Relative References To Named Range
Jan 17, 2005
I have a spreadsheet with very long formulas that reference a whole lot of variables in the same column. I tried naming the cells so that writing of the formula is easier to do. However, I need to copy the column across for other entities of varying nature, and these copied cells refer to the same named cell. Can I name a cell and copy it sideways so that it retains some sort of name with allusion to the column that it is in?
Andrew van Gruting"
I have tried copying a formula with a named range and, as expected, it maintains an absolute reference. Is there a way that he might be able to copy but drop the absolute reference and copy with relative references. Can I place something in front - the equivalent to the $ sign, but rather a relative sign.
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Jun 5, 2009
I have a workbook with a single worksheet. The worksheet includes some named ranges, which are used in a dynamic chart (so that when I add data, the chart updates).
I want to duplicate worksheet#1 so that I can have worksheets 2, 3, 4 etc.
Thus I can paste new data in the new worksheets, and have all my calculations done.
Naturally, the only probelm is the graph. It is using the named ranges from worksheet #1.
Is there a solution, so that I don't have to re-create my graphs on each worksheet? (each worksheet has varying numbers of rows, AND, I will be updating each worksheet with new data from time to time, thus the need for a dynamic chart)
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Jul 20, 2006
eg say you call (ie insert a range name) cell A1 "firstcell", B1 "secondcell", then A2 "divisor1" and B2 "divisor2". if you put a formula in A3 which is "=A1/A2", how do you copy and paste this formula into B3 but getting the formula to reference B1/B2 rather than firstcell/divisor1, as it does by default?
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Mar 16, 2008
Is there a way to absolute reference multiple cells at one time?
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Feb 10, 2014
I set up formulas to count text characters in a range of cells. I'm tracking attendance and payments for a small yoga studio.
All I need to do is count "Y"s for prepaid attendance and "DI"s for drop-ins. I have the formulas working but they are absolute so inserting a row will break my sheet.
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Sep 7, 2009
I'm working on or any part of it on here, because the work belongs to my employers and would constitute the loss of trade secrets. It would also take me way longer than I have the time to invest to put together a functional duplicate of the relevant part of the sheet just to be able to post it.
With that in mind, what I'm trying to do is refer to part of a range that spans five columns (though it could conceivably span more in the future, so I'd rather not count on that detail) and a constantly changing numbers of rows. The part I want to refer to includes all columns, and all rows except the first and the last in the range.
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Mar 28, 2014
My goal is that the formula in this named range references the prior 12 months. This does reference a twelve month range in my workbook, but not the prior 12 months based on this month being MARCH.
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May 29, 2007
I am having a few problems with dynamic named range in excel 2000.
When adding new data to the range, excel extends the range correctly, but only copies some of the formula correctly. It does not copy the formula that references a cell from another line.
I am trying to create a excel spreadsheet and have a formula =e10-e9, which does not copy down.
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Jan 24, 2010
I suspect there's a simple answer to this but I've looked and can't find it: In Excel 2003, when I add a hyperlink to another file and close/reopen my workbook, the link is saved as relative to the current workbook. So if the main workbook is moved or, in my case, when I use VBA to copy and email the sheet with the hyperlinks, the links are broken.
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Jun 20, 2006
I'm having some trouble coding a macro that copies data from one sheet in a workbook to the next sheet in the workbook, and the problem seems to stem from my lack of knowledge about how VBA refers to sheets. What I'd like to do is copy data from a range of cells in the next-to-the-last sheet in a workbook to the same range in the last sheet in the workbook.
Each day, I add a blank sheet to the end of all the sheets in my workbook. I insert some data into it, then go to the previous sheet, copy some data, return to today's sheet (the one I just added) and paste the data. I can record a macro that will do this perfectly, but it only works for the two sheets in which I record the macro. I need a way to change the sheet references so it always copies from the next-to-last sheet to the last sheet.
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Apr 25, 2007
To simplify matters each day is exactly 10 rows (including header).
I already have code in column D that populates each D row IF it is the first unique occurance of column B for each day.
The forumla in column E for rows 2-10 put a daily total by each unique occurance.
The problem:
Since I am using absolute references in E2-E10 to contain the totals for that day if I copy E-2 -> E10 to E12-E20 the totals will be incorrect.
If I use relative references in the formula it changes the range for the day which is also produces incorrect totals.
