Fill Cell With MultiSelect ListBox Choices

Nov 20, 2006

I refer to the following article from last year, with a similar question.
Multiple Selections Drop down list to one cell.

I would like to be able to choose multiple values from a list box and print them into one cell (or at least print them anywhere).

For example: I have a list with products A, B, C, D, E, F
Those products are shown in the list box. If e.g. B, D and E are chosen, I would like to have this selection shown together in another cell. That means the content of the cell should be "B, D, E".

If I use the INDEX function (which works fine for single select list boxes), only one of the selected items is displayed in the cell and not even the one I selected.

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Send All MultiSelect Listbox Choices To Sheet

Feb 19, 2007

i have this code to populate the worksheet from listbox selections, but it only works on a 'one at a time' basis.

Private sub cb1_click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Ltm As String

With ListBox1
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) = True Then
If Ltm = "" Then
Ltm = .List(i)
Ltm = Ltm & ", " & .List(i)
End If
End If
Next i
End With

With ActiveSheet
.Range("B" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp). _
Offset(1, 0).Value = Ltm
End With
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
ListBox1.Selected(i) = False

what i am trying to do is once i have checked several items in the listbox is have all of the checked choices fill iin column B at once.

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Multiselect ListBox Can't Find The Name

Oct 9, 2009

I have a sheet named "Main" and multiselect listbox in this sheet.

I've named the multiselect listbox "Test", in the window just above the column A, next to the formula/cell value input field

However when trying to run a macro which is to return the selections in the multiselect listbox. I get an error i the VBA code that "object required".

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Listbox Multiselect Selections

May 2, 2006

On a multiselect listbox, is there any way the user can select a "block" of selections, instead of having to select them one by one? The list box I have has about 100 choices and it would be possible to select blocks of choices at a time. This is similiar to MS Outlook email where you can push the shift key to isolate a block of emails to move to a different folder.

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Multiselect Listbox Transfer

Jan 30, 2007

I have a multiselect list box in a userform and need to transfer all the selected items in the list to Sheet2 Column D starting in the first empty cell.

I am using the following

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim iListCount As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim rStartCell As Range

Set rStartCell = Sheet2.Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)

For iListCount = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(iListCount) = True Then
ListBox1.Selected(iListCount) = False
iRow = iRow + 1
rStartCell.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = _
ListBox1.List(iListCount, 0)
End If
Next iListCount
Set rStartCell = Nothing

End Sub

My problem is that this is transfering just the first selected item from the listbox to the first empty cell in Sheet2 column D but the rest of the selections are not transfered.

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MultiSelect Listbox Selections To Cells

Jul 23, 2009

I have a MultiSelect Listbox with two columns of data and I want to enter the listbox row data into different cells of a sheet. For example, the selected listbox first column data to be entered to Sheet1, activecell and rows below (for other multiple selections), and the selected listbox second column data to be entered to Sheet1, activecell(0, 2) and rows below (for multiple selections).

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Multiselect Won't Work In Userform Listbox

Apr 28, 2014

I'm trying to return the selected items from a listbox to a range within a Worksheet when the user press the >> button as shown below. The point is i can't return ALL the selected items but only the first picked by the user.

Here is the code i'm using when button >> is pressed:

Private Sub Inserir_Atributos_na_Analise_Click()
Dim i As Long
Set ws1 = Worksheets("ListBox")


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Listbox Multiselect Drag & Drop

Aug 18, 2007

I've finally gotten the code down to drag an item from one list box and drop it into another listbox, but only for one item at a time. The list boxes are on a user form and I am using Excel 2002.

how to select multiple items in ListBox1, drag them to and drop them into ListBox2?

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MultiSelect Listbox: Counting Selections

Aug 31, 2006

I've got multiselect option 2 enabled: fmMultiSelectExtended and I want to be able to count up the total number of rows the user has selected.

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Multiselect Listbox On A User Form

May 14, 2007

I have a listbox control on a User Form. The properties are set as follows: MultiSelect: 1-fmMultiSelectMulti; ListStyle: 1-fmListStyleOption. With these properties the user selects multiple items from the listbox by clicking checkboxes that appear to the left of each option. Once items are selected the user clicks a command button on the User Form and the selected items are placed in a single cell on an excel worksheet. The excel worksheet contains an excel list of records. The records on the worksheet can be edited or added.

Let’s focus only on the MultiSelect listbox. A single item is selected from the listbox and is applied to cell G2 as CRUSHING. On the next record two options were selected. These items were added to cell G3 as CRUSHING; SHEAR. The next record had three items added to cell G4 as SHEAR; LATERAL BENDING; FLEXION. As you can see from the above example multiple items are added with the item name followed by a semicolon space and then the next item name. The user form contains command Buttons that allow the user to move to the NEXT, PREV, FIRST, LAST, ADD, and EDIT records.

Here is my problem:
I can check multiple items and have them added to a single cell of the current record on the worksheet. My problem is how to reverse this process. I need to move back to a previous record and have the User Form appear with the check boxes of the currently selected record.

