Return Value Of One Cell And The Adjacent Cell As Well

Mar 18, 2009

I have some VBA which I am using to search though a worksheet for data matching an input box. I would like the search to produce a messagebox with the imputbox search result, as well as the adjacent cell. does anyone know an easy way of doing this? Below is the code I have so far:

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Find Cell Value In Column & Return Text In Adjacent Cell

Jun 10, 2008

I have a drop down list in a merged cell B12-F12 and B13-F13 and B14-F14 . . . B30-F30.

I need the adjacent merged cell to populate a reason (text) based on the text answer in the drop down list or the entered text in the first merged cell. For example in the cell B12-F12 the user picks from the list or types in "Amiodarone." I want the adjacent merged cell G12-J12to automatically fill with "Heart Rhythm." I also want to be able to set up multiple if - them statements like if Amiodarone is entered then fill adjacent cell with Heart Rhythm and if Toprol XL then fill adjacent cell with Heart / Blood pressure and if simvastatin then fill adjacent cell with Cholesterol, etc. I have about 30 different options for cell 1 that I want to have auto fill in cell 2 based on the contents of cell 1. I've attached my file.

I want the user to be able to choose from the list or type the drug name in.

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Find Cell Value In Another Workbook & Return Adjacent Cell

Aug 12, 2008

I am trying to complete these steps:

Take a value from AK59 from the "EQF" tab in a file called "QuoteMaster.xls"

Use that value to find match in column "A" in a Seperate workbook "ITMSTR.xls" on the "Sheet1" tab

Offset to the right 1 cell of the found value, take back to the "QuoteMaster.xls" and put in cell "AN59"

My code comes up with no errors, it opens the file and closes is as shown, but it doesn't copy the value over for whatever reason...

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Cell Reference Or Adjacent Cell Return

Apr 5, 2008

I have a formula that searches through a couple columns, and based on some criteria on those columns, it returns a value. The criteria looks at the dates in a given week, finds the earliest date, and then the largest value for all entries of the same date. So, I do not know what this vale is going to be in advance. In any case, Let's call this value1. This is all working fine!

Now, what I need to do is grab the value in an adjacent column to the left(same row) and add that to value1. Let's call this adjacent column value, value2. I was thinking that I could use the OFFSET function in this way, OFFSET(cell reference of value1, 0, -1) to return value2.

But this requires that I can get a cell reference for Value1. I cannot find out how to get a cell reference. I saw some VBA code to search and return cell references, but it assumed that you know what value you are looking for, and I do not know that in advance.

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How To Return Value Adjacent To Cell From Another Sheet?

May 18, 2009

I have one column of about 10 names (each of which is unique). The cell adjacent to these names is empty and I want to insert a value into this cell.

The value I'd like to insert into this cell is located in another sheet attached to the same file. This sheet has the same layout, except the unique name has the value next to it and the order of the names is different.

I'd like the formula to determine where the name from the first sheet matches the name from the second sheet. I'd like it to then display the data associated with that unique name in the first sheet, adjacent to the name in the blank cell.

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Function To Return Value Of Adjacent Cell

Sep 18, 2008

I am trying to write a function that will return the value in cell B based on its position adjacent to cell A (above). Cell A contains its own formula and may the values may change.

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Determine Date Return A Value From Adjacent Cell

May 2, 2014

column 1 is vouchers
column 2 is date

vouchers column is populated with a voucher code for every date date column is populated with dates beginning with today, ending with the last day of the year.

I would like to create a function that evaluates the date file, If date = today's date, return value in the adjacent vouchers column.

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If Cell1 Reads Text1 Return The Value Of Adjacent Cell

Feb 25, 2014

A workbook containing 2 sheets. Sheet1 is a data entry sheet containing 8 columns and many 10s of rows of client data. The columns are (in this order) Client, Date, Code, Duration, CaseNo, Description, Staff. I also have a second sheet. Sheet2 takes the data from Sheet1 and displays the results of certain calculations, such as amt of cases a particular Staff person has and of what Code type.

