Named Range References Prior 12 Months

Mar 28, 2014

My goal is that the formula in this named range references the prior 12 months. This does reference a twelve month range in my workbook, but not the prior 12 months based on this month being MARCH.


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Predict Value Based On Weighting Of Prior Months

Dec 28, 2011

I have 11 months of sales commission data, and need to estimate the value for December. However, the catch is, for the first 7 months, the values are significantly higher than the most recent 4 months. I'm currently using the TREND function to guesstimate the December value, but with the wide fluctuation between the 2 time periods, I'm thinking the result of the TREND value may be way off.

Is there a way to 'weight' the data to reflect the higher values earlier in the year, with the much lower values later in the year?

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Relative References To Named Range

Jan 17, 2005

I have a spreadsheet with very long formulas that reference a whole lot of variables in the same column. I tried naming the cells so that writing of the formula is easier to do. However, I need to copy the column across for other entities of varying nature, and these copied cells refer to the same named cell. Can I name a cell and copy it sideways so that it retains some sort of name with allusion to the column that it is in?

Andrew van Gruting"

I have tried copying a formula with a named range and, as expected, it maintains an absolute reference. Is there a way that he might be able to copy but drop the absolute reference and copy with relative references. Can I place something in front - the equivalent to the $ sign, but rather a relative sign.

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Dynamic Named Range :: Does Not Copy The Formula That References A Cell From Another Line

May 29, 2007

I am having a few problems with dynamic named range in excel 2000.

When adding new data to the range, excel extends the range correctly, but only copies some of the formula correctly. It does not copy the formula that references a cell from another line.

I am trying to create a excel spreadsheet and have a formula =e10-e9, which does not copy down.

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Dynamic References For Named Cells

Oct 3, 2008

I have Sheet1 which contains a cell named "Limits" which refers to =Sheet1!$B$12.

Now I wish to have Sheet2 which should contain a cell named "Limits" which should refer to =Sheet2!$B$12.

How do I get the reference Limits:=Sheet1!$B$12 (highlighted in red part) to change dynamically according to the sheet I chose?

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Code To Check For Text In A Range Prior To Email Sheet

Jul 9, 2009

I am using the code below tied to a button on the worksheet to email a sheet and would like it to check that there has been text entered intothe cells below prior to emailing the sheet. If the cells have no text entered i would like a message box to pop up stating that all fields need to be completed.

Range of cells:


Email code I am using:

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Determining If Cell Is Part Of Named Range And What That Named Range Is?

Aug 16, 2014

Let's say you have a named range, Rng1, which consists of cells A1 & A2. In vba how would you report back what, if any, named range the following cells resides:

Code] .....

here are multiple named ranges so using intersect is not feasible. Essentially, through code, I will be given a range and I need to determine if that range if part of a named range.

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Named Ranges On Multiple Sheets With The Same Named Range & I Cant Figure Out How To Do This

Jun 2, 2006

I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...

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Making Named Range The Last Active Value Used Within Another Named Range?

Jul 19, 2013

I'm trying to make my named ranges remember the values of the last active cells used within another named range. The purpose of this is to make my charts dynamically change dependant on two criteria selected. My spreadsheet currently updates itself as and when I change the active cell within a single named range, dynamically changing the chart data by using Lookup based on the active cells value. However I want to get away from having several charts showing, I would like to have a single chart which dynamically changes based on a second selection. So the first selection is for a department (Facility) which changes the chart data relevant to that department, the second selection is to dynamically change the chart shown for the pre selected department.


Using the following code when updating just one criteria with several charts

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, [MeasureType]) Is Nothing Then
[valMeasurePicked] = ActiveCell.Value [code].....

which works fine but I'm not sure how to add a second selection criteria because my code uses Activecell. I thought that the VBA needed to set the last used value of a range as a variable and therefore allow the second criteria to be selected but am not sure how to put it into practice.

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Countif- Use A Named Criteria As Well As A Named Range

Oct 25, 2009

if I can use a named criteria as well as a named range. In essence what I am looking to do is count certain cells that meet the criteria in a certain named named range,

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Combine Two Named Ranges Into 3rd Named Range

Mar 14, 2013

Merge two columns into one list in excel

I would like to combine List1 and List2 into a 3rd named range called List3. I was wondering if this were possible without using any additional cells/columns (i.e. I don't want to use Column C like in the example shown in the link above).

Here's the formula from the example:



I've played around with it, but could not come with any that worked.

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Replace Range Names In Formulas With Range References

Jul 7, 2007

I have inherited an Excel workbook in which the formlas all contain cell names (and there are thousands of names in this book). I need to find a way to change from using cell names in a formula back to a standard absolute cell reference but have no idea how to do this?

