Prompt User For Confirmation Before Running Macro

Jan 22, 2008

I am using VBA to create a weightloss calculator and everything is going fine ecept the Vbyesno boolean that will not allow me to delete the data that i want.

I used a macro to delete the information that i want to delete and i know it works because without the vbyesno, it works fine.

With the vbyes no, both yes and no do nothing when clicked and the yes no box just closes.

The macro code is stored in a private sub called "ClearAll"

My code is:

Private Sub Restart_Click()
Dim Response As Boolean
Response = MsgBox ("Are you sure",YbYesNo)
If Response = VbYes Then
Call ClearAll
End If
End Sub

What am i doing wrong?

I also want to make the no button the default, how do i do this in conjunction with the code above?

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Prompt For Confirmation Before Running Macro

Oct 5, 2007

I have created a macro, but running the macro will replace the data that are already in the cells. So what I would like to do is to have a pop-up window come up when clicking the macro button asking if you really would like to proceed

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Confirmation Box Before Running A Macro

Apr 8, 2009

How do I ask for a confirmation box before running a macro, but only one time. What I mean is some of the macros I use loop and it wouldn't be practical to click on "ok" for each time the macro ran.

So again I just need some code to tack on to the beginning of a couple of my macros that will ask me before they run but only once.

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Confirmation Message Box When Running Macro

Feb 22, 2013

Is it possible to have a confirmation message box if you click a button to run a macro, eg "Are you sure you want to Insert a new row?" with "Yes" and "Cancel".

For purpose of this question my current macro is

Sub Button3_Click()
Rows(ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row + 2).Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub

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Macro Including User Prompt Feature

Dec 18, 2009

Looking to write a macro which includes a prompt to the user for use in Excel 2007.
Specifics....Have a workbook including many worksheets with a common layout. Would like to write a macro to copy specific defined ranges from one worksheet to another but within the macro it would prompt the user to type in the worksheet name to copy the ranges from.

Example....User is at worksheet C in the file containing worksheets A, B, C, and D. User starts the macro and a prompt comes up for the user to input the worksheet name to source the ranges from (in this example A). User types in "A" in a dialog box and the macros copy/pastes the contents from range B4:B35 and Z2:z20 from worksheet A into those same ranges in worksheet C.

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Prompt User To Open Sheet As Macro Enabled - VBA

Jun 19, 2013

I have got a protected sheet with macros, how can I ensure that users can only open the sheet as Macro enabled only otherwise the sheet would not open?

I understand that some users may have different Macro security settings?

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Macro To Pull Data From Multiple Files With User Prompt

May 2, 2008

I need a macro which collects data from two files and dumps it into a separate spreadsheet. I need it to prompt the user to select the two files, since the file names may change.

Once a user selects the files, the macro simply opens them, grabs the data (the data sits on a single sheet in each file) and pastes it into a file, and closes the 2 data files.

The Data sits in A7:N20 on both files.

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Keep Running Total Of How Many Times User Runs A Macro

Mar 20, 2014

I have a button that a user clicks to print the info they entered. I need some code to add a running count to a cell (say, H2) every time the user clicks that button and runs the print macro.

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Msgbox That Will Prompt For Answer Before Running Code

Apr 28, 2009

I need a MsgBox that will prompt for a Yes or No response. If you answer Yes run the code below if you answer no just stop and leave me in the current sheet.

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Keep Code Running When Message Prompt Shows

Mar 1, 2008

I have code to open another workbook and run a specific macro. I plan to then take that and copy it over to my workbook.

The problem I am encountering is when I run this macro, at the end of the code, a form/msg pops up stating it is complete. This then automatically stops my code from running (from my original workbook). How do I close this form in order to keep my code running?

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VBA Re User Prompt

Oct 4, 2008

I have created an addin that runs several macros. To enable the user to undo any changes, I keep a backup prior to them using any of the macros in the form of a worksheet named back00xx. I want a prompt to be displayed to the user to remove these backups at the closing or saving of the file. The problem is that as an addin, how do I get it to display this prompt as the open workbook is not part of the addin.

Could one have a looping routine that is checking every xx min/sec to check if the current workbook contains any sheets starting back00

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Do Not Prompt User On Broken Link

Aug 7, 2009

This file pulls totals from external links. The way I have it set up is that every month our log is saved to a naming scheme involving the date, then a fresh log is created for the current month. So, for each month I have "log mm-yyyy".