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Multiselect Listbox On User Form

May 17, 2007

I have created a user form with a multiselect listbox. The user form displays a checkbox to the left of each ListBox item that can be selected. Once selected the user clicks the SAVE button on the user form and the results are stored in a single cell on an excel workbook. The user form contains several other buttons that allow the user to view the NEXT and PREV records stored on the excel worksheet. If a checkmark is placed next to the option Shear and the Save button clicked, the word Shear would be recorded in the 7th column, current row of the worksheet. If the user checks several boxes like: Flexion and Lateral Bending, the 7th column of that row would store Flexion; Lateral Bending. The macro inserts a semicolon space between multiple selected items.

When the user clicks the PREV or NEXT button on the user form to go an existing record I am having difficulty getting the correct checkboxes to be selected to reflect the contents of the 7th column, current row. The ListBox control is named GeneralInjuryMechanisms. The code that I currently have for this section of the macro is as follows:

Dim strInput As String, strOutput As String
Dim varZz As Varient, i As Integer
GeneralInjuryMechanisms.Clear 'Clear the existing ListBox options
AddRegionalMechanisms 'Recreate ListBox options based on current record in column 7
strInput = Cells(r, 7).Value ' i.e. cell on worksheet with Flexion; Lateral Bending
varZz = Split(strInput, "; ") 'create array of values using "; " as delimiter.
For i = LBound(varZz) To UBound(varZz) ' loop through values...................

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Return Value From MultiColumn & MultiSelect Listbox

Jan 17, 2008

I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to return a value from the second column in a 4 column listbox, all I can manage to return is the numerical value for the row selected eg if I use: MsgBox listbox1.Value to try and return the result, it shows the number of the selected row in the msgbox.

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Multiselect Listbox Output And Other Userform Outputs

Nov 2, 2012

I have a userform with 5 data fields. The first two are listboxes and the last 3 are textboxes. I have recently added the multiselect option to ONLY THE FIRST listbox (MeetingSpaceBox). I can get the multiselect listbox to output correctly. The problem is, though, that the rest of the data will only fill in the first row and will not be added to any of the subsequent rows. The data from the other 4 fields should remain constant for each selection in the first ListBox or at least until either "ok" or "clear" have been selected on the UserForm.

Do I assign all those valuables to variables and fill them in after the Multiselect listbox data has been added? I assume this will mean a change (or deletion) of the emptyRow code.

See my code below

Private Sub CalcButton_Click()
If AllDataEntered Then
'define empty row
emptyRow1 = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1

[Code] .....

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Multiselect Listbox Preselected Values From Matrix?

Apr 3, 2014

How do I preselect items in a listbox based on combobox selection and values stored in matrix.

I have attached the file with a description of what I mean

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Listbox Multiselect To Control Original Cells

Oct 10, 2007

Is it possible to get the multiselection the users make in the listbox correlate directly to the original cells the rows pertain to?

the reason is I need to be able to get the users to multi select the cells they want to print and then send print commands to the documents ancd drawings located in their hyperlinks. So if there was some way to pull the Cells selections then I could work with this indefinately. I''m unsure whether this is feasable, I was thinking of putting the multiselect results into an array using the text values then doing a vlookup or something, but the original drawing register sheet doesn't have unique items just unique hyperlinks :P I cannot manipulate the physical layout of the sheet itself as other macro's are located on these sheets.

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Deselect Selected Items In MultiSelect ListBox

Jan 22, 2008

When i tranfer my listbox content to sheet the selected item remain selected in listbox

Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 0 To Me.ListBox2.ListCount - 1
If Me.ListBox2.Selected(i) Then
j = j + 1
Worksheets("Workings"). Range("AA" & i + 2).Resize(1, 1).Copy Worksheets("Print").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
ListBox1.Selected(i) = False
End If
Next i

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Show/Display Selections In MultiSelect ListBox Control

Sep 26, 2006

Ive made a worksheet with a userform and ListBox. The listbox is filled with names. If you click on the last button a msgbox with your selected names is displayed. If you select the button without a selection from the listbox a message pop ups to warn that no selection is made. If you select any name afterwards and click on the button the message still pops up unless you select the first entry from the list ("natalie") then the code is right executed. I'm struggeling with the code for several days. I wonder if by any change somebody wants to correct the code. (I've uploaded my sheet)

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Allow Multiple ListBox Choices

Jan 24, 2008

There is any way to select two item one from listbox1 and anotherr from listbox2 and paste on sheet

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Populate Cells From Multiple ListBox Choices

May 22, 2008

I am having a problem with some code I am trying to work with. My problem is that I need to source information which is selected on a userform in 3 list boxes and copy this information into the excel sheet behind on the same row.

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Create "Master" Listbox From Choices In Another Listbox

Apr 18, 2006

I have two listboxes on a userform. One is the "choice" listbox, the other is the "master" listbox. Each item selected is a billing object on a sales invoice.
problem: The master list works fine when the item is selected in the choice list. But when it is deselected, how can you REMOVE it from the master list? question: How can I add a text box automatically to the userform to allow the user to enter quantity info?

