Search List For Matches From Another List

Jun 25, 2008

I have a chart of accounts that is probably 30,000 accounts long. I have another list with say 500 accounts. I need to check to see if the 500 accounts exist anywhere in the 30,000 accounts. The next step is, the 30,000 accounts is separated into different categories, so say it's 30 blocks of 1000 accounts. I need to check the 500 list in each of the blocks. I'm just trying to see which accounts are missing from the 30000. So if they exists in each block then all is good, if they don't, we have problems.

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Cell Return All Matches From A List And Have The List Of Matches Reduce As You Type

Jan 28, 2009

is it possible to have a cell return all matches from a list and have the list of matches reduce as you type, then be able to select one item from the list? this is a typical feature on internet sites, but can it be done in Excel?

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Search A String For A List Of Matches

Nov 30, 2006

I am looking for a way to check for the presence of a member of a list in a field. Not for an exact match, but for the text to be somewhere present. I know I can use the "search" function to find text within text, but I don't see how to find the presence of any member of a range of values (a list) within the text.

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Return Matches & Non-Matches From Delimited Cells Against List Range

Jan 29, 2010

In my spreadsheet, on the first worksheet called "Working". Column A, called "Results", contains carrot ^ delineated string values in each cell (i.e."john^apple^pear^banana^grape^love^heart^pickle"). The majority of string values in every cell in my "Results" column match a "source" column of Pick-List Values, called "Fruits" in the same spreadsheet, however found in a different worksheet called "Lists" (also in Column A). I want to perform 3 functions against my "Results" Column on worksheet "Working":

1.) Report In Column B: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those that match my "Fruits" Pick-List

2.) Report In Column C: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those do not match my "Fruits" Pick-List

3.) Report In Column D: Identify and return all unique values in "Column C" as a List.

Attached is a simple example of what I'm trying to accomplish called " Sorting.xls"

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List Matches In A Table?

Aug 12, 2012

I have a large table that gives me the intersection points of many lines. I have used conditional formatting to highlight the intersection points that match by turning the text red, thus showing me when 3 or more lines intersect. Manually scanning the whole table is inefficient as I wish to expand it.

Due to size limitations, I've uploaded a shortened version of the workbook, just a copy with one example of a match.

How do I get excel to locate the matches (currently highlighted with red text) and list them in column I "Intersections" all neatly sorted?

I thought Advanced Autofilter but I don't think the criteria range can search for red text alone.

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Return A List Of Unique Matches

Nov 27, 2006

I need to return all the unique matches from a set of data.

For example, when a product is selected, I need to list all the possible venues it is sold from. I will use this venue list to populate my drop-down listbox, as opposed to having a 100 venues in the list, I just wish to have the applicable ones.

Example of data set I need to lookup in:
prod 1 venue1
prod 2 venue 2
prod 1 venue 3
prod 1 venue 10
prod 2 venue 6

I would like to use a formula if I can (not a macro), to list that prod 1 is only sold in venue 1,3, 10.

It would be great if one could use a vlookup type of formula and it could return a list of each occurence of the look-up'ed cell.....

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Macro To Copy Row If Matches List?

Nov 15, 2011

Macro that would copy a row if the value is found in separate list. For example, in column B of sheet "223" I have values. In another sheet "DATA" I have a list of values, which if these values match the value in column B of sheet "223" it would copy the entire row from "223" to another tab "output".

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Lookup Max Which Matches A Time In List

Feb 13, 2008

i am trying to do a lookup on a data column (B) which contains time data on a worksheet which is a constantly growing list from a DDE data link macro- the data i want returned is in column A,

so for example

column A, column B

0.8970 13/02/2008 21:58

0.8965 13/02/2008 21:58

0.8990 13/02/2008 21:58

0.8995 13/02/2008 21:59

0.8982 13/02/2008 21:59

0.8983 13/02/2008 21:59

i am looking for the highest and lowest values where the time matches a certain hour of the day, so where another cell on the worksheet 1 equals 22, do a lookup on all the rows which is in time 22:00 and return the max no in column A (0.8983),

and the min in another cell(0.8977)

think my limited excel skills are not up to it i'm afraid despite searching through the forums and trying out a few lookup and max combos as array formulas.

