Populate Listbox With Column Headers From Multiple Sheets
Oct 17, 2007
I am trying to go through each worksheet and if the worksheet name is Hematology then the header columns will be put into the listbox (ListBox1). The first row of the header is the parameter and the second is the units. Ideally I'd like column 1 to have the first headr row and column 2 to have the second header row. Once the listbox is completed, the user can select multiple columns by the header and those columns will be deleted. I have the ListStyle set to 1-fmListStyleOption and MultiSelect set to 1-fmMultiSelectMulti
The only thing I get when I run the rubroutine is a userform (Hematology), an empty listbox (ListBox1) and my two command buttons (Nothing to Delete and Remove Parameters).
Private Sub Hematology_initialize()
Dim Wrkst As Worksheet
Dim Header1 As Range
HeaderRange1 As String
For Each Wrkst In Worksheets
If Wrkst.Name = "Hematology" Then
For i = 1 To Wrkst.ColumnCount
Set Header1 = Wrkst.Cells(5, i)
HeaderRange1 = Header1.Address & ":" & Header1.Offset(1, LastColumn).Address
With Hematology.ListBox1
'Clear old ListBox RowSource
.RowSource = vbNullString
'Parse new one
.RowSource = HeaderRange
End With
Next i
End If
Next Wrkst
End Sub
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Jun 7, 2014
I have a userform with two listboxes in them, i have set the columns in the listbox to 9 and would like to populate the column headers in the listboxes with the column header of one of the sheets.
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Mar 21, 2012
the following code has been devised to populate a userform listbox ("listbox1") with seven select columns (F,H,K,L,N,O) of filtered rows of a worksheet ("Data")
Sub AddMultipleColumn()
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet
Regrettably, there is something amuck that is preventing it from providing the expected results. Seems as though this code wishes to process all the rows, instead of just those revealed from the filter. The routine runs indefinately, and will ultimately lock up Excel and never revealing any information. On a random stop, rngCell value far exceeded the (what I felt) to be the preferred max of 28 ... the number of rows of the filter. This routine is called from within the userform's initialization code.
Question 1 ... those that are able to shed light on the flaw ...
Question 2 ... data starts on row 6 of ther database, with rows 1-5 being header. What needs to be done, if anything, to reflect this?
And question 3 ... if the worksheet "Data" were in a second workbook , would be as simple as changing this ... Set wks = workbooks("workbook2.xls").Worksheets("Data")
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Jul 23, 2008
I am trying to populate a listBox with data from cells. I eventually want to be able to make the cells change by just adding more data into my worksheet.
Here is my code. It should fill my listBox with just cells A1:A11 (I can't figure out how to make it adjust for new data), however the code is returning this error:
"Run-time error '91'
Object variable or With block variable not set"
Option Explicit
Sub PopulateListBox()
Dim myList As Worksheet
Dim x As Variant
For Each x In myList.Range("A1:A11")
UserForm3.ListBox1.AddItem x.Value
End Sub
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Aug 24, 2006
I have a directory structure with a folder in drive C:, this folder contains a varying number of subfolders each containig one file (.xls extension). I wish to populate a ListBox with the filenames only (not the full path) of all the files contained in all of these subfolders. I know how to populate the ListBox with the file names of a given folder, but in this case the user is not aware of the number of subfolders or their names.
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May 22, 2008
I am having a problem with some code I am trying to work with. My problem is that I need to source information which is selected on a userform in 3 list boxes and copy this information into the excel sheet behind on the same row.
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Jun 10, 2014
I am using Excel frontend and Access backend for my project. Now I want to write the code that will execute when the userform1 is loaded and populate data from Access table in to the 2 column listbox. I have written the following code but that doesn't work properly.
[Code] .....
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Jan 22, 2008
I need to populate a worksheet's rows with values from 2 comboboxes and a listbox which can have multiply selected items. After finding the row's last free cell, I have the listbox values properly populating correct column. However, I not sure how to get the corresponding combobox values assigned to the appropriate columns.
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Oct 17, 2009
I'm currently faced with a spreadsheet that has data formatted like this:
1 RandomRowofData1
2 RandomRowofData2
3 RandomRowofData3
4 RandomRowofData4
5 RandomRowofData5
6 RandomRowofData6
7 RandomRowofData7
8 RandomRowofData8
9 RandomRowofData9
Every 9 rows, a new "set" of data repeats itself (wow, this is so hard to put into words)....
I need to figure out a way to get the data in column "A", every 9 rows, to transpose itself into 9 separate columns.
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May 27, 2014
I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.
The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.
[Code] ....
