Reference ActiveX ComboBox Value On Worksheet

Apr 10, 2008

How do I reference the value contained within a combobox using VBA?

I have tried the following:

ActiveSheet. OLEObjects("cmbSearchType").Object.Value

I'm wanting to use the drop-down combo box as a simple way for the user to choose what type of search they wish to perform on the spreadsheet. The search algorithm chosen depends upon the current value show in the combo box.

I am using Excel 2007.

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Use Activex Combobox In The Worksheet

Jan 5, 2008

successfully use Activex combobox on the worksheet, (excel 2003)
without the code from other boxes being triggered at random.

Or should I give this up, and use a form to house these controls? ( I have no Knowledge on this)

I've tried certain IF then statements to protect the excecutable, but it seems, that, even boxes in other books are looked at, with a simple call statement (to a macro in module)

Having a real problem in Isolating these things.

Try to get the code to activate when you select the same Item twice, It seems none of the procedures do this. I made a workaround with using two procedures, but it's a bit clumsy.

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ActiveX Combobox - Linked Cell Reference Lost After Save / Close And Re-open Workbook

Feb 11, 2013

Using the developer tab I inserted an Active X combo box. Under properties I referenced a 'linked cell' that I want the data to appear in. This box works great as long as I keep the sheet open. Once I save and close the workbook and re-open, that reference is lost. It shows #REF! in that field. Why does it lose the reference? I have tried to reference a cell on the same sheet as well as a cell in a different sheet and it keeps the sheet name but not the individual cell.

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Copy And Paste To Worksheet Using Combobox (ActiveX)

Jan 22, 2009

I managed to put the names of my other worksheets into some comboboxes in the main worksheet by using this ....

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ActiveX Combobox Code-run

Jun 4, 2009

I've created a workbook on whose main sheet there are three activex comboboxes. The first one contains a list of years, and the second one contains a list of months. The user selects the year, and it goes to its linked cell. The user then selects a month, and using the Combobox_Click event, should run a sequence of 7 macros (i.e. using the "call updateinformation1" macro, which is the first of the seven updateinformation macros).

The sequence of macros ran fine before I added the comboboxes. After adding the comboboxes, the final (7th) macro somehow goes back to the first macro and then causes a "ClearContents method of Range class failed" error on the "Selection.ClearContents" line. These are the first and seventh macros:

Sub updateinformation1()
'clears previous information to make way for new information
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False


I can't for the life of me figure out why it's looping back to the first macro instead of just stopping after the seventh. I have other workbooks that do something similar, and I don't have this problem. Am I missing something?

if I need to post all 7 macros?

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Add Scroll Arrow To ActiveX Combobox?

Mar 20, 2013

I have an application were I would like to use an Active X combo box instead of a regular dropdown list. The list contains 64 items and the text becomes very small in a standard dropdown list. Using an Active X Combo Box allows me to enlarge the text for easier viewing but with 64 items the list tends to run off the sheet. Is their a switch or some other way (scrolling) to make it more viewer friendly?

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Filter Column Using ActiveX Combobox?

Aug 1, 2013

I am trying to use a combo box with a defined list I have in another worksheet.

I was able to name and populate the list into the combo box, but am trying to work a macro into it.

I have a large data sheet with with many columns. In this worksheet, I also placed the combo box. What I would like to do is to be able to click on a name in the combo box and have it filter Column H, where there are many data points.

For example, In column H I have Apples, Watermelons, Peaches, etc.

In the combo box list, I would like to click on Apples and Column H list only the Apple names. Then if I want to click on Watermelons, it would filter Column H to only those which have Watermelons listed...

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Populating Combobox (ActiveX) Using Variable

Mar 19, 2014

I have 100 combo boxes on an excel sheet, they are divided in three sets (1-25, 26-50, 51-100). Each set has the same value within the set, but is different from the other.

Right now I am able to populate the combo boxes using the following code

ActiveSheet.ComboBox1.AddItem "Value1"
ActiveSheet.ComboBox1.AddItem "Value2"
ActiveSheet.ComboBox1.AddItem "Value3"
^ This is time consuming and error prone. Is there a way I can use a variable to populate the combo boxes?

I have been able to find the following code, but it does not work.