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Compare 2 ListBoxes & List Matches In A Third

Aug 13, 2008

I have two excel sheets, one loads up in Listbox1 and the other in Listbox2, i would like to be able to see if any entries in listbox2 match with entries in listbox1 and then to display the matches in listbox3 with a click of a command button. Is this possible? If so, how would i go about it?

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List All Possible Outcome Combinations For 50 Football Matches

Dec 20, 2012

An example will be as follows. List all possible outcomes for 3 matches. That will be 27 possible outcomes.

I would like results for my request of 50 matches to be displayed as follows.


[Code] ...........


Is there a way i can have the possible outcomes listed as above for the outcomes of 50 football matches? I do know that the outcomes will be hundreds of millions if not billions.

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Compare Data-set With List & Summarize Matches

Jul 16, 2009

1) Background Info

We are trying to summarise some data that has been exported from an ancient database into a poorly delimited csv file. My colleague has imported the csv file into Excel ( attached), and we are trying to work out what to do next.

The dataset contains approx 300 records - each record being called a "sample" and having a unique sample number. NB: I have had to attach a cut-down version with only 3 samples, due to file-size - but it will hopefully give an idea.

Each sample contains 2 types of information that we are interested in (and a lot of irrelevant data besides). The relevant bits are:
- predicted occurrence of various species (given as a percentage for each species)
- observed occurrence of various species (given as positive/negative for each species, where positive is indicated by an asterisk)

2) What We're Trying To Do

We are trying to compare this dataset with a master-list of 80 species names. For each species on the master-list, we want to:
a) check whether it has a "predicted occurrence" value in each of the 300 samples (and if so, record the value in a summary sheet)
b) check whether it was observed in each of the 300 samples (and if so, record this in the summary sheet)

3) The Problem

Unfortunately, the dataset has imported into Excel as a gigantic list: 48000 rows (including loads of blanks) and only 3 columns across. To find the relevant data, it's necessary to:

a) open the attached workbook, and go to the worksheet named "Data"

b) Scroll through the rows, looking for the string "RIVPA" in column A. This tells you where each new sample begins. (The sampleID is stored in the same row as this, in column C. It is mixed up with a load of text, which we will need to separate out at some point, but that's a secondary consideration at the moment.)

c) Scroll down further until you find the text string "Predi" in column A. This indicates the beginning of the data we're interested in, for each sample (i.e. for sample 1, I'm talking about row 58). Count down a further 2 blank rows, and then you find the data itself:
- Column A contains the observed occurrence (a positive result is indicated by an asterisk)
- Column B contains the predicted occurrence
- Column C contains the species name

My colleague was trying to build a summary table, in the worksheet named "Summary". He was using the LOOKUP function to extract the data, but because there are so many samples, it's beyond unwieldy. He asked me if I could write a macro do do the job, and this is where I'm stuck.

How could I set up a macro that can identify where one sample starts and finishes, and where the data is within each sample? What is the most sensible shape for such a macro? If I could get the overarching logic worked out, I could make a start on writing the individual bits of code, but at present I just can't figure out how to begin.

To make things more difficult, the samples are not all the same length, and do not all contain the same list of species as each other. (However, at least there should be no species in the samples that are not in the master-list). The first sample begins on row 5, the second sample begins on row 173, the third on row 340, and so on.

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List Exact Matches In 2 Columns On 2 Sheets

Mar 14, 2008

Most likely another very basic on...

2 worksheets.
Worksheet 1, holding all data in column C.
Worksheet 2, the value in column B.

In need for a function that list all exact matches of the values in worksheet 2 column B that are found in Column C of worksheet 1.

I got this VBA code that checks for the string in worksheet 2, column B, but it is a Instr, and I need a exact match and only the exact match. Is this difficult to modify and how?

Or would this be a regular array function?

