Formula Referring To Empty Cells

Dec 19, 2006

I think I understand what you were talking about now with the generation of the watchbill using the rand() and sort. You were trying to get me to get rid of the whole system I was using before and use only the rand and sort. I thought you were asking me to incorperate the rand sort thing into the randomization process I already had using offset etc. The whole thing works good now, however, because the column Ive designated for the roster names may or may not always be filled the formula sometimes refers to empty cells in that column thus producing 0s on the watchbill. I was thinking maybe (if its possible) having a formula to identify a 0 and if so skip to the next cell down. The formula would repeat until it found a name without a zero in it.

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Referring To Empty Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I need a better way to refer to an empty cell. I'm using “” but if the cell contain a formula but show empty it affect the conditioning format I'm using this =AND(cell <> "", existing_rule)

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Make Formula Cells Empty Rather Than Empty Text

Apr 17, 2008

Is it possible to make a cell "really" blank/empty based on an If statement? For instance:


Has a value_if_false of "". But Excel interprets this a bit differently than a cell that never had anything typed into it.

So if you have a column full of this formula copied down, and hit <control+down arrow>, you will go straight to the bottom and skip over all rows. Whereas if you have a column with values and empty cells alternating and hit <control+down arrow>, you will only skip the empty cells and go to the next value. Excel treats the conditionally empty cells as if they have a value, when it comes to this type of navigation. This holds even if you copy and paste "Values" for the cells over the formulas.

Is there any way to tell Excel to make the cells truly empty?

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Formula Arrays That Will Omit Empty Cells In My Formula

Jan 31, 2008

I am looking to average a range of cells which won't always be the same size. How do I create a formula array that will omit empty cells in my formula.

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Referring Cells

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to refer to a cell. Not sure if thats a good way to put it.

Example: I am in Cell B1 and I want to have a formula that says if C2 is 5 then A1 is 5, else B1 is 500.

I need A1 to be completely blank with the formula only in B1 and C2 has the number typed in it.

How can I put a number in A1 without having a formula or any text in that cell (A1)?

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Referring To Worksheet Name In A Formula

Feb 20, 2010

I have the following formula that I want to copy to a worksheet named Tankersley:

=IF('Tankersley Input'!B5=0,"",'Tankersley Input'!B5)

I would like the formula to read the worksheet name rather than entering the word Tankersley directly, so that if I copy it to another worksheet named Tyson, the formula would read:

=IF('Tyson Input'!B5=0,"",'Tyson Input'!B5)

How would this formula need to read?

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Average Formula With Empty Cells

Mar 6, 2008

I have a grade system where I need to obtain an "Average" of grade data within four cells. At time there may onlt be two cells with a value or three. Example: The cell cell cantain a value of 100 points with the totral of 400 point. AS we know the "Average" would be 100 points. But is only two cells cantained 100 point and the other two where empty then the "Average" come back as 50 points. Because I have 4 cells that requires a value input. So my question is how do I create a formula that will give the correct value for the "Average" of data that is placed in the cells. The values are calculated as a total from the grades entered. That total is in F14, F31, F48, F65 - Now if F14 has a value of 100, and F31 has a value of 100 then the "Average" should be 100, but it is not for the is calculating F48, and F65 as 4 values, so the return is 50. The situtation is that I need all the cells for in some cases data will be necessary, but I need the "average" to be calcalated for only the values entered.

Where is the Formula.
=IF(SUM(F14,F31,F48,F65)=0,0,AVERAGE(F14,F31,F48,F65)) - My brain says this is simple but no matter what I do it returns 50.

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Insert Formula In Empty Cells

Jun 19, 2008

I have a sheet that I put a blank row before every change in column G,

Dim lr As Long, i As Long
lr = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = lr To 2 Step -1
If Range("G" & i).Value Range("G" & i - 1).Value Then
Rows(i).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlShiftDown
End If
Next i

and now I need formulas in columns B and I in those blank rows. I'm happy to roll it in to the above piece of code, or put it in after.

I don't think I can use LastRow to define my range and replace blanks with formula because of the blank rows. I would need more of a "LastRow with only one blank in between populated rows" if such a thing exists.

The formulas will be ="*"&H3&" DWG "&G3 for cell B2 and =I3 for cell I2.

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Min Formula Excluding Any 0's Or Empty Cells

Mar 25, 2009

I have tried a number of different ones from my search of this forum but I'm getting an error. here is a sample of my spreadsheet.

I want it to give me the lowest number, I don't want it to look at the 0's or if the cell is blank.
Here is my formula and my error:

my error is #num!

I've also tried others including using the MIN function but either 0 is entered or the error above.