Dim ComboBox As ObjectFor ComboBoxCalc1 = 1 To 25
Set ComboBox = ComboBox(ComboBoxCalc1).Select
ActiveSheet.ComboBox(ComboBoxCalc1).AddItem "Value1"
ActiveSheet.ComboBox(ComboBoxCalc1).AddItem "Value2"
ActiveSheet.ComboBox(ComboBoxCalc1).AddItem "Value3"

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Can't Change Combobox Properties (activex)

Apr 24, 2009

How do I set the font size property and special effect property in this code?

I was trying to answer a question on Experrt Exchange but Rory beat me to it and now I'm feeling frustrated that I can't get my solution to work.

Sub AddCombo()Dim rVals As Range, rCell As Range, lTop, lLef, lHeight, lWidth, lCount As LongSet rVals = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)lCount = 1For Each rCell In rVals    If rCell.Validation.Type = 3 Then        lTop = rCell.Top        lLeft = rCell.Left        lHeight = rCell.Rows.Height        lWidth = rCell.Columns.Width            With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(classtype:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Left:=lLeft, Top:=lTop, Width:=lWidth, Height:=lHeight)                .Name = "NewCombo" & lCount                .ListFillRange = rCell.Validation.Formula1                .LinkedCell = rCell.Address(0, 0)                '.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat //doesn't work //                '.FontSize = 14 //doesn't work //                '.Font.Size = 14 // doesn't work //            End With                        lCount = lCount + 1    End IfNext rCellEnd Sub

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Linking Sheets To ActiveX Combobox In Excel

Sep 13, 2012

I have a name list on sheet2, column A that will have names added to and removed from. Everytime this list is modified it sorts in ascending order and creates a new sheet named after the name added. These items are added to an ActiveX combo box on sheet1. I need to know how to link the item in the combo box to the corresponding sheet(ex: item: "Jim", sheet name: "Jim").

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Replacing Forms Control Combobox With ActiveX

Aug 13, 2014

Since Form Controls comboboxes don't allow font editing, I need to switch to ActiveX...

The combo box values come from the following cell range:


Those values are, from top to bottom: "select distance", "50 Miles", "100 Miles", "150 Miles".

The following macro is also assigned to the combobox:


I have two issues. The first is that the macro doesn't seem to be working. It is supposed to filter a list of cities within 50, 100 and 150 miles of a user input zip or city. The original Forms Control combo works but not ActiveX after I put the code in the change event:

[Code] .........

The second issue is that the last clicked value in the ActiveX comboBox replaces the top one.

Ex: from top to bottom, the combobox should display:

[Code] ........

but if the user clicks "100 Miles", the combobox is then going to display

[Code] ......

If the user then select "50 Miles", the box displays:

[Code] ........

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ActiveX Combobox With Dynamic Linked Cell?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a golf teetime reservation spreadsheet. For each tee time there can be up to four players names so I use 4 columns. Times are listed in rows every 10 minutes beginning 6am until 5pm for a total of 66 rows per day. I have a member/customer list that I have on a separate sheet that I've named. I am using the ActiveX combo box next to each possible entry (so 4 columns times 66 rows = 264 combo boxes). It's a little slow and takes a long time to open. I like the ActiveX combo box because it allows me to define the box format and display and it allows search/read/write capability. The idea is the customer calls, I ask what time they want and we arrive upon an available time. I ask for a last name, I click the combo box, type the first letter of the first name and then scroll if necessary to the name and click it to add the name to the time/player cell. If no name in my list we simply type it in and I'll capture it next time I refresh my customer list.

way to dynamically define the linkedcell in the properties so that instead of 264 combo boxes, I might have one combo box that I can click on and then direct my selection to the cell I want it to go into.

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Activex Combobox Change Font Size - VBA

Sep 13, 2012

I am trying to change the font size on my combo box using VBA.

I create the combobox dynamically, so need to be able to change the font too.

This is how I create the combobox, however the .Font.Size = 10 does not work and the default font size is 11.

With ActiveSheet .OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=159.75, Top:=80.25, Width:=75.75, Height:=19.5) _
.Font.Size = 10
.Name = "cmbBaseD"
.OLEObjects("cmbBaseD").ListFillRange = "DynRng"
End With

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Data Validation With ActiveX ComboBox With VB Code

Sep 19, 2013

I found a code on [URL] that claims that it will do what I want to achieve. I tried it but it is not working for me. Here is the code

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)
Dim str As String


How to verify that this code is a working code and not just bogus one?

