Compare And Leave Only Unique Data In Sheet
Feb 22, 2009
what i want to do is use 2 sets of data ss is attached to help understand
i would like to compare hometeam v player
therefore any games that steven gerrard didnt play in ( in the example )
it would leave all the games on sheet 3 where he wasnt involved.
hometeam has all the games liverpool involved in
player has all the games steven gerrard involved in
cross reference the 2 to leave all the games he wasnt involved in on a new tab
must be possible just not sure if i need look up or a macro
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Aug 4, 2008
I have 1 workbook, with 3 sheets. Sheet1 (EVER) has 3000+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet is for all customers who have ever placed an order. Sheet2 (06-07) has 1500+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet has all customers who have placed an order in the last 2 years. Sheet3 has 1 row, which consists of the column titles (12 columns) that are on Sheet1 and Sheet2.
I need to put all customers that are on Sheet1, but not on Sheet2 in Sheet3. I have tried VLookup; advanced Filter and a number of codes in the last 3 days and have not been able to figure this out.
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Feb 4, 2013
I'm trying to compile a VBA that would allow me to compare 2 columns "A" in different worksheets (same Workbook) and output any unique values to 3rd worksheet together with the rest of the values in the corresponding row.
Excel 2010
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Jun 24, 2014
I need creating a macro which compare the values of "Column B" of attached both "Sample1" and "Sample2" excel files and if any unique value found in Column B of "Sample2" file then the entire row should be get copied in "Sample1" file after row count.
For ex. the rows colored as yellow in "Sample2" file are unique and should be get copied in "Sample1" file.
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Mar 2, 2007
I would like to compare some keyword lists if possible.
I have a large list of Unique keywords in Col A (From A3),
This Column is called Keyword List A - Large"
I then have a keyword list in Column C (From Cell C3),,
This Column is called "Keyword List B - Small.
I then have a column called "Unique Keywords Found",, This is Col E,, with hopefully returned results being entered from cell E3 downwards.
What I would like to be able to do if possible is run a Macro that would compare all the unique words in ColA and C and return only the difference, (The Unique words not found in ColC as Col A is the "Master List")
If possible could a pop up box appear saying
List A No Rows:xyz
List B No Rows: xyz
No of Uniques Found : xyz
Time Elapsed (sec): xyz
I'm running windows XP and Excel 2007.
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Jul 22, 2014
I need to know how can i remove unique numbers from excel and leave only duplicated?
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Sep 11, 2013
Here's how my daily report is currently set up:
The External column contains data provided by an external vendor. The Internal column contains data compiled internally. The data in the Internal column will always contain data duplicate to the External column, but will also contain unique data not present in the External column. I would normally cut out the data contained in Internal column that is not duplicated in the External column, and paste it into the Differences column, and move the remaining cells in the Internal column up. The result would be the External column data and Internal column data would align by row, and the data unique to the Internal column is segregated to the Differences column, like so:
While not a difficult task for 8 rows of data, the actual daily report contains over 1000 rows, on average. I would like to set up a template workbook, where I can simply open the template workbook, paste the data into both the External and Internal columns, then have the values that are unique to the Internal column extracted from the Internal column and inserted into the Differences column.
The end product would be used daily, with differing amounts of data (from 100 rows to 10,000 rows).
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Jan 23, 2006
I am trying to compare multiple column in a worksheet to find
common component in all the columns and what is unique to a particular
column only. And list the results/finding in adj column. What i am
trying to accomplish is something as below.
Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3
Column2 Column2 Column2
02-1234-12 07-1234-12 02-1234-12
04-1234-12 03-1234-12 02-1234-12
05-1234-12 02-1234-12 06-1234-34
Common to all Unique to sheet1 Unique to Sheet2
02-1234-12 05-1234-12 07-1234-12
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Feb 28, 2009
i need a macro that will compare the p'folios in sheet "Data to Sheet Workings, and then list the p;folios which is in sheet Data but not in workings in Sheet "New", so in the example below this would be ETSTSA ...
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Feb 27, 2008
I need to create a leave tracker wherein i will get the names of the person who want to take leave in that particular month. I have prepared a calendar to make an entry. I need to take care of the following things
1) The person must have sufficient leave balance available to take the leave. so i have to first check if he/she has sufficient leave balance.
2) There are four team leaders and each team has around 13-14 members. so if lots of people from the same team apply for the leave then they will not be eligible for leave. this i want to know in percentage as to how much percentage of people are taking leave from that particular team.
