Display Percentage Of In Pivot Table

Apr 4, 2008

I have 2 columns in a Pivot Table. One called Sum of AD Total, the other called Sum of Total Cost.

I want to add a third field that displays the Sum of AD Total as a percentage of the Sum of Total Cost.

So I assumed I would use the "% Of" facility in the "Show data as" drop down, and "Total Cost" in the Base Field drop down. But what goes in the Base item field as whenever I try and put something in I get N/A returned as a result in my PT?

I'm attaching a very simplified version.

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How To Calculate Percentage In Pivot Table

Jul 6, 2012

I have a pivot table in which 50 rows data and each row contains in the end %age. End of report i get grand total but it sums the percentage column. I need to calculate percentage in the end of grand total. How can i get it.

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Pivot Table - Calculating Percentage Of Two Columns?

May 14, 2014

why it works (but it obviously does). I crabbed off the sheet, modified it with my data and the percentages calculate reliably.

What I can't figure out is that in the Pct calculation in the table is the formula:


The formula itself makes perfect sense in terms of the numbers and filtering involved....but why does it actually work and what does the "^2" do?

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Remove Percentage Of Row Total In Pivot Table?

Feb 7, 2014

how to remove the percentage of row total in a pivot table. I only want the sum of the row total but the percentage of row column always say 100% and I want it to be removed.

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Finding Cumulative Percentage In Pivot Table?

May 21, 2014

I have data of supplier spend and need to find percent of suppliers having top 80% spend.

How to get the cumulative spend within the pivot table itself. I can do it outside the table by calculations, but how to get the results directly using pivot table, because i am using that data in a KPI metric and a dashboard.

if not possible in pivot table, can i get it in a single step process using percentrank or percentile formula or anything else?

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Show Percentage Subtotals In Pivot Table

Jul 18, 2007

Does anyone know a setting to display pivot tables as a % of sub total automatically within the Pivot Table Settings? I have recreated a formula on the cells H:K of what I am looking for. see Attached.

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Pivot Table: Adding A Percentage Field As '% Of Subtotal'

Nov 21, 2007

In the attached Excel file, there is a pivot table.

In the Data part of the table, there are two columns. The second is the exact same field than the first one but expressed as percentage (Field settings/Options/Show field as "% of" + "Total".

The problem is: I don't want to express this field as a % of Total ('Grand total') but rather as a % of Subtotal (e.g. Danemark Total).

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Pivot Table Percentage Of All Data (including Filtered)

Oct 14, 2013

How to show my data as % of grand total and include the filtered data. Whenever I filter out a category in my pivot table the % values adjust for everything unfiltered. Is there a way to have my percentages include the filtered data?

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How To Compare Percentage Difference Between Date Range Through Pivot Table

May 9, 2014

I would like to compare % difference between date range through pivot table

Date RangeProductAmt
1st weekABC1000
2nd WeekABC2000
3rd WeekABC1259
1st weekXYZ3000
2nd WeekXYZ4000
3rd WeekXYZ2500

How to plot a Pivot table to compare the % difference between 3rd Week Vs 2nd Week Vs 1 Week for each product through pivot table?

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Excel 2007 :: Calculated Field To Get Percentage Of Two Columns In Pivot Table

Oct 2, 2013

I'm having an issue getting the correct results from a calculated field in a pivot table in Excel 2007.

In column A I have "Business Name", in B I have a sum of the amount of lines a customer has, and C is a MAX of the number of employees the customer has at their location.

In one example I have a business with sum 50 lines and max 30 employees but when I try to make the calculated field 50/30 (should equal 166%) i get 9.2% instead.

The reason appears to be because there are 18 types of lines the customer has and 18 x max 30 = 540 and 50/540 is 9.2%. In the attached example it's all the same business location so the total number of employees (30) is the same for each row and each row in the raw data is a set of lines with similar features.

I attached an example. CalcFieldProblem.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Adding Percentage Change Column To Pivot Table?

Mar 17, 2012

I am trying to add columns to my Excel 2010 Pivot Table to calculate % change of sales from year to year. The field name is "Year", while the item columns in the field are 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. How do I add a column between the years that will calculate the % change os sales up or down from the previous year?

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Pivot Table Time Display?

Dec 5, 2013

I randomly created this spreadsheet as an example, but what I need is to display the start and end time to this sheet in a summary report format i.e.,

(Truck#) (Miles) (Stops) (Start time) (End Time)

The problem is that the table seems to always summarizes the time as well or it gives a count value of the time. If there is a better way or method to do this, I have open arms

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Don't Display Zero Values On Pivot Table

Mar 13, 2003

I've created a pivot table and was wondering if there is a way to not include zero values.

