Parse XLM To Worksheet
Jul 25, 2007
Searched answers but found nothing that helped. The following code results in the error - 1004 Reference is not valid. First cell is not empty and not the same as select.
' Sorting
On Error Resume Next
oExcel.Selection.Sort oExcel.Range("C2"), xlAscending, , , , xlSortNormal, xlSortNormal
If Err.Number > 0 Then
WScript.Echo "An Error Occured: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End If
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Feb 11, 2008
I have a PDF document with an income statement that I'm trying to bring into excel. When I copy it, it puts all of the information in 1 column like this: NET INCOME 183,450 (237,660) 421,110 177 (1,461,273) (1,769,800) 308,526 17
CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Land Improvements 0 0 0 35,000 0 (35,000) Building Improvements 7,500 0 (7,500) 243,129 626,500 383,371 61. I cannot use text to columns, because the CATEGORIES are different in length (3 to 4 to 5 words at times).
I can seperate the numbers from the words, but I can't seperate the numbers from one another. Is there any way that I can do this via a text fuction?
0 0 0 35,000 0 (35,000)
7,500 0 (7,500) 243,129 626,500 383,371 61
29,881 310,460 280,579 90 380,580 1,556,576 1,175,996 76
0 83,248 83,248 100 76,765 574,345 497,580 87
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Jul 20, 2009
I have a single worksheet containing data in columns A-J. I need to Copy all cells to a new work sheet when the value in column A changes. The worksheet should be named the value of column A. I have found thread 656226, but am unable to modify to work.
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Aug 6, 2008
I am trying to add new worksheets at the end of the existing ones, with the name "Scenario " & i (i being an integer for the next scenario).
My idea is to parse the Worksheet names, counting how many times the string "Scenario " appears, and then add a new Worksheet with that name and index i+1. Here is the
Public Sub store_data_Click()
Dim NameWS, prev_sheet As String
Dim iprev, iws, iscenario As Integer
iscenario = 1
For iws = 1 To Worksheets.Count
If Find(Sheets(iws).Name, "Scenario ") = True Then
iscenario = iscenario + 1
End If
1.- Find (8th line) does not seem to be the right procedure to use; how could I do this in a clean/direct (i.e. not writing the names into a dummy worksheet and using the find function) way?
2.- How could I substitute the new Worksheet ("Scenario " & i) formulas for values without having to select all the cells and then use paste values (not so elegant).
3.- Connecting to a previous post: How could I define *exactly* the position to paste "Autoshape 1"?
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Aug 30, 2006
I have a text file with no discernable format ( can't import into excel) that is too large to put all the data into an excel worksheet. This file is made to print out on a network printer.
I don't need all the info in the file, I would like to specify a variable, search the text file for the variable, then specify the amount of rows down to look for the data value and input the result into an excel spreadsheet.
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Jul 13, 2009
If I have a cell that has the following information: DEF(352) HHY(24533) KLDD(3334)
And I extract that to a String with the following
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Mar 18, 2008
I have about 10,000 records which I need to split up into different fields, they are in the format prescribed below:
1 George Avenue
20-25 Alphingoton Close
Manors House
I want the above to be in this format:
Collumn 1 Collumn 2
1 George Avenue
20-25 Alphington Close
Manors House
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Aug 9, 2006
Raw data:
1 acct01 John Doe 10
2 acct01 Hits 20
2 acct01 Runs 05
1 acct01 John Doe 10 20 05
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Aug 9, 2007
I work in the Oil and Gas industry and deal with large data tables that have "Location Codes" for lack of a better term.
The problem is that not all Databases use exactly the same format of code, they will however always have the following:
xx-xx-xx-xx ---> ie. a string of four numbers each seperated by a Dash.
This string sometimes will appear after a text name of varying length. With this in mind I would like to parse the four numbers into four different columns.
Things I've tried with some success:
Using the "Right" function to break off the location code off the end of the entire name, and then using the ".parse" command in VB to seperate the numbers at given intervals.
This is great for certain purposes however because the four numbers are not always 2 digits, and the ".parse" command cuts at given intervals it is hard to accurately parse an entire set of data.
Some examples of location Codes are given below:
WEST DOE 11-16-81-15
KNOPCIK 3-9-73-9
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Jun 6, 2014
Trying to Parse text in Excel - Since there is no definitive length and no standard in the way the name is created , I am having tough time to use the Software reports.
A column is from software report,
I am looking for any option to arrive at values as appearing in F column.
I did B and C column but not sure is there any other efficient way of doing the same or any other formula to arrive at F - Desired Result.
