Open An Existing Workbook
Aug 13, 2009
I tried to open an existing Excel workbook, it tells me that it is already open. There is nothing on the screen. I closed Excel (using 2003 version) and restarted computer also. I tried to open the file again - nothing shows up on the screen. When I attempt to open the file again I get a message that says "(file name).xls is already open.
Reopening will cause any changes you made to be discarded. Do you want to reopen (file name).xls?". Even if I reopen the file, it still does not show up on the screen.
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Mar 26, 2012
Copy data from workbook, open existing workbook, select range and paste. But my copied data is lost.
Sub Select_Copy_Paste()
[Code] .........
' Here i need to do something to paste data into r.address?
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Dec 7, 2012
Here's my macro:
Sub CopyRow()'
'Copies row to new sheet, highlights it, marks column 'A' as copied.
Dim cCell As Range
Set cCell = Selection.Cells(1, 1)
[Code] .....
Is it possible to modify it to paste into a different workbook called c:filesDestination.xlsm, instead of the existing workbook (Source.xlsm)? The destination sheet name is the same (Sheet2). It's OK if both workbooks are open at the same time.
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Feb 9, 2007
I have Excel 2002. If I start the program it opens with a blank workbook, called "Book 1".
If I then open an existing workbook, I have two Excel buttons in the Windows taskbar: the one I just opened, and the blank one titled Book 1.
At work I have Excel 2003. The blank "Book 1" is also there when I start the program, but if I then open an existing workbook, the Book 1 goes away. I like this way better.
My question is: Is this just the way versions 2002 vs. 2003 work, or can I change a setting somewhere to make Excel 2002 close its default blank workbook when I open an existing one?
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Apr 6, 2013
I have created a spreadsheet some time ago and have been asked to improve on it but I'm rusty with VBA.
I have an automated ordering system that saves each sent order as the date e.g "05-04-2013.xls" but the management team want a graph with the data for the last 4 weeks compared. I have created a seperate workbook called "consumables report.xls" which has a column with the products listed followed by columns "Quantity" and "cost" which is repeated for the 4 weeks of the month.
I want to add a button to prompt the user to choose the saved order e.g "05-04-2013.xls" (all orders saved in same directory) to copy and paste the quantity and cost columns (c8,D69) into "consumables report.xls". I got this to work earlier but it would only paste the formulas and not the values. So I need
A prompt to open workbook
Copy range (c8,d69)
Close work sheet
Paste special .value (c8,D69)
I dont care if it has to open the workbook to copy the data as this will only be used once a month so it dosnt matter how slow the code is.
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
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Jul 8, 2006
I have Monthly sales sheets that import my cash register data into them. I wanted to set them up to do everything without being there. So I have my task manager open excel at 9:30pm everyday and it runs the macro to import the data into the correct day of the month. Here is the workbook
open macro-
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim dTime As Date
dTime = Time
If dTime >= TimeValue("9:30 PM") And _
dTime < TimeValue("9:40 PM") Then
End If
End Sub
This is in my July spreadsheet only. So is there a way to make it know which month spreadsheet to open on the 1st of the month? So come August 1st it will automatically open the August workbook and input the data for the first day? By using the date?
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Jan 14, 2014
The amazing code I saw was from this thread Auto lock cells after data entry when file saved... where the code was made by Jafaar Tribak.
It basically locks cells that have had data inputted into them when the file is saved (with a nice prompt warning of the used cells being locked.
This is Jafaar's file [URL]
And this is my file where I'm trying to make it work in the "Employee data entry" Sheet:
And finally this is the file after I tried to copy the code over : [URL]
Trying to make it so that in the employee data entry sheet locks cells after an employee inputs some data into said cells.
I thought that by setting an "inputrange" on the employee data entry sheet the code would track it down automatically but maybe I'm completely wrong. I cant see anything wrong with it (probably because I"m not that good at vba) but I fear I may have left out something really simple!
I seem to disable my other macros when i try to insert this code in (I have a macro that when you click on a cell a calendar pops up so you can click on a day from the calendar rather than typing out the date)
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Sep 18, 2006
i came up with this..