I want to do this to make the report cleaner in that if there aren't any values (0) then don't display.

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Pivot Table Text Display

Jul 19, 2003

I have a data file in excel with the following columns
1. Name
2. Activity
3. Date

I want to build a pivot table from this which shows:-

date along the top, name down the left side and in the data area all the activities..(as text)

Is this possible ?

I can only manage the activities to be displayed in the pivot as zero

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Display Text Below Pivot Table

Apr 24, 2008

I want to display some text below a Pivot table, however, when I change the pivot tables filter - and the pivot table wants to expand - it gives a message - "Do you want to replace the contents of the destination cell" ... Yes / Cancel. I want an easy way to "bind" the text to the pivot table. I do not want to use a footer - as I want the text displayed onscreen.

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Display Text In Value Field Within Pivot Table

May 3, 2012

I am trying to display text in the value field within a pivot table. I do not want a count or any number to display. What I am basically trying to create is a weekly schedule for nurses, with the dates on the top and times along the side, with "call type" and client as the text data to display with the value field.

I have attached an excel file with all the data on Sheet 1 and my attempt at a pivot table on Sheet 2. Perhaps there is some way to write a macro to display the data in a similar fashion, without using a pivot table?

Clients and Caregivers - All Schedules-2.xls

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Date Filter Display In Pivot Table

Jun 16, 2014

I have a question with regards to the display of the Date filter in a pivot table I am making.

As it stands, the filter function is displaying like this : date 1.JPG

I am looking for the filter to look more like this : date 2.JPG

I believe that I have all the dates in the source table formatted as "Date".

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Data Not Display In Pivot Table From SQL Server

Dec 6, 2011

I've come across an excel spreadsheet that has a pivot table which displays data from a sql server connection query. This worked fine before but recently the database it connects to was moved.

The connection string was updated to reflect this.

The main difference in the connection apart from a new server name, is that where before we were using a Trusted Connection, now we're using a SQL login.

Now only some of the data is shown.

The query still works - if I go into Edit Query (Data>Connections>Properties) the query runs fine. It just doesn't display properly anymore

I think this is something to do with the pivot table rather than any connection properties.

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Display Row Label As Hyperlink In Pivot Table

Nov 29, 2012

I have a Pivot Table set up that is summarizing some work responsibilities, and within the data table that the Pivot is referencing, there is a field for a Hyperlink that will take the user to the location on the network where the work has been saved. I am not sure if it is possible, but I want to have that Hyperlink work in the Pivot Table as well, and not just display the text for the link.

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How To Display Decimal Values In Pivot Table

Jul 25, 2014

I have data in an Excel spread sheet that contains rainfall amounts that are to 2 decimal places. However, when ever I put the data into a pivot table they display as 1. I have reformatted the data in the base table, and tried to format the pivot table, all to no avail. There must be a way.

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Display Time Values In Pivot Table

Feb 11, 2008

why when pivot tables display individual or single time values they are rounded up or down. i.e. a value of 1:31.5 is displayed in the pivot table as 1:35.0 etc. I have tried custom formatting the table itself but to no avail.

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Display Underlying Data In Same Worksheet As Pivot Table?

Jun 26, 2014

i want to be able to display the underlying data in a pivot table by clicking on the cell within the pivot table

ie, normally if you double click a cell within a pivot table, it will generate a new tab, and the data will be displayed in the newly created tab,

i want to be able to click a cell within my pivot table, and have the underlying data display beneath the pivot table..

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Excel 2010 :: Hierarchical Display In Pivot Table?

Dec 1, 2011

I tried multiple variations of searches for this, but can't seem to get this to work. I've been asked to perform some analysis on the number of direct reports for each manager in our company as well as the number of total reports. I have been able to calculate this with no problem. My difficulty comes with the request to be able to display this information in a particular way with Excel. (this is using Excel 2010)

What the VP would like to be able to do is to drill down on each manager to see all of their direct reports, and then, for any of those direct reports that are managers, be able to further drill down into those people's direct reports. The difficulty I am coming to is that, depending on the employee, there can be as many as 9 layers of management when I work this all the way up to the Executive Vice President Level.

My data is currently laid out such that my first 5 columns are identifiers such as employee id, employee name, job title and organization information. After that I have columns for the managerial hierarchy. For example first column of this (let's call it column H) is the EVP, the 2nd column (column I) is the Senior VP, 3rd column (column J) has the various reports to the senior VP, 4th column (column K) is the managers that report to those in column J, and so on, up to 9 layers.

For example, one of the employees in my finance area would have name of the EVP in column H, the SVP in column I, the director in column J, and their manager in column L. The remaining columns that could house hierarchy data are blank for them because of where they are in the hierarchy.