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If Function Referring To Two Cells

Jun 29, 2007

I have this formula:


which is meant to return the number 1 in a cell if C38 has the letter C in it and F38 is equal or greater than 0. I have met both criteria and it returns an error of #VALUE! What am i doing wrong? NB in F38 there is a Vlookup formula that returns a number (in this case it is 0).

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Referring To Variable Array In Formula?

Mar 14, 2012

Is it at all possible to refer to a array that may change in a formula?

For example I need to use a Vlookup formula, however the table array will change depending on the value of another cell.

I need the user to be able to select the column heading that the lookup should work off from a drop down list. So if the user selects column heading C, the array should start from column C though it will always end at column Z. If the user selects column heading Y the array would be Y:Z.

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Referring To A Cell For The Row Position On A Formula

Jul 8, 2008

I'm trying to find the details required to refer to contents of a cell and then treat the value as the formula. IE for Sum(B5:B8), i'd like to have two cells, one with a 5 in it and one with the 8.

I know its possible if i put "b5" as the cell content using indirect - but I'll be using the same cell value to update formulas in different columns so I cant afford to include the B. I assume theres a very simple method along the lines of Sum((B&(Cell(a4)):B&(Cell(a5)))?

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Formula Based Upon Number Of Empty Cells?

Jul 28, 2014

I am creating a fantasy football draft board using excel. To keep it short and sweet, each individual team (one per column) has a $200 budget to draft players. Each team must fill 14 roster positions (one per row), but here's the catch; you must spend at least $1 on all of the 14 players on your roster. So you have a maximum bid amount which is your remaining budget subtracted by $1 for every remaining spot you have left to fill.

I have already created a "remaining budget" field which subtracts each drafted player's inserted dollar amounts from the $200... easy. Beneath this, I'd like to create another cell per team that tells you your "maximum bid," which is essentially 200, -1 for every cell that remains blank. I have played around with the conditional IF formulas but cannot seem to have it account for multiple cells.

As a workaround, I have made columns hidden beneath the board which contain the conditional IF, ISBLANK fields which are -1 if true and 0 if false. Then creating the "remaining budget" field that subtracts these values from 200. This works, but it's not perfect, as when you have multiple players you still need to draft and you've exhausted your budget only saving $1 for each, it overstates your "maximum bid" by $1, or when you have $X left and you need to only fill one more spot, it ill tell you your "maximum bid" is $X-1.

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Ignore Empty Cells In A Sum / Countif Formula?

Jan 18, 2014

I have a list of assessment scores for students with a matching grade in text form. I want to show the percentage of students that receive "Adv" and "Pro" grades out of the total number of students (cells with data). But I have extra cells in case students are added during the year. I need to have the formula ignore any empty cells and count all of the "Adv" + "Pro" grades divided by number of students with data. I would like to do this by including the extra cells in the formula so I don't need to amend the formula should students be added. This is the formula so far. Maybe there is a totally better way to write this formula.


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Sumproduct Formula - Ignore Empty Cells

Sep 26, 2013

I have a table that looks similar to the below. I want to be able to extract the numbers between the brackets and add all up in the last column (as shown in example below).

I have used something like the below however it returns #VALUE in column F because of the empty cells.


I need a formula that will be applicable even when there are empty cells and return the results as shown.


Worker (3)
Engineer (23)
Manager (1)


Plumber (2)
Designer (20)


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Check If X Cells Are Empty Before Formula Calculation

Dec 5, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that uses IF(C5>J5,(EDATE(C5,12)),(EDATE(J5,12)))__ IF(J9<D9,(D9-$N$1)) where N1 is current date. If C5 and J5 are empty how do I get it to ignore the formula and just leave the other cells blank?

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VBA INDEX And Match Formula Referring To Different Sheet

Feb 16, 2013

I have table as below of raw data. In which data will increase dynamically both for rows and columns from starting column for eg say Column "D".

I want to get ID data on sheet2 to compare it with some other data for the ID by using formula = INDEX(Dynamic range,MATCH(ID Ref- Sheet2,Sheet1! ref -dynamic,0),column ref) and get the referred ID data on "Sheet2").

On Sheet2


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Concatenate Formula Referring To Cell In Another Workbook

Feb 9, 2007

"Smith B" is text in C1.

My current formula in C3 is a simple reference to a cell in another workbook:

=+'Z:Time Records2007[Smith B.xls]Daily Time'!$C1352

I would the formula to refer to C1 to get the "Smith B" part.

This would allow me to copy the formula to the right and reference different text as it looks at D1, E1, F1, etc.

To say it another way. I want to know if there's a way to make a formula that would result in looking at the file Smith B.xls by inserting a refernce to C1 in it?

