Next And Previous Navigation Buttons?

Apr 4, 2012

I would like to have a "PREVIOUS" navigation button in a workbook that goes back to the previously activated worksheet, which may or may not be physically the previous worksheet in the workbook. In other words, if I go from Sheet #1, to Sheet #3, to Sheet #5, I'd like to return to Sheet #3 from Sheet #5 (rather then navigating back to Sheet #4).

"Open VB editor and double click 'Thisworkbook' and paste this code in on the right:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetDeactivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
lastsheet = Sh.Name
End Sub

Then right click 'ThisWorkbook' and insert module and paste this code in

Public lastsheet As String
Sub Select_Last()
End Sub

Whenever a user changes sheets, the name of the last sheet is now held in the variable 'Lastsheet' so if you assign a shortcut or button to the code then the last used sheet will be selected."

My problem is that when I want to assign the macro, I can't find macro name that looks anything like the above in the drop down list of Macro Names. how to assign the macro to a button?

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Sheet Navigation With Buttons

Aug 30, 2006

I'm going to be creating a workbook that contains a worksheet for each year. Within each worksheet, I will have a calendar format that contains a range for each month of the year (multiple columns and multiple rows). Is it possible to name areas based on month and then create a button or drop down list at the top that would allow users to select the month and the view would go to that area within the calendar?

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Find Last Previous Non Blank Value And Summarize Previous 6 Months?

Dec 10, 2012

see attached file. Need to find latest non blank value - in attached file it is highlighted in yellow. From there, want to summarise 26 weeks back so, in the attached file:

Row 2 would be finding 750 and summarised back 26 weeks from 30 sep 2012
Row 3 would be finding 2250 and summarised back 26 weeks from 2 dec 2012
Row 4 would be finding 5000 and summarised back 26 weeks from 4 nov 2012

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Multiple Macro Buttons (radio Buttons)?

Feb 10, 2012

I am trying to create a worksheet that has multiple radio buttons. Each radio button is linked to a Macro. I need there to be many buttons running down one side of the worksheet. Each button needs to perform a macro that is relevant to the cells in the same row that it is on.

Essentially what i am trying to do is make a macro that when the button is pressed copys data from H6 and paste it into B6. The button is situated above I6. I need a button for each row from 6 to 110.

While this macro is easy to create (i use the record button and then assign the macro to the button), i would have to do this 104 times and assign a new macro to each button.

Is there a quicker way?

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Change The Color Of Buttons Or Command Buttons

Mar 14, 2007

Is it possible to change the color of buttons or command buttons? There does not seem to be any place that allows this under properties for buttons, although there does for command bars. However, I've tried recording a macro as I change the color, but nothing get's recorded so I'm not sure what the syntax would be.

I have a spreadsheet with several buttons and I'd like them to change colors as they are pressed so it's possible to see what you've already done. And then, as soon as any other cell on the sheet is changed, the buttons reset color.

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How To Make Navigation GUI

Jan 23, 2014

I am created Financial Worksheets. . . ex. Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows, Notes, Forecasted Sales Etc. and I want to make a GUI in-order to navigate easily. I already included Hyper Links to it for some detailed annexes.

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Internet Navigation

Jun 16, 2006

I am trying to edit the Copy menus so that they only paste values. I have the following code in the workbook object:

Private Sub Workbook_WindowActivate(ByVal Wn As Excel.Window)
Application. CommandBars("Edit").Controls.Item("Paste").OnAction = "New_paste"
Application.CommandBars(" Cell").Controls.Item("Paste").OnAction = "New_paste"
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_WindowDeactivate(ByVal Wn As Excel.Window)
End Sub

and this code in a module:.........

The module code is however bringing up an error message 'User-defined not defined' and I am not sure why.

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Form: Textbox Navigation

Jul 4, 2009

I have a form set up with excel (2003) using vba. I'm doing a check to see if textbox1 is empty, if it is, a msgbox pops up with a warning that "textbox1 needs to be filled out". I click OK and the cursor goes to textbox2. I want the cursor to return to texbox1 without user intervention but can't figure out how. I'm using "Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)".
I know it can be done because I did it with vba Access, but I can't seem to find it using vba Excel.

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Floating Navigation Window

Sep 9, 2009

I want to create a floating window in excel that can contain a series of macro buttons (12 total)

I'd like to see if this window can be opened with a hyperlink or a single macro button on a spread sheet.

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Navigation Via Combo Boxes

Aug 23, 2005

I am trying to use the combo box feature to navigate between sheets. In other words, I have a dropdown menu at the top of each sheet ("Main Menu," "Goals," etc.) and am trying to work out a macro that directs the user to whichever sheet is selected. Is this possible?

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Drop Down Navigation Query

Jul 29, 2008

What i want to do is create a drop down list in excel on a single sheet to navigate to a certain row of the worksheet.

