Search Specific Text In Column Range (Macro Or Formula)
Jun 30, 2014
I need a macro, or a formula that can identify if the words in the Words Column (Column A) is contained in Title Column (Column B). If it is, It displays as "Yes". If not, display as "No".
Case is not sensitive.
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Oct 5, 2009
I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.
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Mar 19, 2007
I need to find a word in a column, ie. "JAN" in col D (only first found is enough, not all instances) and then display message that "January has been updated", if not found, display message "this month has not been updated". The word "Jan" will be stored in a cell, so I need the code that could pick up the contents of that cell and lookup the col D (in another sheet, ie. "MthMaster") for that word.
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May 7, 2008
I have a column with values like this
I use this line of code to determine the text
Set rFound = Sheets("ProductCount").Rows(14). Find(What:=sProduct, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
ProdRow = rFound.Column
where sProduct contains values such as SW , CO. Now, when I use rFound to query SW, it finde me this first occuring SW. I have this inside a for loop. When it goes and queries again, it should get me the next occuring SW, not the first SW that it searched for me.
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May 28, 2009
Im sure this has been addressed before but i need a macro that would act like a "Contains" function. I have Column B that has user comments. These are sentences like "I have a billing issue" or "My item is damaged". My goal search these for keywords and then have a value (category) populate in Column C
Heres an example. the Category is Damaged Goods: Keywords associated with it are "broke" "broken" "replacement" "damaged" "not working"
Another category is Billing: keywords include "bill" "credit" "account"
I need a macro that will search all the comments and if "broken" (for example) is found anywhere within the comment, the value "damaged goods" will be populated in the same row, column C
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Jul 13, 2014
Copy paste specific column with specific heading using macros. Roll No
I Want the Macro to find the column with heading "Name"
Copy the list from Name till the last Cell that is B1048576
Paste in Sheet2 Cell A1(Please see result in Sheet2)
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Feb 9, 2014
I'm trying to create a formula that will search for a specific text in "sheet1" within a date range and then SUM the total on "sheet2". I've manage to use the SUMPRODUCT (below) formula but want to expand on this so the SUM can be shown on another sheet(summary page). =SUMPRODUCT((ISNUMBER(FIND({"nmlclex06"},A1:A10)))*(B1:B10)) In this example I search for the text "nmlclex06" and SUM the size, but don't have a date range and don't know how to SUM the data on another sheet.
Columns: Name, Size, Date
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Jan 30, 2014
I am trying to get a code which searches each row for a keyword, and then assigns a value to it depending on what group of keywords it is.
For example, if the Name or Comment mentions certain fruit keywords, I want it to assign the value: "Fruit", and if it mentions certain vegetable keywords, I want to assign it "Vegetables", and if it is unrelated to either, I want to keep it blank. If the name/comment mentions both fruit and vegetables then I want it to say "Error".
Since the keywords I am using are mostly two letters, I want the search to only search for the two letters on its own, and not as part of a sentence. e.g. if the key word is ED, I don't want it to return a value for "I rested". Instead, I want it to stay blank.
i.e. I want the code to take information from column A and B, and assign a value based on the keywords in column D and E. As an example:
Name Comment Value
V1 Eating vegetables are good for you Vegetable
null lock out of ep. Fruit
S-1 It is JUST
Fruit-sp Error
Fruit Vegetable
The formula I used so far is this: where C3 is the first value
In columns D and E I put a leading and trailing space between each word to only search for the keywords themselves, and not as part of a word. (e.g. ST is correct instead of haSTe).
This formula seems to work only for 60% of the information, problems occur when the keyword is at the end of comment sentence: the value is blank. e.g. in row B4 of the table I made above my formula returns a blank.
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Aug 5, 2013
I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.
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Oct 18, 2013
I have a client list in a table in my excel sheet. I currently enter the clients in a sheet that looks similar to a form. After the clients info is in this Form I have a button with a macro to copy the client info into a table on another sheet. This works perfectly.
