Search Database - Modification

May 29, 2009

Search Excel Database - Modification ...

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How To Search For Parameters From Database

Dec 26, 2013

I need to search for 3 parameters, L, M and P based on the *** and age from the attached excel file wtageinf.xls and enter them into the formula below

((X/M)**L) - 1
Z = -------------------------, L≠0

Z = ln(X/M)/S ,L=0

where X is the weight of the child. The formula is for the Z score.

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Database Personalized Search

Aug 18, 2006

I have a database saved in sheets on a book of excel, each sheet contains different year operations, for example sheet named 1994 contains the operations made on 1994 and every sheet is got information storage with the same criterias, for example: on every sheet there is a column named country code, operation code, status..etc.. what i want to do is to build a tool that would allow me to search through my database. With this I mean, that the user would be able to check different options on a check box or select from different lists inside of the check box the option that they want the operation to have and that the program would search through the whole book the operation/s that fulfill all of the requirements that user set beforehand.

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Search Database And Display Results W/ Pictures

May 28, 2007

I have very little experience with programming, as a matter of fact the code in the sample file is the extent of my knowledge. I want to use Excel because not everyone in the plant has access to Access, but everyone has Excel.

The idea is to allow searching for parts based on 2 different part numbers, category, drawer, manufacturer, or description (any or all).

My first problem is how to make excel search using a userform and find multiple results, not just stopping after it finds the first match. For instance if you only searched for a category it should find all results that match that category.

(I'll try to anticipate a question here: the part numbers should be unique but may not be, so using the part number as a key will not work.)

The second thing is I would like to know how to populate these results in a listbox and and have the selected part show the matching picture. (This maybe more clear after seeing the spreadsheet).

And finally, is there any way to make the comboboxes on the search userform populate themselves off of the list of data.

I apologize if any of these questions have been answered already but frankly I've been searching google for the past week and haven't found anything, (This may attest to my search skills as well, ha ha ha), and I really just want this to be finished.

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Search Through Database And Display Results In Userform

Jan 17, 2009

I have a database of 13 columns and ever increasing rows.

I want the following to be there on my userform.

1 combobox: showing the list of categories from which to search.(The categories are the column headings in columns A1 to A13.The user will have to select one category.

1 textbox:Here the user will enter the search term.

1 Command Button: When the command button is clicked/entered, the code shall be such that it will search in the column corresponding to the category mentioned in the combobox and display the results( The entire 1 row x 13 cloumns containing the search term) in a Listbox. If the search term does not matches then a message box should appear with the message "No entries found"

1 Listbox:to display the search result as mentioned above.

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Search Not Working After Data Imported From Database

Aug 21, 2012

Have the following code:

With iSheet
i = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
j = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

.Range("A1", .Cells(i, j)).ClearContents

[Code] .......

If I use F9 to pause the code before the sort part in blue, then the data imports into Excel from the database and then subsequently pressing F5 sorts the data as required.

However, if I run the macro in a single pass, the data does not sort. Why it's not sorting as expected and how to make it sort as required?

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Userform To Search For Exact And Partial Values From Combobox In Database Worksheet

Jan 15, 2014

Below is my current code. The strFind1 searches for a name within the database and then I need strFind2 to do a exact for a Subproject search and a partial search for everything containing the Subproject selected and other Subprojects. Currently, when the database entry in the worksheet includes Subproject 1 the search function works but when I have an entry that contains Subproject 1/Subproject 4 it does not find the entry. How can I expand the strFind2 to equal what is selected in the Combobox2 and find entries that have what is selected plus more text. I have set the line where I think everything is going wrong to a bold format.

[Code] .....

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Macro To Search A "database" In A Different Workbook And Copy Whole Page When Matched

Jul 14, 2009

I need another big macro to search a different workbook "database" for a match. An example of what the "drawing number" will look like that the macro will search for is;

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Protecting From Modification

May 18, 2009

I would like to protect the worksheet from modification by other users except column A ( suppose A1: A15).

I have been doing this by removing Locked on format cell and then Protect Sheet on Review tab.

Is it the right way or there are other more reliable way?

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SumProduct Modification

Feb 10, 2010

I have the following forumla: =SUMPRODUCT(($C$13:$F$74>0)*1)

I need this formula to compute only if B13:B74=A4. I am not too sure how to add this in.

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Addin Modification

Jan 18, 2007

I did modify some codes inside my addin, then did save the modified addin file by pressing the save icon from the VBA window..........but i found that the addin file was saved without the modification made to it. so i lost all modification did to the file. i donot know what i did wrong ?