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Jun 9, 2007
I want to import data with a web-querie. The data consists of numbers in a column (14 cells).
I want to poll the info in the table in the webquerie every 15 minutes to see if the info in the table is changed. Therefore I refresh the info every 15 minutes, and when the info is changed, than the data must be put in a new sheet in a column and the columntitle must be the date and time that the info is put into the column. Can this be done in vba? I suppose that to compare the info of the new poll with the info of the previous polling the previous info must be put in a "compare" table.
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Oct 2, 2007
SalesImport contains sales data, and one column of that sheet is a unique reference number to identify the agent responsible for those sales.
Main contains much more data, and I need to transfer sales data from SalesImport to Main in the most efficient, automated way possible - on a monthly basis most likely... but possibly weekly or even ad-hoc at a later date... so it really does need to be quite quick.
At the moment I have come up with an idea to loop through each row on the SalesImport page, and for each row, compare the unique reference number (Column I) with the unique reference numbers on the Main sheet, (Column C). If they match, set the value of the sales column on Main to the same value as the sales column on the SalesImport sheet.
However, this is not working as i would hope, and doesn't copy anywhere near all the rows I know are found in both sheets.
Sub SalesDataImport_Main()
Dim c As Long, d As Long, Limit1 As Long, Limit2 As Long, Limit3 As Long, sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, sh3 As Worksheet
Set sh1 = Sheets("Main")
Set sh2 = Sheets("SalesImport")
Limit1 = sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
Limit2 = sh2.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row
For c = 2 To Limit2
sh2.Cells(c, 9).Select
For d = 3 To Limit3
If sh1.Cells(d, 3).Value = sh2.Cells(c, 9).Value Then
sh2.Cells(c, 27).Value = "In Main List"
Else: sh2.Cells(c, 27).Value = "Not in Main List"
End If
Next d
Next c
End Sub
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Jun 24, 2014
Due to work, I need to creat the captioned file for our company.
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Feb 28, 2009
In sheet one I have data as follows ...
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Jun 30, 2007
at first i wrote company's name short so that i have to type less but now i want full name of company.....
like.....if in sheet#1 column B any company's name is started by Rel of sheet#2 column A , then the cell containing Rel is replaced by Reliance Industries ( sheet#2 column B but same row that of Rel) sheet#1
Rel...............................Reliance Industries
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Apr 16, 2013
The attached excel file arrivals page and departures page Serial number to compare current on the data up-to-date page, I want to copy.
up-to-date on the "F" column is copied to the page on which you need to print.
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Nov 5, 2006
compare data from different worksheets
For clarity, I have placed the sample datasets at the following URL
Given: the datasets for sheet1 and 2 might not contain the same number of rows.
I am looking for new rows (it might be inserted in any position of the rows) in sheet1. The new rows will be highlighted in red color. For example:
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Dec 4, 2006
[data] ....
With the above data, I'd like put all of the data for each respective dept on it's own sheet. Obviously I have many rows of data and departments so manually would be almost impossible.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have a somewhat convoluted problem. I am trying to develop a QA tool that compares data from a user-created spreadsheet against data from an automated spreadsheet. From my (admittedly small) understanding of Excel, this would be easy to do using VLOOKUP, however there will not be any unique IDs between two columns.
To better visualize this, imagine on Sheet A the following:
Placement Name
Ad Tag
Clickthrough URL
Essentially what I am trying to do compare data from a manually filled in sheet against data that would output the above, and make sure that everything matches up correctly. .
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Jun 1, 2007
I have two columns in Excel.
I want to compare the two columns and pull out the unique entries.
So any entries that are in both column 1 and column 2 I don't want anymore.
I just want all the entries that are NOT IN BOTH columns.
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Feb 12, 2008
I have a database with 2 un identical columns: A, and B. Each cell in Column A should have an equivelant cell somewhere in column B. I want a code that could compare each cell in column A with each cell in Column B. Cells in A that don't have equivelant in B should have their values printed in column C.
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Apr 8, 2008
I have two columns that have similar information. I want to copy the unique information from one cell to a third, blank cell. In my case cells d2 and cell e2 are almost identical except cell d2 has addition information. I want to copy that information into cell f2. I have a feeling I am making this harder than it needs to be.
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Dec 24, 2009
What i want to do is clear some data within a merged cell but leave the rest.