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Dec 31, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that contains many lines of information that will constantly be added to and updated. One of the columns contains a drop down with 4 possible options. I am trying to get the data to copy to a sheet based on 1 of the 4 options selected. So for example, if Education is selected, then that row of data should also appear in the Education sheet. Same goes if one of the other options is selected.
I have seen several examples on this forum, but they are mostly macros (or formulas that don't quite apply). I am trying to use formulas so that the information is updated live so macros don't really seem to be a viable option.
I am including a sample of the spreadsheet with data on the main sheet and how I want it to look when it is transferred over to the other sheets. I had to substitute a lot of the information (with numbers or filler words) due to it being confidential.
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Jun 26, 2013
I am having a hard time searching for this formula.
Sheet1 has the following data in A1:A5
I then have 5 additional sheets.
I want to populate cell D2 on each additional sheet with the values from Sheet1
Sheet2 - Value1 in "D2"
Sheet3 - Value2 in "d2"
and so on...
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Dec 16, 2011
I am trying to populate a blank sheet with data from multiple sheets given a certain condition.
Scenario: I have multiple columns on each sheet, but only three of interest to me. The first column has a header "Part ID", the second column header is "Description", the third column header is "QTY". I want to pull the data from all three columns to the new sheet when the QTY for that column IS NOT 0. The three columns of interest are always in Column A, B, and C.
The only thing that may make it tricky is that the data doesn't necessarily start on the first row of each sheet. For example, the headers for the first sheet are on row 17, and the headers for the second sheet are on row 5. So on and so forth...
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May 22, 2013
So lets say I have 3 different sheets each with information on them like this:
Sheet 1 Sheet2 Sheet 3
item1|2 item2|7 item1|4
item3|5 item3|6 item6|2
item9|7 item8|4 item7|8
The first part (code#) is a code for an item. The second number is the quantity of that item. What I need to do, is to be able to populate a master list which will pull the quantity of each item and sum them up. In the above case, the master list would look like this:
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Sep 27, 2007
I have the following sheet which functions as a table to store values for files that have been created using the application which this table is in. In this app., I have a form with 2 listboxes. When the form loads, I have the first listbox list values which each of these files are listed under (i.e. - "sub-directories"). With a selection of one of the list values and clicking of a button, I want the second list box to list the values of cells listed in a range directly below where the selected value in the first listbox came from.
I'd prefer, in the first listbox, to have only the values of the ranges that have a value in them in the listbox. However, this would cause my listbox.selected(array) not function properly. But since my current offsets (in the second sub) do not seem to be working anyway, maybe I am going about this totally wrong.
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Jun 28, 2007
I have 1 listbox (lisbox1) that retrieve it's list items from a worksheet range (imported/database query from access). This works fine.
I have a second listbox (listbox2) that should display results from clicking a value in listbox1.
Listbox1 contains companynames (1 column), listbox2 needs to be populated with quotes.
Range A3:D4800 contains company ID's, Company names, Quote Numbers. When I select a company name in listbox1, I need listbox2 to be populated with all quotes for that company.
I have tried (using vba) to do a vlookup using the listbox1 value, but I cannot seem to figure out how to populate listbox2 with "all" quotes. I get 1 quote and that's it. I realize I probably need to have the vlookup loop through each cell in the range to find the value, but when I try this, I get a type mismatch when using the .additem (only for the 2nd and subsequent passes).
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Apr 1, 2008
I am trying to print the file name as a header and the tab name as a footer automatically when i print an entire workbook. I am following the following steps:
File - Print - Entire Workbook - Preview
once I am in preview, I enter Page Setup and choose custom header (to print file name) and custom footer (to print sheet name). It works on some but not on all of them
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Jan 22, 2010
I am putting in search items and running a macro to find the items on 'physical servers' WS, copying the header in that WS and the entire line the match appears on, though I cannot get it to do this.... it is really causing me stress
Then next part that is working is the items that return false are showing up on the results page - this is expected and what i want it to continue to do.
What I cant seem to work out also is how to run the search on the 'Virtual Server' WS also and return the results to the results WS as just like the 'physical servers' WS.
I have included some dummy data + code + the expected result on the 'Server Results' WS.
Hope you all can work out a way to make it work.
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Jul 15, 2014
I have single values in each cell in column A. I have 100 rows.
I want to take six rows at a time and get them to populate columns B, C, D, E, F, G.
Is there a simple formula for this?
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Apr 14, 2013
I'm having a little bit of problem to accomplish something using a listbox , the trouble is that I want to display the rows of one column into multiple columns in the listbox.