Sub Copy_To_New_Workbook()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = Application. GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", Title:="Please select the excel file to be copied")
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Jun 30, 2008
I have a very brief question
dlgAnswer = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show
Windows("Derivative YK pricing Mod G.xls").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
As you can see, I open a workbook with the dlgAnswer, I was wondering how I could close that opened workbook
Currently I have
however the workbook will not always be called export1.xls, I want it to close whichever one I opened earlier.
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Nov 6, 2009
I have a presentation that I open from a short-cut. After the "Welcome Page" is opened, I want to open a second workbook in a new instance of Excel after 4 seconds.
I think that I can open the new instance of excel, but I don't know how to activate the macro after 4 seconds.
I'm sure there is a function someplace for this that can be used in a macro.
Then, after the second Workbook is opened, I want the Welcome Page "Workbook" closed, leaving the second Worbook open.
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Nov 20, 2008
My Splash screen opens a few seconds after the workbook has loaded. Is there a way to make the workbook open minimzed until the the splash screen closes then open properly? What I trying to say is that only the splash screen is visible until it closes.
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Oct 18, 2008
How do I insert an existing worksheet (previously exported from the same workbook)? I need to be able to do it programmatically.
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Apr 1, 2009
Is there a way to copy a sheet in one Workbook to and Another Existing Workbook?
I have attachment two Workbooks to this thread.
The one entitled: Copy a Sheet to An Existing WorkbookI would like to copy any Sheet to Workbook "Create PowerPoint"
I would like it to be the first sheet in the Workbook "Create PowerPoint"
The one entitle: Create PowerPointIt has three sheets that have data already in it
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Oct 4, 2011
I need a macro to add a work sheet template to an existing work book, I can add a blank work sheet no prob but it needs to be a template
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Dec 20, 2009
this is the macro code I am using to copy the currently selected worksheet to an existing workbook:
Sub test2()
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsManagerDesktop PS444Log.xls"
Sheets("sales").Copy Before:=Workbooks("PS444Log.xls").Sheets(1)
End Sub
The source workbook is named PS444
The receiving workbook is named PS444Log
The sheet to be copied and moved is named sales
The source workbook is already open and the code is executed by clicking a button on the worksheet.
If I perform the steps manually the worksheet in the source workbook gets copied correctly into the receiving workbook.
The problem lies when I try to execute the code, the source worksheet doesn't get copied to the receiving workbook.
The receiving workbook gets opened but the worksheet does not get transfered.
Neither of the workbooks are protected nor are either of the worksheets protected in the workbooks.
Can someone tell me why the code is not copying the sheet to the receiving workbook.
I developed the code using the macro recorder so I don't understand why it doesn't work.
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Aug 14, 2007
I inherited a spreadsheet that contains a link to another spreadsheet. I want to remove the link and I can not find a way to do this. I have checked under Edit/Links but there is not a delete or break links options. The linked spreadsheet does not exist.
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Jul 1, 2007
I would like to write a Sub that will see if a workbook is open and if it is not then open it. I know how to have a macro automatically open a workbook, but I run into problems when the macro runs and tries to open an already opened workbook.
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May 30, 2007
I have a user who is trying to use <EDIT><MOVE OR COPY SHEET> to copy a sheet to an existing workbook. She has them in the same directory and has them both open, but when she tries to copy a sheet from either of them to the other, the only workbook listed in the "TO BOOK" drop down menu is the one she is in. NO other workbooks show up as an option for her to copy to.
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Dec 28, 2007
I have a vbscript that creates a workbook in an existing spreadsheet. I would like to have the script create the spreadsheet if it does not exist. That part is easy enough. The part I don't know how to do is to have the macro that has to run on the sheet created by the script.
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Feb 17, 2009
I am working on this estimating template. To be used on Excel 97, 2000 and XP systems.
I have a few issues i am unable to resolve.
There are 2 of the worksheets (Short Quote and Stores Req) which individually need to have a button on them so i can create a new workbook as an exact coy of that sheet. but with just the values and not the formulas.
Also i am unsure on the macro on the workbook currently( as i dont know how to do macros) i dont know what it does?
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May 30, 2014
I have a VBA script that works great when run each day, as it's intended. But if a user skips a day, we end up with an error when deleting an old worksheet. The old worksheet to be deleted has a date as the sheet name (i.e. "2014-May-23").
