I have some VBA that disables AutoCalculate on certain sheets of my workbook. I am looking for a method to re-enable auto-calculate upon exiting / closing the workbook, so that my users dont get stuck with auto-calculate being off for other workbooks.
I'm using the following code to automatically install the Analysis ToolPak Add-ins...
Private Sub Workbook_Open() If Not AddIns("Analysis ToolPak").Installed Then AddIns("Analysis ToolPak").Installed = True If Not AddIns("Analysis ToolPak - VBA").Installed Then AddIns("Analysis ToolPak - VBA").Installed = True End Sub
... However, completion of the ATP-VBA install requires in the VBE that Tools> Reference and ATPVBAEN.XLA be enabled.
What VBA code do I need to complete this last step?
what the code to auto enable a macro? I have tasks running on my computer. Everytime they run, I have to click on enable macro. I thought there was a way to automate this, but I can't find the code......
Is it possible to enable autofilter even if the sheet is protected. i have protected certain columns in a sheet as it contains formula but i need to filter the values based on auto filter. This is not working as the sheet is protected. is there any way to enable auotfilter.
I have a special use PC which will power a projector 24/7. When it reboots I want it to load Excel, open a spreadsheet, and then connect to the web to get data using web queries.
My problem is that I get a dialogue box each time the spreadsheet is opened: "Enable Automatic Refresh." I need to remotely reboot the PC from time-to-time so I can't click the button.
I have set my security levels to low and that does not help.
I need a macro that simply allows me to open the filter criteria dialog to "contains," then stops, so I can enter the value to be filtered. Macro recorder does not allow me to stop recording at the point the "contains" dialog appears.
I would like to call upon a function until a certain criterion is fullfilled. Then, I would like to have the result returned to me and exit (all) open functions. For value1 = 1 and value2 = 10 I expect value1*value2 = 100. Instead, the routine returnz zero. What is the logical flaw in the code below.
Function testfunction(value1, value2) If value1 = value2 Then 'Calculating the difference testfunction = value1 * value2 Exit Function ElseIf value1 < value2 Then value1 = value1 + 1 Call testfunction(matrix1, matrix2) End If End Function
I have enable Refresh on Open for my excel pivot table, but user need to click "Enable Automatic Refresh" , only solution i came across is to change the registry setting. Which i dont have access to edit registry(admin disable the access).
Alternate solution i try to use Access macro to automate the process and use Outputto save it as a excel file A. Then use excel file B to update pivot table from excel file A.(as excel A data is always latest) The problem is i will get "....A file name already exist...do you want to overwrite.." prompt. Which defeat the automate process.
Any other solution to enable the automatic refresh on open the excel workbook?
Or Access can overwrite the exist file or save it as another file name with timestamp ?
I'm working on a workbook that has alot of calculations in it, on a pretty slow PC (Work-related), so auto-calculate is casuing crashing, so what I've done with this sheet is disabled auto-calculate and added a macro to calculate each sheet indiviually instead, which avoids the crashing (The last sheet still takes a minute and a half to process but thats ok I guess).
My worry is, when this workbook does the rounds, peoples excel will already have autocalculate on, and will crash it themselves. Is there anyway I can ensure that the sheet turns atuocalculate on or, failing that, does anyone have any ideas on how to help the issue?
I import a file and paste as CSV. I believe everything is considered text then, but there are numbers as well. The worksheet has over 4000 lines. I try to concantenate two cells (ie. a2 and b2). I use the function, but the result shows the formula. What I want is the new value or the string of words. I have checked my options and the auto calculate is turned on. I even try the various F9 keys.
I'm working on a Calendar. One where all the user does is input the year, and the rest of the Calendar fills itself out, as to the days.
Leap year is causing a small problem. There may be an easier way to do this (actually, I'm sure there is, but anyway), is there a way for a cell to automatically figure the last day of the month?
IE: I put "2007" in a field. Another cell auto matically reads as "28" (last day of Feb for this year). Subsequently, when I enter "2008", the same field reads "29".
The rest I think I got ok, but everytime I get a leap year, it shoves all my formulas down a cell, thanks to the extra day, and they're all off by one (February calendar showing last day as "01" from March, and "29" as the first day for March, from Feb).