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Right Click Menu Modification

Mar 21, 2007

I have been modifying the options available on my right click menu, getting rid of about half of what was there and adding items I use quite often like Paste Values, Paste Formats, Paste Formulas, Sort..., AutoSum, and Format as Percent, as well as adding group dividers. I have it just the way I want it, but I have one issue. If the clipboard is empty, all of the paste buttons are disabled on the Standard toolbar and in the Edit menu as are the Paste and Paste Special... items on the right click menu, but the new paste items I added to my right click menu are still enabled. If I click on one, I get a "PasteSpecial method of Range class failed" error because I have no range selected. I got around this by adding On Error Resume Next to the macros of my added paste functions - not elegant, but functional. Is there a way to have those items appear grayed out and disabled on my right click menu when the clipboard is empty as opposed to my current workaround?

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How To Protect The Worsksheet Name From Modification

Oct 8, 2008

I have an Excel template with 10 Worksheet(tabs). 8 of the sheets have predefined charts built based on the data in first 2 sheets. Through a web application user downloads data on the first 2 sheets. A macro is then executed (at the end of the download) to Update (through Macro) the charts in the remaining sheets and the sheets are password protected. The idea here is that user can generate predefined charts from the downloaded data but cannot modify any information. In addition to that user need an ability to add additional sheets to generate custom reports/charts.

So my requirement is to protect the 10 predefined sheets from modification including the modification of sheet name/deletion of sheet but allow user to add additional sheets. Protecting the workbook does not allow user to add additional sheets. Protecting individual sheets doesn't prevent user from renaming the sheet names.

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Slight Modification To Formatting Subroutine

Nov 7, 2013

I have a small sub routine below I would like to make a slight modification to. The routine currently references formatting relative to the Offset statement in bold below. Instead, I would like the formatting to come from a cell address listed in a cell just to the left of the cursor when the statement is encountered.

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Conditional Format Formula Modification

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using this formula in a Conditional Format rule.


Can anyone help me modify it, so that only the active cell is formatted instead of the entire row?

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Modification Of Code/module At Runtime

Mar 7, 2007

way to save user-settings at runtime, preferably in the same or another module. For example: how can I save a bundle of variables such that the next time excel is started and the workbook is opened, the user can continue to work with his personal settings?

Using the macro, I am writing on atm, a user will be able to adjust the macro according to his input-samples. Here the columns and rows of an input can be varied to fit the macros requirements. It would be great if those settings could be stored, irrespectively of where the file currently resides. That is, best it would be, if the source-code itself could be changed ... maybe by adding another module?

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VBA Code Modification For Outlook Email Setup?

Aug 7, 2014

i was able to setup a email code, which will automatically extract the unique row reference data and sends the email. However, i am struggling to add couple of things, i searched most of the web portals .. wasn't lucky.

1. while email drafting i need to use the data from Column B onwards

2. i need to insert the default email signature during email draft ...

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Modification Of Macro To Clear Not Delete Page

Feb 26, 2009

I have a macro that I found on the net for copying a filtered selection and copying to a new sheet. I would like to alter it slightly so that it just clears the sheet called 'Interval tasks' instead of deleting it and creating a new one.

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Insert Copied Cells Modification (Macro)

Jan 26, 2014

I don't know if a macro is necessary, but the built in Insert -> Insert copied cells -> Shift cells down function can't accomplish what I require.

I've pasted in two example tables for what I'd like to do. For the first table, the data in column C is a name and the cells from columns D-Z, rows 7-10 is what I want to copy and paste from row 12, column D; row 13, column D; etc, etc. However, I want the full rows below the name in column C to move down when I paste from column D. Using the Insert function on the Insert blade only gives me the data in columns D-Z moving down.

The second pasted table gives an example of how I want it to look.



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VLOOKUP Modification: Modify The Lookup Array Key

May 12, 2006

it's possible to set a "key" for a vlookup so that one of the parameters of that key can be any value? For example if the data set key used in the lookup contains a concatenation of 4 parameters (a_b_c_d), is there anyway to modify the lookup array key so that the "c" parameter can be anything, ie. something like a_b_*_d ?

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Data Validation Autocomplete Via Combobox Modification

Jun 7, 2007

I'm using a script that when you double click on a cell containing Data Validation > List it changes to a combo box that has an autocomplete/increased columns view...It's working great, however there are two small modifications I would love to do and am not having much success with. Currently, you double click the cell w/the Data Validation > List in it, it then changes to a combo box and you can auto complete using the keyboard or select the dropdown and choose from an increased list. However, I would like to be able to simply single click on the cell, have it change to the combo box and auto expand the list if possible.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)
Dim str As String
Dim cboTemp As OLEObject
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsList As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set wsList = Sheets("Rep Assist Report")
Cancel = True
Set cboTemp = ws.OLEObjects("RepName1")
On Error Resume Next
With cboTemp
.ListFillRange = ""
.LinkedCell = ""
.Visible = False
End With
On Error Goto errHandler
If Target.Validation.Type = 3 Then.....................