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May 6, 2014
I have a column that is a list of addresses. For example:
I need a formula to separate out the last words (city and state) from the rest of the address and put into a different cell.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have an unusual request this time. Client wants this and I know it's dumb but this is what they need and I can't figure it out (not smart enough ).
They have the following as contacts in column A:
Belinda Jones & Grant Smith
Ken & Marie Johnson
Bart Simpson
They need this separated into a Contact 1 and Contact 2 so that it ends up like this:
Contact1 Contact 2
Belinda Jones & Grant Smith
Ken & Marie Johnson
Bart Simpson
This is a list of 10,000 names and I have no idea.
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Apr 21, 2009
I'm looking for a worksheet function that will allow me to separate into another cell the characters between the second and third slash in the source cell. The number of characters varies, but the value I want is always between the second and third slash.
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Aug 7, 2012
Basically I have xml strings that are pulled out of a database all in the same format as below.
In between the 2 pharses below I need to pull out the value in between
For this example it is N.
A1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<Stu2<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?><StudentPersonal_XML><BirthToThreeServices>
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Apr 8, 2013
Objective: To create a list of numbers based a cell which are present in an alpha-numeric string
Issues: "-" shows up at times without the context of numbers (i.e. MS-DRG)
Issues: I am not interested in float numbers (i.e. 37.63-37.66)
'Example data in cells (row 1 = A1, row 2 =A2, row 3 = A3, row 4 = A4)
MS-DRGs 767-768, 774-775
Rev 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 655-656
Rev 174
MS-DRG 001 with ICD-9 37.63-37.66, 37.52
'Desired Results (row 1 = B1, row 2 =B2, row 3 = B3, row 4 = B4)
115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 655, 656
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Mar 3, 2007
I need to parse text strings and format them.
The string looks like this and runs down an unknown number of rows in one column, Col A.
I want to parse this so that the results will be text to columns
80.0 90.0 1234.56 80.0 1234.56 50 70.0
I want to thank BrettH for creating this VB. I want to manipulate it to read every row in Col A that has data, and then I want to parse the data as shown above. BrettH's VB works but I couldn't modify it to read all the rows that had data. I tried looping the rows using a counter loop and also a For Each loop, but could'nt get it to work.
Sub ParseInCellMath()
Dim DefaultRange As String, UserRange As Range, OrigForm As String
Dim TempForm As String, NegString As String, NegStart As Integer
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Aug 14, 2007
Name They are all QC(Quality Control) then Rank
In cell A1:
Anderson, Bob QC, Top Gun
I need in B1:
Anderson, Bob
In C1:
Top Gun
What could I use to get these results? The QC, is consistant every time in each set of text.
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Oct 2, 2008
Below are the addresses I get in Col H. For sample, just few of them.
Covington GA 30014
New York NY 10003
Chicago IL 60638
Toronto ON M9W 5E7
Galveston TX 77554
As you can see, CITY name can be multiple words, STATE names are 2 Digit letters for both US and Canada, and ZIP Code is Numeric to US and Alpha numeric to Canada. I have all these in a single Column. I need to separate them into Col J,K, and L. I have the following formulae but these don't return exact parsing. For example; my formulas in order:
To parse CITY, '=LEFT(H15, FIND(" ",H15)-1)'
To parse State, '=MID(H15,LEN(J15)+2,FIND(" ",RIGHT(H15,LEN(H15)-LEN(J15)-2)))'
To parse ZIP, '=RIGHT(H15,LEN(H15)-LEN(J15)-LEN(K15)-2)'.
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Aug 17, 2012
I'm trying to populate a ComboBox or ListBox with elements parsed from a html code I've already parsed from a webpage. Explaining: I was able to extract from the webpage code the part that contains the information I want, which is:
<li><a href="/universidad/" rel="*">Universidades</a></li>
<li><a href="/universidad/duoc/" rel="28184">DuocUC</a></li>
<li><a href="/universidad/inacap/" rel="28162">INACAP</a></li>
Now I want to make a ComboBox containing every university as a different option and, if possible, to assign them the corresponding values shown in the code.
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Feb 2, 2014
I have a mastersheet (see attached file) with data on it. I need to parse this data out to individual sheets based on the values in column 8.
Currently I use this code but it only creates sheets with no data in it and it also doesn't rename the sheet tabs.
[Code] .....
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Jul 16, 2009
I will have a cell that has company names in it and I need to parse each name an then do some work with them but when I started this project I was told each company will be seperated by some number of spaces.
Ex.) |Company1(534553) Company2(3544)|
Right now this is how I'm parsing a line like this:
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Feb 16, 2009
I need 3 columns - Title - HD - Channel. If no value for HD, the field would be blank.
