Save Range As PDF File

Apr 30, 2014

I'm looking to add a bit of code in to a command button that saves the range A1:I51 (on the active sheet) as a PDF file.

The file wants to be saved in this directory: C:UsersAdamDesktop EST fOLDER

The filename wants to be: "Invoice " & the cell value of I12, i.e. "Invoice 134".

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Copy Range And Save It As Text File?

Feb 3, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I drop data into and it updates a set range on the sheet. I than have to copy that range in to notepad and save it under the name "Hourly Team Stats - 2-2-14" on our companies shared drive. If the file is already there, I have to add the data to that file rather than create a new one.

I am looking for macro that check to see if the file has already been created, if not create a new one. If it does exist, add the range to the file. If you need the path its F:Team Stats.

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Save Range To Picture/Graphic File

Apr 14, 2008

I found thru this board's search function the solution to my original or saving excel range into a graphic file. {url} ...

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Save And Close File If There Is Text In Cell Range

Nov 12, 2012

I do have the below code to safe a file and close it:

Sub Save_Close()
' Save_Close Macro
End Sub

I would like to do additionally something else. I need a macro to do the above, but it should first check if cells A2:C9 do contain text. The text could be anything.

If there is text in ALL the cells, then the macro should save and close the file. If there is text missing in at least one of the cells, a message box should appear saying 'Please fill out all cells'.

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How To Save Selected Range In Separate Excel File

Feb 21, 2013

I have an excel workbook, and in that workbook, i have one worksheet with multiple tables. Any sample code wherein i can save in a seperate excel file the range that i selected?? because the tables in the worksheet are in different ranges and i would like to save just a part of that table in a separate excel file..

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Copy Selected Range & Save To Text File

Mar 4, 2010

I also use VBA in a terminal emulation program that I use the following command to 'screen scrape' the current display memory and quickly Save it to a .txt file:

.SaveDisplayMemory "C:File1.txt", rcOverwrite
What I want to do in Excel is, Copy the current selected Range() and Save it to a .txt file.

I know how Save the current Sheet to a .txt file, but can't figure out how to Save just a Range() of cells.

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Save Single Worksheet As File Named From Range

Jun 18, 2007

About 2 weeks ago Reafidy posted a reply to the following thread. Save Individual Sheet Based On A1. As I do not want to hi-jack anyone elses thread so I am starting a new one. The code posted does basicly what I need however I was wondering if it is possible to save only "ONE" specific sheet which could be specified in the code, to a specific folder specified in the code and under a name defined by a cells contents. eg.

Save a single sheet named "MatData" from a workbook, name the saved sheet from a "named range on sheet1" & "Cutlist" & ".xls"
to a Folder on the "D" drive called "Saves"

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Code That Copies A Range Opens Notepad Pastes The Range Opens Save Dialog And Types The File Name

Nov 6, 2009

I currently have the following code that copies a range opens notepad pastes the range opens save dialog and types the file name. The problem I have is with overwriting the existing file.

Shell "notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys "^V"
SendKeys "^s"
SendKeys "Total_IEDs_Hour_Of_Day_2009.xml"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "a"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"

Everything works fine to this point. Then it opens the do you want to overwrite dialog and I cant get it to hit yes.

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VBA Code To Select Cell Range And Save As Text / XML File

Jul 19, 2013

I am trying to write the code to;

1) change to a different sheet
2) select a specific cell range
3) save that range as a text / xml file with a filename derived from a cell outside the given range

Here is where I have got to so far, but it fails

Private Sub Export_Click()
Sheets("Parsed Data").Select
ThisFile = Range("B1").Value
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-15
SaveAs Filename:=ThisFile, _
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized

End Sub

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Save Excel File As Another File Using Current Date As Part Of File Name

Oct 10, 2011

VBA coding for automatically saving an excel file as another file using the current date as part of the file name together with "32ga" as a constant add-in. I also what this macro to run at a particular time of the day let say 00:20hrs. The excel file i want to save as is always open . It has data that changes every 24-hrs.

