I might have a chance of making my real code work!)
Colours is a range of 8 cells. Each one has some text in, and has a different background colour. I'm trying to store the colours.
If I run this code, I get a runtime error 13 type mismatch, and it highlights
For iCounter = 1 To UBound(vSheetColours, 1)
But if I replace
vSheetColours = Range("Colours").Interior.ColorIndex
vSheetColours = Range("Colours").Value
it works fine.
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Dec 4, 2008
This might be extremely easy, but why my Excel (nor Word for that matter) doesn't go to full screen anymore? I'm pretty sure that I haven't used any options, I do have a new graphics card, but all the other applications goes to full screen. I have restarted my computer. Basically I think that it's either some option, or then reinstalling Office.
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May 5, 2009
I have a programme which works fine on my computer at home but when I send it via email to work the 'sort' function messes up (there is a chance it could be the 'vlookup' function, though) and all the cells in the sort range lose their formula reference - which is of course a tad annoying.
The part of the programme I'm having difficulty with is this:
Range("SsNo1").Resize(d, f).Offset(a, 0).Select
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("FRSet1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlGuess _
, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
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Feb 14, 2014
remove duplicate.PNG
is there a way to remove the duplicates in column ICAP ID... but only remove the icap id that has the earliest completed date(completion_dt).
I attached an example excell...
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Apr 11, 2009
i have 6 columns representing people B6:B500 C D E F G all the same in each row a date as worked will be entered for each person say from b6 to g6 2,6,1,3,5,4
in A1 i want to show the earliest date worked which is 1 then say 7 is entered into d7 i need A1 to show 2 as the next earliest and the same to happen as each date is entered i am using 2007 at work and 2003 at home.
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Apr 2, 2012
I'm working through a large database on sheet 1 that has multiple transactions for each person, what i am trying to do is find the earliest date and the first amount that each person deposited money. The findings will go into a table on sheet 2
This is a dummy data of what i have: Sheet 1 - database....
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Apr 5, 2013
I'm trying to find a formula that will return the earliest date in a cell looking at the six columns to the left of the earliest date column.
See below for example.
Employee Date1 Date2 Date3 Date4 Date5 Date6 EARLIEST DATE
Long Johns 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2010 7/1/2012 7/1/2010
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a column of dates listed at the bottom of this post. I am looking to have a formula in a cell that gives me the earliest date from the column. I have tried Min() and Small() with no success. Is it perhaps the "AM" and "PM" that is throwing things off? A small example of the data:
11/21/2008 AM11/09/2008 AM11/09/2008 PM11/09/2008 PM11/10/2008 PM11/11/2008 AM11/11/2008 AM
and it should return 11/09/2008. Thanks in advance any and all.
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Jun 1, 2007
What I understand is that balls are drawn in each dated lotto draw and the numbers of the balls thus drawn are entered into a spreadsheet against the actual date of the drawing - and so forth and so forth for each successive drawing.
Here is my version of the question:
If I want to look up the LAST date that a specific ball was drawn, the array formula that daddylonglegs provided works 100%, but when I replace the MAX in that formula with MIN (to get the earliest date??), it ALWAYS responds with 00/01/1900 with the cell formatted as a date, or simply 0 if it is formatted as a number.
I made sure that the ranges did not include empty cells and still it gives me that answer.
I attach the same workbook with daddylonglegs' formula in column D and my "tries" in column F.
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Feb 3, 2014
Why doesn't Cancel (Escape key) work while Sleep API (kernel32.dll) is running?
I was looking at making a minor change to a solved thread (see [URL] ....)
I would like the user to be able to exit the form by pressing Escape. I altered the start and end of the sub to below but it didn't work:
[Code] .....
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Apr 18, 2009
I always used Office 2003 .. I just installed Office 2007 to try it out. But everything doesn't work in Excel 2007, which does work in Excel 2003.
I added an example of the list, but here are the codes:
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