Search For Specific Text In A String And Replace

Dec 3, 2009

I have a text such as:


I want to do is search for "&s_kwcid" or anything containing "&s_kwcid" and replace it with blank. So above would then read:


I tried =IF(SUM(COUNTIF(E2,{"&s_kwcid*"}))=1,E2,"") but it didn't work. I tried auto filtering, and using contains &s_kwcid* but it didn't filter out results, but find &s_kwcid did find results for text anywhere in string, so I know the problem is there.

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Conditional Copy Routine: Macro To Search A Column For A Specific Text String

Oct 5, 2009

I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.

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Search Specific ID - Sum And Replace

Jul 21, 2012

I have a Master work sheet consisting sale data of more than 400 Sales person for a period of 6 Months.

The Employee Codes are entered in column "F" starting from F6, F7, F8 and so on....

G5,H5, I5, J5, K5, L5 to GV5 has the product names.

G5,H5, I5, J5, K5, L5 to GV5 has the qty of product sold by that concern sales person.

Since each sales person's occurrence is 6 times in the master sheet, I would like to have a code to search each and every sales person by their employee ID through out the entire master sheet, sum each product they sold as per the product name and get it entered in their concern cells.

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Search And Replace Specific Character?

Jun 1, 2012

In a cell(s) I have for example {text}dd%2BMore_Text}

what i want to do is search and replace the final }

so it should be {text}dd%2BMore_Text

the regular search and replace in excel removes all } which is not what i need.

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Macro To Search String In A Range Of Cells And Replace While Leaving Original

Jul 25, 2014

So I was given the task to translate some procedure instructions in an Excel file from English to Spanish. These are very simple instructions and in most cases repetitive throughout the document. There are a lot of instances where the instructions are the same except for a #. They are meant to be modified within the cell as the text that appears in the cell will be printed exactly as it appears.There are several instructions in the cell, it is basically a long continuous string in the cell. My idea is to create a macro that can search that range of cells for the instruction, replace it with the Spanish equivalent while leaving the original English instruction in the cell.

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Search Across Columns By Row & Replace Specific Cell Contents

May 2, 2008

I have created a desk planning spreadsheet in excel. Each week a mailmerge sends out an email to everyone in the office asking them to confirm when they will need a desk in the next week.

As the normal employee doesnt get involved in desk planning I want them simply to state whether they will be in the building or not by entering "GH" (our building) in a cell under each day in the email they get sent.

When the reply comes in we select the cells from the email and then paste them into the desk planning spreadsheet.

Select some cells (must be in the same row - that we have just pasted in).
Press a button on the Worksheet labelled "Auto Assign Desk", which does this:-
For each cell that contains "GH", replace with the right-most cell to the left of the selection that starts "GH_"... (this is the start of a unique desk reference (GH_1_1, GH_1_2,etc.)

This will assign the employee to the desk they were sat at last, when they are in the office next week.

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Search A String For Specific Characters

Nov 24, 2006

I want to search a string for specific characters.
f.e. Begin = "bfPaa2"
I want to look for "P"
So, the answer has to be: Letter = "P" after searching the string

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Replace Specific Numbers With Specific Text

Mar 13, 2008

Is there a way to make a macro convert '1' to Yes and '0' to No? I have 2 columns (F and G) in a worksheet that contain the value of 1 or 0, but I need to convert them to Yes or No. I have tried some fo the samples but they pop up a msgbox which is not required.

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Search And Replace Text In A Column

Sep 14, 2009

I want to replace all blank cells in column A with the word "BLANK" but my problem is that I need to tell Excel to stop searching for blank cells in column A once and only once column A is equal to the last data row in the column named "Product Number". I tried this macro but, naturally, it replaces all the empty cells in the WHOLE COLUMN.

I will always have a header column in row 1. The data is below that (data will always start at row 2).

