Running The Same Test On Multiple Variables?

Jul 12, 2013

I am trying to run the same test on multiple cells, to get the column letters of cells while there are less than 78 columns in use (these column letters will later be used for the Range().Select work involving copy & paste-ing into a word document). I originally thought I could use GoTo statements in conjunction with variables but, having researched it and coming across this, I think I need to find another approach.

At present I have a long section of code that looks like this (I am writing and testing at present so what i make will be put into a larger macro):

Sub FindColumnLetters()
Dim i01Feb As String, i02March As String, i03April As String
Dim NumbTemp As Integer, NumbTemp2 As Integer


However VBA didn't like the use of variables with the GoTo function and there are not decent ways around. how I can do the original but in less space? FYI the codes above are repeated for 3 columns, where I am actually doing this for ~20 column refs so the space it takes is HUGE at present.

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Activate Worksheet: The Retro Is Also Suppose To Test Cell H12 To See If It Is Blank Before Running The Msgbox

Apr 9, 2009

I do not know if I have this written correctly, I would like to have the sub - Retro run whenever some one opens this worksheet - "FORM". The retro is also suppose to test cell H12 to see if it is blank before running the msgbox.

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Running A Macro For A Matrix Of Variables

Oct 6, 2006

I have a matrix that has variables in the rows and in the columns. Then I have a regular table. For each row in the table, I need to run a macro using the combinations in the matrix. I just don't know how to combine these two to make my macro run appropriately with the right combos for the right amount of time.

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Test Two Cells And Set A Third Cell With Different Values Depending On Test Results

Aug 21, 2013

I am trying to determine Long Term Gain (LTG,) Long Term Loss (LTL,) Short Term Gain (STG,) Short term Loss (STL,) or No Loss nor Gain (NGL)testing two cells (A1 and B1)and setting a third cell (C1) to the text LTG, LTL, STG, STL, or NGL depending on the results of testing cells A1 and B1.

A1 represent a number of years and B1 represent gains or losses (negative)in dolars.

The way I see the logic is as follows:

If cell A1 or cell B1 are either one of them equal to 0, then it is neither a Gain nor a Loss (NGL.)

If cell A1 is greater than or equal to 1, then it is Long Term; else, if A1 is greater than 0 and less than 1, then it is Short Term.

On the other hand, if cell B1 is greater than 0, then it is a Gain; if B1 is less than 0 (a negative number,) then, it is a Loss.

I need to find (if it is posible in Excel) one formula to test the two cells for posible outcomes:

If A1 = 0 then C1 = NGL
If B1 = 0 then C1 = NGL
If A1 >= 1 and B1 > 0 the C1 = LTG.
If A1 >= 1 and B1 < 0 the C1 = LTL.
If A1 < 1 and B1 > 0 then C1 = STG
If A1 < 1 and B1 < 0 then C1 = STL

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Tallying Multiple Choice Test?

Jun 6, 2014

Columns represent each student's test (There are 31 test numbers) The test consisted of 50 multiple choice questions, each listed in each row. The green column shows the correct answer for each question.

I need to tally the score for each test in the orange row.

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If Logical Test Multiple Criteria

Feb 17, 2012

I am trying to build a logical formula and it turns wrong values. I have four criteria in numbers, the codes are: 1 invoices, 3 credits, 7 Debits, 8 Returns, 9 Payments. All of these codes have positive numbers. I am trying to convert "credits", "returns", "payments" in negative . the rest "invoices" "debits" stay positive. In column A i have dollar values all positive, column B "codes" mentioned above, column C "i want to put the correct values.

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Running Multiple Modules Across Multiple Workbooks With Multiple Sheets

Feb 19, 2012

I've got data being scraped from a site, putting 1 new workbook in a folder each day

each workbook has 40 sheets in it.

i need to run 5 modules in sequence on a sheet then loop to the next sheet and run the same 5 modules.

ive writen all the modules, and can loop them through the sheets in sequence but i cant work out how to loop them through the each workbook in the folder..

is there an easy way to do this or can it not be done because it would need access to the folder that holds all the wordbooks which lives outside of excel on the desktop ?

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Return Multiple Values From A List That Fit Logical Test?

Nov 15, 2013

I need a formula that will return a range of values from a list.

Example: I need a formula in cell A2 that looks at the list and will return all numbers that are >99 but 199 but299 but

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Using 2 Variables To Return Multiple Items From Multiple Sheets

Feb 14, 2009

I have a need to populate a summary worksheet using two variables to find data in two or more other worksheets.

