Open, Update And Close Multiple Workbooks

Sep 5, 2007

I have 30 workbooks closed and i want update a cell (f.e. b4) in all the workbooks.
Need code to open the files, update the data in that cell and close the workbook.

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Automatically Open, Copy, And Close Multiple Workbooks

Jul 26, 2006

I have 77 excel workbooks that are created each week, they are all in the same directory. I have to open each one and copy the data into a single workbook. The file names change slightly each week.

example: DIST_91124_GROWTH_PRODUCT XXX _07072006.xls The 07072006 is the week ending date and will change. Each of the 77 files has a different DIST_number.

Is there a way to automate this process, it takes me about 4 hours to do it manually.

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Close All Open Workbooks Except......

Feb 25, 2008

I made an Excel based program that uses multiple workbooks with two main workbooks (“Master List” and “Products”) that all the others pull information from. I run into a problem when a user clicks the close X in the upper right hand corner and the entire application closes. I found some code that will let me close all the workbooks but one (the code is put in the “Products” workbook in the BeforeClose event).

For Each wb In Workbooks
If Not wb Is ThisWorkbook Then
wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
Next wb

Is there a way to modify the code so it will close all the workbooks but the two main ones if someone clicks the close X button in the upper right hand corner?

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Dynamic Open/Close Of Workbooks Crashes

Dec 15, 2009

I'm working on developing a stock option trading system in Excel using a live data feed and VBA. It tends to crash after running flawlessly for a half hour to 2 hours. It seems to crash when loading a support workbook, so I was hoping you could take a peek at my code and see if there's a problem with the way I'm dynamically opening/closing workbooks.

In order to cope with limitations in the amount of live data that I'm accessing (through DDE with Reuters Station), I've split up the data I need into about 600 workbooks, which open when they're needed or close when they're not (through VBA). At any given time, about 35-40 of these workbooks are open.

The main workbook that uses all this live data and support workbooks is set to have the application recalculate every 5 seconds (automatic recalc crashes the program almost immediately). After that refresh, it calls other subroutines, including opening/closing these support workbooks:

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VBA To Open External Workbooks With Variable Filenames And Close

Nov 29, 2013

I'm trying to create a VBA macro which will open external workbooks in a specific folder. thes workbooks will have filenames which are identical to the value in cell B1 of my active workbook. Once open, I would use indirect to pull certain results from that external workbook and then close it. I have a separate macro already which runs through the list. I found a few examples online but they don't seem to work.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Save And Close All Open Workbooks Except Macro Workbook?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a macro that opens all workbooks from one directory and runs a macro for each workbook to clean up the data. I cannot figure out how to take all those open workbooks and save them to another directory and close the workbook. Also, I do not want the macro workbook (xlsm) to save. I only want it to close. I am working in 2007 Excel.

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Close Multiple Workbooks

Feb 16, 2007

How can I close the currentmonthend AND previousmonthend workbooks in the following code, but leave workbook "MoEnd Compare" open? I'd like to do some additional comparisons with the "MoEnd Compare" file. I tried the code below to close those two workbooks, but it is not working.

Sub check_month_end()
Dim currentmonthend
Dim previousmonthend
Dim project_current
Dim ptcurrent
Dim yearcurrent
Dim project_previous
Dim ptprevious
Dim yearprevious
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim l As Integer
MsgBox "This will check project type and year on current and last period month end report."
currentmonthend = Application. GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls", , "Select CURRENT Month End Report?")
previousmonthend = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls", , "Select PREVIOUS Month End Report?").......................

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Update Formula Needed For Multiple Workbooks

Feb 5, 2012

I'm in need of some VBA code to control the updating of information from 16 active workbooks to a master workbook and vise versa. I would like it on command as it slows down the use of the workbooks when they calculate after every change of data as they are being used. These workbooks are connected over a company intranet and are used 24/7.

The desire is that cells in the master workbook will read specific cells on each of the other workbooks and complete a "map display" of the data. The data is not in a column or row range side by side but scattered across the sheet to form a map when data is entered.

I've tried using code to open and close the workbook with on time events but that hasn't worked.

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Open Multiple Workbooks And Insert Row

Nov 16, 2006

I need have a folder with subfolders.

I need a macro to go into each subfolder: Open each excel workbook (which will usually contain one sheet), and insert a blank new row at the top of each sheet (without overriding existing row), filling it with headings like January, Feb....December.