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open Worksheet To File And Include Date Of Save?

Mar 11, 2014

am using Excel 2010 and having issues trying to save a worksheet to a specified file location with the save date....

I have tried several posts form this forum and elsewhere and can't seem to get the macro to do what I want.....

I want to save a 'worksheet' from an open workbook that I use for updating information to the same file path as the workbook with the date the file saved...

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Excel Save As Should Default File Save Type To XLSX Using VBA

Aug 21, 2012

What I am trying to do is that I have an excel file with macros and it is a read-only file. In order for the user to save, I want them to only be able to save as a .xlsx file as it disables all macros. If for whatever reason, the user wants to save the file as another .xlsm file, they should be allowed but before they save, a "are you sure you want to save as .xlsm?" message should pop up.

All the options in the save as box should still be available in case they want to save in that particular format. Just that the .xlsx should be the default.

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Save As Macro :: Save File To Folder

Jan 17, 2010

I have a macro that copy one sheet of the Active workbook and sends it via email.

I need to add a code in this sheet so when one opens it from the email, with a command button to be able to save the file to specific, fixed folder on the local network with it’s original file name.

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Open Website - Download CSV File / Save As In Specific Folder Under Different Name And File Type

Jul 6, 2012

I am trying to open a website, then for excel to download the csv file, then for it to save it in a specific folder under a specific name and file format (excel).

I am successful at opening the website with the following code, but how to do the rest.

Sub Searchez()
Dim IE As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Navigate "®ion=USA&culture=en-CA&ops=clear" 'load web page
IE.Visible = True
While IE.Busy

'IE.Navigate2 "javascript:SRT_keystuts.exportcsv()"
'this is the name of the download link as from when i hover my pointer over download link.
End Sub

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Date Function- Open A File, Make An Exact Copy And Save It Under A New File Name

Jun 4, 2009

I'm working on the following
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"D:CommondataIBMmainBRANCHBURG-PRODUCTS-BOM-ALUMINUM-UPDATE-" & Ucase(Format(DateAdd("y", 0, Date)), "YYYY-MM-DD")&".XLS"
ChDir "D:CommondataIBMmain"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

Date: 2009-06-03

What I'm trying too do is open a file, make an exact copy and save it under a new file name.

My problem is in the date formula the day is not always the same. In the sample case it's 03 at other times the day will change.

is there a way too get this too work irregardles of what the day might be?

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VBA Code To Require Fields - Temporarily Save File Email It Then Delete Temp File

Apr 9, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where I want to require certain fields to be completed then I want to have that file auto emailed. I have learned that I do need to have the file saved before sending otherwise the data will not appear in the email, so with this I want to have the file temporarily saved emailed then the temp file deleted.

Here is the code I have so far but it errors on the blue text, I did change the TempFileName from = "Copy of " & wb1.Name & " " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss") to = [C16] & "_" & [B6] & "_" & [D6]

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Range("B6").Value = "" Or _
Range("d6").Value = "" Or _
Range("f6").Value = "" Or _
Range("E9").Value = "" Or _

[Code] ......

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Excel Not Allowing To Save File With Uppercase Letters In File Name?

Jan 27, 2014

A co-worker of mine is exporting files from Quickpen as excel files, but every time he names the files with any Uppercase letters in the files name, they are automatically changing to all lower case. Even when he tries to rename the files, they will not stay with any uppercase letters....I have searched all over and cannot find a solution. If he sends ME the file, I can open it in excel and save it with any cases.

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Save Each Worksheet As PDF File And Name Each File Based On Cell Value In Each Sheet

Jul 10, 2014

I have a Workbook that already has a macro in it that will generate multiple sheets based on certain criteria.

For each of these newly generated sheets (numbered 1-6 in the attached example), I need to be able save each of them to a PDF file based on a unique name contained in a certain cell (in this case, each named is referenced in cell Q1 of each sheet). As such, I should end up with 6 pdfs based on the attached sample files.

