Open Multiple Workbooks & Copy Sheets
Jul 17, 2007
I have a created a main workbook with a macro that opens workbooks on a particular sheet from a list of workbook paths and filenames in the main workbook. The macro are suppose to copy the sheet and paste it into a sheet with a new name that I have defined from the list in the main workbook. I can get the macro to open the workbooks and close them. But I can't get the macro to copy the sheet into the main workbook.
I have attached the code and the workbook. I used slet_ark to delete previous sheet and hentark and henttekstfil to open the different workbooks.
The code I use are:
Public Sub Slet_ark()
Dim ark() As Variant
Dim Counter As Long
Dim FirstSheet As Long
Dim LastSheet As Long
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Jul 26, 2006
I have 77 excel workbooks that are created each week, they are all in the same directory. I have to open each one and copy the data into a single workbook. The file names change slightly each week.
example: DIST_91124_GROWTH_PRODUCT XXX _07072006.xls The 07072006 is the week ending date and will change. Each of the 77 files has a different DIST_number.
Is there a way to automate this process, it takes me about 4 hours to do it manually.
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Apr 22, 2014
I tried all failed.We have about 160 different workbooks (one for each business unit) stored online. Staff enters information about their weekly revenue and expenses and here at head office I collect that information and consolidate them.What I am trying to do is that;1.) Create a master Workbook with ~160 worksheets (One worksheet for each unit) named exactly the same with other workbooks2.) And macro can pull the information from related files stored in a certain folderIt is very much like another members problem but I am not sure why I cant get that code working for me? [URL]
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Oct 7, 2009
this may or may not be easy for some of you but its driving me nuts. Here's what I need to do.
1.Create a new workbook
2.Cycle through multiple workbooks and all worksheets within each workbook (all in the same folder). All workbooks will have the same structure.
3.Take the worksheet names and put them in rows
4.Take the data from the first column (column A) from the first worksheet of the first workbook and put them across the top (i.e. transpose the data). The first column will be the same in all workbooks so it doesn't matter where I get it from.
5.Copy the data from column E from each worksheet and paste them in rows in the new workbook (again transpose) corresponding to each worksheet.
6. Perform simple mathematical calculations at the end of each row.
I expect to have approximately 26 workbooks with a total of 7000 worksheets. In the target workbook (i.e. the new one), I expect there to be 7000 rows (corresponding to the 7000 worksheets) and about 260 columns.
The only reason I need to transpose stuff is because Excel 2007 doesn't have 7000 columns.
Here's an example of what it would look like.
Example worksheet (Input)-
Worksheet ABC
Col A Col E
1/1/2004 $25
1/8/2004 $30
1/15/2004 $15
Imagine another worksheet called LMN with the same ColA but different values in Col E.
Output workbook
ColA Columns B Column C Column D
Sheet 1/1/2004 1/8/ 2004 1/15/2004
ABC $25 $30 $15
LMN $xxx $yyy $zzz
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Mar 6, 2008
I need to develop a VBA that counts all worksheets named sheet1 within all open workbooks in addition to many other useless tasks. I have spent many hours trying to figure out how to do that. My guess is to use some sort of with statement, but my efforts have been unsuccessful.
Sub CountWKS()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim msg As String
Dim myTotal As Long
For Each wb In Workbooks
msg = msg & vbLf & wb.Name & vbTab & wb.Sheets.Count
myTotal = myTotal + wb.Sheets.Count
MsgBox "The number of worksheets in each workbook is " & msg & vbLf & Workbooks.Count & " open workbooks and " & myTotal & " total sheets"
End Sub
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Mar 22, 2013
How do I continuously loop various sheets in different workbooks pausing then for 5 seconds on each sheet (not all sheets in each workbook).
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Aug 29, 2008
I would like to use VBA to search a folder and copy data from tabs within the excel files there. The data will be pasted to a tab of same name in the the main file. All the files are in the same format.
So far I have only managed to list the files in the folder using code I found on your site!
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May 14, 2008
I have several ranges (i.e. c11:c22, and d11:d22, etc) in an excel spreadsheet that, when the command button is selected, will copy these values into another already established workbook ("aggregator.xls").
Thus, the command button would have to pick each of these ranges and copy them into the aggregator workbook, (i.e. c11:c22 in the first workbook would be copied into b3:b14 in the aggregator workbook; d11:d22 would be copied into b18:b29 in the aggregator workbook, etc.)
In addition, I need it set up so that when the command button is selected to copy this data, that it will look in the aggregator workbook for the next available column for the section that the data will be copied to so that it doesn't write over the previous data.
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Nov 16, 2006
I need have a folder with subfolders.
I need a macro to go into each subfolder: Open each excel workbook (which will usually contain one sheet), and insert a blank new row at the top of each sheet (without overriding existing row), filling it with headings like January, Feb....December.
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Jul 18, 2007
I want to use a for command, but not include all the i's between two numbers. The reason is I want it to activate open workbooks that have similar names, like '110000 2007.xls', '120000 2007.xls', '130000 2007.xls', '150000 2007.xls' and so on.