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OleObject ActiveX ComboBox Event Procedures

May 23, 2009

I've searched the web and OzGrid all day, and still have this question: what is the equivalent for .OnAction when using a ComboBox as shown in the code below. Everything else works as desired.

Loopcntr = 1

Set xyz = ActiveSheet. OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
Left:=Target.Left, Top:=Target.Top, Width:=Target.Width, Height:=Target.Height)

'''??? xyz.OnAction = "TDListing"
xyz.Object.BackColor = RGB(204, 255, 204)

Do While Loopcntr <= TaskListArraySizeHolder
DDholdName = TaskListArray(Loopcntr)
xyz.Object.AddItem DDholdName
Loopcntr = Loopcntr + 1

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ActiveX Combobox Date Format And List Index

Mar 30, 2014

I have an activeX combo box with dates in the following quarterly format (dec-14, march-15, july-15 etc), with the following code:

[Code] .....

However' while each code works fine standalone, the two codes wont work together - and the listindex reverts back to 0.

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Excel 2007 :: ActiveX Combobox And Shared Workbook

Jul 15, 2014

I have a workbook with a combo box.

ActiveX control? (=EMBED("Forms.ComboBox.1","") They are filled using named ranges on another worksheet and work fine. The problem happens when I share the workbook the combo boxes become completely non-functional. They don't even drop down when clicked.

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Have Output Cell Of ActiveX Combobox Link To Named Range?

Apr 22, 2013


MFI is the named ranged that is referencing a column of data. This works, but I want to be able to change the MFI to a different named ranged.

So what I am trying to do is using an ActiveX Combo box so I can reference the named ranges that I have set, for example MFI, so each time a user chooses MFI or another named range, it will output to a linked cell (A1). Then the linked cell will be referenced into this forumla.


Is it possible for A1 to be linked to the named range, so if the user choses MFI in the combo box, it will change all AverageIFS formulas to look at a different named range.

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Unable To Set Hidden Property Of Range Class ActiveX Combobox

Jul 30, 2013

Here is my code:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ActiveSheet.Rows("3:62").Hidden = False
Range("D1").Value = ComboBox1.Text
End Sub

I get a runtime error '1004' when I make my combo box selection. I don't have any security or password protection type stuff. The combo box is part of a more complicated spreadsheet and I don't want to switch to a data validation type drop down and I really want it to be activeX.

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Reference ActiveX Button Which Has Been Clicked?

Mar 19, 2013

Is there a way in VBA to reference the activeX button which has been clicked? Like a ThisWorkbook equivalent for a button?

I have quite a few button whereby they set a parameter for a procedure 'TrendData' based on the row they sit in. Currently I just have the row number hard coded i.e. Call TrendData(5) but I want to amend this so that when I add a row it doesn't offset all my buttons.

For Example

Call TrendData(CommandButton3.TopLeftCell.Row)

However instead of typing CommandButton3, CommandButton4, etc. I would like the code to know which button had been clicked and just use that?

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Excel 2003 :: VBA / Reference ActiveX Controls In A Cell

Oct 12, 2011

In VBA (Excel 2003), I'm wanting to get a reference to an ActiveX comboBox that is inside/attached to a cell.

I can iterate thru all the OLEObjects in the OLEObjects collection of the Worksheet and test the .TopLeftCell property to see if it matches my target cell. However, this seems like a long way around the problem - particularly if there's hundreds of comboboxes in the sheet.

Intuitively, I would have thought there would be a Cell.OLEObjects collection, but it appears that there isn't.

Is there a quicker and easier way to get a reference to the OLEObjects within a target cell?

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ActiveX Listbox On Worksheet

Sep 29, 2012

I have two listboxes on a worksheet and using VBA to load values into the listbox. I also have a combobox that is used to determine what values are to be displayed in the listboxes. I select a value from the dropdown list and depending on the value selected, a list gets populated in the listbox. This works just fine.

The problem I'm having is that when I adjust the zoom on the worksheet, 75% for example, the listbox automatically changes the width when new values are displayed. I try using the listbox1.width = xxx, to keep the width in place, but that doesn't really work.