I find writing out what I want helps some times so let me try it here.

So my variables are:

Product (there are 22 products)
Supply Less than (inset number)

These are the two criteria I want to use to produce a result.

The next issue is I have 300 stores that carry said 22 products. Each store has a unique number 0001, 0002, 0003 etc. So in a separate worksheet I have a list of the store numbers, and then the products. So each product has the store's number to the left in Column A, Column B has the product name, Column C has the quantity on hand.

What i would like to do on the summary page is select the product, and then select the supply less than or equal to 'x' and then have the stores with the selected product less than or equal to x display below.

The last part of this is then to display (data from an other sheet) on the summary page which contains the quantity of the product selected available at the warehouse for that store.

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IF Statement Using Multiple Variables To Give Multiple Outcomes

Feb 6, 2009

I'm looking to work out an IF statement based on a series of dates entered to give 1 of 3 possable outcomes. Where:

A1: todays date (exmaple =NOW())
B1: due date (exmaple 10/02/09)
C1: completion date (example 12/02/09)
D1: status (overdue, outstanding or completed)

D1: =IF(A1>B1,"overdue",IF(A1<B1,"outstanding",IF(C1<=>A1 & B1,"completed")))

I know the last part is totally wrong (symbols arranged in that manner), but to clarify i would like the date entered in C1 to override the other statements in the fomula to make it read "completed". If no date is entered in C1 then the formula will return either "overdue" or "outstanding" depending on the other dates in A1 and B1.

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Declare Multiple Subs On 1 Line Just Like Multiple Variables

May 25, 2014

I'm making a Form with multiple pages and on every page there are atleast 36 Textboxes.

[Amount] [Description] [price]

I want to run a small sub updating the price on changing the amount. My code now looks like this:

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Call UpdatePrice
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox2_Change()
Call UpdatePrice
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox3_Change()
Call UpdatePrice
End Sub

I have to do this on 8 pages, 24 to 36 times, which makes the code extremely long. Is there a better way to do this?

Something like:

Private Sub TextBox1_Change(), TextBox2_Change() etc...
Call UpdatePrice
End sub

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Sum Multiple Columns Based On Multiple Variables?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm looking to find a formula to calculate the red cell (actually all the cells in the "type" fields) by determining:

1) If the Product in the table matches the one in row 3
2) If the dates in table columns H, J, L, N and P took place in the month before the billing date
3) If those two conditions are met, sum the matching columns in I, K, M, O and Q.

For example for the red cell would currently equal $11,380.02 as the only revenue collection dates in range would be cells I1 through I3.

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Will Running A Macro Within Another Macro Use Variables?

Dec 3, 2008

Will running a Macro from within another macro allow the second macro use the first one's variables?


Macro A Starts

Variable x set

Macro B starts

Macro B uses x from Macro A

Macro B ends

Macro A ends

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Multiple Sum If Variables

Feb 5, 2010

Can I put two variables into a SumIF? forexample I want to sum Column C if Column A is equal to Apples and Column B is equal to Oranges, then sum Column C. Is there a quick formula?

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Multiple Variables To Calculate A Value

Jun 26, 2014

I am looking for a syntax to ask a question with three variables

As an example
Blade size = 114 (only 3 blade size choices)
the Panel Size is between 500 and 700 ( This will also be dependant on the blade size)
the tilt bar is clearview (Three choices)
the result will be x = 182

The answers will depend on the above variables: 154, 159, 179, 177, 182 and 202

Screenshot 2014-06-26 14.21.41.png
Screenshot 2014-06-26 14.23.53.png
Screenshot 2014-06-26 14.26.11.png

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Vloookup With Multiple Variables ...

Sep 30, 2009

I need to count up the scores from a questionnaire I have developed, which I am having trouble coming up with a formula for.

I have 5 different types of sales channels in column A. In columns C, E and G there is the call method they use (inbound, outbound or both) with a 'Y' / 'N' option next to it. Basically, I need a formula that if a sales channel has a Y next to Inbound, then the value 'Inbound' to be returned to the destination sale and if it has a Y next to Outbound then the value 'Outbound' returned to the destination cell and so on.

I have attached a spreadsheet to make my problem easier to understand.

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Multiple Variables Count

Oct 28, 2009

I'm trying to use two variable to calculate a count.

In my attachment I have Name, Balance, and Disabled for the data.