How would I copy the formulas in column E to the addtional days so that the ranges follow for the specific 10 row day that they are intended?
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Jun 17, 2006
I've read several threads about switching between relative, absolute, and
mixed references across several cells however these solutions seem to result
in formula with all relative or all absolute or all mixed.
I need to change the formula in lots of cells with a mix of types of
reference. e.g. I need to change "$E$4*AD$2" to "$E4*$AD$2" & would prefer
not to have to go though each of the cells with F4!
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May 13, 2014
So have large spreadsheet with grid of elevations. Each column/row is 1 foot grid. There are blanks in it where there was no elevation data available. I need to interpolate those elevations using the surrounding known elevations. I can setup the interpolation just fine using a circular reference but what i am having trouble with is getting formula into all the cells. I need to replace blanks with formula that averages all four cells around it.
This will result in circular references that will interpolate from known points nearby. So for example if cell D4 was blank formula needs to be
=(D3+E4+D5+C4)/4. D5 would be =(D4+E5+D6+C5)/4.
I have been playing around trying to make a macro or something to do this but am not having any luck. Basically need to find/replace all blanks with formula above but so the formula references the cells around it properly.
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Oct 6, 2006
I am setting up a spreadsheet for user data entry. I have one sheet set up as a template to enable users to copy the required data header cells to subsequent sheets and (the problem) - to different locations on the subsequent sheets. The template is using validated lists with the criteria drawn from the cell/list directly above the current list. For example, the cell in R11C2 is validated/refering to the range: =Campaign
The cell directly below this is validated/ filtered by: =Indirect(R11C2). This works great in the template, or any subsequent sheet in which the cells are all located in the same row/column. However, when the template is pasted in a higher row, the Indirect refers to R11C2 rather than referencing the cell directly above.
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Oct 7, 2013
I'm having trouble with Color Scales within Conditional Formatting. I have a data set of commodity prices. In column A I have the name of the commodity, in column B I have the standard deviation of the price change of the commodity, and in Columns C-N I have the monthly % change in the commodity price. I want to conditionally format with Color Scales each row of price changes within Columns C-N based on each commodity's standard deviation (column B). If the price change is a one standard deviation or more decrease, I want the cell to be dark red; if the price change is less than a one standard deviation decrease, I want the cell to be a gradient of light red; if the price change is a one standard deviation or more increase, I want the cell to be dark blue; if the standard deviation is less than a one standard deviation decrease, I want the cell to be a gradient of light blue; and if the price change is 0, then I want the cell to be white.
I can achieve this perfectly by manually doing 3-Color Scale Conditional Formatting for each row, but it's very time-consuming. And Excel doesn't allow me to enter relative cell references when I'm doing the Color Scale Formatting. Is there a quick way that I can do this so that each row is color formatted differently?
I've attached an example file (there are many more rows within the original file) and formatted the first several rows manually as I want the final product to look.
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Sep 6, 2009
How to change from absolute references to relative references.
Example :
ws.Range("G" & NextRow).Formula = "=" & Range("H" & NextRow).Address & "+" & ws.Range("I" & NextRow).Address
This code return the absolute references---> =$H$365+$I$365
, and i want change to relative references, like this ---> =H365+I365
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Oct 8, 2009
In Excel 2007 I am creating a macro with the "relative references" setting turned on. I want to repeat some tasks like: go to column A, sort, hide columns B thru F, hide columns H & I, return to column A.
Every time I try to create this macro by capturing key strokes, it inserts the workbook / worksheet name in the macro! Kinda defeats the ability to use it in any other workbook.
I am recording the macro in the PERSONAL.XLSX workbook. I have other macros that successfully perform in any workbook they are used in . . . but today I can't create one that doesn't incorporate the name of the original sheet it was recorded in.
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Jun 17, 2009
Formula: B2+C2
In columnD I want to reference the "formula" and have it calculate based on the values in whatever row references the formula.
As it stands I can only get the formula to calculate within the same row.
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Oct 3, 2008
I have Sheet1 which contains a cell named "Limits" which refers to =Sheet1!$B$12.
Now I wish to have Sheet2 which should contain a cell named "Limits" which should refer to =Sheet2!$B$12.
How do I get the reference Limits:=Sheet1!$B$12 (highlighted in red part) to change dynamically according to the sheet I chose?
