Protect Worksheet Automatically & Unlock All Error Cells

Nov 24, 2007

I would like a <worksheet> to be automatically locked if all the data entered is acceptable, I would also like a message box to come up saying this. But I would like to be able to edit the data with a message box coming up to warn that I am about to change the data.

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Macro To Unprotect Sheet Unlock Cells And Protect Worksheet With Same Password

Jan 23, 2012

I have been really trying to get this sorted myself and I can get it to work with one exception. I can't get the sheet to lock with a password. It locks, but if I try to unlock it again, it does so without prompting me to enter a password.

Essentially I am wanting to unprotect two sheets, unlock the cells that were previously locked (so users couldn't enter data in them when the sheet is protected), then reapply the same password to protect the sheet, but now they will be able to enter data in the unlocked range of cells).

The second macro is to reverse the changes made in the first and 're-lock' the unlocked cells) (and again apply the same password to the sheet).

this is the code I have used.


Sheets("2012 Calculator 1 week").Select
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "taado"
Selection.Locked = False
Selection.FormulaHidden = False
Sheets("2012 Calculator 2 week").Select


I am assuming I have superfluous code in there, in addition to my mistake with the reapplication of the password.

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Password Protect: Unlock The Worksheet, Autofilter It, Print It, Unfilter It, And Password Protect The Sheet Again?

Jan 12, 2007

I have a sheet that is password protected. I have this code attached to a command button. It will unlock the worksheet, autofilter it, print it, unfilter it, and password protect the sheet again. However it is protecting it without a password. I need to have it protected with the password so that someone will not be able to just go to tools to unprotect the sheet.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "rainforest"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">0", Operator:=xlAnd
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True
End Sub

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Automatically Lock & Protect Cells

Nov 27, 2006

I have a grid used as a shared diary and I need to automatically protect a cell by changing its colour to red, can this be done using VBA?

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Automatically Unprotect Worksheet Before Email Macro Then Protect After Email Is Sent

Mar 2, 2009

I currently have a button then when pressed automatically sends a summary report taken from the first page of Sheet 1.

Worksheet needs to be protected all the time, but Macro only works on an unprotected worksheet.

I was wondering what additional code and where to put in so that when
protected back again after Macro has been executed?

Here’s the Macro taken from [url]

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The Unlock Button Gives An Error

May 15, 2008

I have an lock button to lock a worksheet, and a unlock button to unlock the same worksheet.
The unlock button though gives me an error when I don t set the password correct or not at all.
My code is like that

Sub UnlockSheet()
' Unlock Sheet Makro
End Sub

I am sure that is very simple for you guys here but for me a problem I can not figure out yet why.

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When Protect A Worksheet Then Only UNLOCKED Select CELLS

Oct 5, 2006

Ok I've spent over 2 hours reading MANY peoples issues with this "BUG". Back in 2003 was the earliest... no one has an answer that works.

When you protect a worksheet and only have UNLOCKED CELLS selected...somehow through loading and unloading the file... you can select locked cells....
I can not find a pattern but many people have had this issue all with no concrete answers.

Just by loading and saving, exit and loading and saving, exit and loading.... i can now select locked cells that I previously couldn't. (I can't do anything as it's still protected...) It's a pain because it wrecks my tab flow.

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Protect Worksheet But Allow Selection Of Locked Cells

Mar 7, 2008

I am fairly new to Macros and such so please bare with me. I work with workbooks that have 30-50 worksheets in them. They are fairly complex and we send them out to our agents to use and need them protected so they cant change anything. I found how I can protect all the worksheets with one macro. There is one more part that I would like to add to this macro that I cant seem to find an answer for on these forums (Yes I have spent the better part of the day looking).

When you manually go to protect a page. It asks you to type in your password for the first time and below that there are a bunch of boxes that can be checked or unchecked. I need the first box "Select locked cells" to be unchecked. It is checked by default. Is there something I can add to my macro to uncheck this box?

This is the topic I used to create my Protect/Unprotect macro.
Macros to Protect/Unprotect Worksheets and Workbooks

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Excel 2003 :: How To Protect Worksheet (Unlocking Certain Cells)

Feb 24, 2014

I have a sheet witch has a number of tick boxes and depending on the response a number of hidden rows may open to allow further info to be recorded, how do I protect the sheet in excel 2003 as unlocking certain cells & protecting the sheet will not work.

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How To Unlock Worksheet (Password Protected)

Sep 13, 2013

What if you forgot the password in a protected sheet? is there a way to unlock it?

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Use VBA To Unlock/lock A Worksheet For Data Entry?

Oct 16, 2009

I have a worksheet that, unless a form for data entry is activated, should be read-only for columns 'A' thru 'M' and 'O' with column 'N' left editable.

The form is activated by a button with a macro assigned to enter the data in the above columns when the form is closed. This has been compiled and works nicely with the sheet unlocked, however, as i need certain columns to be read-only unless the form is activated, i'm stuck with leaving the whole sheet unlocked for editing with or without the form being activated.

Is there any way a VBA code could be used to unlock the worksheet columns that are read-only when the form is activated, and then lock them once the form data is entered to the worksheet and the form closed?