- Total amt of P02 cases = 25
- # of cases Homer Simpson has = 10

So here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
Is it possible to have Excel return the total amt of time spent on a particular Code type? It would have to search through the Code column for a particular Code type (let's say "P03") and return the SUM of the Duration which resides in a different column.

Calculate by Billing Code.xlsx

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Find Date In Column & Return Adjacent Cell Value

Mar 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a column A of dates April 08, May 08, June 08 etc. Adjacent to each of these dates is a value in column B. I want to select the appropriate value relevent to the current date and use it elsewhere. Therefore if it happens to be Oct 08 when I open the spreadsheet I want the value in column B, adjacent to Oct 08 to be represented.

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Lookup Nth Occurrence Of Date & Return Adjacent Cell

Jun 5, 2008

I have a list of dates in column AF. I would like to retrieve a value from the 2nd occurrence of a date, so I used the function for the Nth Occurrence on this website as follows:

Function Nth_Occurrence(range_look As Range, find_it As String, _
occurrence As Long, offset_row As Long, offset_col As Long)
Dim lCount As Long
Dim rFound As Range
Set rFound = range_look.Cells(1, 1)
For lCount = 1 To occurrence
Set rFound = range_look. Find(find_it, rFound, xlValues, xlWhole)
Next lCount
Nth_Occurrence = rFound.Offset(offset_row, offset_col)
End Function

The excel formula I am using is as follows: =Nth_Occurrence(AF2:AF622,AE2,2,0,1)
Where AE2 is the date I am looking up. My question is this: When I put in a date ("1/12/2007") instead of AE2, i get the correct value. I tried giving AE2 and the AF column the same date formatting (3/14/2001), but this doesn't work. The date I am searching for also changes, so I cannot just type the date into the excel formula.

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Excel 2013 :: Check Cell For Text And Return Corresponding Text In Adjacent Cell?

Jan 28, 2014

I have 2 tabs in a 2013 workbook. Inventory Receipts and lookups. One of the Data verification lookups I have is a drop down list in each cell in Column B (eg: Cat, Dog, Mouse) In the lookups tab I have another cell range containing the sounds (eg: Meow, Bark, Squeak).

What I am trying to acheive is, if B2 contains Cat, then return Meow in B3, if B2 contains Dog then return bark in b3 and if B2 contains Mouse return squeak in B3. Ideally I would like the formula to return the text from my lookup sheet (eg: 'Lookups'!C2,'Lookups'!C3,'Lookups'!C4). So depending on which option they choose from my animal drop down list .. the correct noise would automatically fill in.

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MSG Box To Search And Return Adjacent Cell Value For Phone List Extensions

Apr 18, 2013

I have a phone list and I am trying to add a search box to it that when you type in the Employee name, it will return the value of the cell adjacent to the search result so the extension can show up.

I am a VBA Novice, but I have found plenty of code for the searching aspect of it. I am having trouble figuring out how to have the search occur and then return a different value then what was originally searched for.

Ideally I would like the msg box to show both the employee's full name and extension.

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Find First Blank Cell In Column & Return Adjacent Date Less Than Or Equal To Today

Apr 4, 2008

how to make the data look like a table with three columns. Other than the date, it is space delimited. I have a tracking spreadsheet where Column A is populated with dates for the year. Column C contains daily values.

I don't always start entering daily values on the first day of the year, e.g., this year the first value in Column C corresponds to March 9. All values in Column C are contiguous - there are no blank cells until the value in Column A is greater than today's date code. I would like to use a formula (rather than VBA) to look down Column C and find the first non-blank entry where the value in Column A is less than or equal to today(). In this case, the formula should return the value for March 9, 2008.


March 1, 2008Saturday
March 2, 2008Sunday
March 3, 2008Monday
March 4, 2008Tuesday
March 5, 2008Wednesday ...................