Now I have another form that will retrieve the customers info in a click of a button in order to make changes to the client. Ei:I now have a second phone number and I want to update that client's info. What I want to do from here is take the info in Cell B2 (clients full Name), Do a vLookup in the "Saved Clients Table" in a Range within my table range. (Range: Saved Clients and the client's full name is in $A:$A and called "Clients Full Name" and once that name is found I need to select the cell in column C and the corresponding row.
This will allow me to copy the info in my form, Paste it in Transpose to the cell that is selected. (I already have that code)
Here are screenshots of what I am trying to accomplish. [URL] .......
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Dec 30, 2011
how to work macros or VBA
I have a workbook with multiple sheets named by month and year that I use to keep track of loans I work with at a bank. In these sheets I have info such as:
Column B = due date
Column D = loan# A
Column E = loan# B
Column F = status
Column H = followup needed
(Columns A,C, and G aren't important for the current need)
What I am trying to do is create a main sheet (TRACKER) that all I will have to do is press a macro button and it will pull info for each loan that is in a pending status.
I need a macro that will search column F (Status) on all sheets and find each instance of "Pending" and once that is done, copy rows B,D,E, and H in each "Pending" instance and copy them to their designated area on my TRACKER sheet. After that is done I need it to continue to the next "pending" instance and do the same on the next available line on my TRACKER sheet.
The overall goal would be that everyday I can press the macro and it will repopulate the sheet with the current pending items (as each day I will change pending status' to complete and no longer need to track it the next day).
I already have the tracker sheet set up and ready to go with the spaces as follows:
Column G&H = Merged cells where due date will need to go
Column I&J = Merged cells where loan# A will need to go
Column K&L = Merged cells where loan# B will need to go
Column M thru S = Merged cells where followup needed will need to go
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May 22, 2014
I need a macro to move specific information.
I get an excel sheet with W/C Employer: (whatever) entered below the patient it belongs to in column E. This information needs to move into its own column (H) in line with the above patient information so I can use it in a mail merge to word.
The same thing needs to happen with WC injury date listed in column G. It moves to column I. Then delete the row it was moved from so I don't have an empty row.
Sheet 1 is what I get. Sheet 2 is what I need to end up with.
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Jul 25, 2014
I want to insert a formula that is tied to a specific column. I know how to do formulas and have a slight understanding of macros. Can I insert the formula as part of a larger macro?
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Dec 21, 2013
I want to search for a value, in a specific range (in this case, in a row). If that value exists, l want the formula to return that value, otherwise l want it to return "FALSE" or whatever.
The formula must exist in one discrete cell only, i.e. the output will be contained in only one cell.I don't want to match the occurrence of that value with another row's cell. I don't want to search for multiple values (although if you have a way to do that, l'll be interested to know!), l don't want to count the number of times the value occurs.All l want is to return that value if it exists in the specified range of cells, and if it doesn't, l want to say "FALSE" or something.
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May 3, 2014
I need to look through a range for a specific value. When I find it if the nearby time column matches a specific time I want to retrieve the lookup value. Because I am not very macro savvy, and the spreadsheet has to run on both mac and pc I do not want to use a macro. Can I do this with an IF((AND combination or is there a better way? If there is a way to look through a range with IF, how would I structure the criteria to look through an entire column for the value? Lookup won't work because the value can occur several times through out the range, but only once with a specific time value.
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Dec 3, 2009
I have a text such as:
I want to do is search for "&s_kwcid" or anything containing "&s_kwcid" and replace it with blank. So above would then read:
I tried =IF(SUM(COUNTIF(E2,{"&s_kwcid*"}))=1,E2,"") but it didn't work. I tried auto filtering, and using contains &s_kwcid* but it didn't filter out results, but find &s_kwcid did find results for text anywhere in string, so I know the problem is there.