Data looks like this in txt file:
> A&E HD 265
> ABC Family HD 311
> Altitude Sports and Entertainment HD 681
> American Movie Classics (AMC) 254
> Animal Planet HD 282
> BBC America 264
> BET Jazz 330
> BYU TV 374
> Big Ten Network HD 220
> Black Entertainment Television (BET) 329
> Bloomberg Television 353
> Boomerang 298
Needs to look like this in Excel
> Should look like:
> A&E HD 265
> ABC Family HD 311
> Altitude Sports and Entertainment HD 681
> American Movie Classics (AMC) 254
> Animal Planet HD 282
> BBC America 264
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Apr 17, 2009
I have the following entry in A1
I want a formula to parse the text based on the "_" deliminator so email is in B1, yshot is in C1 and 200081222 is in D1.
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a file with multiple tabs of data...lot's of data (each tab has 80,000+ lines and 23 columns...3 are formulas, the rest is imported data). I've brought Excel to it's knees (i.e. crashes). Yes, I'm using 2007.
What I'm trying to do is extract 6 cells of data from every 10th line and write it out to a CSV file with two more pieces of information (same for each line).
What I was doing was creating a separate worksheet for each one to be extracted, parsing out the data, and then copying that data to yet another workbook that was then saved as a CSV.
First, in retrospect, that was a waste of time. Second, the addition of the extra worksheets to do the parsing was crashing Excel due to the extreme size of the workbook.
What I'd like to do is use a macro to do all of this in one swell foop:
1) Prompt me for a file name (or I can put the desired name in a cell and read it from there if that simplifies the code)
2) Open a new text file with that name and ".csv" extension in the same folder as the original workbook
3) Write out the column headers: (Fix, Satellites, Lat, Lon, alt (ft), Date, utc_t, course)
4) Step through each row, looking at the text contents of column B (looks like 22:50:07.100)...if it ends in ".000" do the following:
4a) write "PPS,4," to the open text file
4b) write the cell contents from columns "V", "W", "J", "C", "B", and "L" to the text file in the exact format they appear in the text cell.
The output file should look like (very short example):
Fix,Satellites,Lat,Lon,alt (ft),Date,utc_t,course
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Aug 14, 2005
I have data that I copy from one sheet and move it to another. If I know I'm parsing data that may vary in amount of line items but will always be across 3 columns is there a way to parse this data evenly.
for example:
I would like to look in column "D" and if there is an "A" I would like to parse cells A,B,C in that row to sheet 2 and parse this information evenly across 3 columns evenly across columns "A,E, I"
In my example the data is only 21 rows of information the problem I have is evenly parsing this information.
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Jul 10, 2006
I'm trying to parse an output file from x-12-arima using vba. The file is in this format
invalidate the results of this test For the last three year period.
ICMETI, Total Inventories Communications Equipment PAGE 9, SERIES foo
D 12 Final trend cycle
From 2002.Jan To 2005.Dec
Observations 48
Trend filter 13-term Henderson moving average
I/C ratio 1.08 .............
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Nov 6, 2006
A while back I asked how to remove the letters from entries that have both numbers and letters. I as pointed to a UDF called "ExtractNumber".
Here is the code for that UDF: .....
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Jan 19, 2007
I want to parse a cell if a date is present for example I have 03/26/1985 AL in one cell and want to parse to two different cells however in between those cells I have other cells with different data that I dont want to parse. Basically I need to parse the cells only if a date is present.
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Jan 29, 2007
I have a software application that imports audio files and writes information about these files to text files. I'm trying to write and Excel/VBA application that will parse and import the data contained in these files. find a sample of one of these files attached. The big hurdle I am facing is I cannot figure out how to parse this file - the delimiter keeps changing as throughout the file (see example below):
otrk ´ptrk ¬
otrk Îptrk Æ
otrk Ôptrk Ì
otrk âptrk Ú
otrk *ptrk "
otrk Øptrk Ð
otrk þptrk ö
otrk ´ptrk ¬
otrk ptrk
otrk Ðptrk È
otrk Þptrk Ö
otrk þptrk ö
otrk ptrk
otrk îptrk æ
otrk ptrk
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Oct 18, 2007
I was wondering how I would go about witting a vba for that can be connected to a button which would allow me to enter a row of input.
Some of these values I would like entered for example are: Quantity, Shape, Weight, length....
I would like the user to be prompted to enter these values and then have these values entered into columns, ABC... in a row on the spread sheet.
The catch is I would like this new date to be entered on one sheet via its weight (so that lightest material is on top), on another sheet in this workbook entered via its location so material in the same locations are adjacent to one another, and then finally I would like this updated onto another worksheet.
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