Remove All But One Non-unique Line Of Data, While Leaving Unique Data Alone
Jun 10, 2007
I am "designing" a time- tracking database. The way it works is that each user (there are multiple users) creates a new day, which is mirrored in the sheet name (i.e. if today is 06/09/07 and my name is Newuser, the sheet name is "NewusER 060907"). Each sheet is filled in, calculated based on in-sheet formulas, etc. At the end of said day, the user can " upload" the daily data from multiple days worth of data into another sheet, that the graphing macro draws from.
The one serious problem I'm having is that users can upload the daily time data for the same day multiple times, to no end. I would like to do one of two things. Either:
a. make it such that once data is uploaded it cannot be uploaded again (probably more difficult), or
b. write a loop to pull out the highest data point up the sheet and delete all other rows for that one specific day's . (probably easier)
Data loaded into the sheet before the macro runs:
Row: Date:
1 06/09/07 *
2 06/10/07 *
3 06/11/07 *
4 06/09/07
5 06/10/07
6 06/12/07 *
7 06/13/07 *
8 06/09/07
9 06/11/07
10 06/14/07 *
* The rows with asterisks are the ones that I would like to have pulled to the second set of data (below)
Data in the sheet after the macro runs:
Row: Date:
1 06/09/07
2 06/10/07
3 06/11/07
4 06/12/07
5 06/13/07
6 06/14/07
Because of the constant changing nature of the information within, I would like to to make this dynamic range selection, I would prefer to avoid using Advanced Filters, if possible.
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Mar 6, 2014
I need to count the # of unique employee #s based on the criteria in column B. If the value in column B=0 then I do not want to count the employee #.
I realize a pivot table would be much easier but I need to show each line which includes other data.
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Jul 2, 2014
I am trying to extract unique Data from the information in the output data in the file attached after i have extracted data based on criteria from the database sheet. i have noticed that because i extract data from the database sheet and from there i perform the extraction of the of the unique data , it is not able to extract unique isser name form the output sheet.
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Jan 31, 2007
I need to convert a column of data which will have repeated values into a column that turns that data into data with all unique values. Below is an example.
I had a solution until I wanted to turn this range into a list. The solution was.
=If(ISBLANK(A2),"",A2&"_"& COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2))
When this data is in the list the <A2> in the range stops incrimenting from row to row and simply turns into the last row of the list. I have an example spread sheet upon request.
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Jan 17, 2008
Is it possible to associate a range of cells containing different information based on like values in other cells?
How it currently appears in spreadsheet
Name Acct#
John Q. Public 12345
John Q. Public 23456
John Q. Public 34567
John Q. Public 45678
Jane Example 11111
Jane Example 22222
Wanted Result
John Q. Public 12345 23456 34567 45678
John Q. Public 12345 23456 34567 45678
John Q. Public 12345 23456 34567 45678
John Q. Public 12345 23456 34567 45678
Jane Example 11111 22222
Jane Example 11111 22222
I know how to remove the duplicates afterwords to get one unique record.
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Sep 9, 2009
I have been trying for a day now to figure out how to remove the unique cells and keep the duplicates only. I have tried a macro but it does not seem to work. Has any one run into this before. I have attached a sample what I would like to do is remove all non-duplicates from column A. The only macro I could find was this:
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Mar 29, 2007
How to remove unique rows from excel-table and leave only dublicates? any macros?
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Mar 6, 2008
I have a list in Row A that has duplicates. I want to be able to delete both entries (itself and the duplicate). When done I want the list to display only be entries that are unique or better said any entries that never had a duplicate.
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Apr 27, 2014
I have a macro that allows me to copy data to another sheet, and if used again will do it again below those pasted previously (which is crucial for me). I'd like but I'd like it to copy only unique data - in other words not to paste data that are already in destination sheet.
The code for now is:
Sub PlanVENA() Dim rSource As Range: Set rSource = Sheets("VENA").Range("A3:H300")
Dim i As Long: i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(3, Worksheets("VENA_PLAN").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
[Code] ..........
For the record "Vena" is source sheet, and "VENA_PLAN" is destination sheet. Also crucial is, that data are used as values.
HTML Code: [URL] ........
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May 17, 2007
I have a column of data that i would like to filter using a macro and place the unique data in a separate column as completely independent data.
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Jul 22, 2014
I need to know how can i remove unique numbers from excel and leave only duplicated?
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Apr 16, 2013
I have a generated list that pulls data from a different sheet. I need a formula to pull only unique values from that generated list since some values are list multiple times.
[URL] ......
