Prevent Referencing Hidden Worksheet
Jun 3, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which I'm using as a log-in front for a series of other workbooks. The usernames and passwords are stored hidden cells within a "very hidden" worksheet. The workbook is protected and VBA code itself is password protected.
In short no-one can directly view the passwords (unless the password to unprotect it all is known.
What I have found is that someone can use a formula to reference the cells containing the user details. "=a1" for example.
Is the a method hiding the contents of a cell from excel itself? I want the vba script to be able to see the value, but any "=a1" formulas to return a blank.
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Jul 20, 2009
Regarding the age old problem of trying to ensure macros are enabled in a workbook, using the process of hiding all sheets bar one:
Automatically Close Workbook If Macros Are Disabled
Reafid inserts some excellent code so that worksheets are hidden BOTH before closing AND on a normal Save event (I have also attached Reafid's zip file with the workbook that includes his/her code).
Having done much searching it seems to be the best solution out there, however I can still break it fairly easily and I'm worndering if anybody can stop me doing the following to break it:
Open the file in its restricted state (i.e. only Warning tab shown, all other sheets very hidden) and NOT enabling macros on opening. I'm therefore at the position Reafid intended; macros are disabled so all sheets are very hidden. Then to break it, in my personal macro workbook I have a simple macro that unhides all worksheets in ThisWorkbook, I run that personal macro and everything in Reafid's file is unhidden.
Reafid's file therefore has been opened with macros DISABLED and now all worksheets are visible.
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Mar 21, 2008
I have a sheet that uses Blocks of cells eg: A1:X10,A12:X22 etc to hold data/text etc.
I am filling colums A to V with data and Ranking and summing them in W & X,
I don't need to show K, L M ...for example, until they are totally filled, so I hide them manually until needed.
Have a Macro to print "results" A1:X10,A12:X22 etc, and I set a "print area" or "print selected" fine to fit to 1x1 Page.
Problem: If I hide L, M, N etc, the macro runs fine but still uses the unhidden size of the selection to fit the page ie: I get A-B-C-D...-W-X as required, but the other half of the page is blank, because the size selected is for all including the hidden columns.
Q: How can I (Simply) print what's visable to 1x1 Page, fitting more in each time I unhide a column or two.?
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Jul 30, 2009
I've got an issue where Formulas Referencing Cells on another sheet are getting changed automatically to refer the the moved cell data. The formulas on a sheet (2) refer to specific cells on sheet (1) within my workbook. I update Sheet(1) data with a macro. When sheet (1) updates, the present data gets shifted to the right.
In other words, I need to prevent the formulas from changing to reference the moved data values and keep referencing the initial cell with the new values. xample of change that occurs with update:
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Jun 9, 2008
I have a series of worksheets, named, 'sheet1' 'sheet2' etc. through to 'sheet10'. A final worksheet, 'sheet11' has been produced that uses the formula: address=Sheet1!A1, address=Sheet2!A1, address =Sheet3!A1 etc. The same goes for other identical cells on each of the sheets. I am at the moment entering each cell on 'sheet 11' separately because if I copy the formula down it progressively changes the cell value and not the sheet number. How can I produce a formula whereby the cells remain identical but the sheets change progressively?
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Sep 21, 2007
One of the fields I want them to enter is a library branch and I have used a data vaslidation list to provide a dropdown box.
To make it act more like a windows drop down box I have hidden 7 cells above this box with the 7 possible entries. This means that with autocomplete, if they start typing in the cell it will autocomplete the entry for them.
This work fine, but if someone presses enter from the cell above my hidden rows, one of the hiddenn cells is selected!
I have no explanation for this behaviour, nothing like it has ever happened before, and I have no idea how to get rid of it.
example attached
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Mar 20, 2009
When I am saving my spreadsheet as a text file, I have 1 column with formulas that I would like to not show up in my text file. I have tried hiding the column, and have Googled for awhile now.