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Dec 10, 2013
I would like to search a specific text, ex "Change" on all column C on all existing sheets and copy all rows and collect into one Sheet.
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Jan 2, 2009
I cannot find Excel files that contain specific strings. For example, if I create a new file, and in the first cell type in "123456". Then save the file to the folder c:Temp Then in Windows Explorer, right-click on C:Temp and select "Search . . ." Then under "A word or phrase in the file", type in: 123456
It will NOT find the file! It will find a txt file or a doc file, but not xls files.
I thought maybe it fails because that is a number. But I have hundreds of Excel files with Integer numbers stored in "General" format cells and I desperately need to be able to search them to see which files contain certain numbers. It all started with some files that were sent to me - they work PERFECTLY for searching cells for numbers. So strange - yet if I open the file then save it . . . no changes or edits at all, just Open and Save. . . then the search fails for all numbers in that file. This is so perplexing that I have placed 2 zip Sample files on my website for you to Download:
Unzip the two files to any folder. One is named "Sample-Works.xls" - Then do a Windows Search for any number in the file, here is one to try that is in the two files: 174026 And it will list "Sample-Works.xls" but it will NOT list "Sample-Fails.xls", even though BOTH FILES ARE IDENTICAL! I copied the same file twice and then named them. The only difference is that I opened the file Sample-Fails.xls and then immediately Saved it, which as I stated earlier, makes it fail all Searches from that point forward.
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Jun 14, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.
For instance, in Sheet1:
So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.
NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.
I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.
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Jul 28, 2013
I am trying to develop a macro that does the folllowing
1) Takes the value from a specified column of a sheet in the workbook and sequentually go the the values of that column and compares those values to another sheet in the workbook
For ex: sheet1 in column A row 1 has string value abc123 and sheet2 column A row 1 has value 123abc. I want to compare these two values from different sheets.
2) However if the values don't match I would like to take the value from sheet1 and see if it is in the list on sheet2.
3) If the value from sheet2 isn't on the list from sheet1 then paste that row information to sheet3
So far this is what I have. All it does now is go through both lists and compares the values but I am not sure how to single out those values for conditional formating. I am sure that the singled out values will need to be derived dynamically since I won't know what or when the values will be up for conditional formatting.
Dim LoopCount As Integer
Dim RangeCount As Integer
Dim CellVal As String
Dim CellIncrement As Integer
Dim ErrorCount As Integer
Dim PasteConfirm As Boolean
[Code] .........
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Aug 11, 2009
I have been working on a spreadsheet with 3 sheets and have done everything except the last function which I just can't work out.
Data is entered on the first sheet in a list with an item number, description, dates etc and then finally, if they are a certain type of item, a variation, a 'variation number' in a column.
The next sheet is then called 'variations' and here starts my problem. I want to have a formula that picks up if a variation number has been entered on sheet one in the 'variation number' column and if so, add that item into this sheet, in order.
So to summarise, I need sheet 2 to search on sheet 1 in a specific column for numbers 1-30(ish) for a series of items.
I then need sheet 2 to list each of these in order, copying over each item that goes with the number from sheet 1 in the same format.
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Mar 21, 2013
I'm building an inventory report based upon a daily report downloaded from a website. The downloaded report changes from day-to-day. All of the data I need remains there, but the location of the columns changes, with the exception of "BOL". I need to sort all of this data in a macro. I have most of my macro figured out, but I'm having trouble with one "sort". I need the data to be sorted FIRST by whether or not the 4th column contains "Clear" or "Dyed". I have the next two sorts already coded, based on SPOT vs Contract and then numerically by column A. But I cannot find macro coding or an excel formula (either would work) that reliably searches the 2nd column for the word "Clear". I have tried different combinations of IFERROR, FIND, SEARCH, IF, ISNUM, etc. in hopes of writing a new adjacent column containing the values "Clear" and "Dyed". I have found many combinations that work if I search only the correct cell. But when I extend the range to search through ~26 cells in one row, they all fail. Below is a (small) example of what I start with and what I want to end with. I've also included my current relevant Sorting code in my macro.