We've developed some code to find the most recent FILE if there wasn't one created on the previous business date, but what VBA code can I enter to correctly identify and delete the old, outdated worksheet? My final spreadsheet should contain just two dates worksheets - one each for the past 2 business dates.
Here's a snippet of my current coding:
Sub Master_3D_Macro()
' Master_3D_Macro Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+j
Dim CurrDate As Date
Dim Holidays(1 To 9) As Date
[Code] ..........
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Jun 11, 2009
this is a relatively straightforward query, would be obliged for any tips on same. I have the following piece of -
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Jul 30, 2009
Create a full copy of an open workbook (eg. activeworkbook MyFile.xls) using VBA, with the new copy (eg Book1.xls) open as well ,without having to save a copy first then open it ?
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Sep 27, 2006
I did a macro on my mac to transfer a sheet from one workbook to another worbook. It works very well when the destination workbook is open. Therefore I wanted to add some piece of code to check if the destination workbook is open. If not then I wanted the macro to open it before tranfering the sheet. Here is the code I´m using for tranfering the sheet
Sub Transfer_Sluttet()
If ActiveSheet.Index <> Sheets.Count Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Sheets(ws.Index + 1).Delete
ws.Move Before:=Workbooks("Sluttet.xls").Sheets("sheet2")
'Moves active sheet to beginning of named workbook.
'Replace Test.xls with the full name of the target workbook you want.
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub
This is the type of macro I useually use on my pc to check if a workbook is open and if not then open it
If IsWorkbookOpened("Filename.xls", "C:Documents and ..................
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Jan 24, 2014
how do i go about creating a macro to copy a range in sheet 1 in workbook A and paste that to a new tab(the last one) in the existing workbook B. i would like the tab to be renamed based on a cell value. preferably workbook B doesnt have to be open, and the save and close it
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Mar 27, 2014
I want to merge different worksheet of an existing workbook into one by macro .I did not want to repeat the rows label for each worksheet data.Also I want to get at right hand side i.e in G column the data to be extracted for respective worksheet in the merged data.I have enclosed in attachment an expected solution in a sheet name "merged".However the number of worksheet is here only 3 for sample purposes.However,in reality there is more than 3 .
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Dec 4, 2009
Just curios if this is the most efficient way to copy a workbook x number of times.
I tried copying 77 workbooks and not sure exactly how long it took, but about 2 mintues. The original workbook is 300 KB.
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Feb 3, 2013
How to amend existing code in a workbook that is used by many different users. I am working in Excel 2003. The existing code copies data from certain cells in the active worksheet (which is password protected) into a new worksheet and saves that new worksheet to a temp folder, sends it to a particular email address using outlook and closes it, returning the user to the first workbook. You will see that it also unhides then rehides columns of the first worksheet during this process so that the user never has to see them. Problem here is that none of the users are using outlook anymore and I would prefer that this new spreadsheet that is created just be saved to the users desktop. I have found bits and pieces of what I needed on the web, but I can't seem to put it all together (I usually end up being sent to the debugger just short of having the newly created spreadsheet saved to desktop). Here is the existing code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Essentially what I need to do is circumvent the whole email bit and save the spreadsheet that is created to the users desktop instead of a temp folder.
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Feb 7, 2013
I have a userform that I want to add to a button click event, to fill userform data into a different (already existing) workbook.
What I have is a userform for entering Purchase order information (Supplier, Date, PO#, Products, Descriptions, Qty's, expected dates etc.) What I am trying to accomplish with this particular button, is to 'Generate Purchase Order'... Have a seperate workbook, with a 'blank' pre-formatted formal purchase order that will be autofilled with said userform. The now generated Purchase Order ready for print/ save-as.
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May 23, 2013
I'm trying to use vba to create an offline backup file for a sheet that is linked to an access database. the code I have is simple and worked for a file that is not linked to any database.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=myfilename
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Now that I insert it into the actual file, which is linked to the database I get an error. I also tried to move the display alert up, before the select instructions, but also this does not work. this is not what I wanted since I want this file not to possibly connect to any database.
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