Unlock Blank/Empty Cells

Jul 4, 2007

Is it possible to unlock Blank or Empty cells within a Range?

" for example; all cells in the range (A1:F10) > 0 .locked = False "

I have some code from something simmilar i have added below:

Sub test_Click()

Dim rngTemp As Range

For Each rngTemp In Range("grey").Cells
If len(rngtemp.value) > 0 Then
LockMatchedCells rngTemp, Range("against")

End Sub

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Lock Used Cell. Unlock Blank Cells

Nov 6, 2006

I need to lock cells or ranges in a worksheet which has value (any value)....
The cells which are blank should be unlocked so that the users can enter data.

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Change Empty Cells To Blank Cells (need To Use Skip Blanks Function)

Mar 8, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where a column has many cells being empty and others with values. I need to use copy-paste skip blanks to another column so it only overwrites cells that contains values. BUT The cells in the column appears to be empty, not blank, when I try use the copy-paste skip blanks it doesnt work. However, when I press delete in every empty cell the copy-paste skip blanks works for those cells.

Do you got a fast method to make all the empty cells blank?

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Unlock Columns If Column Is Not Blank In Any Row

Jan 30, 2009

Unlock columns if Column is not blank in any row

Using VBA
On Sheet("Draft Final") , search every row and

If Col A is not blank, then unlock Columns G: M and unlock Columns O:U

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Unlock Cell Range If Row Is Blank

Nov 9, 2012

I have a worksheet with active range A9 thru K200 that is locked. When worksheet is opened, I need it to automatically unlock all rows that are blank, for users to input data. It would be great if this could also require data in column A, C and K before allowing workbook to be saved and closed.

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Blank / Empty Cells To Not Show 0

Dec 19, 2013

Please see attached workbook. I know for a fact this isn't the most effective way to do this, but I just needed something really quick for a small worksheet that my department at work is using. A1:C7 are supposed to represent 3 different types of "methods" In the case of my worksheet, I just typed random stuff.

Basically, I have data validation in B10. Depending on which one I select (1 corresponds with A1:A7, 2 with B1:B7, and 3 with C1:C7), it is supposed to populate that data. I've done this with nested if statements in D10:D16. The issue is that for options 2 and 3, it shows 0's where the blanks should be.

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How To Identify Blank / Empty Cells

Aug 14, 2014

What is the best way to track blank/empty range cells?*Have tried 'IsBlank' but it keeps showing "False" (cell range: H7:P7, no value and spaces)

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How Do I Keep From Printing Blank/Empty Cells

Oct 20, 2008

My work book developes text based on a series of answers. Some areas only apply to certian senarios. How do I keep from printing the 0 value feilds?

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Count Blank Empty Cells

Nov 26, 2007

I am looking for a formula to count the number of blank cells between the cell I am in and the first non-blank cell to the left.

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VBA To Fill Empty Cells Until The 1st Completely Blank Row?

Feb 1, 2014

I am looking for code that fills empty cells found in columns A-F by copying and pasting the value from the cell of the previous row (of the same column) ignoring columns G onwards. The copying/ pasting then should stop when it encounters its first completely blank row.

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Replace Empty Cells With Blank Space

Jun 23, 2008

I have many sheets in my workbook with many filled or unfilled cells... I want that any cell in my whole workbook should be filled with " " ie a space if it is currently blank (ie don't touch the cells which have some data) and as there are many cells in a sheet .. I don't want to fill them with spaces as the file size will increase... I just want to do this for cells A-1 to AB-200.

What is the way of doing this with a formula or programming ie without macros... (or is macro the only way?) What if I just want to do this to a sheet and not to the whole workbook.

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How To Make All Empty Cells As A Blank Cells

Sep 26, 2012


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Prevent #DIV/0 Error In Average When All Cells Are Blank/Empty

May 19, 2008

I'm looking for a function that will display the average of a row of cells, while at the same time not displaying any error messages. It's easy to average cells without blank values, but to combine that with no errors is difficult for me. I saw many ways to do the average, one of which is:

= SUM(A1:E1)/COUNTIF(A1:E1,">0")

That function doesn't work for a row of blank cells (i.e., hidden rows), though. The result is an error message.

I also read about a way to ignore an error in a computation:


The problem is when I combine those functions I get a blank cell no matter which function I put first, and without regards to cell values or not. The reason I want this to be error-free is that I have to average the "average column" at the bottom of the table, too (i.e., F100).

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Sort Blank Cells (Empty Text) To Bottom

Aug 7, 2008

When choosing ascending or decending, is it possible to always keep rows with the designated blank cells at the bottom? Trying to prevent the blank cells from popping on the top when i filter by a certain field.