When I set up the pivot table, I placed each field of the managerial hierarchy in the row area and then the employee field at the end. The problem I encounter is that with all of the blank cells in the data due to the varying levels of the hierarchy, I get a lot of (blank) fields in the pivot table for any layer below where the person fits in (ie, for the example above, the EVP, SVP, and manager name come in find, but then it is (blank) on down to the employee name.) If I deselect (blank) in the field settings, it eliminates all of the rows that don;t go as far down in the hierarchy, i.e. I deselect (blank) at level 5, any employee that is 4 or less levels from the EVP does not appear.

I also tried doing the same as above but including the employee name in my hierarchy (so for the example above, the employee name would be placed in column M). This worked a bit, but then after every employee was the series of (blank) drill down options.

The ideal solution that I've been asked to come up with would be to have the data display as it does when I've set the pivot table up with the employee name in the appropriate hierarchy level, but not have the drill down (blank) show for those that don't have layers below them.

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - How To Display And Use A Field

Jan 26, 2012

I have a table of data which I am analysing in a Pivot Table. For the majority of the data, the Pivot works very well: however I have a small issue, but it subsequently means the Pivot is useless.

Within the table array that I am referring to, there is a column of data of "Days per employee for a given period". The rows of data within the table array relate to every absence entry per employee, but this final column of data always contains the same figure (although can differ from employee to employee).

When I put the data into the Pivot, I can summarise the absence(s) as a simple sum. However, this final column of data should not be summed, since it is already the sum figure.

This figure though needs to be part of the Pivot, since I need to report on the percentage of absence days per type over the given period. So, the simple representation of =absence day(s)/worked days does not work... well I cannot get it to work. Additionally I have tried features like % of, but nothing.

I am using excel 2007.

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Display Grand Total In Pivot Table As Average Rather Than Sum?

Feb 11, 2013

I have a column in my pivot table with values that are formatted as percents. I am trying to make the grand total reflect the average of all values in the column, but it keeps showing a sum of all values.

Example: the values in the % column are 90%, 100%, and 110%. I want it to show 100% (the average), but it is showing 300% (the sum)

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Pivot Table Display Field Date On Each Line

Nov 16, 2005

I'm making a Pivot table and i'd like that the different field will be displayed on each line.

here is an exampe of what i have and what i want to have

______Group____Average age

Result needed

______Group____Average age

Where can i found the option to edit? if it's possible.

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Using Pivot Table / Chart Or Other To Display Top 10 Companies By Quotes / Sales

Aug 13, 2014

I have table with companies across in columns, months down the side in rows, and 6 parts to the data in addition to company and month. I have quotes from 3 different sources, and won deals from those 3 different sources. How do I create a pivot table/chart to analyze the data quickly, or find out Top 10 companies quoting with value and top 10 companies with won deals?

I have attached an example, taking out the company names with A, B, C, and source with A, B, C. The cells do have an array formula which picks data from another spreadsheet. Which, by the way, is really slowing my machine down each time I type something into the spreadsheet.


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Excel 2007 :: Display Duplicate Values (Pivot Table)

Feb 13, 2012

I am trying to have duplicates and their corresponding data appear in my pivot table. Assume I have a list of over 1000 stores. Let's say store 101 appears twice in my data file.

When I create my pivot, the 101 only appears once and the data is consolidated. Is there a way to ungroup/display duplicates?

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Excel 2011 :: Display Filter Values In Pivot Table

Jan 17, 2014

I have a pivot table which has a report filter. The report filter can have anywhere from 20 to 350 values. The user will be able to select multiple values from the listing to produce the table as needed. I would like to be able to display what values were selected in the report filter so that the user can see this information once the pivot table is rendered. Is there any way to display this information either above below or along side of the table itself?

I am using Excel 2011 for Mac, but I also have access to Excel 2011 for Windows. Either way will work. I have been able to get quite a bit of what works on Windows to work with the Mac.

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Pivot Table Filtering - Display Sums By Date Horizontally And Not Vertically

May 14, 2013

I am working on a pivot table just like the one on the picture here [URL] .......

Ideally I wanted the sums by date to be displayed horizontally and not vertically as shown in the picture, but was unable to do so. Anyways, I want to be able to filter those dates, so I can display data just from an specific date, and then change this date whenever I want and the new data will show up.

I tried doing by the checkbox that appears under the "data" dropdown on top of the column; However, when I uncheck a specific date, it dissapears and I have to add it again if I want to see it. Is there a way to keep the values on the dropdown even after I uncheck them? Or even another way to filter the information? Below is the pic of the dropdown I get when trying to sort the data, But as I said If I uncheck one of the values, it dissapears from the list.

[URL] ........

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