Find/Return Unique Data

Aug 14, 2006

i have 2 different spreadsheets
sheet 1 and sheet 2
in sheet 1 i have suppouse following data

Name-- Prod. --value --year

-- a -- 24 -- 100 -- 2004

-- b -- 26 -- 240 -- 2004

-- a -- 33 -- 120 -- 2004

-- a -- 21 -- 200 -- 2004

-- c -- 26 -- 240 -- 2004

-- b -- 33 -- 120 -- 2004
-- d -- 24 -- 100 -- 2004

in sheet 2

Name -- Prod. -- value -- year

-- a -- 24 -- 100 -- 2005
-- d -- 26 -- 240 -- 2005
-- a -- 33 -- 120 -- 2005
-- e -- 26 -- 240 -- 2005
-- a -- 21 -- 200 -- 2005
-- c -- 26 -- 240 -- 2005
-- d -- 24 -- 100 -- 2005

in this situation i want to find out the dropouts of sheet 1. (that persons which are not present the sheet 2)
how can i compare these sheets?
in this case i want the result as

-- Name -- Prod. -- value -- Year
-- b -- 26 -- 240 -- 2004
-- b -- 33 -- 120 -- 2004

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Compare 2 Different Columns Of Data - Find Unique Results

Mar 2, 2007

I would like to compare some keyword lists if possible.

I have a large list of Unique keywords in Col A (From A3),

This Column is called Keyword List A - Large"

I then have a keyword list in Column C (From Cell C3),,

This Column is called "Keyword List B - Small.

I then have a column called "Unique Keywords Found",, This is Col E,, with hopefully returned results being entered from cell E3 downwards.

What I would like to be able to do if possible is run a Macro that would compare all the unique words in ColA and C and return only the difference, (The Unique words not found in ColC as Col A is the "Master List")

If possible could a pop up box appear saying
List A No Rows:xyz
List B No Rows: xyz
No of Uniques Found : xyz
Time Elapsed (sec): xyz

I'm running windows XP and Excel 2007.

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Find & Return Corresponding Data

Feb 15, 2008

Im trying to create a marco that will feed cells in one sheet from data from another sheet. I want to be able to enter a "project number" into the corresponding cell, then all other related areas will populate across. refer file attached. If i enter the project number in D4 (sheet 1), then the "Buyer", "Project name", and "Category" data will pull across from sheet 2.

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Find Value In Range And Return Data From Another Column?

Jul 10, 2014

I have attached a file to make this easier. Basically I would like to search "Points Scored" (B2:W9) for the highest score (which I already have done) and when it is found return the team's name that is associated with it. Then do this for the second, third, etc. as it can be seen in the "Main" sheet. I'm thinking an index/find approach, but I just keep getting "N/A".

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Find And Return Last Cell In Column With Data?

Jul 20, 2014

I need to write a conditional formula that will look up in a 2nd worksheet the last coloumn with data (note that there will be some coloumns in the row that will have data and some that will be blank, I need the last column for that specific row to be the return result)

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Index Formula (find The Relevant Data And Return In To Sheet2)

Oct 26, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with multiple columns. (Sheet1) The heading row is my customer name. (Sheet1) My column are the dates. On another spreadsheet, I would like to find the customer in Sheet2 in Sheet1, then do an index to find the relevant data I need, returned in Sheet2.

Sheet2: find customer "ABC" in Sheet1, if found, then find the date that also matches Sheet1 and Sheet2, and return data "apple" .

2007-04-01 £55.60 £61.13
2007-04-02 £56.33 £60.27
2007-04-03 £52.14 £62.58
2007-04-04 £51.69 £61.28

DEF 2007-04-04 This should be £61.28
ABC 2007-04-02 This should be £56.33

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Using VBA To Find Exact Or Nearest Match And Return From Data Sheets

May 15, 2014

I has number sheets with thousands rows of unsort data. I need to find the price, with optional name and date if given, to return the rows values.

Example from Summary sheet, to find the price range and return 3 rows (even there are four set of answers, highlighted in light blue), with sorting the highest price first.

