Referring Cells

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to refer to a cell. Not sure if thats a good way to put it.

Example: I am in Cell B1 and I want to have a formula that says if C2 is 5 then A1 is 5, else B1 is 500.

I need A1 to be completely blank with the formula only in B1 and C2 has the number typed in it.

How can I put a number in A1 without having a formula or any text in that cell (A1)?

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If Function Referring To Two Cells

Jun 29, 2007

I have this formula:


which is meant to return the number 1 in a cell if C38 has the letter C in it and F38 is equal or greater than 0. I have met both criteria and it returns an error of #VALUE! What am i doing wrong? NB in F38 there is a Vlookup formula that returns a number (in this case it is 0).

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Formula Referring To Empty Cells

Dec 19, 2006

I think I understand what you were talking about now with the generation of the watchbill using the rand() and sort. You were trying to get me to get rid of the whole system I was using before and use only the rand and sort. I thought you were asking me to incorperate the rand sort thing into the randomization process I already had using offset etc. The whole thing works good now, however, because the column Ive designated for the roster names may or may not always be filled the formula sometimes refers to empty cells in that column thus producing 0s on the watchbill. I was thinking maybe (if its possible) having a formula to identify a 0 and if so skip to the next cell down. The formula would repeat until it found a name without a zero in it.

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Creating A Named Range And Referring To Its Cells

Nov 30, 2008

here is the snippet of code I'm using

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Referring To Functions Within Function IF And THEN VBA

Nov 5, 2012

So far I have 2 Functions with a sub to test to do certain calculations.

[B]Private Sub test_getBaristaSalary()
Dim InputYear As Integer
InputYear = InputBox(Prompt:="How many years of Experience?")


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Referring To Empty Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I need a better way to refer to an empty cell. I'm using “” but if the cell contain a formula but show empty it affect the conditioning format I'm using this =AND(cell <> "", existing_rule)

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Referring To Worksheet Name In A Formula

Feb 20, 2010

I have the following formula that I want to copy to a worksheet named Tankersley:

=IF('Tankersley Input'!B5=0,"",'Tankersley Input'!B5)

I would like the formula to read the worksheet name rather than entering the word Tankersley directly, so that if I copy it to another worksheet named Tyson, the formula would read:

=IF('Tyson Input'!B5=0,"",'Tyson Input'!B5)

How would this formula need to read?

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Referring To Open Workbooks

Jan 27, 2009

Sub vocab6()

Dim fname As String
fname = "c:Documents and Settings

Workbooks.Open Filename:=fname

Workbooks(fname).Worksheets("tangible nouns").Range("A1").Value = 9

End Sub

I just want to open a workbook saved on my desktop (from a different workbook), and insert 9 into the first sheet (which is named tangible nouns).

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Referring To Other Workbooks Via VBA Code

Oct 5, 2009

I'm trying to use VBA to write from one workbook to another. I'm trying to populate other workbooks from a single 'control' workbook with a template.

I've managed to figure out how to open up Excel workbooks within a directory (this needs to be done multiple times) supplied by the user, then retrieve information from it to be collated, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to write to the file that I've opened.

I've got the code below, and it's very scrappy as I've been trying lots of different things but nothing's worked. I'll try and highlight as best as I can where I'm having difficulties, as I get the "object not defined" or some such error.

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Referring To Characters/numbers

Nov 13, 2009

Lets say we have several numbers and combination of letters/numbers. What can we use to commonly refer to them correctly,


I tried to use

Like *####

But thats not correct

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Referring To Sheet Name Through Variable In VBA?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a workbook with a list of staff in it. The format is: the manager's name is in row 1, the 8 or so team members are listed below. And again in row 20, there is a manager's name with 8 or so team members listed below. This is duplicated over many columns and multiple sheets. The sheets are all named after the ops-managers who manage all the managers on their respective sheet. The book is called "stf.xls"

I'm using the following code to look up a staff member and return who their manager and ops-manager is to the relevant cells in a different workbook:

Sub AdvisorFind()
Dim Wsht As Worksheet
Dim Slookfor As String


My problem is how to return the manager's name for a staff member in the middle of the book. Activesheet. is the last worksheet so no good. is what I want to do but I don't know the correct syntax.