The PDFs would ideally need to be landscaped and should be just 1 page per sheet.

In my attached sample workbook, you'll notice that I have a "PracticePrint" macro that doesn't quite get the job done. One other criteria involves not printing any sheet with the characters "1010" in it (my PracticePrint macro is setup to do that, but it fails to do much else).

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Macro To Save Worksheet As New File Then Return To Original File

Mar 14, 2014

I have a macro which successully saves a worksheet as new file to another file path....(below)...but I can't figure out how to close this new file and return to the original file...

Dim myPath As String, fName As String
myPath = Sheets("Date").Range("C8").Text
fName = Sheets("Date").Range("C9").Text
Sheets("Sage CSV File").Copy
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs Filename:=myPath & fName
End With'

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VBA (Save As) No Error But File Does Not Save

Oct 10, 2011

I have written the following simple macro to import some data into a worksheet and then prompt the user to save the file in Excel 2003 format (the system to which we will upload this data does not accept formats later than 2003). The template is in "*.xlsm" format.

The code executes without error, but when the user hits the "Save" button in the "Save As" dialog box, nothing happens. The "Save As" box closes, but no file is saved.

Private Sub cmdImportData_Click()
Dim sFName As String
'On Error Resume Next
'prompt the user to save the file in "*.xls" format
sFName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("upload", "Excel files (*.xls), *.xls")
End Sub

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How To Set SAVE AS File Name To Equal A1 Contents When Rename File

Oct 19, 2005

How can I set the SAVE AS file name to equal A1's cell contents? (More specifically, when I need to rename an existing open file and place my cursor in A1 and hit Save As, I need to new file name to automatically populate A1's cell contents so I don't have to retype the contents of A1.)

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How To Save File With Correct File Extension (XLS Or XLSX)

Mar 12, 2014

How can I save worksheet from existing workbook as a new workbook with extension .xls or .xlsx depending on the version of Excel on which the original was opened and no matter the extension of original?

My code that I was trying to create all above does not work, because even if I am using Excel 2007, 2010 or 2013 it will still be saving only as .xls.

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Macro To Select All Worksheet And Save File As File Name?

Mar 6, 2012

I want to create a macro that will select all the worksheets (names and quantity will vary) and saves the file as the current file's name but in PDF. Since I only know how to record a macro it specifies the worksheet names but I need it for various workbooks. The name will vary plus the number of tabs can go anywhere from 3 to 40.

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Save File As Text Using Cells For Path & File Name

Dec 20, 2009

How to save a file, with file- name. but the directory is to be read in worksheet "towns" in Cell1 (brussels) and filename in worksheet "names" in cell B2 (i.e. winter), so it saves to c:russelswinter.txt as a wordpad or kladblok txt file, that keeps a number, so each time we push a button "go back from worksheet names to worksheet towns" the "number" that is saved in the txt document goes up by value +1. In Flemisch, the "old" code goes as follows, and saves the number in the txt file Factuurnummer7.txt. But I want that the file name (here: FactuurNummer7) can be a variable text issue, which has to be read - as already noticed - in cell B2 (with the word WINTER). So the are 2 worksheets: towns, ans names

pad$ = Application.DefaultFilePath
'controle = Dir(pad$ + "FactuurNummer7.txt")
'If controle = "" Then GoTo EerstAanmaken
'Open pad$ + "Factuurnummer7.txt" For Input As #10
'Input #10, Nummer1
'Close #10......................

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Macro: Save File & Automatically Overwrite Old File

Oct 11, 2006

I presently have a macro that, when run, takes to conents of C4 and C6 and saves a new version of the file being worked on into a folder on my desktop. I love the macro with the exception of one part: I don't want to be prompted to overwrite the file if it already exists. How can I change this macro so that, when pressed, it overwrites the file without prompting the user and waiting for their answer?