(I would not need a macro, since the data change constantly and I prefer function as they update easily)

Function matchArray(ByVal testString As String, ByVal dataRange As Range, Optional IndexNum As Long) As Variant
Dim outRRay() As String
Dim rangeArray As Variant
Dim xColl As New Collection
Dim xVal As Variant
Dim rIndex As Long

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Search Multiple Worksheets Against List Of Non-Exact Search Criteria?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a workbook with many many sheets in it. The first sheet contains a single column with about 10,000 different values. I'd like to use each of these as search criteria against ALL data in the other sheets (of which there are a good 50 or so). If matches are found (they don't have to be exact case), then I'd like two things to happen:

1. The rows containing the matched search criteria in the first sheet are highlighted.

2. In the cells adjacent to the search criteria in the first sheet, hyperlinks to the matched data are created and named after the sheet upon which this matched data appears.

I've attached a sample file to this post with ideal sample 'answers' to queries made of the first 2 terms.

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Multiple Matches In Array (one Or Two Criteria) And List Results

Sep 15, 2014

I have used INDEX/MATCH/ROW/SEARCH functions, in different permutations, but I am unable to get the result. The data set is something similar to the below:


I use it to go for work

[Code] .....

I want to be able to do following (2 separate tasks):

Task 1 (if in A1 on a new sheet, I had Use, i want to list all the items in an adjacent column, skipping the blank rows)):


I use it to go for work

Family trips
Weekend fun
2nd car

Task 2 (if i had Honda (A2) and North (B2), I want to have the colors listed in Column 3):




I know this can be done by an auto-filtering or manual sort, but I have work with thousands of similar data on a regular basis, and i want to find a formula that will allow me to list the items based on different criterion.

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Search List - If Not In List Add To List / If In List Add New Value

Jul 10, 2014

I want to write a macro that looks at sheet 1 cell B2 for a value. Then look in sheet 2 for that value in column A. If it finds this value in column A on sheet 2 then input the value of 1 into the cell to the right of it. If it does not find the value of cell B2 from sheet 1 then add it to the bottom of the current list on sheet 2.

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Macro To Jump To Cell That Matches Text Selected From A Dropdown List?

Mar 24, 2014

I'm looking for a macro to jump to and select a cell if it matches the text in another cell based on a drop down list. So I have a drop down list in cell c57 and a form control search button right next to it. I want the user to be able to select from the drop down, click search and then jump to the cell that matches what they selected. I would like the macro to search from B:60 - B629.

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Search From The List

Mar 1, 2007

I currantly have in a cell this:

=IF(Search1="","No Place Found",INDEX(Locations,MATCH("*"&Search1&"*",Locations,0)))

Which searches a large column called Location. The above statment searches for a word that matches the Search1 cell...

What I would like to add, is the ability for it to list, in a drop down box all the contents of the cell that the word is matched to, i have tried, but feel that this is out of my own and books expertice!!

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Search Numbers In A List?

Feb 6, 2014

I need to see if either of the two numbers exist in a list and if yes, then perform a function accordingly. The exact case is if 0 or "NA" exist in a list in range A1:A20, then I need to print message box with message that "Either of the two numbers exist". Not really sure how to write a small code in visual basic to do this.

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Search Drop Down List

Feb 16, 2009

is it possible to search a drop down list for matching values?

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Search A Drop Down List

Mar 7, 2008

I created a drop down list with the names of 700 of our clients. Now what I want to do is, just as with Access, type a letter and it will bring me to that part of the drop down list instead of having to scroll all the way to S, for example. Is there a simple way to do this WITHOUT VBA?

I am using XL '07

On a related note, I am using VLOOKUP to print the Client ID right below this list. For some reason, I can't figure out it is not printing the correct client id but the one right above it.

here is my formula
B6=drop down box
h=client names
i=client id's
2=print client id's

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Search A List Of Dates

Jul 11, 2008

I'm looking to make a macro to search within a list of dates (In column A).

I need it to find the end of the year if it's 2007, 2006 and 2005, insert a column underneath and sum up column C, but only for that year. So for example, all the amounts in column C for only the year 2007 will be summed up in a blank row on column D before the 1st January 2008, and the same for previous years.

Then what needs to be done is for the year 2008, the same thing applies, but for each Month.