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Aug 19, 2008
I have a feeling the answer to this will be 'no' based on the searching I've done, but is it possible to allow formatting of rows/columns on a protected worksheet, yet prevent the user from unhiding some rows/columns I don't want them to see? I've allowed them to format rows/columns so they can "size" them to fit the text they enter, but that has opened up the ability for them to unhide columns. Using Shrink To Fit would be cumbersome due to the number of cells involved.
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Apr 21, 2012
I have a workbook that contains 50 worksheets named 1-50. I need to add more worksheets. all the formulas in the worksheets always refers to the previous worksheet.
How can i make a copy of the worksheet named 50, name it 51 and have all the formulas in worksheet 51 refer back to worksheet 50?
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Aug 1, 2008
I have been struggling with my Excel 07 Date format. Nearly every time I perform a calculation, enter in a value etc in a spreadsheet my answer is returned as a date. So for example if I enter in a cell: = 5 - 4. I get the answer "1-Jan-1900" instead of 1. I have to manually set the formats to general or number if I want the correct format. The setting seems to be the default one and occurs for all workbooks I open. What can I do to change this.
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May 3, 2013
coding a VBA macro for one of my workbooks, in which I need to be able to hide/unhide various rows in one worksheet depending on the value of a cell in a worksheet elsewhere in the workbook. The rows start off hidden by default.
As a simplified example:
Worksheet1 has a cell that has option "Set 1," and "Set 2." Worksheet2 has two sets of rows (say, 20:30 and 40:50) that need to be hidden/unhidden depending on the cell in Worksheet 1. These are hidden to start with!
So if Worksheet1's target cell says "Set 1", then on Worksheet2, rows 20:30 would stay hidden and rows 40:50 would be revealed, and then if the target cell says "Set 2," then on Worksheet 2, rows 40:50 would then be hidden, but rows 20:30 would then be revealed.
I was thinking of using something like this:
Rows("20:30,40:50").EntireRow.Hidden = True
If Target.Address="'Worksheet1'!A1" Then
If Target.Value = "Set 1" Then
Rows("40:50").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Rows("20:30").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End If
I think this might work, but every time I try to run this I get various errors, like not referencing my target cell correctly.
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May 6, 2014
I have created an excel worksheet that will provide budgeting and estimating tools for my project managers. All data used to be manual entry and took a good while to complete. I am trying to automate the process with VBA.
I created a UserForm called InfoVerify1. On that form I have TextBox 1 - 10. When the UF opens, the boxes display project information from my worksheet called "Basis of Estimate", also known as Sheet26.
The TextBox1 ControlSource is set to "E4". When I run the macro with Sheet26 active, the proper information fills in. However, when I am on the Start page or any other worksheet and I run the macro, it tries to fill in the text boxes with E4, etc, from the active sheet. I tried changing the ControlSource to "Sheet26,E4" or any combo thereof with only error messages.
how to get it to refer to a cell on a particular worksheet and hold to that worksheet no matter which sheet I am on at the time I run the Userform?
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Dec 19, 2008
I need to create a worksheet whose sole purpose is to return the values from every 17th row from another worksheet in the same workbook.
I have spent a few hours trying to research the correct answer and OFFSET comes close but either I'm doing it wrong or it's not what I need.
I want to be able to drag the (every 17th row from sheet 1) formula down about 100 rows.
Assume A1 as starting place. I would prefer a formula answer as opposed to a macro or VBA.
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Jun 24, 2009
way to reference the name of a worksheet in a cell, or even better, use a cell reference to dictate the name of a worksheet.
In other words, I would like to create a new sheet, and set it's name ='Sheet1'!C1 so that if I changed C1, the worksheet would automatically be renamed to whatever is typed in C1.
If that is not possible, I would like to have a cell be tied to the name of a given worksheet, so that if I renamed the worksheet, the cell would change accordingly...similar to the &[Tab] function used in headers/footers.
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Dec 23, 2009
I have an XLS spreadsheet which updates cells through an ODBC connection to a database. The information is pulled across ok and 90% of the Vlookup and IF statements work. The problem arises on a summary page.