Selection.Replace What:="", Replacement:="BLANK", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
How can I change this so that the find/replace macro searches all the way down equal to the last data row in the "Product Number" column?

Below are 2 examples. Example 1 is pre macro and example 2 is post macro.


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Formula To Find Specific Text And Replace With Alternate Text?

Mar 4, 2014

I have a worksheet with several columns. I need a formula to search column D only and each time a specific location is identified to replace that location with alternate text. Example (ORIGNAL TEXT):

Column Dtext to text help.xlsx

I need to search that listing and each time the word BIRD is mentioned have it replaced with FEATHERS and each time DOG is listed have it replaced with TAILS Final result would look like:


All other text should stay the same and replacement text should appear in the cell of the text it is replacing. This is a sheet used by multiple people several times a day and so the Find/Replace option really won't work.

Have working on this for at least 6 months and it just isn't going to happen for me. I thought I could use a Conditional format, but that is producing no results either.

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Find Text / String And Replace It?

Jul 4, 2014

I have 4 columns in which is text combined with numbers (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet t-shirt LPW01-B consectetur adipiscing.) I need to search every column and cells in them for a word/string which is written in R2 and replace the word in every cell by the word in S2

So for example, in R2 is "t-shirt" and in S2 is "potato"

The program finds the entry: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet t-shirt LPW01-B consectetur adipiscing." and replace it with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet potato LPW01-B consectetur adipiscing."

P.S.: I am having a trouble with uploading the file directy here, so here's a link: [URL]

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Remove / Replace Text From String?

Oct 18, 2012

provide a vba script to replace characters from a string.

I have the following script which has the cell address as the string and want to remove the dollar signs.

Dim C1 as string
C1 = ActiveCell.Address
With C1
.Replace "$", "", xlPart
End With

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Find And Replace A Value In A String Of Text

Jan 23, 2008

I am trying to be able to input a value in column A and the string of text in column B will be affected by the value that I put in Column A. And i want to be able to do this with multiple rows with multiple values. Example:

My string of text in column B remains the same until the value of Column A changes. The find/replace will overwrite the "" in the string. This is my string of text in Column B: "^cCHT;all;;t;g;F1;F1;;all;;t;g;F2;F2;;all;;"

A1 value = "ABC"
Resulting Text in B1 = "^cCHT;all;;t;g;F1;F1ABC;;all;;t;g;F2;F2ABC;;all;;"

A2 value = "XYZ"
Resulting Text in B2 = "^cCHT;all;;t;g;F1;F1XYZ;;all;;t;g;F2;F2XYZ;;all;;"

I know that I can accomplish this by creating a button but I was wondering if there is a more automated way like a formula in a cell or something.

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Search Cells And Replace Text In That Cell

May 5, 2009

Search multiple cells for certain string and then replace the text of the entire cell with new text. For example the text may contain:

"A Chestnut Leather Satchel Binocular Case "They'll Fight Over When You're Dead" (Binocularcase-SL-CH)"

I want to search for SL-CH and once that is found I want to replace the contents of the entire cell with the following: Satchel Chestnut (SL-CH)

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Find And Replace A String In Text File Using VBA?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a query in a text file.

Select * from
table1 where
a = %d
and b in ('%d','%d')

and values in excel:

I want to open the file and replace the first %d with value1 and second %d with value2 and third %d with value3.

So finally my output should be:
Select * from
table1 where
a = value1
and b in ('value2','value3')

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Loop To Find And Replace Text In String

Jul 16, 2013

I'm looking for some code to loop through some rows of text and then if the text contains / replace that with a space. My code is below:

do until intdemandrow = 1
If InStr(Range(cells(intdemandrow, 1).Value, "/") Then
replace(cells(intdemandrow, 1).value, "/", " ")
intdemandrow = intdemandrow - 1
end if

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Replace Space With Dash In Text String?

Aug 7, 2013

I am looking to replace the space in between numbers and letters in a text string. The number of entries varies with each row.