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Copy/Paste Cell To Named Range Named In Adjacent Cell

Sep 4, 2007

I have read post re this question but have not been able to answer my problem. I get the error message 'Application defined or object defined error' when running the code below. I should indicate the range counter currently indicated about 6,200 rows that this code will work on and the individual range names in the list of 6,200 rows are spread over at least 20 worksheets.

The code appears to be running but after some time it stops on the line of code 'Range(Cells(i, 1).Value) = Cells(i, 2)'.

Sub PopulateWithImportData()
Dim counter As Integer
counter = Sheets("Imported Data").Range("Counter")

Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Worksheets("imported data").Select

i = 1
Do Until i = counter
Range(Cells(i, 1).Value) = Cells(i, 2)
i = i + 1

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Dynamic Range For Months

Sep 27, 2007

I have a list of months (Jan to Dec) in column "A" sorted in ascending order. The current month is Sept. I have no idea which row the range will start or end on (Since the # of records vary from month to month) and there is data both above and below the range. I need to create a dynamic range of the current month. The dynamic range must start and end with the current month (eg Sep).

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Using Variables In Range References

Jun 5, 2009

I am doing some work in which I need a very flexible tool. I will be doing regression analysis on thousands of funds at a time. I need to define the range for each fund by a count function that counts the number of monthly returns that are posted. The code I have so far is below (I underlined where the references use variables):

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Finding 12 Months From Today In A Range

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to update our sickness spreadsheet for work to make it a little more 'intuitive' and less cumbersome to use. There are dates (by day) accross the top, with staff names below. If someone is off sick, the manager writes the number of hours lost to sick in that day, under the correct day, then uses back color / font color to show its sick.

Our work uses a 3 periods of absence or more over a rolling 12 months and the staff are issues with a warning, same with over 8 days off sick. If they are off for longer than 14 days they are long term sick.

I would like excel to show whether each staff member has met any of those criteria in the last 12 months by either highlighting their name or putting text into an adjacent cell.

I have tried using offset, named ranges and anything else I could think of to automatically increase the range +1 day very day, but I cant !

Attached File : plan of staff for 2014.xlsx

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Split Value By Months Within Date Range?

Mar 21, 2013

I'm trying to split an amount within a given month:

Total number booked
Total amount booked

3 March 2013
5 May 2013

Therefore, assuming that the number and amount booked is done evenly on a daily basis and considering the fact that in March, the period is 3 March - 31 March, while in May it is 1 May - 5 May, is it possible to have a formula that calculates the amount by month?

I have been using =D2/(DAYS360(B2,C2)) to find out the daily number booked, then multiplying this by the days in a given month to find out the monthly value, but is there a more elegant way of doing this where I can define the month in another sheet (Col. B), to return the following in Col. C and D?

Monthly number booked
Monthly amount booked

March 2013

April 2013

May 2013

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Dynamic Range For Last X Months In Column/Row

Apr 15, 2008

I need to create a validated list of month choices, and the list needs to be filled with the names (Month and year, I.E. Feb-07) of the last 13 months for which we have data.

(We get our data about 8 weeks late, so being that it is mid april now I only have data now up to the end of Feb-08. I have created a chart in which the viewer can change the month to view but up to now it has only been for the current year, now they want to see the past 13 months, obviously I don't want to go in and change this every time the next months' data is entered.

So, what offset formula do I use to reference the month-year names which are spread across Row 1, presently in columns C thru N, and the next months data (March) will go in column O, then April's in column, P, etc

I have tried several variations of this; =OFFSET(C1,0,0,0, COUNTA($1:$!)) but how do I get only the last 13 months?

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Determine If 2 Dates Are Within Range Of Months

Jun 19, 2008

I have found the answer to several of my excel questions here in the past, but I'm completely stumped on this one.

I have two dates:

And I need to know if the range of these dates (January-September) falls between the range of two other dates:

Basically I'm checking to see if the range of months Entered falls in the First half of a year or the second, or both

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Using Relative References In Range Names

Jun 5, 2009

I have a workbook with a single worksheet. The worksheet includes some named ranges, which are used in a dynamic chart (so that when I add data, the chart updates).

I want to duplicate worksheet#1 so that I can have worksheets 2, 3, 4 etc.

Thus I can paste new data in the new worksheets, and have all my calculations done.

Naturally, the only probelm is the graph. It is using the named ranges from worksheet #1.

Is there a solution, so that I don't have to re-create my graphs on each worksheet? (each worksheet has varying numbers of rows, AND, I will be updating each worksheet with new data from time to time, thus the need for a dynamic chart)

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X-Y Plot That References Indirect Range

Jun 29, 2012


is an indirect range that resides in cell B15. It is constantly changing and the expectation is that the X_Y plot would adjust accordingly. It represents the data range of the chart. The chart does not carry with it any title.

So how do I approach this without using vba? As always any input is highly valued.

