Populate Cells From Multiple ListBox Choices

May 22, 2008

I am having a problem with some code I am trying to work with. My problem is that I need to source information which is selected on a userform in 3 list boxes and copy this information into the excel sheet behind on the same row.

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Allow Multiple ListBox Choices

Jan 24, 2008

There is any way to select two item one from listbox1 and anotherr from listbox2 and paste on sheet

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Populate Cells From Multiple Selection ListBox & ComboBox

Jan 22, 2008

I need to populate a worksheet's rows with values from 2 comboboxes and a listbox which can have multiply selected items. After finding the row's last free cell, I have the listbox values properly populating correct column. However, I not sure how to get the corresponding combobox values assigned to the appropriate columns.

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Populate Multiple Select ListBox

Jul 23, 2008

I am trying to populate a listBox with data from cells. I eventually want to be able to make the cells change by just adding more data into my worksheet.

Here is my code. It should fill my listBox with just cells A1:A11 (I can't figure out how to make it adjust for new data), however the code is returning this error:
"Run-time error '91'
Object variable or With block variable not set"

Option Explicit
Sub PopulateListBox()
Dim myList As Worksheet
Dim x As Variant
For Each x In myList.Range("A1:A11")

UserForm3.ListBox1.AddItem x.Value

End Sub

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Multiple Column Listbox Populate Code?

Mar 21, 2012

the following code has been devised to populate a userform listbox ("listbox1") with seven select columns (F,H,K,L,N,O) of filtered rows of a worksheet ("Data")

Sub AddMultipleColumn()
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet


Regrettably, there is something amuck that is preventing it from providing the expected results. Seems as though this code wishes to process all the rows, instead of just those revealed from the filter. The routine runs indefinately, and will ultimately lock up Excel and never revealing any information. On a random stop, rngCell value far exceeded the (what I felt) to be the preferred max of 28 ... the number of rows of the filter. This routine is called from within the userform's initialization code.

Question 1 ... those that are able to shed light on the flaw ...

Question 2 ... data starts on row 6 of ther database, with rows 1-5 being header. What needs to be done, if anything, to reflect this?

And question 3 ... if the worksheet "Data" were in a second workbook , would be as simple as changing this ... Set wks = workbooks("workbook2.xls").Worksheets("Data")

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Populate/Fil ListBox With Filename From Multiple Subfolders

Aug 24, 2006

I have a directory structure with a folder in drive C:, this folder contains a varying number of subfolders each containig one file (.xls extension). I wish to populate a ListBox with the filenames only (not the full path) of all the files contained in all of these subfolders. I know how to populate the ListBox with the file names of a given folder, but in this case the user is not aware of the number of subfolders or their names.

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Populate Listbox With Column Headers From Multiple Sheets

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to go through each worksheet and if the worksheet name is Hematology then the header columns will be put into the listbox (ListBox1). The first row of the header is the parameter and the second is the units. Ideally I'd like column 1 to have the first headr row and column 2 to have the second header row. Once the listbox is completed, the user can select multiple columns by the header and those columns will be deleted. I have the ListStyle set to 1-fmListStyleOption and MultiSelect set to 1-fmMultiSelectMulti

The only thing I get when I run the rubroutine is a userform (Hematology), an empty listbox (ListBox1) and my two command buttons (Nothing to Delete and Remove Parameters).

Private Sub Hematology_initialize()
Dim Wrkst As Worksheet
Dim Header1 As Range
HeaderRange1 As String

For Each Wrkst In Worksheets
If Wrkst.Name = "Hematology" Then
For i = 1 To Wrkst.ColumnCount
Set Header1 = Wrkst.Cells(5, i)
HeaderRange1 = Header1.Address & ":" & Header1.Offset(1, LastColumn).Address
With Hematology.ListBox1
'Clear old ListBox RowSource
.RowSource = vbNullString
'Parse new one
.RowSource = HeaderRange
End With
Next i
End If
Next Wrkst
End Sub

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Send All MultiSelect Listbox Choices To Sheet

Feb 19, 2007

i have this code to populate the worksheet from listbox selections, but it only works on a 'one at a time' basis.