Source = "List","C1:C300"
The Listbox should look like this :
Not sure how to do that because I don't work with listbox too much.
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Aug 23, 2013
Excel 2010. I have a workbook that has multiple sheets where some have headers and others do not. Some sheets are static in that no user input is required and others are dynamic so the toal number of pages per worksheet may vary based on how much information the user inputs.
An example:
Sheet 1 is static and requires no input, it does not have a header or a page number. For compliance reasons this sheet must be printed on top of all the other sheets in this policy
Sheet 2 is dynamic. This sheet can range from 2 pages to 5 pages depending on user input. This sheet must have page numbers starting with 1 and it must have a header on page 2 through the last page, but no header on page 1.
I am currently using a worksheet_activate sub to input data into the headers and footers of sheet 2. This works very well and puts the data where I want it to go just by using the "Different First Page" option in the headers design tab.
The problem arises when I select both sheets to print. Excel now thinks Sheet1 is the first page, so the first page of sheet 2 now has a header and the page number beings at 2 instead of 1.
Where I can stop this from happening?
Current sub:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
' If WS is activated, place information in header
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Policy #
[Code] ..........
As I said, this works all well and good for when I'm just printing Sheet2 but when I have to print Sheet 1 & 2 together, it no longer prints the way it should. There are times when Sheet 2 will be the first page of the overall document but there are a few instances where it will be second to Sheet 1 and I run into this issue. Is there a way to specifically reference which headers/footers the code will input the data?
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to sum a specific range of values between two headers in several dynamic sheets. The values in the sheets always starts in row 10 and column H (Forcast). For example the header could be "Sales" in column A. Then I want to sum values above the header "Sales" in forcast column H. The next header could be "Operations", where I want to sum the values between "Sales" and "Operations" in column H. Next header could be "Rents" then I want to sum the values between "Operations" and "Rents" in column H, and this is how it continues... Is there any macros for this?
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Apr 1, 2014
I have a multi selection listbox that has 6 columns located on the "Form" worksheet. Trying to extract the data from the selected lines (and all columns for the selected line) and copy to another worksheet (ExtractedData). My code so far only works to extract the multiple selections for the first column. Not sure how to have it include all columns. Ideally would like to have the six columns to be extracted and placed in separate cells on the ExtractedData worksheet. Here is what I have so far:
SelCnt = 0
With Worksheets("Form").ListBox3
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) Then
SelCnt = SelCnt + 1
[Code] .......
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May 18, 2009
I have created a Userform with several 'Listsboxes'. I would like to populate these boxes from lists on a spreadsheet. Can someone please point me in the right direction using the 'VB Help' where I can get an example of the code
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Mar 14, 2014
code the following on a userform initialize event to populate a list box: If the selected item in the list box SerialNumber = "none" (lower or upper case) then populate the list box lbSamDesc with all the unique entries on the sheet "EquipmentData" in Column C (from C3 on to last entry in C), where the corresponding B cell next to it is blank.
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Oct 6, 2008
I have a workbook with about 25 different sheets and each sheet has the same in cell listboxes on them and If I get another item I need to add to them I have to go to each sheet and update them, is there a way to make one list to populate each list from?
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Mar 21, 2008
i have a simple listbox and i want to be able to assign text to it.
i thought the correct code was something like this:
listbox1.List(rw,col) = "value"
but i get a runtime 381 error. could not set the list property. invalid property array index.
i'm using row 1 is index 0 and column 1 is index 0.
how do you populate a listbox with multiple columns? .additem only populates column one for me.
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Jul 9, 2009
I've got a list box which I want to fill with a two column array, with items from a sheet based on a criteria selected by userform fired from another sheet.
Private Sub VariationsApprovedListMake()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyList(10, 2) As String
Dim M%, n%
Set ws = Worksheets("Variations")
LastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Row
'Clear ListBox
With lbVariationsApproved
.ColumnCount = 2
.ColumnWidths = "25;25"
.Width = 200
.Height = 100
End With.....................
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Aug 2, 2006
I have a set of values stored in an array an I simply want to populate the list box with these. one article on the microsoft website simply gave:
'Assign the array to the listbox
ListBox1.List = LArray
However, I get an object required error.
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Mar 20, 2008
I need to populate two listboxes, however, the value on the second box needs to derive from the first one, such as when I click on North America, USA and Canada would show up. the tricky part is that I need to be able to select North America and Europe in the same time and 2nd list box needs to show USA, Canada, UK, Italy, German accordingly.
A1: North America
A2: Europe
A3: Asia
B2: Canada
C1: UK
C2: Italy
C3: German
D1: China
D2: India
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