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Referring To Chart In VBA Code

Jul 31, 2012

My first version is this:

ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=DATA!$A$8:$A$19

Works without problems, but I really don't want to use "ActiveSheet" there

I changed it to:

Dim chtTR As ChartObject
Set chtTR = shtData.ChartObjects("Chart 1")
chtTR.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=DATA!$A$8:$A$19"

and it gives me

"Object doesn't support this property or method."

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Referring To Closed Workbook

Mar 31, 2007

I have the following formula to extract a specific cell from a closed workbook. It works fine. I want to be able to make the file name refer to a another cell so I can create a spinner to change it. For example:

='C:Documents and SettingsTom Desktoplabor[01_032407.xls]Stats'!A4

Cell A1 would be 01_032407, and I would replace [01_032407] with [A1]
but it does not work.

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Referring To Named Ranges

Dec 11, 2007

I'm creating a button so as to input a chart where the user inputs the name of the range that they want the chart to hold. The named ranges are dynamic thus I want the graph to also be dynamic but when added the source is simply the range of the name rather than the name itself.

Is there anyway I can enter in a VB variable into quotations marks so that it simply writes that.

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Referring To Multiple Sheets

Feb 24, 2010

I have every month a product demandplan (for each of 150 models) in a workbook. This workbook contains a seperated sheet for every sales region and is saved on network.

What I want to do is a new workbook be able to pull in the information from the closed demand plan. That part is easy. The hard part is that I want to select the sales region from droplist and than get demand per model. VLOOKUP won't work since I can not select the region and INDIRECT doesn't work with closed workbook.

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If Statement Referring To Another Worksheet

Mar 8, 2007

I am trying to insert an If statement using the

With Sheets("Sheet2").Select
Range("c" & rBegRow).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
Range("C" & rBegRow).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
End With

The reason is that once the formula is inserted in to the cell in worksheet 2 then I drag it down kind of like a copy paste so it changes automatically the if statement cell reference to worksheet 1 automatically. the trouble I am having is that I do not want to use the R[#]C[#] since when the contents of the information changes the formula does not work properly. If i substitute them for G9 instead of the R[-8]C[4] and H9 R[-8]C[5] but it inputs it in the actual excel worksheet as =IF(Sheet1!'G9<>0,Sheet1!'G9*-1,Sheet1!'H9*-1) therefore creating a value error.

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Difference In Two Methods Of Referring To Other Workbooks?

Feb 22, 2014

These workbooks are located in different folders.

The first is pasted "as link" from two open instances of Excel and is an array formula.
The second is just pasted from another open workbook.

{=Excel.Sheet.12|'xx.xxxFolderFolderFilename.xlsx'!'!SheetName!R2C9:R1500C22'}=IF(H4="N/A","N/A",VLOOKUP(A2,'I:FolderMore Folders[FileName.xlsx]Sheet'!$A$1:$T$35,13,FALSE))

What is the difference between using these two different methods?

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Using Countif Referring To Specific Cell

Nov 27, 2013

Can you set up countif to work to refer to a certain cell instead of a specif name or text.. for instance

HTML Code: 

countif(a36:b36, "c1"

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Listbox Referring To Hidden Range

Apr 11, 2014

I have this code for a texbox to search into a listbox

It's working properly but sometimes it doesn't look at all the names in the list.. probably because some of the rows are hidden?

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Referring To A Worksheet In A Closed Workbook.

May 5, 2009

I'm reading data, from specific cells off a closed workbook. When the sheet that needs said cell data is activated, it automatically opens the workbook and references the sheet nessecary. The issue I've come across, is I now need to access another workbook (Easy to open) with 12 sheets 1 for each month, and only read from the worksheet of the actual Month. Kind of lost on how to possibly make this work. I basically need something like: =location/[workbook.xls]worksheet!cell - where worksheet = B12 and B12 =month(today()) and is formatted to MMMM

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Referring To Variable Array In Formula?

Mar 14, 2012

Is it at all possible to refer to a array that may change in a formula?

For example I need to use a Vlookup formula, however the table array will change depending on the value of another cell.

I need the user to be able to select the column heading that the lookup should work off from a drop down list. So if the user selects column heading C, the array should start from column C though it will always end at column Z. If the user selects column heading Y the array would be Y:Z.

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VBA - Referring To Named Range On Different Sheet?