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Check For Blank / Empty / Error Cells In Select Case

Aug 3, 2012

I am using a Uderform in order to check if some cells in several columns are higher or lower than values I set in my textboxes.

However, I think I am having a mistake in my code (it runs but doesnt return the correct informations) as I have blank cells in certain columns.

Concretely I am giving 1 point if the criteria is valid (if for example the value in the cell is <= 1) but some of these criteria are 1 when they should be 0.

As I said it runs but I need to add a fix for empty cells / blank cells and if possible N/A error cells in this so that the code gives 0 to the criteria and moves to the next column (next select case)..

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Advanced Filter: Exclude Blank/Empty Cells Criteria

Sep 11, 2006

Im using an advanced filter that uses the following criteria
Days Late Note(s) Note(s)
>90 <>*agreement* <>*QTR*

This shows all data over 90 that do not incl the words agreement or QTR in a column marked Note(s).

My problem is that I do not want to show records that are Null in the Note(s) column.

<> Does not work (possibly because it is text and not Numbers)

as this does work if used on records that contain numbers.

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Count Of Dates Less Than Current &amp; Corresponding Cells Aren't Blank/Empty

Apr 19, 2008

I have a formula '= COUNTIF(A1:A5,"<"&TODAY())' that counts the number of expired dates in one column. I want to include a second condition to this formula that will check if another column of dates are blank then they should not be counted. So if for example a1:a2 have expired dates, and b1:b2 have both got dates then they should be included in the count.

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Hide Blank/Empty Rows & Shown/Unhide Non Empty Ones

Sep 3, 2006

I am getting values for my excel sheet from another department excel sheet . everything works fine. If there is no values in the rows in the Department sheet, then i need to hide the rows in my sheet. How to code this in VBA. When they add values to the rows then i should make the rows visble here. Kindy give me a sample of vba code to this or suggest me to solve.

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Pivot Table Chaos: Blank Cells Return 0, Empty Cells Return Nothing

Jun 25, 2009

Hi, I desperately need help with a pivot-table and can't find anyone else who's ever had this problem...I have a very large healthcare data table which for simplicity I will describe as follows. In essence the first two columns respectively are (A) location and (B) month. Let's say the third column (C) is the number of cases of the disease kidpox treated in each health centre during that month. The fourth column (D) is the total number of cases of everything treated during that month in each clinic. The fifth column (E) is the proportion of cases of this disease over all consultations for each health centre and month, and the formula in E2 is .....

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Unlock Cells For A Particular Month?

Nov 8, 2013

After going through some posts in this site, I found that, we can use custom validation for locking a cells when the condition is not met.I have tried using that, But I am not able to get it correctly.I have attached the sheet for your ref.

What I want is, when I enter a month in A2 (Which will always be the 1st of that month), that particular column should get unlocked/should be able to edit that month's column only. I have just provided on table here, but what I want is for entire column so that, I can use the same formula for a larger sheet

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Conditionally Unlock And Unprotect Certain Cells In A Column

Jan 19, 2012

Any way to conditionally unlock and unprotect certain cells in a column. I have been unsuccessful with my attempts at customizing other people's vba code that is a little different than what I am trying to achieve. So here's what I would like to accomplish:

If A23 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D23, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again
If A24 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D24, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again
If A25 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D25, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again

and so on and so on.

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VBA To Copy Selected Cells Into Last Row And Unlock Sheet?

Jan 15, 2014

I want to select the rows that i want to copy then I would like a command button to unlock the sheet using password "2014", copy & paste my selection in the last empty row, and then lock the sheet.

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Find Match Cells And UnLock Entire Row

Aug 28, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to write a program that will: Match the date in cell H3 (which will show the current date) with a range of dates in column A then once this date is found the entire row will UNLOCK or allow me to update cells with data from another excel worksheet. If this is unclear or I need to post additional information let me know.

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Lock & Unlock Cells Based On Validation

Jun 8, 2007

I need to lock certain cells on a worksheet when a value is selected from a validation list. For example:

user goes to select an option from a validation list, that cell is now locked.

User decides to change the value with a blank option, available on the same list. the cell becomes unlocked ready for new input from the list.

the cell can only allow input when the value in the list matches that of another cell. if another cell already has different data in, it wont allow you to change the value.