Example of the entries in the column I need to reformat. Each entry is in a new row.

10 SSS
24 MNL
17 HLG 18 LTN
17 CBG 17 HLG 15 HIL 15 thn 22 ALV
17 ELP 34 HLG 15 HIL18 THN 10 TTL

What I am looking to achieve:

17-HLG 18-LTN
17-CBG 17-HLG 15-HIL 15-thn 22-ALV

17-ELP 34-HLG 15-HIL 18-THN 10-TTL

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Search Cell For Text String And Paste Text In Based On Finding?

Jun 29, 2014

I need to create a macro to do the following:

Search the activecell for a text string (a), and then either paste in text string (b) at the end of the cell if (a) is found, or text string (c) if (a) is not found.

For example, if the activecell has "AA/" in it, I want the cell to become "AA/01" (pasting in "01" at the end), and if the cell has just "AA" in it, I want it to still become "AA/01" (pasting "/01" at the end). The macro will be linked to a commandbutton.

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Search String Of Words In Text?

May 27, 2013

I am trying to search words that are in column A (5 letter combinations of sequences) within the text in column B (amino acid sequence).

So I am stumbling upon 2 questions:

- what is the function that would do this search.

- how to acchieve to reverse the text in B1 cell (eg. abcde --> edcba , but with 600 letters),

sample file: test.xlsx

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How To Search For Text String On All Tabs

Jun 5, 2013

I have a spread sheet with a large amount of tabs and I want to search against a part number that would only ever appear once on each tab and return the number in the cell to the right of it using vlookup against each tab. is this possible?

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Search Cell To See If It Contains Certain String Of Text

Jun 13, 2014

I need to find a formula which will search a list of cells looking for a particular text string. If it doesn't find this text string it then needs to search for the next one. For instance if I had a list of product codes: ABCD1234, BCD1234, ABCD2345, CDE23456, BCD2345 I want the formula to look up and see if the cell contains the text ABCD and if so return ABCD as the value, if not I want it to go on and see if the cell contains BCD and return the value BCD, if not then go on and search the value CDE etc. It seems like an easy job to do manually but I have a list of over 3000 codes to do this.

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Search Each Cell In Row For Text String

Jun 11, 2008

I am using VB and need to search each cell in the row for a string "U30". If it appears, then I need to grab that plus the next three digits, "U30XXX". Otherwise, I need to grab the last six in that row (=RIGHT(M2,6)). I am not sure how to structure the If statement in VB. I searched the forum and help files, but was not sure what to do from here. Currently, I have...

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RIGHT(RC[4],6)"

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("I2", Cells(Rows.Count, "I")), Type:=xlFillDefault

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Search Text String For Any List Item

Dec 1, 2011

Searching a text string on Sheet 1 to see if it contains any item in a list (on Sheet 2 Column 1) and if so return the value of Sheet 2 Column 2 next to the list item found?

It's a budget problem: Sheet 1 has my downloaded Visa statements. I want to categorise all items.

Eg Any item containing the string 'safeway' is categorised as 'General expenses'. So the list on Sheet 2 has an item called 'safeway' and in the next column 'General expenses'.

And for the item on Sheet 1 'BPAYN BUPA AUSTRALIA BPAY MBF monthly' I have an item in Sheet 2 that is simply 'BUPA' with category 'Medical expenses'.

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Multiple Criteria Search In Text String?

Sep 24, 2013

I have 2 columns ,A and B, in a table and text strings in C. Each table row A1 and B1 needs to be compared and matched with the text string C:C. Only if both, A1 and B1, are found in the same string, say C5, it has to return A1&B1. If not, return "Not Found".

Several Obsticles:

1. A and B are text and number
2. C is text with different numbers saved as text and words all mixed up
3. There is no defined format for the text, it is different in each string


Banana Apple
Data: 1 MANGOGrape 0000000 800,000.00 EUR something something

Mango Grape
Something your Ref: 8750ours R ef: TG0PPM000000743 500,000.00EUR zu Gunsten Banana Appl e VVA

With all these different formats and inconsistency, is it even possible?