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Oct 5, 2008
I have a column of values of peoples initials and I want to cound how many times one persons initials occur in those cells. I can do this if the cells just contain one person i.e. "CH" or "DH" but if the cell has two or more peoples initials i.e. "CD DH" I can't do it as it only matches the exact search criteria.
How can I total the numebr of times a required set of initials appears in a specific column of cells? Not bothered is it requires a macro or a formulae, just can't seem to figure this one out.
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Nov 15, 2011
I am having trouble getting a formula to work with exactly what I need. I need a formula to find the total quantity of each product. The file I'm searching from does not list the product name or description in the subtotal column. The host file is similar to below and I just want the product name and total quantity in the new worksheet. I will have a list of all products we carry in the new worksheet and I want to pull the total quantity ordered for each item, and if none were ordered return a quantity of 0. The program the host file is exported from also lists a header at the top of each page, so for example there may be a header in between the last occurrence of Product D and the Subtotal.
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
Product B Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
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Sep 7, 2013
I have a worksheet "database" which is database of patient information in each row, in column H I have the "pateint IP number" I have a userform for search and copy. The textbox in the userform is "search_tb1", where I would input the required IP number and search in column H for a match, which should intern select the entire row of this selected cell and paste in another worksheet "preview" in row 2.
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Mar 8, 2012
using Excel 2007. I need a code to identify a worksheet within a workbook by cell/range value. The book is used by various users. They have the rights to add new sheets and all but delete columns in the 'master worksheet'. The sheet names can be changed by the user but I need to rename the master sheet on opening the file. To do this I have put a specific value in a cell within the master worksheet which then should allow me to find the sheet and rename it. (let say Range A1 has a value of "this sheet") I have a mental block on how i can run a loop to search each sheet for the identifying value until the range and value is found and the sheet identified
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Mar 13, 2009
I was wondering if there is a formula that will search a cell for a word or other specific criteria then if it finds it, puts the requested data / word in the formula cell
If I have a list of vehicle descriptions all in different formats:
CAR1 1.4 SRI 3 door Hatch
CAR2 5 door saloon GSI 2.0 V8
2.2 CDX 5 door CAR3 Estate
CAR3 Estate 5 Door CDX
Say I want to know which ones are CDX varient I need the formula to look in the cell and return "CDX" or "YES"
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May 20, 2014
I need a formula to extract data after "<li>Color: " & before"</li>"
blah blah blah<li>Color: White</li>some informations
blah blah blah<li>Color: Red</li>some informations
blah blah blah<li>Color: Black</li>some informations
blah blah blah<li>Color: Red</li>some informations
I have already use this formula but I get the "#VALUE!" error even if the cell contains the "<li>Color: </li>" data.
[Code] ....
Sometimes, some cells does not contain the "<li>Color: </li>" data, I don't want the "#VALUE!" error, I just want a blank cell there.
This is an example with the real values I want to extract Example.xlsx
This is the formula that works
[Code] ......
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Jun 3, 2009
Hi, I'm very new to writing Excel Macro's and wanted to know if I could do the following. Conceptually, I understand what I need done and think it should be fairly straightforward.
There's 2 main events in this loop (I hope that's the correct terminology):
Input 1) User defines the beginning cell to start the loop. In this case, A2.
Input 2) User defines the range of columns/rows to display. The formula for rows that I've thought of is 4r. So if a user wants 20 rows below cells A2, they simply input 5 for r. The number of columns is a constant 5. So if r=5, then I'd want the range to be A2:E22......
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Jun 21, 2006
I need a code that will delete a row if it has a specific text in a specific column.
In this case in column W if there is anything that starts with '>TC' I need that entire row deleted that its in.
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