Summary Sheet
Sheet name


Search Fields

[Code] ........

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Formula To Find Data And Return Other Column Value (similar To VLookup)

Jul 7, 2014

Sheet 1
Sheet 2


I would like to find the value from Sheet2 Column1 in sheet1 Column1 and return value from Sheet1 Column2 and Column3 into Sheet2 Column2 and Column3

And if it doesn't find anything just return Not Found

The problem that a Vlookup is not working for me is because I want it to be the exact text from sheet2 column1 but in sheet1 column 1 it should not be exact as it might have some extra text as seen in the illustration above

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Find Data In Column Range & Return Cell Same Row But X Columns To Right

Jun 18, 2008

i have is 3 sheets in the same excel document. Sheet 1 is the mater sheet, which is a compilation of sheets 2 and 3, however the sheet layouts are different.

The sheets consist of a list of names and details. Sheet 1 has all the names in the list, however sheet 2 and 3 only have partial lists that are in a different order from the original list. The details listed next to the names in sheets 2 and 3 are different and hence a straight forward row copy and paste will not work.

What i need is to write a vba script that can take the name from the master list, search sheets 2 and 3 for the name and lookup the variables placed in next to the name, then update the master sheet accordingly, then continue to the next name on the master sheet and do the update again, and so on until all is updated. I have already thought about using lookup functions in excel however there is 1000 names on the list and around 60 details so it would be messy.

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Find Unique Number In Cell And Pull Data Into New Cell

Dec 30, 2013

I have a column with unique identifiers (numeric) that are included in another column. I need to find this number in the column and pull the data from that column into a new one. For example:

Unique Identifier: 28530

Is included in this string: 10.1.8........28530_201_10-....

I need the content from the string pulled into a new column. It seems there would be a LOOKUP that would work, but I'm not able to figure it out.

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Remove All But One Non-unique Line Of Data, While Leaving Unique Data Alone

Jun 10, 2007

I am "designing" a time- tracking database. The way it works is that each user (there are multiple users) creates a new day, which is mirrored in the sheet name (i.e. if today is 06/09/07 and my name is Newuser, the sheet name is "NewusER 060907"). Each sheet is filled in, calculated based on in-sheet formulas, etc. At the end of said day, the user can " upload" the daily data from multiple days worth of data into another sheet, that the graphing macro draws from.

The one serious problem I'm having is that users can upload the daily time data for the same day multiple times, to no end. I would like to do one of two things. Either:

a. make it such that once data is uploaded it cannot be uploaded again (probably more difficult), or
b. write a loop to pull out the highest data point up the sheet and delete all other rows for that one specific day's . (probably easier)


Data loaded into the sheet before the macro runs:

Row: Date:
1 06/09/07 *
2 06/10/07 *
3 06/11/07 *
4 06/09/07
5 06/10/07
6 06/12/07 *
7 06/13/07 *
8 06/09/07
9 06/11/07
10 06/14/07 *

* The rows with asterisks are the ones that I would like to have pulled to the second set of data (below)

Data in the sheet after the macro runs:

Row: Date:
1 06/09/07
2 06/10/07
3 06/11/07
4 06/12/07
5 06/13/07
6 06/14/07

Because of the constant changing nature of the information within, I would like to to make this dynamic range selection, I would prefer to avoid using Advanced Filters, if possible.

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Formula To Return 1st Unique Name?

Dec 12, 2013

I have a list that goes something like this


The quantity and text of these labels in the list will always change so they will not fall in the same order

What I want to do is in A1 return the first unique name (Main) then in A2 return the second unique name (Second) and so on until the list ends. I can't perform any kind of filter as I require the value to perform part of a concatenated text

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Return Unique Value From Range

Nov 1, 2009

Return from a range of cells the value that is unique within the range. Note: assume there is no finite set of unique values that I can lookup within the range. attached workbook. Need direction on a cell formula in B7 that isolates any unique value.

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Formula: If Value Return Is = To Value Of Cell Above Then Find Return Next Value

Feb 17, 2010

Is there a way with the following formula to tell it that if value return is = to value of cell above then find return next value?