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Lock & Unlock A Cell Based On Another Cells Value

Dec 20, 2007

trying to put together a formula, I am trying enable two cells to change between being 'Locked' and 'Unlocked'. I am doing this by using a CheckBox which is referenced to cell [E16] so that when it is checked, 'TRUE' will be displayed and when Unchecked 'FALSE' is displayed. From this I have tried to devise a formula for the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] that when cell [E16] shows 'TRUE' the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] are Unlocked and when it shows 'FALSE' the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] then become locked.

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Lock/unlock Cell Based On Another Cells Input

Feb 25, 2009

I want cell g12 to be locked unless cell h7 is Grass Fire or Timber Fire (H7 is a drop down validated cell)

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Protect Worksheet Automatically & Unlock All Error Cells

Nov 24, 2007

I would like a <worksheet> to be automatically locked if all the data entered is acceptable, I would also like a message box to come up saying this. But I would like to be able to edit the data with a message box coming up to warn that I am about to change the data.

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Lock/Unlock Cells Based On Criteria From Validation Lists

Apr 24, 2008

I'm looking for a solution to a problem and from what I've read in the forums so far, this is the place to come. I first want to say that I have tried to solve the problem by using guidance from other similar threads and adapt those answers to my needs, but as my understanding of VBA is non-existent this was somewhat difficult. I don't want to post a repeat question and I hate wasting people's time if unnecessary, but I can't do this on my own.

That being said, here is the problem;

(I have attached a simplified copy of the worksheet I am working on for reference)

I would like to lock a particular cell in my spreadsheet based upon the selections made from two drop down validation lists (Cells “C4” & “D4”)

Essentially, if a correct choice is made in both, then the cell “E4” becomes unlocked for editing. If however, the correct selection is made in one list, but not the other, I need the cell “E4” to remain locked and a message to appear to prompt the user to correct their mistake.

Furthermore, both the validation lists have a whole range of selections that are very similar but have subtle differences;


"Soft Eye by Talurit"
"Soft Eye by Splice"

Is it possible to write a VBA code that performs a similar function to the =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("**",))) formula, so that if any choice that contains the word "Soft" is selected from either or both lists then the cell “E4” becomes unlocked, but if the selection does not contain that word then the cell remains locked?

If anyone could provide a code to make this happen, I would be very grateful! But please explain how to do this, as the word “Soft” won’t be the only parameter and I may need to alter the code so I need to understand the principle behind it; For example, on the spreadsheet, if in the ‘Inboard End’ list a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected and on the ‘Outboard End List’ a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected then cell E4 is unlocked for editing. If in the ‘Inboard End’ list a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected and on the ‘Outboard End List’ a ‘Fused and Tapered’ is selected then cell E4 is unlocked for editing, but if in the ‘Inboard End’ list a ‘Soft Eye’ is selected and on the ‘Outboard End List’ a ‘Standard Eye’ is selected then cell E4 remains locked and an error message appears to alert the user that his/her choices are incorrect. If however, "Soft" is not selected in either list then cell E4 remains locked (it has to be selected in at least one of the two lists to allow editing).

This is a work in progress (not all the formulas that will eventually be used have been entered yet, so please excuse the untidiness of it all) and the choices are likely to change based on input from my colleagues, so I need to understand how the VBA works in order to alter it accordingly, but I don’t want to put any more work into this (it’s still in the early stages) if it isn’t possible to achieve these needs.

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Macro To Unprotect Sheet Unlock Cells And Protect Worksheet With Same Password

Jan 23, 2012

I have been really trying to get this sorted myself and I can get it to work with one exception. I can't get the sheet to lock with a password. It locks, but if I try to unlock it again, it does so without prompting me to enter a password.

Essentially I am wanting to unprotect two sheets, unlock the cells that were previously locked (so users couldn't enter data in them when the sheet is protected), then reapply the same password to protect the sheet, but now they will be able to enter data in the unlocked range of cells).

The second macro is to reverse the changes made in the first and 're-lock' the unlocked cells) (and again apply the same password to the sheet).

this is the code I have used.


Sheets("2012 Calculator 1 week").Select
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "taado"
Selection.Locked = False
Selection.FormulaHidden = False
Sheets("2012 Calculator 2 week").Select


I am assuming I have superfluous code in there, in addition to my mistake with the reapplication of the password.

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Filling Empty Cell Value Based On If Else Condition And Delete Row More Than 2 Cells Empty

May 23, 2014

Here find the excel file

My requirement

1) 4 values contains in each row based on the values from those cells the max value will display.

2) if more than 2 cells have empty,NR or NA text means the entire row has to delete.

3) if 2 or more that means 3 cells having values the empty cell,NR or NA cell will place value with the condition of macro that is 75% of other values which is maximum among them.

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