I thought i coudl use data validation then use some code in a worksheet change event to skip to that section like this:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$D$1" Then
Select Case Target.Value
Case "Test1"
Case "Test2"
End Select
End If
End Sub

Problem is it wasnt exactly what i was looking for as i cant use an array in data validation so what i thought was a good idea was a bad one.

what i would like is a drop down list that when i select a heading within it, it naviagtes me to that row where my heading is but also makes that row the row scroll up so it is at the top of the page....Hope this makes sense.

my row numbers are 4, 13, 19, 28, 37, 43, 52 62, 65 and 75.

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Preventing Navigation To Another Worksheet

Jul 9, 2006

i would like the other tabs to be still visible to the user (so not hidden), but they should not be able to go to those sheets. (clicking on their name should so nothing)

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Navigation Of 2 Reports On One Worksheet

May 13, 2007

I have 2 reports on one worksheet. I have put a button at the top of each report to navigate back and forth. One report is located at a1:S27 - it shows up fine. The issue is the other report located at BA1:BT52. No matter where I assign a name to it the report doesn't come up full page with cell BA1 at the top left hand corner.

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Navigation Of Dynamic Table

Jul 24, 2007

I have a large table where rows are added by copying either the top row or the bottom row and adding it to the bottom of the table. Below is the coding I was hoping to use to jump from cell to cell within the rows using a hotkey assigned to the macro.

Is it possible to apply the following code in a way that copies the same hotkey targets from row to row?

In other words, a row copied from row 1 to row 2 would still have functioning targets of A2, D2, L2 and Q2.

Select Case ActiveCell.Address

Case Is = [A1].Address: [D1].Select
Case Is = [D1].Address: [L1].Select
Case Is = [L1].Address: [Q1].Select

Case Else: [A1].Select

End Select

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Custom Navigation Using Cursor Keys

Jun 13, 2008

Attached is a protected sheet. The yellow cells are unprotected. When the use is on the cell L3, and the right arrow is clicked I want it to jump to M6 and vice verser, in other words, navigate in order from left to right. Is it possiblwe to do this?

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Easy Navigation Of Multiple Sheets

Oct 2, 2007

I have a workbook with over 100 worksheets (all worksheet tabs are named). Since the tabs are not sorted in a numerical order (they are grouped by departments hence the numerical tab order does not apply), can I search for a particular worksheet tab using a search function? The CTRL F function doesnt allow searching for worksheet tabs. At the moment, I have to go through the tab names in order to find one particular tab.

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Drop Down List For Sheet Navigation

May 1, 2008

Split off from
Dependent/Linked Drop Downs In Cells

Originally Posted by Dave Hawley
Try it now. You hadn't named the cells that the Validation lists are Dependant on. Not bad for a "moron", hey?

Things get pretty stressed around here, especially when your commander depends on you as much as mine, and just between the two of us, it is twice as hard when your commander is younger than you. Let me try it real quick. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Ok, that works great, now I have to go back and add all the real units and soldiers. Fun, fun, fun. BTW, you wouldn't happen to know how to add a first worksheet that would have buttons to take you to the different sections? I know how to do the hyperlinks, but I think I read something on here about comboboxes?? If I need to post this somewhere else, then just push me in the right direction. I am use to pushing in the Army, it's our life!!

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Navigation Through Spreadsheet Using Shortcuts - Not Range Names

Sep 10, 2009

I currently have a navigation menu with 9 options however these options are based on Range names that I have set up.

The concern is that if someone deletes the cell that contains the range name, obviously that option in the navigation won't work, nor would you want it to.

However if someone re-enters a cell that you would want linked up with the navigation there's a lot more action involved.

What i'm looking for is a macro that can be used through a button, Idealy i'd like the macro to search through column "B" and look for key labels (ex: "Ground Floor", "1st Floor" "2nd Floor" etc.) and have each button set up for it's respective search data (ex. Ground button searches only "Ground Floor")

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Excel 2010 :: Using Macros As Navigation Tool?

Feb 3, 2013

I have a 'dashboard' worksheet in 2010 and want to be able to click on a cell in this sheet and have it take me to the assigned worksheet. They are all in the same workbook. e.g if i click on Leadership i want it to take me to the Leadership tab, Skills to take me to the Skills tab etc The 'dashboard' will be the only viewable sheet in the workbook until one of the items on the page has been clicked.

I have a very basic understanding of macros and I'm not sure if this would work or if i should use a formula instead?

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Create Sheet/Worksheet Navigation Menu

Sep 28, 2006

Im building a Menu list for my customers. I want to do it in XL sheet format. Can i know how to create tabs (like hand should apprear,when cursor come to the tab and should be like button, where we can name it) in the main sheet?. I have lot of innovative Ideas to come with beautiful menu file i need your assistance further to build my menu list.