I have attached a chart I'm working on. Each item is assigned a part number and it automatically takes away from the inventory each time an item is sold. I was wondering if the bottom half could work with the top to determine profit.
Customer purchases Part # 3 (C15) Quantity 1 (D15) for $450 (E15). Is there any way to set it up so whatever part number they enter...it subtracts their sold price from the cost (C5 through C11) to show the profit in (F15).
I have a workbook where I would like to enter the date of the starting month when the workbook is being used, and I want it to calculate in the next cell across the ending of that month.
I have a cell in which I will input the last day of a month (e.g., 1/31/09, 2/28/09, etc.) In another cell, I want Excel to show the last day of the previous month. Is there a formula to calculate this automatically?
I enter in Cell 1: 1/31/09 Excel calculates in Cell 2: 12/28/08
I enter in Cell 1: 2/28/09 Excel calculates in Cell 2: 1/31/09
I am trying to keep a running total of cost, here is what I am doing
Date Books Pencils tax Month Books Pencils Tax Total 1/2/2014 11.50 2.50 .76 January 35.85 13.50 3.44 52.79 1/5/2014 14.50 3.85 .83 February 10.95 1.50 .68 13.13 1/6/2014 9.85 7.15 1.85 2/6/2014 10.95 1.50 .68
I only used Jan and Feb as an example. So as you see on the right side I will have all 12 months for the year and I just want all the totals for each month to auto calculate. I will have between 15 and 30 entries each month.
I'm been trying to create a timesheet that will auto calculate the hours of normal / overtime 1 / overtime 2
Rules: Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday = Overtime 2 Monday to Friday (8:30 till 17:30) = Normal (Auto Monday to Friday (17:30 till 22:00) = Overtime 1 Monday to Friday (22:00 till 8:30) = Overtime 2
* If Public Holiday column is set to 1 then all hours will auto set to overtime 2
* If Breaktime column is > 0 then deduct from total hours calculate
Name Date / Day Public Holiday Start time End time Breaktime Normal hour(s) Overtime 1 Overtime 2
Running XL07. Need to have one workbook pull data from several dozen others.
Have columns to the right that refer to the query table.
As I add in queries to other workbooks, the time to update each individual query goes up a lot; it feels as if the update time is increasing geometrically. I'm giving up after 2 hours, for query updates that used to take
set a formula to auto calculate the staggered rent for the month. When I change the date, it will tell me for this month I should charge according to the rates for the year.
Rent for the month Start Date Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 01/07/14 Explanation 01/08/13 10 20 30 10 < 1 yr = 10 01/07/13 40 50 60 50 enter 2nd yr = 50 16/07/13 70 80 90 76.29 (15/31*70)+(16/31*80) 16/07/13 10 20 30 15.16 (15/31*10)+(16/31*20)
I would like to be able to change the color of a cell in V4:AB31 and have the formula in AM10:AM13 automatically calculate the new result. As it is now the user has to press Ctrl ALT f9 for the formula to recalculate.
I've been using conventional method to do this and it's time consuming. I would like to total up 2 column. A multiply B to be exact. Below are some examples:
Table 1 - Before totaling up:
Quantity Product 5 2 x Button A White 3 4 x Button B Pink 4 5 x Ribbon A Black 2 3 x Thread A White 6 2 x Cloth A Blue
Table 2 - After totaling up:
Quantity Product 10 Button A White 12 Button B Pink 20 Ribbon A Black 6 Thread A White 12 Cloth A Blue
I need to have the sum of the "Quantity" multiply "Product". Or in short A x B. And the end result need to have the number and "x" sign removed while keeping on the the products names. (2 x ) Take note it's "number" space "symbol" space.
I have some code that expects the user to select a file to open. If they don't select a file it posts an error message "Stopping because you didn't select a file" then it exits. However then Excel pops a debug window. How can I get it to cleanly exit and not pop the debug window?
I entered an activex object command thing.. and now I'm not sure how to exit out of it.. it just keeps alerting errors messages like reference is not valid and other ones depending on what I type in the formula box.
I just want to remove the object, but I can't get past the error alerts.. they just keep coming every single time I click somewhere on the workbook trying to exit out of it.. so I'm not sure how to even get out of it.. I don't want to open up Task Manager to exit out of the entire program because I didn't save my workbook.