Private sub cb1_click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Ltm As String

With ListBox1
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) = True Then
If Ltm = "" Then
Ltm = .List(i)
Ltm = Ltm & ", " & .List(i)
End If
End If
Next i
End With

With ActiveSheet
.Range("B" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp). _
Offset(1, 0).Value = Ltm
End With
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
ListBox1.Selected(i) = False

what i am trying to do is once i have checked several items in the listbox is have all of the checked choices fill iin column B at once.

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Fill Cell With MultiSelect ListBox Choices

Nov 20, 2006

I refer to the following article from last year, with a similar question.
Multiple Selections Drop down list to one cell.

I would like to be able to choose multiple values from a list box and print them into one cell (or at least print them anywhere).

For example: I have a list with products A, B, C, D, E, F
Those products are shown in the list box. If e.g. B, D and E are chosen, I would like to have this selection shown together in another cell. That means the content of the cell should be "B, D, E".

If I use the INDEX function (which works fine for single select list boxes), only one of the selected items is displayed in the cell and not even the one I selected.

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Create "Master" Listbox From Choices In Another Listbox

Apr 18, 2006

I have two listboxes on a userform. One is the "choice" listbox, the other is the "master" listbox. Each item selected is a billing object on a sales invoice.
problem: The master list works fine when the item is selected in the choice list. But when it is deselected, how can you REMOVE it from the master list? question: How can I add a text box automatically to the userform to allow the user to enter quantity info?

For I = 0 To CodeList.ListCount - 1
If CodeList.Selected(I) = True Then
obj = CodeList.Column(0, I)
p = 6
test = 0

Do While test = 0 And p <= 25
If sheetsales. Range("C" & p) = obj Then
test = 1
test = 0
End If
p = p + 1
If test = 0 Then.........................

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Clear & Copy Ranges Based On ListBox Choices

Aug 21, 2007

I have a saved file at d: named Report.xls from another file I am copying column and pasting data to this report file, this is done by a macro. While pasting data to the report file, a pop up message is coming up – A file named D:
eport.xls already exists in this location? Do you want to replace it?

In case “yes” is clicked it pastes the data But the problem is that the macro that I have in the report.xls vanishes. The macro I need in the report.xls?

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Copy Paste From Sheet Based On ListBox Choices

Jan 14, 2008

On sheet1 I have four listbox and when user select items in listbox then macro copy some range from sheet vj and paste them on Sheet1.

But I have to problems with this macro:

1. I want to copy range instead of row

2. How to change macro if I have two or more listbox.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim mpRow As Long
Dim i As Long

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How To Populate Listbox With List Excluding Values Found In Another Listbox

May 27, 2014

I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.

The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.

[Code] ....

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Excel 2010 :: Populate Cells From Listbox Drag / Drop - Can't Find First Empty Row On Worksheet

Feb 1, 2014

I am running Excel 2010 and Windows 7.

I have a form with a main list box and several other list boxes. I drag and drop records from the main list box to the others. When I drop a record onto one of the list boxes, a corresponding worksheet is updated with the same record. This works just fine.

The problem I have is:I close and re-open the form after having added some dataDrag/Drop a record to the list boxThe worksheet won't find the first empty rowExample: If the worksheet already contains 4 rows of data, I have to drag/drop 5 times before the fifth row will be updatedI would like to drop the data the first time and have the first blank row updated


1.) I have tried variations of "xlUp", "xlDown", and SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) in the "Worksheets("Monday")... line of code; all to no avail.

2.) The cells contain formatting (borders)

Here is the relevant code:


'Copy items from the list box to the worksheet
For intI = 1 To ListBox2.ListCount
For intJ = 1 To ListBox2.ColumnCount
If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ)) Then
Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ).Value = ListBox2.List(intI - 1, intJ - 1)
End If
Next intJ
Next intI

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Populate 2nd Listbox With 1st Listbox Selection

Sep 27, 2007

I have the following sheet which functions as a table to store values for files that have been created using the application which this table is in. In this app., I have a form with 2 listboxes. When the form loads, I have the first listbox list values which each of these files are listed under (i.e. - "sub-directories"). With a selection of one of the list values and clicking of a button, I want the second list box to list the values of cells listed in a range directly below where the selected value in the first listbox came from.