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ActiveX Controls On Worksheet - Fmbackstyle

Feb 16, 2009

I have problems wit setting some ActiveX controls properties. If I place ActiveX on worksheet manually, it is diferrent object, then If I place it by VBA code. I, am not able to open properities window for controls created by VBA. When I open properties window for ActiveX created manually, there is property fmbackstyle. If I am trying to set this property by VBA for controls created by VBA, result is error.

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Loop Through ActiveX Controls In Worksheet

Jun 22, 2006

I'm looking for a way to loop through the ActiveX controls (option buttons) in one sheet so that I can have these option buttons reflect what I select on the front sheet.

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Type Value Into ActiveX Textbox Into Cell In Another Worksheet

May 9, 2013

I have several textboxes that are not on a userform; they reside on worksheet A. I want to format these textboxes so that they only accepts numberical values (like 500, dollar sign and no cents needed). After typing in 500,000 lets say for this example, I want to paste it into a cell in worksheet B (I can actually handle this part). What iIcan't handle is:

Formatting the textboxes so that they only accept numbers (or display a message if a number is not entered) Display the 500000 as 500,000 in the textbox without the user having to enter a comma Hitting enter or tab to get the value from the textbox into the cell in worksheet B. It only pastes it into worksheet B when I click on another cell. That doesn't seem like the right way to enter data.

I am wondering if I just should have used a userform and added the controls onto it. I have 8 sets of 5 user controls; I thought this would be easier.

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Programmatically Create ActiveX Worksheet Controls

Apr 2, 2008

I created a macro to create command buttons on sheet 1 of my worksheet. The created buttons using oleobject and class type: forms.commandbutton1, creates an object with no properties on the sheet (i.e. if you right click on it excel thinks it's an object and not a control.) Is there a way to create it as a control?

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Return 2 Names Of ActiveX Worksheet Command Buttons

Feb 22, 2008

On a worksheet, I have several commandbuttons. For many of the buttons the name in the "name box" is different than the name in the "(name)" field under Properties.

Researching this, I found this on

An ActiveX control on a sheet has two names: the name of the shape that contains the control, which you can see in the Name box when you view the sheet, and the code name for the control, which you can see in the cell to the right of (Name) in the Properties window. When you first add a control to a sheet, the shape name and code name match. However, if you change either the shape name or code name, the other isn't automatically changed to match.

So, in my case, one button has:
In the name box: "CommandButton5"
In the (name) properties field: "RunProcess"

The real problem arises when I'm using code to loop through the objects on the worksheet, and build an array of the object names. I'm trying to match the name of the buttons to their click events. In the code, "" returns the name found in the "name box". The one that I want is the name in the "(name)" field under properties because this is the one that matches the click event.

How can I determine, in code, what is entered in the "(name)" field for an object?

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Excel 2007 :: ActiveX Controls Command Button Opening Worksheet In Same Workbook

Feb 6, 2014

I have a workbook with two worksheets, "Main" and "Control".

Both of them are with hidden tabs (unchecked "show sheet tabs").

On worksheet "Main" I have command button which opens worksheet "Control".

The assigned makro is: Sheets("Control").Select

The problem is: when I open "Control" and close after that the workbook, the next time when I open the workbook "Control" pops-up instead of "Main" even though I do not save it.

1. I need macro on "Main" which will allow me to open "Control".

2. Regardless I "Save" or "Don't Save" "Control" when selected and workbook is closed, to open the workbook always displaying worksheet "Main".

I use Excel 2007 (at home) & 2010 (at office).

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Hide ComboBox On Cell Reference

Apr 19, 2013

I have a combobox that I want visible only if a certain cell has a specific value. Otherwise it remains hidden.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

If Range("Set Range Value").Value = "Set Desired Value" Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("ComboBoxName").Visible = False
ActiveSheet.Shapes("ComboBoxName").Visible = True

End If
End Sub

This is a Control Tool ComboBox as I'm sure that will make a difference.

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Userform Combobox And Cell Reference

Mar 7, 2007

I've have a combobox on a userform which should refer to a cell on a worksheet directly. E.g. The dropdown list that feeds to box is on Sheet2 range C1:C6
Whatever is selected should be copied to Sheet1 cell B18.

Now, if I populate cell B18 manually, it will pick it up, but if I then change the combobox selection, cell B18 either doesn't change or goes blank.?

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