For I = 0 To CodeList.ListCount - 1
If CodeList.Selected(I) = True Then
obj = CodeList.Column(0, I)
p = 6
test = 0

Do While test = 0 And p <= 25
If sheetsales. Range("C" & p) = obj Then
test = 1
test = 0
End If
p = p + 1
If test = 0 Then.........................

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Clear & Copy Ranges Based On ListBox Choices

Aug 21, 2007

I have a saved file at d: named Report.xls from another file I am copying column and pasting data to this report file, this is done by a macro. While pasting data to the report file, a pop up message is coming up – A file named D:
eport.xls already exists in this location? Do you want to replace it?

In case “yes” is clicked it pastes the data But the problem is that the macro that I have in the report.xls vanishes. The macro I need in the report.xls?

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Copy Paste From Sheet Based On ListBox Choices

Jan 14, 2008

On sheet1 I have four listbox and when user select items in listbox then macro copy some range from sheet vj and paste them on Sheet1.

But I have to problems with this macro:

1. I want to copy range instead of row

2. How to change macro if I have two or more listbox.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim mpRow As Long
Dim i As Long

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Fill ListBox With Found Values Sheet Names & Cell Addresses

Feb 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet containing a list of key fob numbers, key numbers, etc. I have 3 userforms with different for different options, i.e. Key fob no. search, key number search, room number search. I have set up the code for each of the userforms to search for the information entered in the textbox and then lists the info in the listbox which I can then click on the one of the listed items to take me directly to the place in the spreadsheet.

However since there are a range of different key numbers per key fob, I would like to know what code I can use to allow a range of information such as the key number and room number, etc to be displayed in the same listbox as the Key fob number i searched for.

Here is my code for one of the Userforms:

Option Explicit

Sub Locate(Name As String, Data As Range)

Dim rngFind As Range
Dim strFirstFind As String

With Sheet1.UsedRange
Set rngFind = .Find(Name, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not rngFind Is Nothing Then
strFirstFind = rngFind.Address

I cannot attach a example of my form since the site seems to have a limit on the size of the upload and my part of the file compressed in zip format is still at 168kb.

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Find All Row Values Selected In Multi Column ListBox & Fill Adjacent Cell

Apr 27, 2009

I have a listbox that has row and columns. The rows are combinations of options and the columns are Additives.

After selecting a row in Listbox1, (first column are names) i would like the value of the second column to goto a specific area.... find that value and in the cell to the right of it place a "Y". The "Y" would indicate that "yes" it was part of the selection row of the listbox. Same for third column, forth, fifth and sixth. The result from the listbox is a number of Y's and N's in the result page. Then making all that were not part of selected line and equal to "N" to hide row (height = to zero).

Listbox and expected result are in attached example worksheet.

The attached does show the need much better then I can explain it.

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Fill Listbox: AddItem

Dec 12, 2006

I am trying to get a range from a worksheet and add it to my listbox1 on a form but i keep getting this error message.. Run=time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object '_worksheet' failed

Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("iSheet")
Dim ilastrow As Integer
ilastrow = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Dim irow As Integer
irow = 0

For irow = 0 To ilastrow
If Trim(ws.Range("a" & irow).Value) <> "" Then
With ListBox1
.AddItem Trim(ws.Range("a" & irow).Value) & " - " & Trim(ws.Range("b" & irow))
End With
End If

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Add & Fill Listbox On Worksheet

Mar 8, 2008

I can easily put a listbox into a spreadsheet and fill it with a rage of data from a sheet, however I am looking to create 2 listboxes where one will be filled with hidden spreadsheets within the workbook and the other with non hidden, to give the user the ability to move one from the other. The problem I am having is that I do not know how to call these created listboxes from in VBA. I can easily acheive this in useforms but would prefer it to be in the spreadsheet as I already have a number of userforms that fill data in a large number of spreadsheets that I want to hidden initially.

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Fill Listbox Column Heads

Apr 28, 2009

I got an example xls but can't figure out how it's done....

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Fill Listbox With Array Of Folders

Jan 26, 2010

(Modifying some code by Leith Ross) I am stumbling why I get an error trying to fill the listbox with folder names. (See code in red for error location) ....

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Fill ListBox With All Sheet Names

Jan 23, 2013

How can I fill a Listbox on a worksheet with all the work sheet names in a workbook. If one is added it will update the listbox, not using a userform. All the sheets will be hidden except main sheet with listbox?

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Fill Listbox Based On TextBox Value

May 15, 2007

On Sheet1 I have four columns populated with data below the following header row titles.

Column1 [A1] = Batch Number
Column2 [B1] = Forename
Column3 [C1] = Surname
Column4 [D1] = RefNumber.

I have set up UserForm1 with TextBox1 and ListBox1 controls. What I am trying to do is open the UserForm, type in a Batch Number in the textbox and fill the listbox with the Forename Surname and RefNumber associated with the batch number.

Example ....

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