VBA - Referring To Named Range On Different Sheet?
Jun 20, 2012
I just named a range on a sheet and would like to paste that range on a different worksheet within the same workbook. I can't figure out how to refer to the range. I've tried several different variations so far. Example below:
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="RawSectorData", RefersToR1C1:="=R6C1:R29C11"
'Add new sheet and paste data
ActiveSheet.Name = "Raw_data_Sector_Summary"
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add.Name = "RawData"
Range("A1").Formula = "=RawData!(RawSectorData)"
I'm working on or any part of it on here, because the work belongs to my employers and would constitute the loss of trade secrets. It would also take me way longer than I have the time to invest to put together a functional duplicate of the relevant part of the sheet just to be able to post it.
With that in mind, what I'm trying to do is refer to part of a range that spans five columns (though it could conceivably span more in the future, so I'd rather not count on that detail) and a constantly changing numbers of rows. The part I want to refer to includes all columns, and all rows except the first and the last in the range.
I'm creating a button so as to input a chart where the user inputs the name of the range that they want the chart to hold. The named ranges are dynamic thus I want the graph to also be dynamic but when added the source is simply the range of the name rather than the name itself.
Is there anyway I can enter in a VB variable into quotations marks so that it simply writes that.
I have a FOR loop which is supposed to loop through all the worksheets in my workbook, create a named range, then add some data to the right of the range. However, when I run my code, all the named ranges refer to the last worksheet in my workbook. The loop only seems to be partly working, and I just can't work out why.
Sub maxLifData() ' for each worksheet in the workbook, do dmax formulae and add results to new sheet. bhole id on left, depth across top. Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wsName() As String Dim i As Integer Dim mCount As Integer Dim nr1 As Range Dim nr2 As Range Dim head1 As String Dim head2 As String Dim wsRangeName() As String Dim maxF As String Dim fRange As Range Dim rng As Range Dim mRng As Range head1 = "STCN_DPTH" Set fRange = Range("G3") Set mRng = Range("A2") Redim wsName(Worksheets.Count) Redim wsRangeName(Worksheets.Count).............
i'm having in excel- I'm looking to populate rows in 2nd tab based on the data entered in the 1st tab. The rows to be populated in the 2nd tab resides in the 3rd tab. So a match has to be made on the data entered in the 1st tab. When a match is found on the 3rd tab then the corresponding rows from the 3rd tab should be listed on the 2nd tab.
I am trying to use a named range on a different sheet in the same workbook to which the named range is on.
I have a named range on sheet2 called "Letters" and comprises of cells D20-D25 .
I am trying to call this range on Sheet1 at A1-A6 , so in A1 to A6 I simply have "=Letters" (No quote marks) , but I simply get "#VALUE!" (No Quote Marks), If I then extend the selected cell down to A25 the "Letters" will appear in A20-A25 whereas if I put the same "=Letters" in Sheet1 cell A20-A25 I will get the correct named range.
How can I get the range to show in Sheet 1 Cell A1-A6.
I want to reproduce a named range at a different location on a different sheet in the same workbook.
I have a namd sheet for everyday of the year in a workbook, so jan1 jan2 jan3 etc. I have a stats page which brings together certain pertinent data from those pages, so a formula on the stats page might look like this =sum('jan1'!$m$25:$m$900). What I would like to do is to name each day - jan1 jan2 etc as a named range perhaps date1 date2 etc so that the above formula would then look like =sum(date1!$m$25:$m$900).
I have a named range on one sheet, and I want to show this as a reference on other sheets. I thought this would be simple, but maybe it's just not the way named ranges are used.
Attached is a sample spreadsheet. First tab shows the table defined; in practice it would be much larger. Second tab shows how I want it to appear. I see that I can do this by copying each cell reference. But what would be nice is to simply say "Put the named range block of cells right here."
I have a challenge I'm trying to surmount. I have an excel sheet in which I want to be able to select Zone codes from a drop down, click on a link "search" which takes me to a place in the document that has been named according to the Zone code i pick in the drop-down. I want to achieve this using only formulas as i'm distributing the file to a wide audience who are not versed enough with computers to know how to enable macros.
is there a way to have the same named range cover a range of cells regardless of which sheet you are on? They seem to want to default to the page you are on. I want to make some VBA subroutines that will go over each sheet, and perform the same functions on each sheet. All sheets have the same format, but different data. I guess worst case scenario I can just break down and use multiple workbooks, but this seems a little less desirable. Should I be dividing this into seperate posts?