I want my code to look something like this:
For i = 11, 12, 13, 15
Windows(10 * i & "000 2007.xls").Activate
'do stuff
Next i
Is there a way I can do this? Or use another command?
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May 11, 2012
I'm trying to do something which I believe is simple but my lack of VBA knowledge is getting in the way. How do I open 2 workbooks then copy a sheet from 1 workbook to another?
I can get the workbooks open just can't copy the sheet across? I get a run time error 9, subscript out of range message on copy sheets code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'locate file via range and open the document'
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Feb 12, 2009
I'm just starting out on my journey into VBA and this forum has been a valuable resource for picking up hints and tricks
I've decided to cut some corners and ask for help for the final piece of my current jigsaw - effectively this comes in two bits.
Part one:
I want to copy a sheet from two open workbooks and paste them into my active wookbook. Both source workbooks only have one sheet. I want a dialogue box to select the desired workbook, select and copy all data and then paste to a specified sheet (replacing the current data) in the destination workbook. I then want to select the other source workbook from the dialogue box and copy all data to a separate sheet in the destination workbook. I would like the dialogue box to have two options - Ok to select, copy and paste data, Cancel to end the macro.
Part two:
I want to copy a sheet from my source workbook and paste it as a separate sheet in a new workbook (a one page workbook would be ideal). I then want to save the new workbook in a specified location as "Data - Date" in the format 2009 02 12.
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Sep 15, 2007
Simply trying to copy data from one worksheet to another. The source sheet is an excel file exported from an Access table. I recorded the macro using the recorder in Excel because I am no programmer, but when I try to run the code, I get this error:
"Code execution has been interrupted" ...and the Range I tried to select in the source file is highlighted by the Editor.
Is the source file protected somehow?
My ______________________________________________________________________________
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ChDir "P:Databasesdownloads"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="P:Databasesdownloadsheadersflat.xls", Origin:= _
Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
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Feb 19, 2012
I've got data being scraped from a site, putting 1 new workbook in a folder each day
each workbook has 40 sheets in it.
i need to run 5 modules in sequence on a sheet then loop to the next sheet and run the same 5 modules.
ive writen all the modules, and can loop them through the sheets in sequence but i cant work out how to loop them through the each workbook in the folder..
is there an easy way to do this or can it not be done because it would need access to the folder that holds all the wordbooks which lives outside of excel on the desktop ?
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Dec 23, 2011
I'm looking for some way to open multiple protected workbooks in one time, these workbooks has been protected , but all with the same password. usually, when i open one workbook, open ,enter password, but there are so many of them that i want to open all these workbooks in the same time, the problem is each workbook showed a enter-password box, it so inefficient, i want all these protected workbooks show only one enter-password box.
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Aug 17, 2007
I have data spanning many files which are named with the date on which they were created (so there are 31 files for August).
For example:
PL080107, PL080207, PL080307, PL080407...)
I'm trying to compile all of my data into one workbook, and have the macro to append each file to a list. Now I need the macro to either OPEN each file, or ACTIVATE each file so that the rest of the Macro can grab the necessary data.
I say Open or Activate, because I can MANUALLY Open a full month's worth of files if it's easier code. If not, I would like it to open and close each workbook on its own.
I have over 7 month's worth, so opening 31 files 7 times is better than opening over 200 files individually!
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Sep 5, 2007
I have 30 workbooks closed and i want update a cell (f.e. b4) in all the workbooks.
Need code to open the files, update the data in that cell and close the workbook.
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Jun 7, 2014
I have 3 workbooks open. 1 is my working file and I name it as "Final[date].xlsm". The other 2 files are my source files which are also open are named as source1.xlsx and source2.xlsx. Both the source files has only one tab/sheet as "Sheet1". My objective is to bring the contents of the source file to my working file in 2 different sheets. all the contents in Sheet1 of "Source1.xlsx" should be paste.values only to the "Final[date].xlsm" with a sheet name "BankDetails". This will enable the user also to replace the old data in "BankDetails" tab. The "source2.xlsx" sheet1 has a different situation. I need to copy only the cells with values, not the entire cells, because it has to be pasted (values only) to range C2:L. I have formulas in the other columns before C and after L.
Take note that my working file name is changing every based on the date while my source file has always same file name.
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Mar 16, 2008
I have about 20 workbooks with different file names for different projects all saved in the same folder. Each workbook has about 10 worksheets and each worksheet is named in a similar fashion in each of the 20 workbooks (eg. revenue, cost, variance etc.). I want to pull out a worksheet named ' forecast' from each workbook into a master workbook so that the master workbook would contain the 20 forecast worksheets.
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May 2, 2014
I currently have a piece of code that opens all of the files in a folder that are called "*agent*", opens them and copies information. Now, these files come with numbers at the beginning which, are always the same. I only want to open certain files that begin with, for example, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805 and 806. How would I write this into my code? As you can see from the below code, it now looks for the files that all have "agent" in the name, but this is opening files that have that name but are not the right ones. Here is my current macro...
[Code] ....
I hope this isnt as simple as putting "MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "*801*", "*802*")" etc.