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Compare Text Strings In Two Columns And Return Text From Adjacent Cell

Feb 28, 2013

how to Chk the text string in particular cell, compare it with a super set column and get the full from of the text string from another corresponsing column and the output will be corresponsing full form of the chked text string?

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Find Cell Value Copy Cell And Adjacent Cell

Aug 1, 2007

i am trying to find a cell in column C (if cell =140) and copy that cell and the adjacent cell in column "D" to worksheets called" upload" then repeat through multiple tabs- repeating process and dumping values in columns on the "upoload" worksheet

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Macro That Will Clear Contents Of Cell Based On Format Of Text In Adjacent Cell

Feb 18, 2009

Been racking brain, searching through the forum here, and my Excel 2003 Bible all day trying to figure out this problem to no avail. I would like to clear the contents of any cell in a given range if the cell immediately to the right of is formatted as bold.

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Can Cell Keep Cumulative Of Values Typed In Adjacent Cell On Daily Basis?

May 31, 2014

See the attached excel table. I need the cell E4 to keep adding the values typed in the cell D4 on daily basis.The cumulative shouldn't be changed if there is no value in the cell D4. E4 should accumulate and keep the totals typed in D4...

Cumulative Input.xlsx‎

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Macro To Copy Data From One Cell To Another If Adjacent Cell Meets Certain Requirements?

Feb 19, 2014

Basically I have three columns in a work Sheet F, G, & H. F is empty, G contains text and column H has both text and numbers.

I want to be able to automatically copy the value from Cell H to Cell F if cell G contains the word cost.

I would also like to delete all rows where Column G & H contain two dashes -

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Excel 2010 :: Locating One Cell Data In Text Of Adjacent Cell?

Jul 1, 2013

I am using Excel 2010.

In my worksheet I have 'Column A' and 'Column B', In 'Column A' are product I.D. numbers. In 'Column B' is a text description of the product, whose I.D. number is in 'Column A,' and should also contain the I.D. number from 'Column A' somewhere in the midst of the descriptive text. However, some of these in 'Column B' do not.

I need to create a function that looks for the value in 'Column A' and determines whether or not it is present in the text of 'Column B'. Therefore, spitting the answer out in 'Column C' so that I can copy it down for 100,000 cells.

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Change Colour And Values Of Cell Based On The Value In Adjacent Cell?

Nov 10, 2012

I need to write a condition in such a way that cell IF A1= "DBR","BPR","SLR","SKR" then change cell B1 to SPECIFIC COLOUR Each condition different colour. A1 values ("DBR","BPR","SLR","SKR") is a list of selectable values. if the condition is falls then B1 should be normal (white color cell) with 0 in it.

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Incorporate Adjacent Cell In Formula W/o Naming Cell Address?

Oct 2, 2009

I searched and I keep finding something that's not quite what I'm looking to do so I think I'm missing something really simple.

Let's say that I want each cell in col b to be the sum of 5 plus whatever value is in the cell adjacent to it on the left (col).

I know that you can just write a formula in each cell like...

b1 will be =sum(a1+5)
b2 will be =sum(a2+5)

... but is there a shortcut so that you don't have to write out the actual cell address for each one?

Meaning - is there a predefined name or something that represents the cell to the left or right so you can just use that instead, allowing you to just copy paste the same formula all the way down the column? Something like...

b1 will be =sum(left+5)
b2 will be =sum(left+5)

... where "left" represents whatever value is in the cell to the left of that particular cell?

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Inserting Values In Cell Depending On Content In Adjacent Cell

Mar 20, 2014

I have the names of companies in one column, and the amount they owe in cells in the column beside them. I then have a second list of companies that is a subset of the first. Is there a formula that would place the amount they owe in teh corresponding cell adjacent to the compny in the second list? I've attached a sample workbook, Full Company List in column A, amount owing in B, trimmed down list in D and ideally I'd like the corresponding values in E.