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Mar 25, 2013
Below is my code which isn't formatting the cells it's suppossed to. It looks like it isn't doing anything. I think the issue might be with the highlighted section of my code, but when I go to "Manage" my rules for conditional formatting, excel references the appropriate cell under the "Applies to" section. I am using relative cell references for for the majority of the rest of the code and this section follows a section that selects the correct cell for this conditional format.
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=""ABS()>.005"""
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Dec 15, 2008
I've found a few macros that will automate changing cell references from absolute to relative and they work great. However, when I run the macros on formulas that have references to another worksheet or workbook, the macro will not work correctly.
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Aug 16, 2014
Let's say you have a named range, Rng1, which consists of cells A1 & A2. In vba how would you report back what, if any, named range the following cells resides:
Code] .....
here are multiple named ranges so using intersect is not feasible. Essentially, through code, I will be given a range and I need to determine if that range if part of a named range.
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Jun 2, 2006
I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...
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Jul 19, 2013
I'm trying to make my named ranges remember the values of the last active cells used within another named range. The purpose of this is to make my charts dynamically change dependant on two criteria selected. My spreadsheet currently updates itself as and when I change the active cell within a single named range, dynamically changing the chart data by using Lookup based on the active cells value. However I want to get away from having several charts showing, I would like to have a single chart which dynamically changes based on a second selection. So the first selection is for a department (Facility) which changes the chart data relevant to that department, the second selection is to dynamically change the chart shown for the pre selected department.
Using the following code when updating just one criteria with several charts
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, [MeasureType]) Is Nothing Then
[valMeasurePicked] = ActiveCell.Value [code].....
which works fine but I'm not sure how to add a second selection criteria because my code uses Activecell. I thought that the VBA needed to set the last used value of a range as a variable and therefore allow the second criteria to be selected but am not sure how to put it into practice.
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Oct 25, 2009
if I can use a named criteria as well as a named range. In essence what I am looking to do is count certain cells that meet the criteria in a certain named named range,
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Mar 14, 2013
Merge two columns into one list in excel
I would like to combine List1 and List2 into a 3rd named range called List3. I was wondering if this were possible without using any additional cells/columns (i.e. I don't want to use Column C like in the example shown in the link above).
Here's the formula from the example:
I've played around with it, but could not come with any that worked.
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Dec 27, 2012
I have data headings in A1-E1 and actual data in A2-E2. I have a SUMIF function in F2.
1 2 3 4 5 =SUMIF(A1:E1;"A";A2:E2)
When I insert new data columns between column E and F, the formula still refers to columns A-E although I would like to have the newly added columns in that SUMIF-function included.
For example, if I add 3 new columns, the new SUMIF-function (now in cell I2) should become =SUMIF(A1:H1;"A";A2:H2).
Do to modify the SUMIF-function to do that?
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Jul 7, 2007
I have inherited an Excel workbook in which the formlas all contain cell names (and there are thousands of names in this book). I need to find a way to change from using cell names in a formula back to a standard absolute cell reference but have no idea how to do this?
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Nov 25, 2007
I am updating a wsheet via a form using vb to locate next empy row etc.
The issue I have is with the formula's no matter how I try I cannot get the formula to increment with each row. I know I can drag and auto fill on the sheet but I want to use vb if poss. eg
Previous entry to sheet:-
New entry via form selecting next empty.
A2=(updated from form.)
B2=(Updated from form.)
C2=(Update code VB)
This is all okay and functional the problem starts from here
I so far have been unable to increment the formula in c1 from A1+B1 to A2+B2 using vb, is this possible or am I just chasing my tail.
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Jan 23, 2008
Here is my array code
Dim Values() As String
Dim count As String
count = 9
For count = 9 To 1800
Values(count) = "=IF(AND(E" + count + "<>"""",AH" + count + "<>0),(AH" + count + "/E" + count + ")*100,0)"
count = count + 1
I'd make it a static array but eventually I'm going to have to set it up where I wont know the upper bound.
Here is the other part of my code that I don't know what I'm doing.
If Range("A9") > 0.01 Then
Range("AI9:AI1800") = 0.01
Range("AI9:AI1800") = Values
End If
I keep getting mismatch errors on the count variable, but I need it to be a string so I'm not sure what do here.
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