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Return A List Of Unique Matches

Nov 27, 2006

I need to return all the unique matches from a set of data.

For example, when a product is selected, I need to list all the possible venues it is sold from. I will use this venue list to populate my drop-down listbox, as opposed to having a 100 venues in the list, I just wish to have the applicable ones.

Example of data set I need to lookup in:
prod 1 venue1
prod 2 venue 2
prod 1 venue 3
prod 1 venue 10
prod 2 venue 6

I would like to use a formula if I can (not a macro), to list that prod 1 is only sold in venue 1,3, 10.

It would be great if one could use a vlookup type of formula and it could return a list of each occurence of the look-up'ed cell.....

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Return Unique Values Between 2 Dates

Oct 9, 2013

I receive a stock on hand report daily which containers 7,000 + lines each day.

I want, in another sheet to show me what new product codes have appeared when compared against the previous day, for example

Date Product #Qty

So in a new sheet I want to show Product # "1238" as this did not appear on the previous days list

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Return Unique Fields Only - But Not A Filter

Sep 6, 2005

>I think my issue is best displayed with an example:
>Here's my rows of data:
>Column A

I'll assume this is in Sheet1!A1:A10000.

>Is there a formula that can return the following:

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Formula To Return Unique Entries Only

Nov 6, 2008

I am seeking to pull names from a list on one worksheet in to particular cells on another worksheet using each name only once. I need a function or series of them that can accomplish this. I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of months with no luck as I always get into some form of circular reference....

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VBA To Return Unique Values From Table

Jul 5, 2013

This is my first post here!

The Question:

This is a hard one, I promise! Is there a way/formula/VBA to return multiple unique values from a table or from multiple columns with criteria?

My Objective

I want to create a table that has unique company names in the first column (done already) and all the connections that belong to a given company in the columns #2....#n. Like this:

Column1 Column2 Column3 ..... Column n
Company X1: Co. ABC Co.XYZ Co.Acme
Company X2: Co. SEB Co. Becme Co. Cecme
Company Xn: Co. X1 Co. ABC Co. Acme

I have a small sample that has 20.000 rows and 25 columns of data of 1946 unique companies downloaded from my schools database. This means that doing this by hand would take forever!

The data has many duplicates which makes this complicated. The first column shows company name and columns 2...n present connections. Like this:

Column1 Column2 Column 3 ...... Column n
Company X1: Co. ABC Co. XYZ Co. Acme
Company X1: Co. ABC
Company X1: Co.Acme
Company X1: Co. XyZ Co. ABC

In this example Company X1 is connected to companies ABC, XYZ and Acme. The formula should be able to filter/omit overlapping entries.

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Lookup First Unique Number And Return

Oct 31, 2008

Im trying to lookup the first unique number in a column in a separate workbook and then return the value then the cell below would lookup the next unique number and return the value


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Return Unique List If Cell Value Equals A1?

Mar 6, 2014

I would like to return a unique list of values in column b sheet2 IF the value in Data!A is equal to A1 on sheet2.

I tried doing if formulas and v lookup formals but they dont give a unique list or only include in instance of the associated value.

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Lookup And Return To A New List Just The Unique Entries

Dec 11, 2009


I want to do a lookup and return to a new list just the unique entries, such as this:


I have it working now using a pivot table to get me the unique items, but there must a be a more efficient function to do this.

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Return Unique Values From Columns/Range

Oct 24, 2006

I need to know how to read all the criteria1 brought by the autofilter (in the dropdown box) from one column one by one and then print the table. Is that possible? I've read that it's hard but never read how to do that.

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Compare Two Cells & Return Unique Characters

Apr 8, 2008

I have two columns that have similar information. I want to copy the unique information from one cell to a third, blank cell. In my case cells d2 and cell e2 are almost identical except cell d2 has addition information. I want to copy that information into cell f2. I have a feeling I am making this harder than it needs to be.