Now, the chart file is a thirteen month rolling chart (meaning every month it must show the thirteen most recent month's totals). I have created a macro to automatically update the links, based on an input in cell A:1 (meaning you can enter a date in the past and view the thirteen months previous). The problem is that we have only been doing the log for 10 months. So, when the macro runs to update the links, and it gets to months 11 through 13, it pops up a window for the user to manually browse for the missing(non-existent) files. There are quite a few cells that contain links to various information on these logs. I get a prompt for each cell and have to click "cancel". Once I have clicked cancel through all of the broken links, then everything works great.

My question (after all that) is, is there a way to suppress the prompt for the user to search for the missing file? Like I said, this chart is for management, and they shouldn't have to click cancel a dozen times just o look at a chart. If the file doesn't exist, then just break the link.

Obviously once the next three months are over, this problem will disappear, but in the mean time I need a solution.

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Prompt User For Data To Pull

Oct 8, 2009

I'm building a spreadsheet that consolidates multiple worksheets into one. I've got that portion done, but what i need help with is a user prompt. I don't have an example at the moment, but it should be fairly straight forward.

Rather than consolidating all the data into one worksheet I want to consolidate only the rows that contain certain information. The column I need to query in each worksheet is "BL". The only thing is that column won't always contain the same data. Is there a way to do basically a prompt to where it searches for the data they want and if it isn't in there it just moves on to the next worksheet automatically?

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Prompt User To Input Column Letter

Aug 23, 2013

Sometimes data comes in with various columns that need Concatenate.

I need VBA to prompt user to input which columns to use inside the formula:


'Place formula into A2
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=COCATENATE(D2&"_"&E2)"

'VBA to copy down formula until last row In my macro, D & E will vary, is there any way to make excel ask which two??

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Prompt User For Text To Fill Column

Dec 16, 2007

- Prompt User for Text String
- Fill in Column B from B2 to B(LastRow of ColumnA) with the Text String

For example if

Column A


and the user enters the text string "Animal"

then Column B will look like

Column B


The number of rows in Column A vary across my excel sheets.

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VBA Script In Excel To Prompt User To Input Date?

Sep 15, 2014

I have a cell (C16) that has a date format (such as 08/28/2014). I want the value of this cell to be "N/A" when cell C7 is "No". When C7 is "Yes", I want Excel to prompt the user to enter a date for C16 when they click on C16. The formula for cell C7 is =IF(C3="No","No","Yes"). That's where the value of C7="No" comes from. If I didn't need a date for the value of C16, the formula would be something like =IF(C7="No","N/A","______"). I have just recently started trying Excel macros due to a tool

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Clone Active Worksheet And Prompt User For Where To Save CSV

May 29, 2013

I've recorded this code and am looking to include it in a button. I would like for when a user clicks the button assinged macro that the active sheet is cloned and saved as a CSV file. The user should be prompted before saving on where (file location) they'd like to save the file.

Sub CloneWorksheet()
' CloneWorksheet Macro
Sheets("SDW&Customer Workshop scheduled").Select
Sheets("SDW&Customer Workshop scheduled").Copy
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:Documents and Settings1167916My DocumentsTestBook1.csv", FileFormat:= _
xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub

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Macro Close A Worksheet Without Saving And Without Confirmation

Dec 17, 2002

I am new to EXCEL and wanted to know if you can have excel startup running a macro and also if you can have a macro close a worksheet without saving and without confirmation. I created the basic macro of what I want to do. I just want it to be able to run unattended. Is this possible with EXCEL?

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Messagebox Prompt Then Allow User To Enter Data Before Continuing Code Execution

Jun 11, 2013

Basically, in the "Thisworkbook" code , i have some code in the Workbook_BeforeClose section. Currently , it autosaves the workbook in a folder i have specified.

However, i need to add some code.I want to check that a certain cell has a value in it before the user closes the workbook, and if the cell is empty, show a messagebox asking him to enter a value.

I know how to get a messagebox to pop up, the only thing is once the user clicks the OK button,
i need the rest of the code execution to pause, allowing him to make the change then if he clicks the "X" (top right of the screen) to close the file or application, the filesave dialog appears and he can then save the document.

how to go about this because at the moment when user clicks ok, the messagebox just disappears and filesave dialog appears and he doesn't have a chance to edit the cell.

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Prompt User For Folder, Import All Text Files & Replace In Range

Sep 2, 2009

Split From Run VBA Macro From Another Procedure. will it autosave and open all the archives in the file i specify and loop?

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VBA If Range Value = Something AND Another Cell Has No Entry- Prompt The User To Enter Data- My Code Is Not Working

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to display a message box for the user if there is "agency" in cell o8 but nothing in p8... I tried the following code but it doesnt work..