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Active Multiple Open Workbooks

Jul 18, 2007

I want to use a for command, but not include all the i's between two numbers. The reason is I want it to activate open workbooks that have similar names, like '110000 2007.xls', '120000 2007.xls', '130000 2007.xls', '150000 2007.xls' and so on.

I want my code to look something like this:

For i = 11, 12, 13, 15
Windows(10 * i & "000 2007.xls").Activate
'do stuff
Next i

Is there a way I can do this? Or use another command?

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Open Multiple Protected Workbooks One Time

Dec 23, 2011

I'm looking for some way to open multiple protected workbooks in one time, these workbooks has been protected , but all with the same password. usually, when i open one workbook, open ,enter password, but there are so many of them that i want to open all these workbooks in the same time, the problem is each workbook showed a enter-password box, it so inefficient, i want all these protected workbooks show only one enter-password box.

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Open Multiple Workbooks & Copy Sheets

Jul 17, 2007

I have a created a main workbook with a macro that opens workbooks on a particular sheet from a list of workbook paths and filenames in the main workbook. The macro are suppose to copy the sheet and paste it into a sheet with a new name that I have defined from the list in the main workbook. I can get the macro to open the workbooks and close them. But I can't get the macro to copy the sheet into the main workbook.

I have attached the code and the workbook. I used slet_ark to delete previous sheet and hentark and henttekstfil to open the different workbooks.

The code I use are:

Public Sub Slet_ark()
Dim ark() As Variant
Dim Counter As Long
Dim FirstSheet As Long
Dim LastSheet As Long

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Open Multiple Workbooks With Variable Names

Aug 17, 2007

I have data spanning many files which are named with the date on which they were created (so there are 31 files for August).
For example:
PL080107, PL080207, PL080307, PL080407...)

I'm trying to compile all of my data into one workbook, and have the macro to append each file to a list. Now I need the macro to either OPEN each file, or ACTIVATE each file so that the rest of the Macro can grab the necessary data.

I say Open or Activate, because I can MANUALLY Open a full month's worth of files if it's easier code. If not, I would like it to open and close each workbook on its own.

I have over 7 month's worth, so opening 31 files 7 times is better than opening over 200 files individually!

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Macro To Open Workbooks Of Multiple Specific Names?

May 2, 2014

I currently have a piece of code that opens all of the files in a folder that are called "*agent*", opens them and copies information. Now, these files come with numbers at the beginning which, are always the same. I only want to open certain files that begin with, for example, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805 and 806. How would I write this into my code? As you can see from the below code, it now looks for the files that all have "agent" in the name, but this is opening files that have that name but are not the right ones. Here is my current macro...

[Code] ....

I hope this isnt as simple as putting "MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "*801*", "*802*")" etc.

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Multiple Instances (VBA To Open 3 Workbooks In Their Own Session/instance)

Feb 2, 2010

I'd like to use VBA to open 3 workbooks in their own session/instance/etc of Excel 2007. Ideally, there will be one main workbook, that upon opening will subsequently open the other 3 workbooks.

Also, when I open that first main workbook, I will obviously have to enable macros to get any code to run. Is there a way to carry this enabling of macros over to the other sessions to avoid having to enable macros in all 3 other workbooks? (Changing my security settings isn't an option)

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Open Multiple Workbooks Based On Cell Values And Copy And Paste Information?

Apr 22, 2014

I tried all failed.We have about 160 different workbooks (one for each business unit) stored online. Staff enters information about their weekly revenue and expenses and here at head office I collect that information and consolidate them.What I am trying to do is that;1.) Create a master Workbook with ~160 worksheets (One worksheet for each unit) named exactly the same with other workbooks2.) And macro can pull the information from related files stored in a certain folderIt is very much like another members problem but I am not sure why I cant get that code working for me? [URL]

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Close Workbooks And Move In And Out Of Workbooks In VBA

Dec 27, 2009

Basically the main workbook opens 2 files at a time performs a calculate in the main workbook and then copies and pastes information in 3 ranges. Then closes the two open workbooks and loops and performs same operations until it hits the maximum loops. My macro is as follows and I have 3 question in capital letters.

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Update Time And Date When I Update Data Not When I Open A File

Sep 5, 2008

I have used the function = now() to have the most updated time but it updates a workbook when I open it in the first place. How I can avoid this?