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Creating Images Database Where Pics Are In Excel Database

Mar 31, 2004

I am currently trying to create a database of products for my company. For each product I would like to include an image associated with it. I then want to have on another sheet a place where the user will click an error and be able to cycle through the products. As tehy cycle the associated image will pop up.

What I need to understand is after importing the image into excel, how do I associate that image to a cell so I can reference it in another sheet of the database. I am not concerned with how large the database will get, my pictures are quite small.

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Database Named Database And Return A Time In Column

Nov 7, 2008

I'm trying to lookup a database named database and return a time in column A, based on criteria in cells a1 and b1 on another sheet, A1 would contain a number and B1 would contain a day from mon-fri

eg of Database
10:00 5000 Mon Tues

11:00 5000 Wed Thur Fri

and so on

if a1= 5000 & b1=Wed
how can I return 11:00

I have tried index and match =index(a:a,match(a1&b1,b:b&e:e,0))

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Sum Database Totals But Only If 2nd Database Greater Than X Number

Oct 17, 2013

I've used a countifs, but I'm having trouble doing a sum in a similar way. I have 2 databases and I will try to explain below. I need the to sum the values of database 1 if the second database is >= 20. So the value I would expect on this example would be 900. I would also like to be able to highlight which ones are elliminated. Such as coloring the text red.

Database 1

Eric 100
Jenny 200
Gina 300
Doug 400

Database 2

Eric 18
Jenny 20
Gina 34
Doug 55

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Excel 2007 :: How To Add Date Of Last Modification Of File To Printed Pages

Mar 27, 2012

We are using Excel 2007.

I wanted to add the date of the last modification of the file to the printed pages, so I googled how to do it and found a useful answer on this from from 10 years ago. It said to press ALT+F11, then on the left side go under VBAProject, there go to ThisWorkbook and there paste the next code:


Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
For Each wk In Worksheets
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = "Last Modified on " & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Item("Last Save Time")
.CenterHeader = ""


Then I saved it and closed. Like I said, it worked perfectly.

The problem is that when I open the file after closing it, it does not appear, and I have to paste the code again every time I open it. Not only is this not comfortable, it also counts as a modification, so even if I haven't changed the work sheets themselves, just wanted to open and print it, it shows today's date.

My question is, who to I save it permanently so it will remain always after the first time I created it?

While we're at it, if there's a way for that code to appear on every NEW Excel file I create automatically

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Save File In Respective Month Folder As Per Current Year Vba Modification

Apr 3, 2014

In sub which will convert file to PDF and save it to assigned folder and then attach it to email in outlook. All works fine.

However is is possible to modify the code to save fole to respective month folder ( as per current date and year)?

e.g. I have created folder Named 'Trial' in C drive . This has sub folders 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Each year folder will have sub-sub folders month wise like This has sub folders as Jan , Feb , Mar , Apr .... till Dec Now e.g. if date when the pdf was created is 23/4/14 then it is saved in C:Trials2014Apr automatically. Currently every year I keep creating new folders etc... bit primitive though.

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Userform Database: List Records In A Sheet As Well As Search For Records In A Sheet

May 7, 2006

example of a database user form that will allow me to list records in a sheet as well as search for records in a sheet. I know excel has a built in feature for this but it is menu driven and I need something that is button driven and will allow me to resize the form layout. I was not able to figure out how to do that with the built in form.

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Data Validation With Data Modification?

Dec 18, 2013

Getting the data changes to reflect another tab.

In my case I have my data's on FW Group IP (tab) and FW Service Group (tab) and there is another tab called FW Rule Base (tab) and need any changes on the FW Group IP (tab) Row B to reflect on FW Rule Base (tab) row E. However I am also running Data Validation so that the FW Rule Base (tab) row E can have the drop down selection from FW Group IP (tab).

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How To Create Search Macro Button That Allows To Search In Multiple Worksheets In One Workbook

Oct 11, 2011

Im am trying to create a search marco button that allows me to search in multiple worksheets in one work book. I came across this CODE the first part of it works. It pops open user input box and ask for the word that i would like to search but the this error message pops up Runtime error1004 Method 'range" of object'_Global'failed and i dont know what to do

Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
SearchString = InputBox("Enter Search String", "Search")
If SearchString = "" Then Exit Sub
For Each c In Range(myRange)
If InStr(LCase(CStr(c)), LCase(SearchString)) Then


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Search Multiple Worksheets Against List Of Non-Exact Search Criteria?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a workbook with many many sheets in it. The first sheet contains a single column with about 10,000 different values. I'd like to use each of these as search criteria against ALL data in the other sheets (of which there are a good 50 or so). If matches are found (they don't have to be exact case), then I'd like two things to happen:

1. The rows containing the matched search criteria in the first sheet are highlighted.

2. In the cells adjacent to the search criteria in the first sheet, hyperlinks to the matched data are created and named after the sheet upon which this matched data appears.

I've attached a sample file to this post with ideal sample 'answers' to queries made of the first 2 terms.

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