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Easy Navigation To Specific Ranges Or Areas

Jul 1, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that lists values for different grid lines. On top of each set of data, I have labels each line "Line A", etc. I want to put in possibly a pull down menu at the top of the sheet that the user could use to jump to whichever line they were interested in viewing. For example, if the user needs data from Line L, they could select Line L from the drop down menu and the spreadsheet would jump down to that area.

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Navigation Keys Quit Working After Workshee Change Macro

Mar 25, 2004

why my keyboard navigation keys (Tab and arrow keys) quit working after the code below executes? Other keyboard keys like alpha or numeric characters and Enter work but I can't move to another cell without clicking it. Selecting another ws, then returning to the "Master" ws fixes the problem. I tried activating Master near the end of the code but that didn't help. Master is not a protected sheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column 7 Or Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
Dim NextRow As Long, MySheet As Worksheet
Set MySheet = Sheets(Target.Value)
NextRow = MySheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
With MySheet
.Unprotect "1234"
Range(Cells(Target.Row, 1), Cells(Target.Row, 6)).Copy .Cells(NextRow, 1)
With .Cells(NextRow, 7).......................................................

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Create A User Friendly Sheet Index For Worksheet Navigation

Nov 21, 2009

Want to go to a particular sheet in the same workbook by selecting the sheet name from a list in sheet 2 and clicking a command button. Sheet 2 has a list of all sheets in the workbook and sheet names are in two cells in column A & B (e.g. tdm-216). User to select two cells which are the desired sheet name (all sheet names are unique) and then click macro to jump to that sheet in the workbook. There will be over 100 sheets in the workbook.

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UserForm Navigation Bar Control Error "1004"

Feb 18, 2008

I am having some difficulty with user form navigation bar - when scrolling to the end of the data it works just fine. When scrolling towards the beginning of the data it breaks with a "Runtime 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error".
The reason may be that the beginning of the data is not correctly defined. The data has a header row. Code that I think is relevant to the navigation bar follows:

Private Sub Navigator_Change()
'When Scrollbar value changes, save current record and load
'record number corresponding to scroll bar value
'Call SaveRecord
Set RangeData = Range("CONTACT").Rows(Navigator.Value)
Call LoadRecord
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Load 1st record in CUSTOMER and initialize scroll bar
With Range("CONTACT")
Set RangeData = .Rows(2)
Call LoadRecord
Navigator.Value = 2
Navigator.Max = .Rows.Count
End With
End Sub...........................

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Menu Bar/Navigation :: Tool That Creates A Menu Bar Or Code?

Oct 20, 2009

I have a workbook with multiple sheets. Is there a tool that creates a menu bar or code that I can add that would support navigation?

My goal is to have something with approximately 4 options (buttons?). They would link to 4 different sheets that serve as indexes within the workbook.

I know I can add a control like a button to a given sheet that would take the user to given sheet when clicked, but can I make the button 'float' above all the sheets, or add to a menu bar, or something? I just don't want to have to add the button to every sheet in the workbook.

I am looking for something simple/easy, and am not looking for anybody to do the work. I just have no idea on how to approach the problem.

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Previous Value In VBA

Dec 7, 2006

i use a worksheet.change() sub in the vba of the worksheet itself, not a new module.

I want to check that when a certain value is deleted, the user really wants to do this (and attach a routine to this to delete the entire row, shift etc). so far piece of cake, but where the .... can i find the previous value of the cell in case the user decides he made a mistake. the standard VBA sub creates a target as range, but there doesn't seem to be a target.value.previous, or something to that effect, or for that matter something like a worksheet.beforechange() sub

how to find and restore a value which has been deleted in excel in the worksheet using VBA?

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UDF Return Previous Value

Mar 4, 2009

is there a way for a udf to return the cell's original value instead of an error.

ie. the UDF in the cell returned a value from a database. now if i move the database and reopen this sheet, excel will try to recalculate and if it doesn't find the database it will return an error. instead of that i just want excel to return whatever was in the cell, before it had to be recalculated.

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Last Day Of Previous Month

Apr 24, 2007

I have an excel document which I am trying to automate using VBA. I have two headings which have the same text every month but the month value must change.

Basically I’m looking for the last day of the previous month. So if it was 05th April 2007 I want to return 28 March 2007. I just need to obtain the last day of the previous month in the following format ’28 March 2007’.

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Pasting To Previous Row

May 15, 2007

I need to paste Entire row in one sheet( Sheet1) to the previous row in other sheet(Sheet2) ex: If i copy 3rd row from one sheet(sheet1) than it must be copied to 2nd row in other sheet(sheet2)

Sub try()
End Sub

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Looking Up Data From A Previous Workbook?

Apr 23, 2014

I have built a compiled a workbook which figures out the daily business in my club, Staff Rota, business done, wage slips, and everything else I need. Well, everything except the stock element.

I need the current week to look up the previous weeks stock levels on each item, when the previous weeks workbook changes it's name every week. At present I name the sheets by the week ending date, i.e. 12-04-14.

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