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Automatically Lock Other Cells And Should Show Error Message?

May 2, 2012

I need a macro where user choose a value from validation, automatically lock the other cells and should show an error message.

Here is what I am looking for. User will choose Yes or no from cell H15 validation. If user choose "NO" from the validation then all other cells has to be locked in the workbook automatically except Cell H15 and a msg box needs to appear stating: "Select Yes from the validation".

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Retain Formulas In A Few Cells In A One Worksheet So They Are Not Cleared By &quot;clear Contents&quot; Without Using Protect Sheet

Apr 8, 2008

i have a worksheet which is a form which feeds into another worksheet which acts as a database. i have a button which clears the form based on code which is essentially "clear contents".

the problem is i have a few cells where i would like to retain the formulas. i tried to do this with custom in validation but this did not work. i also tried to enter the code directly into the worksheet but this didnt work either (my skills are limited..). i am avoiding using protect sheet bc that in turn will affect many of my other buttons. is there something i am overlooking?

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Unlock Cells For A Particular Month?

Nov 8, 2013

After going through some posts in this site, I found that, we can use custom validation for locking a cells when the condition is not met.I have tried using that, But I am not able to get it correctly.I have attached the sheet for your ref.

What I want is, when I enter a month in A2 (Which will always be the 1st of that month), that particular column should get unlocked/should be able to edit that month's column only. I have just provided on table here, but what I want is for entire column so that, I can use the same formula for a larger sheet

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Unlock Blank/Empty Cells

Jul 4, 2007

Is it possible to unlock Blank or Empty cells within a Range?

" for example; all cells in the range (A1:F10) > 0 .locked = False "

I have some code from something simmilar i have added below:

Sub test_Click()

Dim rngTemp As Range

For Each rngTemp In Range("grey").Cells
If len(rngtemp.value) > 0 Then
LockMatchedCells rngTemp, Range("against")

End Sub

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Conditionally Unlock And Unprotect Certain Cells In A Column

Jan 19, 2012

Any way to conditionally unlock and unprotect certain cells in a column. I have been unsuccessful with my attempts at customizing other people's vba code that is a little different than what I am trying to achieve. So here's what I would like to accomplish:

If A23 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D23, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again
If A24 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D24, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again
If A25 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D25, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again

and so on and so on.

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VBA To Copy Selected Cells Into Last Row And Unlock Sheet?

Jan 15, 2014

I want to select the rows that i want to copy then I would like a command button to unlock the sheet using password "2014", copy & paste my selection in the last empty row, and then lock the sheet.

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Find Match Cells And UnLock Entire Row

Aug 28, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to write a program that will: Match the date in cell H3 (which will show the current date) with a range of dates in column A then once this date is found the entire row will UNLOCK or allow me to update cells with data from another excel worksheet. If this is unclear or I need to post additional information let me know.

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Lock Used Cell. Unlock Blank Cells

Nov 6, 2006

I need to lock cells or ranges in a worksheet which has value (any value)....
The cells which are blank should be unlocked so that the users can enter data.

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Lock & Unlock Cells Based On Validation

Jun 8, 2007

I need to lock certain cells on a worksheet when a value is selected from a validation list. For example:

user goes to select an option from a validation list, that cell is now locked.

User decides to change the value with a blank option, available on the same list. the cell becomes unlocked ready for new input from the list.

the cell can only allow input when the value in the list matches that of another cell. if another cell already has different data in, it wont allow you to change the value.

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Lock & Unlock A Cell Based On Another Cells Value

Dec 20, 2007

trying to put together a formula, I am trying enable two cells to change between being 'Locked' and 'Unlocked'. I am doing this by using a CheckBox which is referenced to cell [E16] so that when it is checked, 'TRUE' will be displayed and when Unchecked 'FALSE' is displayed. From this I have tried to devise a formula for the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] that when cell [E16] shows 'TRUE' the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] are Unlocked and when it shows 'FALSE' the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] then become locked.

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Lock/unlock Cell Based On Another Cells Input

Feb 25, 2009

I want cell g12 to be locked unless cell h7 is Grass Fire or Timber Fire (H7 is a drop down validated cell)

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Copy Some Cells From Worksheet - Getting Error 400

May 29, 2013

I am trying to copy some cells from a worksheet and do a paste special to paste values at a different location.
But I am getting this error 400.

Sub CopyFeedResultData(inc As Integer, Feed_Fraction)
' CopyFeedResultData Macro


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Cells On One Tab Of A Worksheet Repeating On Another - Error

Jun 14, 2013

I have a strange problem with a spreadsheet I've set up. It has several tabs with multiple information on each. The sums on each individual tab are linked to the front tab (which I've used as a summary page), but I haven't put any other links in.

For some reason, when I type anything in certain cells on one of the tabs (including the summary but not just that), it appears also on all the others, not necessarily in the same place. If I delete it on the the other tabs where it shouldn't be, it deletes the original on the correct tab, which I want to keep. This has been going on for ages, it annoyed me so much I completely recreated the spreadsheet, from scratch, but it's still happening.