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Golf Scoring But Have Duplicate Scores - Need To Return Unique Name

Jul 28, 2014

I am attempting to put together a golf tournament spreadsheet. I have figured out how to review a list of numbers, find the lowest ten scores and make a list of those scores. Next to that I want to have excel input the name of the player that shot that score. The problem is, a couple of scores match so excel is only returning one of the golfers names. I am trying to have it return the other golfer who scored the same score.

Here is the formula I am using in Column N:
=SMALL($L$2:$L$21,1) This runs from 1 thru 10 for the 10 lowest scores.

Here is the formula I am using in Column O:

Here is the formula I am using in Column P: (gives same info as column O formula)

Column A = golfers names
Column L = list of all golfers scores
Column N = lowest ten scores in order

Spreadsheet Attached : Golf Excel Score.xls‎

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Return Unique Text Values Without Advanced Filter

May 1, 2009

I have a list of Window sizes and types in Range B4:B:43. The descriptions repeat because in Column K I am listing a location for each window in a house.

3050 SH 1/1 Dining Room
3050 SH 1/1 Kitchen
2030 Fixed Foyer
2030 Fixed Living Room

In the Same sheet Starting on B:45 I want a list of only Unique Window Types:

B:45 and Down:
3050 SH 1/1
2030 Fixed

I'd like this to automatically appear after populating the first list. I used an advanced filter the first time and it worked, but it is not reliable and sometimes returns duplicate values or give me an error message. Plus once again having it happen automatically as the list will change each time I access the sheet would be great.

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Return Cell Address Of Value In A Range Contains Unique Values?

Dec 12, 2012

Here is a sample of database,













If i lookup a value in the range A1:A12, say Sep-12, i need to get the cell address instead of the value of the row. but i know how to get cell address using CELL function. but i need to get cell address when i lookup the value.because lookup value will be dynamic.

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Golf Scoring But Have Duplicate Scores - Return Unique Name

Jul 28, 2014

I am attempting to put together a golf tournament spreadsheet. I have figured out how to review a list of numbers, find the lowest ten scores and make a list of those scores. Next to that I want to have excel input the name of the player that shot that score. The problem is, a couple of scores match so excel is only returning one of the golfers names. I am trying to have it return the other golfer who scored the same score.

Here is the formula I am using in Column N:
=SMALL($L$2:$L$21,1) This runs from 1 thru 10 for the 10 lowest scores.

Here is the formula I am using in Column O:

Here is the formula I am using in Column P: (gives same info as column O formula)

Column A = golfers names

Column L = list of all golfers scores

Column N = lowest ten scores in order

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Return Unique ID Based On Multi-Column Lookup

Dec 18, 2008

I'm looking for a formula (VBA I'm assuming) that will help me create a unique customer ID out of data that my website generates in order to import records into my accounting system.

I have a current list of customers in CSV format with the columns: CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerZip

Each customer in our accounting system is assigned a unique,7 digit CustomerID in the format of XXX#### where XXX are the first 3 letters of their last name, and #### is a 4 digit number (with leading 0's) to create unique ID's for customer with the same first 3 characters of their last name. SAMPLE LIST:

SCH0001, Lindsey Schubert, 75230
SCH0002, Thomas Schoembs, 53132
ADA0001, Samantha Adams, 28205

What I'd like to do is pass the formula 3 parameters (Cust_First_Name, Cust_Last_Name, Zip) and have it parse the .CSV file and either return an existing customer's current ID or generate the appropriate new, unique ID, making sure in increase the 4 digit # accordingly and insert leading 0's if necessary.

Another caveat, if possible to work with, is the ability to also pass the formula another range of cells to append to the end of the .CSV file's data for comparison reasons. There are times when I'll bulk-import orders (or we receive numerous in the same batch) and the potential exists to have two customers that would have the same CustomerID created using JUST the .CSV data. Ie. If we use the example above and have new customers of Steve Schwab and Julie Schwitzer - we'd end up incorrectly assigning them both SCH0003, where if we'd read Steve Schwab's newly created info and customer ID of SCH0003, then Schwitzer would correctly be assigned SCH0004.

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Find A Group Of Unique Rows- Find Non-zero Value In A Column - Fill Column With That Value?

May 27, 2014

There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.

First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.

Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.

The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.

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