I'd prefer, in the first listbox, to have only the values of the ranges that have a value in them in the listbox. However, this would cause my listbox.selected(array) not function properly. But since my current offsets (in the second sub) do not seem to be working anyway, maybe I am going about this totally wrong.

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Vba Listbox Lookup To Populate Another Listbox

Jun 28, 2007

I have 1 listbox (lisbox1) that retrieve it's list items from a worksheet range (imported/database query from access). This works fine.

I have a second listbox (listbox2) that should display results from clicking a value in listbox1.
Listbox1 contains companynames (1 column), listbox2 needs to be populated with quotes.

Range A3:D4800 contains company ID's, Company names, Quote Numbers. When I select a company name in listbox1, I need listbox2 to be populated with all quotes for that company.

I have tried (using vba) to do a vlookup using the listbox1 value, but I cannot seem to figure out how to populate listbox2 with "all" quotes. I get 1 quote and that's it. I realize I probably need to have the vlookup loop through each cell in the range to find the value, but when I try this, I get a type mismatch when using the .additem (only for the 2nd and subsequent passes).

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Multiple Choices For Sum Formula??

Apr 24, 2007

I am trying to calculate phone call rates based on several different conditions. *if my phone call has a "DESCRIPTION" of "Local" then I want to add 2 cents onto the "COST" *if my phone call has a DESCRIPTION of "Mobile" then I want to use the formula = SUM(G7*24*60)*0.4+0.1 to calculate the charges *if my phone call has a "DESCRIPTION" of "13 Number" then I want to add 5 cents onto the "COST" I am able to use a formula that allows 2 condition but I have been unable to work out a formula where I can add more conditions.
I have attached a spreadsheet

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Allow Multiple Option Choices

Jan 23, 2008

When I try to insert an 'option' box in which either a check box or radio button are used, only one option can be used. For each option I have to create a new option. But then, each option can be selected, which defeats my purpose. I want to create an option box where there are two option in the box, but the user can only select one of the options, not both, or neither.

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Multiple Option Button Choices VBA

Apr 4, 2013

I am working on a grading sheet for our company. I would like users to choose from an option button choice (A, B, C, D, F) for each grading category and I would like to write that to a sheet that corresponds with the graded person. The form will have next and previous buttons to move through the grading process - when previous is chosen I would like the option buttons to populate what was stored in the data sheet. I think I can mottle thru the code individually but with 60 option buttons it may take quite some time.

Can I call an option button choice by "Group"? I started coding individually, but it will take a lot of code - surely there is a more efficient answer. A picture of my form is attached at the bottom of this post.

Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()Dim Grade As String
If Me.OptionButton1 = "A" Then
Grade = "A"
Grade = ""
End If


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Dropdown Selection Box With Multiple Choices?

Dec 19, 2013

I am trying to create a simple order entry worksheet. In cell M1 I need a dropdown box that lets the user select which options go on the product. You can have multiple options. The list of options is contained in column A of the Options worksheet. Depending on which options are selected, I want to put a 1 in column B of the Options worksheet. how to do this or have a sample workbook that I can look at.

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Combobox To Populate Multiple Cells?

Aug 5, 2014

I am looking for a way to have 1 combo box, but be able to click on any cell in a range and yield an individual results. In this particular case I am tracking maintenance, and what my crew's corrective actions were for each location. As this varies day by day I cannot use HLookup or VLookup. Also, the lists vary, and have over 100 options.

What I would like is to be able to click in the cell, and instead of scrolling through a list of 109 options be able to start typing the action and it to auto populate. This gets tedious when there are often 50+ locations with maintenance calls per night.

Furthermore, keeping the results exact for VLookup that is being used on another sheet.

I've attached a blank sheet. Columns B, E, F, & H each would ideally have their own combo box. I could click on any cell in the column and when I begin typing the option it would autofill to the correct list item.

Their respective List are currently to the right under columns J, L, N, & P with their headers matching the exact name they've been given.

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Spreadsheet - Output Choices / Multiple Dropdowns In Sequence

Mar 14, 2014

I am looking to create a spreadsheet wherein the user can choose multiple drop downs in sequence and then have it output each choice to a template or empty space within the spreadsheet.