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Automatically Lock / Protect Formula Cell When Entered

Feb 26, 2008

I need to create a macro to where once a cell has had a formula or data inputed that it locks afterwards and cannot be edited without unportecting the sheet or not at all. The problem is I have no idea how to program in VBA. I can get there and select the worksheet but after that I am stumped. How would I enter the macro and what should the macro look like?

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Lock/Unlock Cells Based On Criteria From Validation Lists

Apr 24, 2008

I'm looking for a solution to a problem and from what I've read in the forums so far, this is the place to come. I first want to say that I have tried to solve the problem by using guidance from other similar threads and adapt those answers to my needs, but as my understanding of VBA is non-existent this was somewhat difficult. I don't want to post a repeat question and I hate wasting people's time if unnecessary, but I can't do this on my own.

That being said, here is the problem;

(I have attached a simplified copy of the worksheet I am working on for reference)

I would like to lock a particular cell in my spreadsheet based upon the selections made from two drop down validation lists (Cells “C4” & “D4”)

Essentially, if a correct choice is made in both, then the cell “E4” becomes unlocked for editing. If however, the correct selection is made in one list, but not the other, I need the cell “E4” to remain locked and a message to appear to prompt the user to correct their mistake.

Furthermore, both the validation lists have a whole range of selections that are very similar but have subtle differences;


"Soft Eye by Talurit"
"Soft Eye by Splice"

Is it possible to write a VBA code that performs a similar function to the =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("**",))) formula, so that if any choice that contains the word "Soft" is selected from either or both lists then the cell “E4” becomes unlocked, but if the selection does not contain that word then the cell remains locked?

If anyone could provide a code to make this happen, I would be very grateful! But please explain how to do this, as the word “Soft” won’t be the only parameter and I may need to alter the code so I need to understand the principle behind it; For example, on the spreadsheet, if in the ‘Inboard End’ list a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected and on the ‘Outboard End List’ a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected then cell E4 is unlocked for editing. If in the ‘Inboard End’ list a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected and on the ‘Outboard End List’ a ‘Fused and Tapered’ is selected then cell E4 is unlocked for editing, but if in the ‘Inboard End’ list a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected and on the ‘Outboard End List’ a ‘Standard Eye’ is selected then cell E4 remains locked and an error message appears to alert the user that his/her choices are incorrect. If however, "Soft" is not selected in either list then cell E4 remains locked (it has to be selected in at least one of the two lists to allow editing).

This is a work in progress (not all the formulas that will eventually be used have been entered yet, so please excuse the untidiness of it all) and the choices are likely to change based on input from my colleagues, so I need to understand how the VBA works in order to alter it accordingly, but I don’t want to put any more work into this (it’s still in the early stages) if it isn’t possible to achieve these needs.

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Labels In Userform Linked To Cells With Dates In A Worksheet Won't Update Automatically

Jun 2, 2014

I'm working on a workbook to track staffing patterns. I have two userforms included in my workbook. The first userform (userForm2) initiates upon opening the workbook. It's intended to allow the user to enter a date range and an office location for the report. The second userform (userform1) initiates when a command button (Weekly Summary) is clicked. I've linked texts boxes in userForm2 to cells in a hidden worksheet; this is where I'm holding the dates and office location until userform1 is initiated. I also have labels in userform1 linked to the same cells in the hidden worksheet so that when userform1 is initiated the office and date range appear at the top of userform1.

Here's the problem, when I click command button "Weekly Summary" the office location shows up perfectly however, the labels I have linked to cells in the hidden worksheet that contain dates do not update (i.e. they show the dates that were previously in those specific cells. I have to close userform1 and re-open it to get the dates to update.

I need the user to be able to choose a date range and office location when they enter the workbook. Then, I need userform1 to show the date range and office location (without having to open it, close it and re-open it) that the user chose on opening the workbook.

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Macro Error After Protect File

Jan 4, 2010

I created excel form with calculated formula and macro. Everything worked fine. To protect spreadsheet formula I protected file. But after protection when I ran file I get macro error message. Then I remove protection become work without error messgae. How to fix that problem?

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Getting Runtime Error 9 When Select Group Of Cells In Non-active Worksheet?

Feb 26, 2014

I am trying to select a group of cells in an inactive worksheet from code in a module but I keep getting a run-time error 9 message and I cant seem to find the syntax problem.

I pasted my code below and the error occurs in the last line before the end sub statement.


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Excel 2007 :: Lock / Unlock Cells Based On Values Selected In Dropdown List

May 15, 2013

I am looking to write a code to lock/unlock cells based on values selected using a drop down list (see attached Excel) For example if Netherlands is chosen as the Country (Column A), then except for the columns Amsterdam (column B) and Eindhoven (column C), all other columns must be locked. Similarly, if India is chosen as the country from the drop down list, then only the columns New Delhi and Mumbai must be editable for the user, the rest of the columns remain locked.

I tried tweaking some of the lock/unlock codes around, but got lost especially with getting to run the macro - still trying to come to terms with running a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange" function in the sheet from "Module"!

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