When i start off the summary page has cell references in numeric order to another spreadsheet and pulls back the information to 4 cells Across and 1000 Down. ='Campaign Responses - Cash Break'!A2
This is a spreadsheet that changes once the queries have run and a number between 1-1000 records are returned. However once the data has changed and the page refreshed. Not all the results have been pulled across to the summary pages. A few are there but the numeric sequence jumps from......
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Oct 22, 2007
I have been having problems referencing text in a worksheet.
I tried cleaning it, didn'twork.
When I do T() some cells come back empty. I don't know why?
How do I get the text?
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Dec 8, 2011
I have the formula:
=VLOOKUP(C10,'[Ticket Out Comparison Report.12.4.11.xls]TO'!$C:$O,10,0)
I want to do something like putting 12.4.11 in cell B1 and change the formula to something like:
=VLOOKUP(C10,'[Ticket Out Comparison Report.B1.xls]TO'!$C:$O,10,0)
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Jul 25, 2006
I used to think I was moderately intelligent. Certainly, I thought I knew my way around a computer. Then I got the bright idea to try and learn VBA. Since then every attempt I've made in trying to produce the most basic of code results in mad fits of rage and me wanting to slit my wrists. I've read half a textbook and I keep trying to write simpler and simpler code to get some sort of result, just to give me the drive to carry on but no matter what I try it always goes completely wrong.
So before I stick me head through the computer screen, here is today's attempt. I want to select a worksheet. I then want to copy the contents of cell A2 down to A1200.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets("Calls Outcome").Visible = True
Worksheets("Calls Outcome").Activate
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A2:A1200")
End Sub
I’ve stepped through the code and I get an error on “Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A2:A1200")”. After spending several eight-hour days trying to get something out of VBA I have zero energy and zero patience.
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Jul 9, 2014
I use a few Functions in my VBA code. All these functions, are declared as "Public", and reside in a single module. However, they are called from many different modules during code execution. (i.e. many functions called from many modules - hence the "Public" declaration).
My issue is that in addition to being available to different VBA Modules, these Functions are also available on the worksheet as a UDF (so if a user presses "=" in the formula bar, the auto-complete shows these functions when the first characters match). Is there a way to remove the availability of the function on user worksheet? i.e. to allow a Function to be called from different modules in VBA, but prevent it from being available on the worksheet.
My current work-around is to prefix all Public Function names with letter "j" - as no excel formula seems to begin with it - none of them show up as auto-complete options. Nevertheless, the Functions are still available to the user - which is what I would like to prevent.
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Aug 7, 2009
An old post provided the following macros that purportedly prevent users from deleting a worksheet. Unfortunately, it also makes it so you can't delete ANY worksheet in ANY file, which is of course not what was intended. Need figure a way to remove this nuisance? All attempts to delete a sheet keep looking back to the offending workbook, even though the macro has since been deleted from it.
Try pasting the following two event procedures into the Help sheet module:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim CB As CommandBar
Dim Ctrl As CommandBarControl
For Each CB In Application.CommandBars
Set Ctrl = CB.FindControl(ID:=847, recursive:=True)
If Not Ctrl Is Nothing Then
Ctrl.OnAction = "RefuseToDelete"
Ctrl.State = msoButtonUp
End If
End Sub................
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Feb 28, 2014
How do I write a sub to prevent all changes to a worksheet?
This is part of my thinking in covering all possible mishaps that could occur when working with sheet movement. If I could somehow introduce an active protection on either my Sheets(1) or Sheets("Main"), then I could prevent accidental writing to or removal of said sheet.
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Aug 18, 2007
I have a workbook for which I would like to protect the worksheets, while still allowing my code to alter the worksheets, which can be done with the line:
Sheet1.Protect Password="abc" UserInterfaceOnly:=True
However, I want allow some users (who know the password) to be able to unprotect the sheet if they need to edit it, then turn the protection back on after they are done. How can I make sure that they use my macro to protect the sheet with UserInterfaceOnly set to true, rather than the standard way to turn on protection?
That is, is there a way I can prevent the user from being able to protect the sheet with the Tools->Protection->Protect Sheet menu item?