For example, lets say column 1 said what is your favourite colour and had a dropdown with two choices red and green. Column 2 says "favourite place" and had a drop down with two choices "London and USA". Then once the user chooses an answer in each column it would output these choices to notepad or a large space within the spreedsheet.

In this example it would output:


if the first two answers were chosen from each column. Obviously it would be a much larger scale than the simple example above.

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Auto Filter Based On User Input With Multiple Choices

Apr 29, 2014

I have here an example of how I might extract data from a source workbook and paste it onto a template workbook, using autofilter to find the rows that are needed. It is currently set-up to take rows that match "AREA 1" or "AREA 2" in column A, along with a number of other criteria in other columns.

What I want to do is add into this macro, a way for the user to be able to choose the filter options will be used for column A of the source workbook. So if they want only "AREA 1", they can choose just that, or if they want "AREA 2", or perhaps both "AREA 1" & "AREA 2", or further additional options. They need to be able to specify just one, multiple, or all of the filter options with regards to column A of the source data.

In effect what I need is a user input box or form with a dropdown menu that will give the filter choices based on column A of the source data, and then for the code that copies the data across, to do so based on which choices the user makes in the filter menu of the input box.

I have uploaded examples of the source data workbook and the target template workbook. The macro exists within the template workbook.

[Code] .....

How it may be possible for the user to be able to specify, one, multiple, or all available filter options for column A of the source data, via a user input box or form.

Attached Files :

Sales Analysis Template1.xlsm‎

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Populate Multiple Text Cells Using Corresponding Drop Down List?

Jul 5, 2014

The list is a crew list and I'd like to be able to select the foreman, but I'd like the crew cells to be populated with the information corresponding to that specific foreman. I've named the data range and created the drop down list but i cant figure out why the crew column wont populate with the crew. I am using a different sheet for my data.

I tried VBA but I am hoping I can use Index and Match.

=INDEX(crew, MATCH(C10, Personel!D2:F4, 0), COLUMN())

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Populate Cells On Multiple Sheets Based On List

Jun 26, 2013

I am having a hard time searching for this formula.

Sheet1 has the following data in A1:A5


I then have 5 additional sheets.

I want to populate cell D2 on each additional sheet with the values from Sheet1

Sheet2 - Value1 in "D2"
Sheet3 - Value2 in "d2"

and so on...

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Populate A Listbox

May 18, 2009

I have created a Userform with several 'Listsboxes'. I would like to populate these boxes from lists on a spreadsheet. Can someone please point me in the right direction using the 'VB Help' where I can get an example of the code

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Code To Populate Listbox?

Mar 14, 2014

code the following on a userform initialize event to populate a list box: If the selected item in the list box SerialNumber = "none" (lower or upper case) then populate the list box lbSamDesc with all the unique entries on the sheet "EquipmentData" in Column C (from C3 on to last entry in C), where the corresponding B cell next to it is blank.

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Populate A Listbox's From One List?

Oct 6, 2008

I have a workbook with about 25 different sheets and each sheet has the same in cell listboxes on them and If I get another item I need to add to them I have to go to each sheet and update them, is there a way to make one list to populate each list from?

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Listbox With 2 Columns, How To Populate

Mar 21, 2008

i have a simple listbox and i want to be able to assign text to it.

i thought the correct code was something like this:

listbox1.List(rw,col) = "value"
but i get a runtime 381 error. could not set the list property. invalid property array index.

i'm using row 1 is index 0 and column 1 is index 0.

how do you populate a listbox with multiple columns? .additem only populates column one for me.

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Populate Listbox With Array

Jul 9, 2009

I've got a list box which I want to fill with a two column array, with items from a sheet based on a criteria selected by userform fired from another sheet.

Private Sub VariationsApprovedListMake()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyList(10, 2) As String
Dim M%, n%

Set ws = Worksheets("Variations")

LastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Row

'Clear ListBox

With lbVariationsApproved
.ColumnCount = 2
.ColumnWidths = "25;25"
.Width = 200
.Height = 100
End With.....................

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