Here is the current

Sub SaveIt() ...

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Ignore File Name / Save File Name Different If Other Exists?

Jun 6, 2014

My macro pulls data from a set of files in a folder and creates an output based on my formatting rules.

Ran into 2 issues though. The first being is after this macro is run it saves a file in the folder with the name "Data Export" and before I had it do this if "Data Export" was already there

'Check if file name to save exists If Dir$(vFolder & "" & sSubFolder & ".xls", vbNormal) = "" Then
wb.SaveAs vFolder & "" & sSubFolder & ".xls"
MsgBox "Complete!", vbOKOnly
MsgBox "File already exists, could not save!", vbInformation, "COMPLETE!"
End If

What I want it to do instead is change itself and save it as Data Export A, and then also loop for A each time, if A is there go to B , so on and so forth.

-Alternate solution if this is way to challenging, can I have it pop up the Save Message box to let the user try a new name if "Data Export" exists. I was trying to think through that too..

2nd Issue is when I loop the files in the folder I selected in my macro, I want it to ignore "Data Export" files. Before I just took a shortcut and had it save outside of the data folder, which was fine but now we are running on so many files a day that we need it inside the same folder for organization purposes.

That is done with the following

'Loop through files in folder sFileName = Dir$(vFolder & "")
Do Until sFileName = ""

I was thinking maybe I can add an error handler to the loop? Before Do Until? Something like this? But how I can add it into the loop?

If sFileName Like "????.?.xls" Then

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Macro To Save File - Save Name From Cell Containing Date Using Different Date Formatting

Aug 15, 2014

I am trying to create a macro to run from a form button, within a report, to save a file to a variable file path and name depending on the date value in cell B5.

The format of B5 looks like - 13/08/2014 16:39

The file path has folders for each year in format "yyyy" with each year having sub folders for each month in format "mm".

The file name is just the date only and is formatted "" e.g. 13.08.14

I have tried the code below in various permutations but always end up with an error - Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed.

[Code] ......

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Capture "Save As" Pathname And Save Another File

Nov 10, 2009

I have an excel workbook that uses a .bmp file [a picture]. The master excel file and the .bmp file are in the same directory on the network. The excel file is "Read-Only", so the user would open it, customize it and save it on their own computer or somewhere else on the network.

They are only allowed to save it under "Save As". Once the user saves it, they would then be able to use their customized copy for future updates etc. The problem is that the .bmp file is missing from this new directory.

Is there a way to automatically save a copy of the .bmp file under the Directory specified by the user, so it's always available when the Excel workbook is opened? Or is there a way to attach the .bmp file to the excel file, so they are always saved together?

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Save XLSM File To Zip File?

Aug 3, 2014

There are two excel files abc.xlsm and xyz.xlsm enclosed. download these two excel files to your desktop. Then open abc.xlsm and run following code.


After running code above you will see that you have a new file in your desktop named xyz.rar. Everyhing is okey until now.

Now, delete abc.xlsm, xyz.xlsm, xyz.rar from your desktop. Then download enclosed file named klm.xlsm to your desktop. Then open klm.xlsm and run following code.

[Code] ....

After running code above why there is no klm.rar file in your desktop? Is it not possible to create a zip file running code includes same workbook? I mean why I cant zip excel file, from same excel file?

Attached Files :


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Open .xls File From .bat DOS File & Save As .csv

Aug 27, 2009

What I would like to do is to open an excel workbook from a bat file in dos with one arguement.

so something like

start c:lacklist.xls 2315t

Once the blacklist.xls is opened I would like to have the macro to save the excel file as a csv file ignoring all the prompts and use the argurement 2315t as the directory to save it to on the j drive ie save to j:2315tlacklist.csv. Then close the workbook and continue with the rest of the commands in the bat file.

I'm guessing I have to use GetCommandLineA to read in the arguement but I can't find anything on the net that gives a clear explanation of how to use it.

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