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Locking Cell References For A Whole Range At Once

Dec 8, 2008

how to lock ALL cell references in the formulas within a range in one go, rather than ahving to go to each and every cell and lock them manually?

I have a table with 966 cells all with just one cell reference like this: .....

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Variable Sheet/Range References

May 12, 2006

Could someone show me an alternate way of using/writing this code instead of using RC references to the Sheet1. I am trying to select ranges that dynamically change according to the range of data in the next column. This is the code I have but it is static in the range it chooses.


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Inverted Commas & Range References-vba

Apr 30, 2007

I'm trying to combine 2 variable column refs and 2 fixed numbers to select a range in VBA, but I can't get the correct syntax re the number of inverted commas.

Range("" & strFrom & "4"":" & strTo & "7""").Select

(strFrom and strTo are the column variables, already defined)

I've tried every combination (except the right one!) for over an hour and just cannot get this to work.

If someone can also explain the logic around the number/placement of inverted commas it would be much appreciated - since they're all straight, I'm never sure whether I'm closing a set or opening a new set.

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Changing Hard Coded Column References To Variable References

Oct 22, 2009

I have a number of statements within the Sheet Event Code (Excel 2007). Three times lately I have added a column and had to go back into the code and find all of the references that needed changing to reflect the new column.

I have been working on this for a couple of days and even tried EE, but to no success.

I have read that Defined Names / Constants should be used as often as possible, but even trying that, the VBA code errors out or "hangs up". Even within Bill Jalen's book (VBA and Macros 2007), there is nothing that addresses this, especially using Intersect.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range

On Error GoTo mEnd
Set rng = Sheets("Log").[F14:F10000]
If Not Intersect(rng, Target) Is Nothing Then
If Target = "" Then
With Sheets("Log")

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Conditional Format - Dates Greater Than 18 Months And 24 Months?

Dec 6, 2013

I have a date column (Column E: Date Entered) on my spreadsheet that I need to set conditional formatting on. There are two conditions:

1) 18 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted yellow

2) 24 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted red

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Find Matched Value In A Range For Named Cell Then Copy Range Cells Below

Aug 6, 2013

I need method, using a button, that looks at a cell--say EO2, for example--, looks back on a master worksheet at a specified row and range for a match, then looks at the information from a specified range below the matching cell (The information in this column will either be blank or have an "X" in the cell), and then those rows that do not have an "X" will be hidden in the corresponding rows in the working worksheet. Therefore, if at any time the value in "EO2" ever changes, then it will automatically find a new match and repopulate and hide information as before. About 130 columns will have its own button so that a "query" can be made that depends on the information in a particular cell in that column.

The master worksheet now has matrix of 287 rows and 58 columns. Each row is for an operating procedure and each column shows a job code. An "X" in a coordinate cell for a column/row shows whether that job code is responsible for knowing that operating procedure. So, on the working sheet, an employee's primary job code is given underneath his or her name. When the button is pushed, all the operating procedures not required for a given person will be hidden and only the required ones will remain visible--grouped, if you will. Qualification dates will be easier to see now that the information is consolidated. Whenever someone transfers to a new position, a new code will be inputed on the working sheet. When the button is pushed, a new grouping will result. Any operating instructions that overlap will still have qualification dates, so that information will not need to be transcribed.

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Dynamic Named Range Sort Including Cells Outside Defined Range

Apr 3, 2008

Im sorting a dynamic range as mentioned in this Sorting a Named Range. My range is called drWarningTypes and is defined as:

=OFFSET(DataSource!$A$2,0,0, COUNTA(DataSource!$A:$A)-1,1)

When there is only one cell in the range, then running the following sort function includes A1 also in the search (and also adjoining columns).....

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VBA To Get Average Of Range Of Cells Based On Named Range In Different Column

Apr 10, 2013

I am trying to calculate some averages. What I have is 3 columns of data in A, B, C, also the "tasks" in A are in named ranges ex: "Award Contract" is a named range - "Task_Award" and "Confirm Updates" is a named range - "Task_Updates". I've attached a sample excel sheet.

I'd like to be able to create a macro to evaluate column A, and for every row in range "Task_Award", give me the average of the corresponding cells in column C and put it in the same range of cells in column B , then, for every row in "Task_Confirm" then give me the average of the same range of cells in column C and place the result in the same range of cells in column B. This is my very first post so I hope I am doing this correctly. I have 77 of these task ranges to evaluate and it will take a long time to do it manually. I'm thinking of a loop function.

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Creating Named Range Taking Avg To Date Of Dynamic Range

Jul 15, 2014

I have a column of data that keeps getting new information in it. what i need is a named range that i can use for a chart, first point in the named range will be the first value in the column, second point will be avg. of point 1 and 2, then 3rd point will be avg. of 1,2,3 etc.

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