If Range("o8").Value = "Agency" And Range("p8").Value = "" Then

MsgBox "Please provide name of agency in cell p8"

Sheet9.Shapes("cross").Visible = True


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Running A Web Query When There Is A User Name And Password

Dec 20, 2005

I'm trying to run a web query from a website that requires a user name and password.

Is it possible to do such a thing when the website has a user name and password?

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User Dependent Running Time Errror (9)

Mar 3, 2009

I wrote a macro that worked for a long time but now a running time error (9) popped out even though the code didn't change at all. If I run the same macro on the same computer but logged on as a different user it runs smoothly. Tried it in other computers and in some of them it will also run in only some of the users but not all.

I'm running Excel 2003 on windows XP, on a pentium 4 PC but found the same in othe computers running Vista.

When I click the debug button the highlighted line is
close to the end of the following code.

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UserForm To Inform The User That The Program Is Still Running

Oct 28, 2009

I'm using a UserForm to inform the user that the program is still running. Unfortunately, when I do: UserForm1.Show the program hangs there until I hit the Ok button. How can I make the program run as the box is shown.

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How To Enable User Interaction While Speak Command Is Running

May 22, 2014

I have a cell (B1) in the second Sheet. It contains two sentences of text, which will be spoken when entering that Sheet (by a click in the previous Sheet).

Sub ButStart_Click()
End Sub

When the Speak command is running no other user interaction can be made. As the text is quite long not all the users want to wait until it is finished. So I need the users to be able to click on the "Next" button which takes them to the next Sheet (and start speaking the text there).

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Runtime Error -2147417848 Running User Form A Second Time

Mar 28, 2007

I have a user form that builds a workbook from one template sheet and information in a SQL Server database. The template sheet contains 4 charts that are copied to every new sheet in the workbook, then their data ranges are set through VBA code. For a while the code was working wonderfully. All the necessary sheets were being generated and correctly populated.

Yesterday I added a new module to generate another sheet and pull data from the same SQL Server tables. Now if I run the userform it will work fine once and create all the needed sheets, and set all the charts to the proper ranges. However, if I delete all the created sheets and run the form again, I get:

Runtime Error '-2147417848 (80010108)'

Automation Error
The Object Invoked has disconnected from its clients

The error consistantly occurs for the following line of Selection.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Master").Range("D1")

After the error the selected range still shows up as surrounded by a selection box, but if I change sheets, the box moves to the new sheet. Also I cannot select any new cells in the work book. In order to get Excel to work again I have to End Task from the Task Manager just to get it to close. When I restart Excel and go back to my work book I get the same results, i.e. The form works great once, then Excel dies.

I have tried qualifing all of the objects that can be qualified. I have tried setting all possible varriables to Nothing before exiting my macros. Nothing I have tried, or found suggested so far in the forum works.

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Macro To Prompt Key In Date?

Jul 21, 2014

excel macros and only know how to record certain tasks, and then edit after recording the task.

I am working on a project to automate a daily routine task for a company which involves creating a new tab and inputting various datas.

How can I create a macro such that I create a new tab and a combobox appears asking me to input the date in a particular cell?

This is the first in a number of steps for fully automating this process.

So far I only have this to create a new tab.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=ActiveSheet
End Sub

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Override Prompt From Another Macro

Oct 12, 2009

I have a macro that performs an operation on all Excel files in a given folder. The only problem I had was I couldn't walk away until it was done because the files themselves had macros that gave me a Yes/No prompt to recalculate.

I already have a calculate command in my macro so how can I override this command without physically selecting and clicking "No" with my mouse and without editing the macros that are already in the files (each unique and embedded in the individual worksheets). I cant edit each file because there are close to 300 of them.

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Password Prompt Macro

May 3, 2007

I need to put together a macro, which will be assigned to a command button, that will prompt the user for a pre-specified password, and, if the password is correct, return a pre-specified value in a different cell. Is there any way to do this?

To put it in perspective, at my company we have approval sheets that need to be signed by several executives that are scattered all over the building. The first executive gets the copy, signs it, sends it off, etc. They tend to dissappear on occasion, so we are looking to make it all electronic, where they can access the file in a shared folder, and the if they enter their password correctly, their initials are input into the specified cell. They can than save the file for the next executive to do the same.

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Print Button Macro Prompt?

Mar 23, 2014

I have a print button or object and I want to assign a macro to it that when clicked brings up a prompt to type in a Month or Year to Date and prints the data that corresponds to that month or YTD. I have a Date column in a table that I can get a different macro to print by basially having the macro filter by blanks, so essentially printing all the dates in the table, but I feel as if it could be much better and simpler by prompting the macro to filter by "x" Month and print.

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