I have set up an excel program that performs several iterated functions and spits out an answer. Is there a way I can get excel to take this answer and put it in a separate cell? I want excel to do this every time I change an input variable to my equation so that I will end up with an output that is a list of solutions.
the code of how do stop saving a report if the spefic cells are not filled.
For ex: In a excel sheet in we have A1,A2,A3 there should be some values else its should not save and should show an alert stating that this cell is empty....
I am trying to do some calculations as shown in the file. The MAcro has to show the formulas and then calculate the value, the problem is that the formulas change all the time and depends of Column A. Column A defines de Values that we will use so they will change as well. I have fould the way to copy one formula and make it usefull in the cell next to it but the problem are the cells that I named before. All my values change in each Loop and finish with the values of the last loop. I would like to save each value that corresponds to the variable (column A) and his formula, to then calculate.
So i've been trying to do this invoice/inventory/client , I couldn't find a way to somehow register the whole invoice as it is, so i can later print/visualize it if i lost the copy or something.
It would be best if it just stayed stored in a variable and not always visible, and only appeared if i wanted to check/print it.
I have 5 workbooks, loaded with macros and VBA, each of which has 12 tabs representing months of the fiscal year. Values for the previous day's financials are updated daily.
The files are then posted to the server, so that certain bigshots can view the results and subsequently complain to us about our miserable lack of committment.
Is there a way to save or export these files without the macros and code, (i.e. as 'Values Only')? Apparently, some of them get frightened by the message box that appears warning them about the potential dangers of roque macros and code, and would prefer me to deal with the problem, rather than adjusting their security settings or allowing me to install a Trust Cert.
What I have is an excel file which needs to be saved several times a day as a PDF file. I got the the file to save as a PDF but I would like a macro that will look up the value of two cells and name the file according to the value of those cells. Here is the code.
Dim strName As String On Error Goto InvalidName strName = Header.Range("Job_Name Input_Invoice_Number") Application.GetSaveAsFilename (strName)
Exit Sub InvalidName: MsgBox "The text: " & strName & _ " is not a valid file name.", vbCritical, "Weyerhaeuser"
I have quite a complex spreadsheet that features some circular formulas in it, which work out fine with Iterations set to around 1000. The spread sheet functions exactly as it should, except for when the document is saved the values in the column which features the circular formula alter. This is the formula I have:
When I calculate, the figure is positive or 0, as it should be. However, when I go to save, the formula ignores the U3<0,0 and returns a (correct but undesired) negative value.
This means that every time I open up the spreadsheet I have to recalculate. While this isn't the greatest problem ever, it's frustrating!
i need to copy from one workbook to another at present i have formulars in columns a b c d e g in f and h the is data that could go to f and h100 these are not formulars
i need to be able to copy the data from a1 to the last cell with data in it in column A to the same row in column h
I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. I want to save only a specific worksheet to a new file name and have only the values in the work sheet saved. This particular worksheet references values on another worksheet which uses VLOOKUP to pull data from yet another worksheet. I also want to automatically name the file using a pre-determined name located in a cell reference and save it to a specific location on the LAN drive.
I have a spreadsheet that is emailed to someone to fill in. They then fill in some information and send it on to someone else.
Sometimes they don't fill in all the information so is it possible to have excel check that cells are filled in and to prevent someone from saving unless this is so? Or maybe a message stating that the cells need to be completed if Excel is being closed or saved?
I would like to export data coming from a range values which I set up. Just like the code below that will print out all the data using range values. I would like also to do the same in exporting the data in one pdf file with multiple pages based on each of the data of the range.
VB: Sub Batch_Print() Dim FileName As String ' On Error GoTo Print_all_Error
I would like to know if there is an efficient way to save an excel workbook, with multiple worksheets as an .xls. I want the file to keep the formatting from the original file, while only saving the values of the original file. All the numbers in the original file are hyperion driven but the file is going to be emailed to people without hyperion. Is this possible?
Due to the large number of VLOOKUP functions on my page of data whenever I try to save I get the following error codes. Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications. Unable to save external link values. The problem itself may not be solvable but is there away to prevent these messages from coming up when I save (or when it autosaves?)?
this problem is just an follow up question to this thread [Solved] VBA : user input to combobox xla. it supposed to be a follow up question but as per RULES is concerned i have to post a new one "4. Never post a question in the Thread of another member. You MUST ALWAYS start you own New Thread.". my question is how to retain the inputted values upon next opening of the workbook? you see that in this thread everytime the userform initialize the values added are also refresh , but what i want is after i manually input an entry of the combo box on next open the values are saved correctly..