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Feb 2, 2010
I'd like to use VBA to open 3 workbooks in their own session/instance/etc of Excel 2007. Ideally, there will be one main workbook, that upon opening will subsequently open the other 3 workbooks.
Also, when I open that first main workbook, I will obviously have to enable macros to get any code to run. Is there a way to carry this enabling of macros over to the other sessions to avoid having to enable macros in all 3 other workbooks? (Changing my security settings isn't an option)
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Jun 30, 2014
I came across the following code, which does exactly what i want. It opens up all workbooks in a specified folder, and consolidates these into one. Each worksheet data is added below that of the previous workbook.
I have changed this to suit my workbook which has the header rows starting in row 6, but is now giving an error due ot the copy area not being the same size as the past area. It appears to be copying columns A:M and trying to paste this into the main workbook in columns A:N.
[Code] .....
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Aug 29, 2007
I have same kind of file stored in a folder every day. For example an expense statement that is being pulled every day has sheet tabs Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Every day it gets stored in a particular folder. I need to consolidate for say 4 weeks. All sheet tabs look alike. I need to consolidate all mondays, all tuesday sheets ... in a master work book.
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Mar 22, 2013
I've got folder of 44 files - all copies of each other apart from the data entered in the cells - which have 7 worksheets in them all named differently (Each one is a different day of the week - this is the work of someone else that I have to work on !).
I want to copy the data in the columns A-R of each worksheet from row 2 to the last one with data in column M into a single file so that I can then then work on all that data in a single file..
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Sep 17, 2009
I have several workbooks that supervisors in a call center use to grade calls for quality.
Each supervisor has a seperate workbook, and after scoring the call, the supervisor runs a vb script that copies all of the data from the worksheet "observation" onto "sheet1" for storing the data.
So now I want to use another workbook to:
1. Copy each sheet1 from all of the supervisor workbooks onto a sheet named "cumulative" in a different workbook.
In a perfect world it would also:
2. Keep a count of how many observations were done by each supervisor each day
3. Keep a count of how many have been done week to date
4. Keep a count how many have been done total since January 1, 2009
Each workbook is kept on a network drive at s:supervisorsqadata and named - for example QAformMelissa.xls
I'm okay with keeping the master sheet in the same directory if that makes it easier to accomplish this.
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Sep 8, 2009
I am trying to do is to combine multiple sheets from multiple workbooks if in the created parameters table it has a 'y' next to it. (So you can specify which workbooks to copy from and which worksheets to copy from) - please see example file to get a better understanding.
Example file:
What I have is a parameters table which defines which workbook/worksheet to look in (please see attachment) on the 'parameters' worksheet.
I also have a 'raw data' worksheet within the same workbook where I want the combined data to go.
File a.xls/b.xls/c.xls etc
Theses are the workbooks where all the data is held which I want to combine, each workbook is the same, just different 'data'. - they are all in the same path too.
In the first column in the parameters table I have the available workbooks:
and next to it a 'y' or 'n' - 'y' if I want to copy data from that workbook or a 'n' if I don’t.
In the second column in the parameters table I have the available worksheets:
and next to it a 'y' or 'n' - 'y' if I want to copy data from that worksheet or a 'n' if I don’t.
In the attached example I have code which loops through each file a,b,c dependent whether it has a y/n next to it but I need some code to get it to copy data from the specified sheets in the second column (if it has a Y next to it) in the parameters table to the raw data worksheet in the master workbook with the filename of where the data came from in column A (eg A.xls).
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Sep 23, 2007
I have been working on this project for some time and still haven't got anywhere with it. What I am essentially trying to do is create a master summary workbook where by you press a button to activate a chunk of VBA that will grab the same range of data from multiple workbooks but also multiple sheets in those workbooks, only problem is the number of sheets in each workbook are constantly changing so I need first find some way of accessing a closed workbooks, then I need a way of looping through a segment of code that will look into approximately 10 workbooks all with a different number of sheets and taking a fixed range of cells out of each sheet and for every workbook make a new tab and paste the information in that tab then move onto the next workbook, find the number of tabs (missing out the first 3 tabs of every workbook) and copy and paste the fixed range from each tab onto a new tab the summary workbook.
I will then have a summary workbook with a number of tabs, each one a different workbook with all the data from all the tabs in that workbook, I can then pull that information using formulas or some more VBA into a summary tab on the summary workbook, consolidating all of the information.
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Feb 27, 2014
The following code won't let me copy from the first workbook. I get a run time 1004 error stating "That command cannot be used on multiple selections".
I would rather not have to copy this by column for each of the 4 workbooks
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Oct 7, 2009
I want create a macro which will extract 6 values (see below) from a workbook tab called summary to an master workbook for reporting purposes. Each workbook has a unique file name e,g ACI1150.
Values on sheet SUMMARY:
I tried to adapt the below to get one item copied/extracted. However it would no work.
I am new to using macros
Sub GetG26s()
Dim MyDir As String, FN As String, SN As String, NR As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
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Apr 9, 2014
I am trying to combine several workbooks containing data in multiple sheets into a master workbook. All the workbooks have the same number of worksheets. I would like to combine all data in Sheet1 into a new Sheet1, all data from Sheet2 into a new Sheet2, etc.
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