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Feb 11, 2014
I have some raw data of employment records on one workbook and from this i need to autopopulate there information into another workbook.
I need to split the records up by the different departments they work . I.e so what i am after if possible is -
If The department name in the raw data matches column A1 for example then it auto populates down in B2 all the names of people who work in that department .
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Apr 15, 2013
I have a generated list that pulls data from a different sheet. I need a formula to pull only unique values from that generated list since some values are list multiple times.
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May 27, 2013
I have defined name in excel like:
Named: My_CARS
Refers to = My_Cars!$C$2:$C$100
Now in sheet2, I I'm doing in field A2 data validation and set up to Validatation Criteria as:
- Allow = List
- Source: = My_CARS.
But I have all values - with duplicates. How can I get only unique values?
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Oct 27, 2008
I want to be able to count unique rows of data.
I have three columns (A) has a date (B) has the name of a person and (C) has an audit type.
I know I need an array but not sure how to structure it for 3 columns
DateNameAudit type01/04/2008DavidCDM01/04/2008John1 in 1030/04/2008Bill1 in 1001/05/2008DavidVehicle01/05/2008DavidVehicle01/05/2008JohnCDM
The answer for these 3 columns is 5. Rows 4 and 5 are the same so are only counted once.
I can get the arrray to count unique items in the whole range and in a column but not for each row.
I have a feeling this is going to obvious but I can't work it out.
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Feb 14, 2009
I have a column on sheet with has some data. I want to know: How many unique data has my column. If I use auto filter I can count it in list. But how can I do it with macros? I don’t want to make a cycle because it will takes me a lot of time…..
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Aug 14, 2006
i have 2 different spreadsheets
sheet 1 and sheet 2
in sheet 1 i have suppouse following data
Name-- Prod. --value --year
-- a -- 24 -- 100 -- 2004
-- b -- 26 -- 240 -- 2004
-- a -- 33 -- 120 -- 2004
-- a -- 21 -- 200 -- 2004
-- c -- 26 -- 240 -- 2004
-- b -- 33 -- 120 -- 2004
-- d -- 24 -- 100 -- 2004
in sheet 2
Name -- Prod. -- value -- year
-- a -- 24 -- 100 -- 2005
-- d -- 26 -- 240 -- 2005
-- a -- 33 -- 120 -- 2005
-- e -- 26 -- 240 -- 2005
-- a -- 21 -- 200 -- 2005
-- c -- 26 -- 240 -- 2005
-- d -- 24 -- 100 -- 2005
in this situation i want to find out the dropouts of sheet 1. (that persons which are not present the sheet 2)
how can i compare these sheets?
in this case i want the result as
-- Name -- Prod. -- value -- Year
-- b -- 26 -- 240 -- 2004
-- b -- 33 -- 120 -- 2004
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Oct 30, 2006
I could use some help in modifying it so that instead of creating new workbooks to copy to, it copies to EXISTING workbooks whose names match the YEAR ("yyyy") in the Dates fields in column "B" (and only creates new workbooks for non-existing Years, IF needed).
Each workbook name is a "Year" (ie. 2000, 2001, 2002, etc.), and all unique data in A:D are to be copied to each corresponding Year workbook, again as per the Year in the Date field.
I’d like both columns "A" AND "B" tested to make sure that only original (non-duplicate) data is added to the corresponding Year Workbooks (all residing in one folder).
Btw, the code also copies the header, which is ok for new workbooks, but not needed for already-existing wbs.
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Aug 24, 2009
If I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?
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Jan 14, 2010
I'm having a problem deleting duplicates from list in excel. I’ve attached a sample. I’ve tried the following:
1-Advanced Filter, Unique Records Only
2-Remove Duplicates function in Excel 07.
3-Pivot Table
4-Colour Conditional Formatting, sorting by colour
5-B2=IF(A2=A3,”Dup”,”Not-Dup”). The entire column returns “Not-Dup”
6-I’ve tried to resolve using the fix shg & teylyn suggested to Hillto in this thread, but am unable to get the ‘Numeric’ Keypad to appear in the ‘Find’ Function.
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Jun 5, 2013
I have attached a before and after image of what I am looking to accomplish.
In the before image, you can see that there are 3 rows of data
- a header
- a repeating model number (in column F) with accompanying data (values in columns G - J are the items of interest)
In the after image, you can see that I took the 3 rows of data and turned it into simply two rows of data
- a header
- the repeating model number
What I did however in the after image, as can be seen, is I took certain data values that appeared on the repeating row (columns G - J), and included them as PRICE, COST, BEGIN, and END values in new columns on row 2.