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Conditional Format Dates In A Calender When Matches Dates In A List

May 14, 2009

Hi Guys, This has been bugging me for a bit now and I just can't sus it...

I have a sample perpetual calender that I have been modifying to fit my own purpose. The calender part works fine.

I have beside that a column for holidays, etc and then a another column for other events.

When I put the date in the holiday or events columns I would like the date to be highlighted in the calender above (different colour depending on which column it came from).

The formula I have been playing with (no success) is:

=MATCH(DATE($R$2,1,C8),$I$41:$I$65,0) - This is the Formula for the 1st column of dates.

The 2nd formula is similar, just changes the column it tries to draw the MATCH(DATE.... from...

Although this formula works fine on the sample spreadsheet. When I enter the formula on my sheet, it doesn't seem to work...

I have attached the spread sheet that I am working on.

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Drop Down List And Search By First Few Letters?

Jan 5, 2009

is possible to have a drop down list where you can type in the first few letters of a word and have the drop down list go to the the words that begin with those first few letters instead of having to scroll down the entire list to find the word / item you are looking for.

I ask since the drop down list may end up having up to 1000 words in it.

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Search List A Highlight Non Match

Oct 31, 2009

Within conditional formatting I use =COUNTIF(Task,I4)=0 and it highlights the non-matches. Task is a named range which works fine, but how could I actually just use a string instead of the named range? The named range only consists of Major and Sub. My first guess would be =COUNTIF({"Major";"Sub"},I4)=0 but this is not working.

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Search Similar Entries Within A List

Oct 3, 2013

I have a list of entries of which some are distinct and others are similar. For example, I have 1) JohnSmith 2) JhonSmith 3)SomeoneElse. The first and second entry are similar but not equal due to a spelling mistake, the third entry is not related to the first. My question is: How can I obtain which entries belong together? The output would have to show that 1&2 are similar and that 3 is different.

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Search A List - Return Header / Value

Apr 5, 2004

I am trying to search a range for all of the nonblank cells, when I find one, return the column header and the value in that column. Vlookup won't work on this. It will only return a specified column.

Employee performance

ID area one | two | three

12947 23 | | 19
12948 32 | | 20
12948 |17 | 52

What I am trying to do is create a communication sheet. Employee ID 12947, your performance in area one= ______, in area two = ______ and so on.

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Search A Cell For Certain Criteria From A List

Nov 3, 2008

I would like for C1 to search through the data in A1 and see if it contains a match for any of the zip codes listed in column B. If it does than I want it to report the zip that was matched and cell in C2. If there is no match then I want it to return the value, No Match in C2. I need the whole column B to be included in this code.


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Search Against A List Of Text Strings

Dec 13, 2007

Need to do (preferrably as a UDF so I can call it many times and build the macro I really need) the following string testing macro. For a given column (B) - look to the field immediately to the left for a text string. This string will be searched for a list of other strings contained in Column D ( cells D1:D5). We want a case insenstive SEARCH (or find I suppose in macro terms) to return a true if the strings are found or false if it is not. Example test string in cell B1 would be:

I am a string of test data to check.

Terms in D1:D5 might be:

Cell B1 should return a TRUE as a match.

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Search For Month In List Of Dates

Jan 23, 2008

I 've created a userform to search an excel database (that is populated by another userform) that contains a date field. This field is formatted as mmm/yyyy so I can search it by month.
All was well until out of nothing my sub can't find specific months.

It finds the related data for january, march, june, july and november, but not any of the other months.
In order to try and debug it I've used the exact same data in the other fields of the db changing only the date field to the desired month.

If I use excel's own Find, everything works as it should, the months are found just fine.

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Add "x" If Customer Number Matches A List

Jan 9, 2007

I have 1) a list of 10,000 customer records with customer numbers (including duplicates) in field A, and 2) a separate list of 25 customer numbers that are "red" accounts.

I want to add a new ID field to the larger customer list, and using the 25 red IDs, I want to mark any of the 10K records that match the list of 25 with an "x".

I thought about using multiple nested-function formulas and concatenating the results, but then, I always do things the hard way! ...

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