I want to add the columns in the attached sheet...any 4,say A,C,D and F.....as follows,if the number in the cell is less than .8,I want use 1 in the sum,otherwise zero. I would like to do this in 1 column if possible. in the attached sheet,I have filled in manually the answer in column L....Thus row 1 contained no numbers less than .8 in the selected columns,where as row 8 had all four numbers less than .8.
I have very limited VBA skills and I have tried to get a vlookup working on a userform. I need data from a range selected in ComboBox1 to drop into Textbox1. I have tried but it doesn't work.
I also need if possible a button that pushes the result of TextBox1 to a cell and another button that allows the user to edit the TextBox1 value in situ.
Code: Sub Select_All_Sheets_And_Export() Dim wsWorksheet As Worksheet, wbNew As Workbook
Worksheets.Select Cells.Select Selection.Copy
[Code] ........
I have come up with the above code to select all sheets in my workbook and convert to values and then split and save each worksheet as its worksheet name in the same directory.
I have a multi-worksheet spreadsheet in excel 2003. I want to produce a macro that will just save a copy of the front worksheet values only. That is I don't want to save any formulas or any of the hidden worksheets, just the front page report, plus it's formatting/layout.
I would like to link a macro to a button on the active sheet, that saves the active sheet In a New Workbook, with Format And Values Only. Preferably saved in the same location as the origonal workbook. This is my main goal.
If possible I would like the new workbook to be named from a chosen cell (E19) on the active sheet with date added.
I need to create time sheets for about 30 contract workers.
Each time sheet needs to have their name as well the date for sunday of that week inserted into the form. (once the date for sunday is entered into the sheet, the rest of the dates for the week will be extrapolated out).
Then, once the data is inserted for a single worker, I need that file to be saved using the workers name in the file name.
The script would then open a new time sheet template, insert the second workers name and the date for sunday and save the file. Repeate for next 30 workers.
I have an excel file that I use to track all my financial investments. The file is already set up with a query to retrieve stock prices when I refresh the document.
I would like to be able to open up the document, and store the closing price of the stock(s) with a date in the next column over. With this information I can graph weekly, monthly annually, or any time period I want.
I have been searching for a couple of hours now, and I could not find anything similar to this. I would think this is a pretty common idea for many people tracking their investments with Excel, so if it has been covered perhaps someone can point me in the right direction.
I don't have any programming experience in excel so as detailed of an explanation as possible
I have a number of spreadsheets in a folder called country (each sheet is the name of a region). These sheets are linked to another sheet called master which is in another folder.
The regional sheets all have a list of wrap codes and pull details specific to each code from the master sheet. All wrap codes for all sheets are stored in the master, details for wrpas are manually entered here as well as any other associated information.
The link is kept by way of an index match formula used to populate information from the master for all wrap codes in the regional sheet.
Each of the regional sheets act as a report for a specific region and the master is the main source. Every week we need to open the regional sheets (some reside in different folders/subfolders) update the index match formulas in the sheet so that the data is refreshed and then save as a new file with data as values to another folder for reporting.
I am looking for a code that can automatically update all of the excel sheets in a given folder and then save them to a new folder automatically.
I have very very limited knowledge of VB (did make a hello world dialog box once) and am stuck as to any way to automate this process.
I M trying to get the lower values between to cells and have the lower valued cell highlighted,,,i have over 43 thousand lines of data to go throughand i was wondering if there was a quicker way to do this,,,for example cellA1 is $4.25 and cellA2 is $5.25 i want cell A1 to be highlighted,,is there a way?
The current macro I have allows me to save 'sheet 2' as the name in cell sheet1 B2, which is a 6 digit number. I now want it to save as data from 2 cells, sheet1 B2 followed by sheet1 B1, which is job name (eg. 112233 microsoft excel).
This is the current formula I have:
Public Sub saveworkbook() Dim filename1 As String Sheets("Sheet2").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=2, Collate:=True, _ IgnorePrintAreas:=False Sheet1.Select filename1 = Range("b2") ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:= _ "C:UsersAndrew.SDocumentsInterloc DocumentsHardware Sheets" & filename1 End Sub
I need a macro that copies a range (example A1... B50) from a excel worksheet to a text file.(txt without the comma) and save the text file with a different name without leaving the excel.
Part of the range had row hidden. Need to save the visible cell only.