I would like to find out how many names has a negative balance and have a "Yes" for Disabled

In the Summary part, I can find out the count of who is disabled, but can incorporate the negative balance.

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Testing Multiple Variables At Once

Feb 18, 2010

This code is functional but very redundant and I figured that has to be an easier way to go about this.

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If Statement & Multiple Variables

Jun 9, 2009

I have in cell c40 a data validation list with source equal Royal (=Royal) has been created.

Royal is a namebox that has a defined list of 7 options (6 actual options plus one that says "select via drop down") :

FA4 = Select via Drop Down
FA5 = option 1
FA6 = option 2
FA7 = option 3
FA8 = option 4
FA9 = option 5
FA10 = option 6..............

The concept is that FA5 is associated with a value defined in FB5, FA6 is associated with FB6, so on

What I want to happen is when I select a value via the drop down selection in C40 eg. "Option 1" that in cell D40 the value associated with Option 1 (found in FA5) returns the value found in FB5 ($10).

How do I do this? I have tried a number of "if" statements but no luck.

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Counting With Multiple Variables?

Jan 23, 2013

I'm trying to count a range but I have multiple criteria which I would like to use, I have attempted to use countif/sumproduct with no avail. The data is spread over two columns, one contains the rank of various employees and the other is the number of hours they have worked. I am trying to count how many employees fall in to set hour ranges.

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If / And Formula With Multiple Variables

Nov 25, 2013

Writing a formula for the info below. Here is what I need basically. If B2>2, then I need it to count all central and field, STK and NSTK in column D.

stock type



[Code] ...........

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SUMPRODUCT Multiple Variables

Aug 24, 2009

I trying to figure out how to calculate a field based off multiple variables that are dependent on another cell range.

I'm looking to count everything in the C8:C49 cell range that contains either "BETA" or "FINAL" in the cell but ONLY if the F8:F49 cell range contains "In Test")

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Chart With Multiple Variables

Oct 30, 2006

I am trying to create a column chart in which i want to incorporate 2 variables. However I don't want to use the line for the second variable. What I would like to do is to add the information of the number of deals a company has done on top of the column. So you see a column which gives you the average size of a deal, and the you should see a number at that column to see the number of deals done with that company.

To make this more clear I have attached an example. There are 2 tables of which the information I would like to see in one chart.

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Assign Multiple Variables

Feb 16, 2007

It's possible to declare multiple variables on a single line as such:

Dim x, y, z As Integer

Is it possible to assign these variables on a single line instead of:

x = 1
y = 2
z = 3

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Running Multiple Applications

Apr 4, 2014

I am trying to run multiple applications. I can run one application i.e.

Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Value) but not multiple i.e Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Value) & Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A9").Value) at the same time.

I have also tried Application.Run (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8:A9").Value) but to no avail.

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Running Same VBA Over Multiple Sheets

Jan 12, 2008

I have some code which I want to run on all apart from one sheet called 'List'. At the moment I am selecting each sheet before running code for the specified sheet. This doesn't allow for any sheet name changes etc. or additional sheets. Is there a quicker way of doing this rather than having a sub to manually select each sheet?

Here is an example of my code for a button on the sheet called 'List'. The only thing Sheet1, Sheet2 does in this code is select that sheet.

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Running Sub On Multiple Files

Dec 9, 2013

I have made a module that I want to run on 1400 excel files in different directories. How can I do this?

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Derive Formula For Multiple Variables

May 11, 2014

Is it possible to find the formula of a result that is based on three other values.

Here's my example:

I give three cases, but I am sure all three use the same formula. I made the team names up but the values are 'real'.





I want to know what formula was used to calculate the New Rating in the last column. I am not 100% sure if the formula to calculate the New Ratings as shown above includes a value for home ground advantage of which I might be unaware. For what its worth, the Blumps and Sharps were home teams and the Champs was a visiting team for the three matches shown.

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Maximum Value Based On Multiple Variables

Jul 28, 2009

Maximum value based on multiple variables. Basically what I have is something like this:

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Comparing Two Columns With Multiple Variables?

Apr 8, 2013

I am working on a survey analysis and I'm having trouble comparing two columns.

Ex. 100 surveys
Column A being age (scale of 1-5)
Column B being willingness to pay (scale 1-5)

I am trying to correlate age with willingness to pay by saying =countif(a1:100 = "1" and (B1:B100 = "1" and "2"))
Basically checking to see if the 1st age group has a strong willingness to pay; I would repeat with B1:B100 = "4" and "5".

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