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Search From List Of Products Within Text String

Feb 18, 2008

i have been trying to find in C1 the 1st product in a list of products that is in text strings of various lengths and the product will be in different places each time eg; list in A1:A4 is babydoll camisole corset basque, the text string in B1 is Satin strech babydoll with low neck

in B2 the text string is Beautiful lace basque with corset style back.
in C1 i'm looking to find babydoll from B1 in the list A1:A4
in C2 i'm looking to find basque from B2 in the list A1:A4
in D1 i'm looking to find any 2nd match from B1 in the list A1:A4, result = ""
in D2 i'm looking to find any 2nd match from B2 in the list A1:A4, result = corset
in E1 & E2 i would like to find any 3rd matches

i have been reading up on this and trying formulas but i cant figure out how to find from a list and the text string data is not in a standard order.

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Macro To Find Replace Specific Text In Multiple Sheet Names

Sep 13, 2010

I need a macro that will look for a specific text string in the tab names of the workbook and replace it with a new specified text string (leaving the rest of the existing tab names). In other words, a simple find/replace but applied to all tab names in the workbook rather than cells. Ideally, I'd like it to pop up something and ask for the text to find and the text to replace it with, so I don't have to edit the macro itself each time I want to use it, but editing the macro each time is fine. Either way will be wonderful.

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Finding Specific Text Within String Of Text?

May 12, 2014

I have a report that in column BX has a large string of text (html information). Within this text there is a phrase called "| Hear = Education Website |" The phrase Education Website can be a variety of things though (Up to 9 choices). What is a formula I could use to just pull out the text after "Hear =" but before |""?

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Search Multiple Worksheets For Text String Then Sum Corresponding Values?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a workbook that contains 18 sheets of data. These worksheets are named according to their respective client names (AAA Shine, Fern Barn, Oracle, etc. for example). On each of these sheets, is a column (Column B), that has a salesperson's name in it (Fred, Joe, Ted, Anne... there are about 10 names total). On each sheet, there are corresponding values for the revenue from that account for each month of the year. Those values appear in Column L (Jan), M(Feb), N(Mar),... W(Dec).

What I would like to have is formula that will look at each sheet, find all the instances of Fred for January, sum them, and report them in a single cell on a different sheet I have called "Summary". The end result will be a total revenue from all customers, for each sales person, by month, in one summary sheet.

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Search For Substring Within String Of Text Which Is Exact Match?

Jan 6, 2014

Let us say I have the following text in Cell A1. "There is a fault in the cal cycle.Need to update the records." And in cell A2 I have the following text. "Called for backup assistance. There is an issue with numbers." I cells B1 & B2 I need a particular formula which searches for the substring "cal" exactly and returns true if present. In cell A1, we have "cal" in the text. So it should return true for me in cell B1.

However in cell B2 I need false to be returned even though I have "Called" inside the text. I need true to be shown only for those cells where we have the exact text "cal" and no text characters in front or back of it.

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Search For Text Within A String, Lookup And Then Return Item

Sep 30, 2009

I have a spreadsheet!

I have two sheets, one of which contains film names and the other contains our tag structure for our website (which is a list of tags, their keywords and the primary parent channel they live under).

What I am trying to do is search the film titles and if any of the words match either the tag name or keywords then return the relevant channel.


Sheet 1 - Films
How To Apply Bridal Makeup
How To Fight A Donkey
How To Write Excel Formulae

Sheet 2 - Tags
Channel / Tag / Keywords
Tech - Microsoft - windows vista xp word excel
Tech - Computers - internet pc
Tech - MP3 Players - iPod Zune

So, for film 3 on Sheet 1 it would recognise the word Excel in the keyword list and return the channel Tech.

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