I have a workbook with a list of staff in it. The format is: the manager's name is in row 1, the 8 or so team members are listed below. And again in row 20, there is a manager's name with 8 or so team members listed below. This is duplicated over many columns and multiple sheets. The sheets are all named after the ops-managers who manage all the managers on their respective sheet. The book is called "stf.xls"
I'm using the following code to look up a staff member and return who their manager and ops-manager is to the relevant cells in a different workbook:
Code: Sub AdvisorFind() Dim Wsht As Worksheet Dim Slookfor As String
My problem is how to return the manager's name for a staff member in the middle of the book. Activesheet. is the last worksheet so no good. Wsht.name.Range(manager) is what I want to do but I don't know the correct syntax.
I'm trying to summarize some data from an external workbook. The problem is that the worksheet names there are months (Jan2009, Feb2009 etc.) and the sheets rotate (change position) with time. In the summarizing workbook I would like to use a function to refer to (for example) cell A1 on the third worksheet, regardless of the current name of that worksheet. So I might have a cell in the summary workbook that looks something like "=CoolFunction(ExternalWB.xls, 3, A1)"
I have table as below of raw data. In which data will increase dynamically both for rows and columns from starting column for eg say Column "D".
I want to get ID data on sheet2 to compare it with some other data for the ID by using formula = INDEX(Dynamic range,MATCH(ID Ref- Sheet2,Sheet1! ref -dynamic,0),column ref) and get the referred ID data on "Sheet2").
On Sheet2 ID Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7
I have noticed in many of the Excel help files that the developers liked to use shortcut notation for Range reference in VBA.
For example, Range("A1:B10") would be [A1:B10].
I was doing a bit of testing with this, and was not able to make the shortcut notation work with a variable. Does the shortcut method have the capabilities to do the equivalent of Range("A1:B" & LR)?
If it does have that capability, is it just due to force of habit that we always use Range() to refer to ranges, or would there be a more in-depth reason.
Let's say you have a named range, Rng1, which consists of cells A1 & A2. In vba how would you report back what, if any, named range the following cells resides:
Code] .....
here are multiple named ranges so using intersect is not feasible. Essentially, through code, I will be given a range and I need to determine if that range if part of a named range.
The "Jul" which stand for July, it is possible to have a formula where I can have certain text in a formula that is based on the value in B1 (In this case, B1 being JUL in bold writing.)
Like this;
=('Input &B1 2014'!$BI$3)/1000
Or must I manually go in and replace all formulas for each month?
I am trying to write a sum formula using Indirect so that the end-user can enter the names of the sheets in B1 & B2 (the values are always in cell F5 on each sheet). I thought this would work but it is throwing a REF# error.
I'm trying to create a sumifs that has 'before date X' and 'on or after date Y' as two of the criteria.
In the past, I have simple done a DATE(x,y,z) function inside the sumifs, but I'm trying to change this for reasons that would take a little while to get into. Let's just say it would make my coworkers lives much easier.
My hope is to get these date range criteria by referring to ribbons which have the dates in mind in them. Here is the formula I have now, and an example. See the red part of the formula.
Say I'm trying to have before Aug 1, 14 and on/after July 1, 14 as two criteria. FBP column A is where I would have the dates that this criteria would search through:
I have created 500+ defined names that refer to worksheets that do not exist (yet). When I add the previously nonexistent worksheets, the defined names that refer to them are not "live" and do not work in functions where that name is used. If you go into the defined names and click on the ones that refer to the now existent worksheet, they start to work, but I was hoping there was a way around this step (e.g. a simple macro that says "update all defined names").
I created all the names so that the person who will eventually be using this will only have to add an appropriately named worksheet and put the data in...then everything will automatically work. I do not think adding names is difficult, but the person who will be using this does, so I want to avoid that person mucking around in my names.
I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...
I'm trying to make my named ranges remember the values of the last active cells used within another named range. The purpose of this is to make my charts dynamically change dependant on two criteria selected. My spreadsheet currently updates itself as and when I change the active cell within a single named range, dynamically changing the chart data by using Lookup based on the active cells value. However I want to get away from having several charts showing, I would like to have a single chart which dynamically changes based on a second selection. So the first selection is for a department (Facility) which changes the chart data relevant to that department, the second selection is to dynamically change the chart shown for the pre selected department.
Using the following code when updating just one criteria with several charts
VB: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, [MeasureType]) Is Nothing Then [valMeasurePicked] = ActiveCell.Value [code].....
which works fine but I'm not sure how to add a second selection criteria because my code uses Activecell. I thought that the VBA needed to set the last used value of a range as a variable and therefore allow the second criteria to be selected but am not sure how to put it into practice.
if I can use a named criteria as well as a named range. In essence what I am looking to do is count certain cells that meet the criteria in a certain named named range,
I would like to combine List1 and List2 into a 3rd named range called List3. I was wondering if this were possible without using any additional cells/columns (i.e. I don't want to use Column C like in the example shown in the link above).