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Close All Workbooks In Other Folder

Dec 22, 2009

I have several workbooks in a make your day folder categorized under several sub folders. Each workbook has a macro that calls the following macro:

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Close Workbooks In Other Instances

Feb 5, 2010

I have one main workbook that, when opened, opens three other workbooks each in its own instance of Excel. I'd like to know how to close all three of these upon closing this main workbook.

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Close All Workbooks Except For The Main Workbook

Jan 5, 2009

Is there anyway to change the following code so that it will save and close all workbooks except the one that has this code?

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VBA Code To Close Inactive Workbooks

Sep 7, 2009

I tried to use Workbooks("Inactivebookname.xlsm").Close False
and many variations thereof, but I simply cannot close this workbook when currently another workbook is active.

I have no problem in closing an active workbook with

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Suppress Open Events When Using Workbooks.Open

Dec 3, 2008

I have built a sub that prompts the user for a folder then opens every workbook in the folder 1 at a time to get stats on the contents of each workbook. Worked like a dam until I ran into an unexpected bug. Some of the users built on open events in their workbooks. ...

Right now my routine inventories workbooks to get formula counts, cell counts, most complex formula, highest value... it does this by looping throught the sheets and the cells. If there is a way of obtaining those stats without opening the workbook I may need to rethink a lot of my work.

way to suppress the code in the target workbook I open through

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Close Workbooks (with Variable Names) Without Saving

Mar 7, 2014

I have completed a long macro, and at the end of the macro I want to close a few workbooks automatically without saving. These workbooks have been assigned variable names.

Is there a command line I can use, that will not prompt the user to save?


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Workbooks.Close Function Stops Code

Feb 16, 2009

We're using XP Pro using Excel 07

The background is there are about 40 people who use a Excel based program that contains a pivot and a bunch of other tools that they use on a regular basis, this set of tools has a version number. In this excel workbook, it has a function that looks on the network drive that we have and checks the local version vs the version on our network drive, if its wrong, then the user gets a popup stating your tools are out of date, would you like to update, then they click yes and I have these lines of code

Public Function GetNewTools()
Dim MyFullName As String

'Turn off alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Open the new version of tools
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"Network DriveUpdate.xlsm"

End Function

The update file has this code that executes on fileopen in the thisworkbook section by calling the following sub

The main issue we're running into is near the very end, the code never makes it to "TEST 2". After the first workbooks close, the code just stops running. No crashes, errors, freezes, anything. It just stops running and never makes it to the second msg box.

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Close Workbooks Saved As Elements In An Array

Feb 3, 2010

I have an array of data type Variant, who's elements are workbooks opened by a user.

The array size is static, which for now isn't a concern but I can't work out how to close the workbooks in the array via a loop and the usual vba code of Workbooks("file").Close

Code I have that doesn't work is:

Sub Close_Workbooks_In_An_Array ()

Dim dFile (1 to 6) As Variant
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

' // Some code to open files, set each dFile(i) as a file and then process
' // them. Max value for i is 6

j = 1
For j = 1 To i
MsgBox ("Closing: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & dFile(j))
Next j

End Sub

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Before Close Code Errors When Closing From Other Workbooks

Nov 21, 2006

I have a workbook which includes a simple set of options on closing such as selecting the front sheet, restoring scrollbars and saving the workbook. To avoid problems with subscripts out of range I am using the ThisWorkbook statement to close the workbook.

This works fine and causes the workbook to close when close is clicked on any excel window. The problem is that excel falls over when it tries to resume closing the other workbooks. I am given (ironically) an error saying "excel has encountered a problem and needs to close". Does anyone know how to work around this?

My code is below:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Call Toolbars9(True)
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True
End With

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Open Close VBA

Apr 14, 2008

Can I take

Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls")
and do something like this?

Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls") Not _
Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls")

I have a userform that I would like with a click of a button to open the workbook and then click the same button to close the workbook after it has been viewed.

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File Is Getting Close When Open It

Jan 16, 2009

When i open excel it give an error and it close. My computer up to date about office upgrades. And i try to repair my office but it doesnt solve my problem.

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Vba To Open And Close The File?

Jun 3, 2014

Below is the code to open a csv file and paste it in the workbook "ResultFile". When i click on a button, a csv file will open to copy the values and paste it in "Resultfile". Now, i want to close the csv or excel file to be closed once copying has done.

where to put the close file.

[Code] ....

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