Is there a way to accomplish this via some functions or maybe even a VBA script?
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Dec 5, 2013
I already did this with excel formulas and it works pretty good. The problem is that when I work with lots (tons) of data, it takes minutes for the formulas to update and do all the needed calculations.
I have been trying to solve this problem using a dictionary object, since it should work faster. However; I don't even know how to start.
My problem (see uploaded Workbook) is this:
I need to calculate daily profits from different departments. For that I need to subtract daily expenses from daily revenues. Unfortunately, the order of appearance of the departments is random. At the end it should look something like this for every day and department:
[Profit].[Dep?] = [TotalRevenue].[Dep?] - [TotalExpenses].[Dep?]
I really don't know what to do with...
Dictionary Object supports below methods :
Add - add key-item in dictionary object
Exists - Check the existence of key in a dictionary object
Items - Get the collection of all items.
Keys - Get the collection of all keys.
Remove - remove particular key-item
RemoveAll - Remove all keys-items
Dictionary Object supports Properties
Count - gets the count of keys
Item - sets or gets the item
Key - sets the key in dictionary object
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Jun 15, 2009
I am trying to use a formula that will populate A3 with the value of A2, all the way down the column. (as per the area highlighted in yellow) As you can see on the example sheet, the account code changes periodically, this has been causing me many problems!
As the list i am working on has around 100 differfent codes, it is too time consuming to copy paste manually
Reason for this is so that each invoice number in column B, will have a unique identifer in column A (account code)
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Jul 7, 2009
I have one worksheet which acts like a data dump (actuals) where data is just pasted in. This worksheet is sorted and edited on a continues basis. I need this data to be sorted into their respective coded worksheets (110, 120, 130).
I would like a function in Worksheet 110, 120, 130 that captures the data for that 'code'. Now the issue is that much of the data is non-unique, dates, codes, accounts may sometimes be duplicated however i still want to display the entries separately in their respective coded worksheets. (I had a solution using column numbers however it isn't viable because the data gets resorted often)....
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Oct 6, 2008
Attached is a sample file that has a Data entry sheet in which the user can paste in data. They can test & paste anywhere from 1 to 50 compounds at a time and run the list through 1 to 55 Assays. I want to generate a sheet (Plate & Assay Info) that would first display the list of compounds that were tested as well as the list of Assays that they were run through.
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Feb 19, 2009
Each week / month I will get updated data which I will paste into the "updated data" tab. I then have a formulated tab that pulls through the information, performes some checks then calculates payments. Some records will be ready to be paid and some wont. Anything with a total claim amount will need to be paid so
1st button - Once I have pasted my data in and the sheet has calculated I need a button that copies any row from column a to y on the formulated tab that has a total claim amount. i then need the copied rows to be pasted into the paid tab and then for them to be removed from the updated reports tab. This will just leave data with totals in the paid sheet and data with none still in the Formulated tab
The following month / week I will receive another download which I will paste into "Updated reports". This data will contain records that have already been paid and once the formulated tab has calculated these records will show in the duplicate column so....
2nd Button - Anything that has a total claim amount and has a duplicate flag needs to be deleted from the updated reports sheet so it is not paid twice.
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Feb 22, 2009
what i want to do is use 2 sets of data ss is attached to help understand
i would like to compare hometeam v player
therefore any games that steven gerrard didnt play in ( in the example )
it would leave all the games on sheet 3 where he wasnt involved.
hometeam has all the games liverpool involved in
player has all the games steven gerrard involved in
cross reference the 2 to leave all the games he wasnt involved in on a new tab
must be possible just not sure if i need look up or a macro
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Sep 3, 2008
I have a sheet with employee attendance (in hours attended per session) at professional development. Each row in the sheet represents one employee-session. The key columns are as follows from L-R:
Employee ID, Provider, Date
Note that if an employee has attended multiple sessions, each is represented in its own row.
What I would like to do is have each row represent an employee, and have an individual column for each session. This way, if an employee has attended multiple sessions, I have their hours of attendance all in the same row.
So far, I have figured out how to transpose each unique session into its own column header, and I have entered a VLOOKUP function to get the hours of attendance for each session in its respective new column. But these are still spread out over separate rows for each employee. Again, I want to essentially collapse these rows into one row per employee.
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Apr 19, 2013
I have this data
1 355
1 243
1 567
2 456
2 443
3 889
3 890
3 123
and need to sort it in columns like this
1 355 243 567
2 456 443
3 889 890 123
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