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Copy Cell Values In One Cell Based On Value Of Adjacent Cells

Feb 20, 2014

What I want to achieve: those cells have number 1 ( in column E) , adjacent cell values ( In Column D) are copied to G12 in the following format:: Mark,Lark ( i.e. cell value , cell value, etc)

is it possible ( with a command button) Sample attached

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Userform Find Cell From ComboBox Value And Write To Adjacent Cell

Jan 27, 2010

I am having a problem using data from my combobox to find the cell on the worksheet and write to the adjacent cell.

Worksheet name is Fleet
ComboBox Name is ComboBox7
TextBox name is TextBox3

I would like to be able to take the text from ComboBox7, find this text in Col A of worksheet Fleet and write the Value of TextBox3 in the adjacent cell in Col B. when
the CommandButton1 is pressed.

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Find Cell, Copy Adjacent Cell Or Cells To Clipboard

Jun 14, 2007

Here’s what I want to do in VBA

1. Put a value in cell H1 (text and numbers)

2. Find a matching value in column A (starting in row 2), error message if the is not a match.

3. Copy the adjacent cell column B (rows vary) to the clip board. It would copy until it found the first blank row.

I have attached a scaled down version of the spreadsheet, the one I use has 100's of codes. I know some VBA but not much. I searched the forum but could not find anything.

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Delete Rows Where Cell Doesn't Equal Adjacent Cell

Aug 16, 2007

I have a sheet in Excel 2004 for Mac that is a patient list with over 2000 patients. I need a rule that will compare values (patient IDs and responsible party ID) in two adjacent cells, if the values are different, to delete the entire row. The goal is to get rid of patients (rows) that are not the responsible party (responsible party ID).

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Automatic Time Stamp Cell Based On Adjacent Cell

Oct 19, 2007

I am looking to add a function to a current spreadsheet that writes the current date to a cell when another is updated. The sheets function is to have a user record when a particular action has been completed and then remind them after a given amount of time. The user is faced with an option to input a "1" to essentially "start the timer" and then the date that is automatically input by the code will be used to compare with the current date. I have tried the following on the Workbook_SheetChange sub

If ActiveCell.Column = 9 And ActiveCell.Value <> 1 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 2).Value = Date
End If

But cannot figure out how to eliminate user error. Let me explain. If a user enters a value (will only ever be a 1 to indicate "yes") into column 9 then the date appears in the correct place (two cells to the left) If however a user deletes a value then the date will update one cell too high!? I also thought of using a cell based if statement (if j7 = 1 then today() else "" but this only updates with todays value each time you open where I want the date to stay as the day the cell was updated. The date is going to be used as a way of working out when to change the original value of the cell in column 9 to "".

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Find Value, Copy Adjacent Cell & Paste To Corresponding Cell Of Another Found Value

Apr 5, 2008

I have found many posts similar to what I am trying to accomplish, but nothing that I have been able to modify and make work. I need a VBA script that will find a cell with the text data "Difference" and copy the adjacent (to the right) cell's data. I then need to find a cell with text data "Ops" and paste the previous data to it's adjacent cell.

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Use Value From A Cell Immediately Adjacent To Referenced Cell In A Formula

Feb 25, 2014

I need to create a cell reference which will allow me to specify a cell in a table by value (using indirect) and pull the value from a cell immediately one row over for use in a formula. Say I have a table Containing column A and B; I want to reference the value of a cell in column A (e.g. "Large Widget") and receive (in the formula) the value in column B (e.g. "41 cm^2").

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Text In Cell Then Formula To Put Particular Number In Adjacent Cell

Feb 16, 2014

I have text in column A of either "xxx" or "yyy"

I'm looking for a formula so that If

A1: "xxx" then B1: $100
Or if
A1: "yyy" then B1: $150

So when I write "xxx" or "yyy" in a cell of Col A

then $100 or $150 shows up in adjacent cell in Col B automatically.

I will need to sum the numbers later so Col B will need to be in number/accounting format.

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