I have added a sample workbook. The data i want to clear is highlighted in Red so the 11111 will be replaced with ...... and the 09/12/09 will also be replaced with .......
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Dec 29, 2006
I have an Excel file with over 5000 rows all containing URLs
I only need the URLs containing a particular word in ther such as
if the URL contains ".edu" leave it, and if not, delete the data.
Is there a way to do this by VBA?
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Jun 10, 2007
I am "designing" a time- tracking database. The way it works is that each user (there are multiple users) creates a new day, which is mirrored in the sheet name (i.e. if today is 06/09/07 and my name is Newuser, the sheet name is "NewusER 060907"). Each sheet is filled in, calculated based on in-sheet formulas, etc. At the end of said day, the user can " upload" the daily data from multiple days worth of data into another sheet, that the graphing macro draws from.
The one serious problem I'm having is that users can upload the daily time data for the same day multiple times, to no end. I would like to do one of two things. Either:
a. make it such that once data is uploaded it cannot be uploaded again (probably more difficult), or
b. write a loop to pull out the highest data point up the sheet and delete all other rows for that one specific day's . (probably easier)
Data loaded into the sheet before the macro runs:
Row: Date:
1 06/09/07 *
2 06/10/07 *
3 06/11/07 *
4 06/09/07
5 06/10/07
6 06/12/07 *
7 06/13/07 *
8 06/09/07
9 06/11/07
10 06/14/07 *
* The rows with asterisks are the ones that I would like to have pulled to the second set of data (below)
Data in the sheet after the macro runs:
Row: Date:
1 06/09/07
2 06/10/07
3 06/11/07
4 06/12/07
5 06/13/07
6 06/14/07
Because of the constant changing nature of the information within, I would like to to make this dynamic range selection, I would prefer to avoid using Advanced Filters, if possible.
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Dec 30, 2013
I have a multi tabbed page and the page i want to sort (2) is looking up the 1st page and creating one column list from cell a1 to a280 and it includes a number of zero's from the look up pages because that is the correct result. I already have it sorting but I want it to sort and leave the zeros at the bottom (they are currently at the top) of the sheet so I can just print the info I need.
Can I create this in sort or do I need a macro and how can i write it as I am very green on VB.
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Apr 30, 2009
I have used the snippet of code below many times to delete rows of filtered data. For example, if I want to delete all rows containing "Y" in column F, this code would filter to that criteria, offset it to save the column headings, resize it to avoid deleting the row below the range, then delete the rows. This works beautifully, until I ran into an instance where there were NO "Y"'s in column F. Then it deleted the column headings.
How would I modify the code below to leave the headings in row 1, but delete any other filtered data? (Also, if there's a better way to delete filtered rows but leave headings, I would be interested.)
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May 9, 2009
I'm using a formula that I got from a previously made excel sheet. The formula does what I need it to do and looks like this: =INT((D10-10)/2)
The problem is, if I don't enter a number in the cell D10, all the cells with this formula show -5.
If I don't want data entered into D10 yet, I'd like all the cells with that formula to be blank until I actually enter a number in D10.
I think it has to do with using an IF statement followed with ""? Am I on the right track?
Also, if I have other formulas like =SUM(AP3:AQ6), but the cells it refers to are blank, how can I make the cell with the formula also be blank rather than show a 0?
I know I can turn off the "Show a zero in cells that have zero value" option, but I was wondering how to do it with the formula instead.
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May 9, 2009
I have 2 similar question.
I'm using a formula that I got from a previously made excel sheet. The formula does what I need it to do and looks like this:
The problem is, if I don't enter a number in the cell D10, all the cells with this formula show -5.
If I don't want data entered into D10 yet, I'd like all the cells with that formula to be blank until I actually enter a number in D10.
I think it has to do with using an IF statement followed with ""? Am I on the right track?
Also, if I have other formulas like =SUM(AP3:AQ6), but the cells it refers to are blank, how can I make the cell with the formula also be blank rather than show a 0?
I know I can turn off the "Show a zero in cells that have zero value" option, but I was wondering how to do it with the formula instead.
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Mar 31, 2007
A1 has a date of 03/10/07
B2 has formula =A1 + 7
I want to copy that formula down the column B2 but if
B3 is empty I get 01/07/1900
How Do I make so that if there's no date entered in
A column I get blank cells but still retain formulas,
I've been running into this issue with other formulas but I couldn't find any solution searching this forum,
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