=+'Z:Time Records2007["C1".xls]Daily Time'!$C1352

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Nested IF AND Formula: If Cells K8 And L8 And R8 Are Empty, Then No Data Should Show

Dec 31, 2006

i am having trouble putting together an IF Formula together with and/or. i need to do the following

if cells k8 and l8 and r8 are empty, then no data should show.
if cells k8 and l8 and r8 is zero, then show zero.
otherwise add all three cells.
i thought i should use if(and... that is all 3 cells must be empty or zero.

=IF(OR(ISBLANK(K8),ISBLANK(L8),ISBLANK(R8)), "no data", IF(OR(K8=0, L8=0, R8=0),"ZERO", K8+L8+R8))

i have tried if(and) and if(or) and no matter what i have tried it doesnt work

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Creating A Named Range And Referring To Its Cells

Nov 30, 2008

here is the snippet of code I'm using

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Excel 2003 :: Referring To Cell Value In COUNTIF Formula

May 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2003

Cell B13 contains the row number of the first row of data on the sheet and B14 contains the row number of the end row of data. This is because the number of rows vary over time.

I'm trying to do a COUNTIF to test for duplicates in column R (contains integers) and I want to specify the range to count by referring to the value in B13 and B14 in the formula and so I have the following which returns FALSE for some reason even if the value in R19 appears more than once in the range ...


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Formula Referring To A Sheet Based On Values In A Cell

Jan 31, 2014

How to do this:

I have many sheets called;

Input Jan
Input Feb
Input ....

Meaning 1 for each month.

I have another sheet where I want a formula that can

CapEx.................................... EBITDA...............................EBITDA %
"=('Input Jul 2014'!$BI$3)/1000"

The "Jul" which stand for July, it is possible to have a formula where I can have certain text in a formula that is based on the value in B1 (In this case, B1 being JUL in bold writing.)

Like this;

=('Input &B1 2014'!$BI$3)/1000

Or must I manually go in and replace all formulas for each month?

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Indirect Formula Syntax For Referring To A Range On Two Worksheets

Jul 5, 2012

B1=Name of WorkSheet
B2=Name of 2nd Worksheet

I am trying to write a sum formula using Indirect so that the end-user can enter the names of the sheets in B1 & B2 (the values are always in cell F5 on each sheet). I thought this would work but it is throwing a REF# error.


with some added spaces for clarity:

=SUM(INDIRECT(" ' " & B1 & " : " & B2 & " ' ! F5"))

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Excel 2007 :: Formula To Count Empty Cells On Worksheet?

Nov 22, 2012

Is there a formula to count empty cells on a excel sheet?

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Find Empty Cells In Column And Auto Input Formula With Certain Criteria Using VBA

Apr 24, 2014

i have the following code, what it does is, it locate those empty cells in column M and insert the formula "=TODAY()". What i need the code to do is only insert to the empty cells in column M if there is a value(as long as is not empty) in the reference cell of column E.

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range


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Formula That Checks If Cells Are Empty Or Filled In And Gives Valid Or Invalid Message

Aug 11, 2008

I'm looking to put a formula in the last column (Card Valid/Invalid (N3:N8)).

I want this formula to say IF Project Name OR Start date OR Due Date or Type OR Author OR VS are empty then I want the last column to say Invalid else if all of these columns are filled in then give valid. Also if a completed date or no. of review loops are filled in but not both then give Invalid but if both are filled in then as well as all the rest of the info give Valid.

Project Name - Valid/Invalid is B2-N2

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Is A Cell With A Formula Considered True Or Is It Empty If The Criteria Is Empty

May 30, 2009

Is a Cell with a formula (like shown below) considered true, or is it empty?

If Scorecard!$B$13 was False...
Would a cell with the above formula be considered?
True or Empty?

If Scorecard!$B$13 was True...
A cell with the above formula would be True.

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Filling Empty Cell Value Based On If Else Condition And Delete Row More Than 2 Cells Empty

May 23, 2014

Here find the excel file

My requirement

1) 4 values contains in each row based on the values from those cells the max value will display.

2) if more than 2 cells have empty,NR or NA text means the entire row has to delete.

3) if 2 or more that means 3 cells having values the empty cell,NR or NA cell will place value with the condition of macro that is 75% of other values which is maximum among them.

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Find Empty Cell In Column And Apply Required Character To Empty Visible Cells?

May 8, 2014

I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.

I am using code similar to the below:

[Code] .....

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Returning The Contents Of A Non-empty Cell In A Range Of Empty Cells

Jan 8, 2008

I have a long range of cells (U3:AX3), all of which are empty save one. Is there a way to search through the range of cells, and return the contents of the one cell that contains text?

I would do this with a series of nested IF statements if there weren't more than 30 of them!

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