Jun 20, 2012

I just named a range on a sheet and would like to paste that range on a different worksheet within the same workbook. I can't figure out how to refer to the range. I've tried several different variations so far. Example below:

ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="RawSectorData", RefersToR1C1:="=R6C1:R29C11"
'Add new sheet and paste data
ActiveSheet.Name = "Raw_data_Sector_Summary"
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add.Name = "RawData"
Range("A1").Formula = "=RawData!(RawSectorData)"

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Referring To A Cell For The Row Position On A Formula

Jul 8, 2008

I'm trying to find the details required to refer to contents of a cell and then treat the value as the formula. IE for Sum(B5:B8), i'd like to have two cells, one with a 5 in it and one with the 8.

I know its possible if i put "b5" as the cell content using indirect - but I'll be using the same cell value to update formulas in different columns so I cant afford to include the B. I assume theres a very simple method along the lines of Sum((B&(Cell(a4)):B&(Cell(a5)))?

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Referring To Range() Using Shortcut Notation

Sep 23, 2008

I have noticed in many of the Excel help files that the developers liked to use shortcut notation for Range reference in VBA.

For example, Range("A1:B10") would be [A1:B10].

I was doing a bit of testing with this, and was not able to make the shortcut notation work with a variable. Does the shortcut method have the capabilities to do the equivalent of Range("A1:B" & LR)?

If it does have that capability, is it just due to force of habit that we always use Range() to refer to ranges, or would there be a more in-depth reason.

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Referring To Code From Multiple Events

Jul 14, 2006

If I have a button on each of numerous sheets, how do I get all of the buttons to refer to the same bit of code, without having to copy it to the click event of each?

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Referring To Formulae In The Choose Function

Jun 27, 2007

I have a number of different formulae I want to invoke according to a choice. I am able to request the formula I want by entering them in line as value1, value2 etc into the CHOOSE formula e.g. =CHOOSE($H$1,IF(N3>O3,1,""),IF(N3<O3,1,""),IF(N3=O 3,1,))

but this is cumbersome and confusing since I have a growing number of choices and some of the formulae are quite long. I want to enter them in a list and extract the formula which corresponds with the Index_num in the CHOOSE formula. I also need the cells in the formulae to be relative so this rules out using NAMES to refer to the formulae.

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Auto Update Of Totals By Referring To A Code

Jun 14, 2014

The below is a data sheet which is going to be designed to keep the records of "sending and receiving" details of wash-garments from a garment factory.


01. Starting from B12, the dates of sending and receiving are entered in the sequence they occur. Both sending and receiving can occur on the same date.

02. Starting from C12, there are reference codes related to the activity, if Sending the letter is entered as "S", and if receiving it is entered as "R". I included this for the calculation or sorting purpose.

03. Columns D to J includes the break down of sizes of the quantities sent or received.

04. column K simply calculates the totals of the columns from D to J.

Requirement : I need to have the totals of each size wise quantities sent and received in the "summary table" as follows;

>> Size wise totals of "sent qtys" to be shown in D5 to J5(referring to the code "S")
>> Size wise totals of "received qtys" to be shown in D6 to J6(referring to the code "R")
>> The dates to be updated and displayed"automatically" in the rows of the column B, when the code letters("S" or "R") is entered in the column "C"

Special Remarks : The last date of sending or receiving cannot be predefined, the rows(dates)will be kept adding according to the way sending and receiving may occur.

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Referring To A Sheet In An External Workbook By Position, Not Name

Oct 26, 2008

I'm trying to summarize some data from an external workbook. The problem is that the worksheet names there are months (Jan2009, Feb2009 etc.) and the sheets rotate (change position) with time. In the summarizing workbook I would like to use a function to refer to (for example) cell A1 on the third worksheet, regardless of the current name of that worksheet. So I might have a cell in the summary workbook that looks something like "=CoolFunction(ExternalWB.xls, 3, A1)"

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Referring To An Area Relative To A Named Range

Sep 7, 2009

I'm working on or any part of it on here, because the work belongs to my employers and would constitute the loss of trade secrets. It would also take me way longer than I have the time to invest to put together a functional duplicate of the relevant part of the sheet just to be able to post it.

With that in mind, what I'm trying to do is refer to part of a range that spans five columns (though it could conceivably span more in the future, so I'd rather not count on that detail) and a constantly changing numbers of rows. The part I want to refer to includes all columns, and all rows except the first and the last in the range.

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Referring To An Array Column Or Row Of LinEst Function

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to use the LinEst function in a program. There are some good examples on the web but they all refer to a range in the format A1:A45. Is there a way to refer to a column in an existing array instead?

For example (thanks to Shg for this code): ....

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