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Oct 19, 2007
I have an excel sheet embedded in a Powerpoint presentation, but I have the problem that users are editing the sheet and accidently or unknowingly scrolling around. This results in the window resizing itself when the exit the object and messing up the appearance of the presentation. Is there a way of easily preventing scrolling (either via VBA or other)? I can obviously hide the scroll bars but that does not prevent the use of the mouse's scroll-wheel. I have also already hidden all unused columns and rows so that they cannot oversize the window.
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May 2, 2014
I'm able to export hidden worksheet to PDF. Currently, I have the follow code below which will export active worksheet.
With Worksheets("ExportTable")
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True
After I hide the tab, when I tried to export it. I have an error message of "Invalid argument". I should use another type of code to export hidden tabs.
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Jun 10, 2005
Is it possible to protect a hidden worksheet. I do not want them to be able to unhide the sheet unless they know a password to do so.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a bit of a complicated one here so I have attached my book, its probably easier to undertstand the query by looking at the book. Hopefully somebody can help me out here.
I have 2 worksheets:
A results worksheet - this contains all category of results, each category has been given a specific sort id.
A foreign worksheet - this contains all categories found on the results worksheet with sort id = 7.
Now the complicated bit. The whole exercise is too pick up the correct exchange rate for the foreign category (sort id 7). each foreign type has a specific number at the end of its description in brackets e.g (3).
At the bottom of the "results worksheet" is a key which says what type of exchange rate to use for this type e.g. (3) Price of CAD 22.9 converted using exchange rate of CAD 1.9645 = £1.
What I need to do is on the foreign worksheet, it to recognise the number in the item description, keep it in mind then switch over to the "results worksheet" find the keys at the bottom of the page (the key is not necessarily in the same place all the time!!), match the number in the items description with the corresponding key and then find the exchange rate.
As i said very difficult to explain, since I reletively zero experience with this kind of work in excel. Luckily I been muddling my way through a work project gradually thanks to a forum member here. so i hope we can keep this up!
two restrictions in the way this solution can be done:
1- Results worksheet can not be modified, but it can be referenced to using INDIRECT, and you can make any number of modifications outside of the results worksheet.
2. Any solution must be automatic.
I have attached my workbook and highlighted the bits I need to fill and the picks I need to pick up.
Would be ever so grateful if some1 could show me the light here.
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Aug 13, 2014
I want to export data from a set of named ranges in workbook x to another set of ranges in workbook y. The names of the ranges to be exported from and to are spesified in a table "Table_Export". Problem is I do not want to spesify in what sheets these respective ranges are located, seeing that I do not know the actual sheet names. But since the ranges are global it should somehow be possible to reference them in vba without referencing the respective worksheet?
The relevant code can be found below where either of the two 'commented lines within the if statement are what I want to accomplish.
Dim x As Workbook
Dim y As Workbook
Set x = ThisWorkbook
Set y = Workbooks.Open(Range("Export_to").Value)
Dim export_control As ListObject
[Code] ....
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Mar 19, 2014
I've tested and I'm getting errors trying to reference a range in a specific sheet.
I want to sum a range for further calculation and can get this to work perfectly if I don't specify a sheet - but it sums the range in the wrong sheet as the code is within a With statement range:
I've checked that wsSumm contains the 'Summary' worksheet value and that's all fine, I've also tested the following:
[Code] ....
I've also tried replacing wsSumm with Worksheets("Summary") and Worksheets(1), but get exactly the same results, so no it's not a fault with the worksheet variable. Also tried using Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum, but again exactly the same results.
So, why I can't sum the range on the specified worksheet? Is is something to do with being inside a With statement for another worksheet - though I've not come across problems with this before...
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May 6, 2008
Is it possible to have a tab named by referencing a cell within a worksheet?
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Aug 19, 2009
Reference a worksheet that has not yet been created, avoiding the #REF! result?
The formula I have is correct, however the macro generates new worksheets throughout the month in which the totals sheet is referencing. The problem being that the totals sheet is referencing worksheets not yet created.
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