SeriesCollection - Delete Specific Entry?

Jun 1, 2006

I am trying to create a chart that will Add or Remove data entries as toggle buttons are clicked. I've fallen at the first hurdle. When I remove one series from the source data, all the SeriesCollection numbers will change down. e.g. ->


where (2) will change to (1) when I delete a series. This then screws up subsequent Removal macros. Is there any way I can either lock the SeriesCollection number?

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Check If Any Entry In List Older Than 7 Days - Delete Second Double Entry?

Sep 11, 2013

I am having a sheet where I keep track of when online surveys have been sent to users. The users enail address (column K) may be on the list for several times, but I need to make sure that there is at least a 7 days pause between sending the first mail and the second, depending on the visit date (column G).If there are less than 7 days between two entries with the same email address, the user is not qualified for taking another survey.

I was thinking to write an IF formula which returns either 1 or 0 and then let conditional formatting highlight and HIDE the row via a VBA loop.

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VBA SeriesCollection.Values

Jun 22, 2006

Is there anyone out there who've used SeriesCollection.Values before? As I know, there's no way to do double indexing for the values of the point referencing to. So something like the following would not be possible.

CCArray(i) = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(i).Values

CCArray(i, j) = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(i).Values(j)

CCArray(I, j) = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(i).Values

But I need to get the values of the points by some means. Is there anyone who could help me find out the best way for me to put the values into a doubly loop. The following is the code that has the idea of what I'm trying to achieve but , of course, the syntax does not comply to what VB allows.

Redim CC_Array(1 To SeriesCount, 1 To 13) As Integer

For i = 1 To SeriesCount
For j = 1 To 13

CC_Array(i, j) = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(i).Values(j)
Next j
Next i

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Set SeriesCollection With Variables

Aug 16, 2007

I am trying to generate a series of charts. Each row (and 3 columns) is the sole series of each chart, but am having trouble setting the values for the chart seriescollections. I'm using the following

Sub DrawCharts()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim NewWs As Worksheet
Dim cht As Chart
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim CurrRow As Long
Dim PointRow As Long
Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Global Summary")
LastRow = 6
For CurrRow = 5 To LastRow
Set NewWs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
NewWs. Name = Ws.Range("A" & CurrRow).Value
Set cht = ThisWorkbook.Charts.Add
With cht
.ChartType = xlBarClustered..................

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Toggle Seriescollection In A Chart

Apr 7, 2007

Series are added to a chart on a chartsheet in WB Retirement.xls with the following macro:

Sub AddMyWife()

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
. Name = "MyWife"
.Values = "='Retirement.xls'!MyWife"
End With

With Selection.Border
.ColorIndex = 3
.Weight = xlThin
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With

With Selection
.MarkerStyle = xlDiamond
.MarkerSize = 3
.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 3
.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 3
End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

The series is deleted with:

Sub DeleteMyWife()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub...

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Test Whether Or Not A Named SeriesCollection Exists?

Apr 20, 2014

How to see if a SeriesCollection that has been named exists so when the corresponding toggle button it clicked it turns on or off the correct corresponding dataseries.

When I create a series I use something like:

[Code] ............

Where the range "tblJim[Quizes]" contains the quiz scores which are the data series pointes and "=Data!$C$6:$C$35" has the respective dates.

When that toggle button is clicked I need to test if the SeriesCollection "Jim" exists so if it does I can delete it and if not, create it.

Also, as much as I hate to multi-subject but usually do anyway, I am wondering if there is good example of doing the same ends by a different strategy - a chart with everyone on it and by applying data filters to the dataset I would turn on and off people's data.

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Macro Error Setting SeriesCollection

Nov 7, 2006

I try to plot an XY graph with a VB macro but I don't manage to select the right name of the active sheet.

Sub plot()
WksName = ActiveSheet.Name

ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(WksName).Range("A11:F12"), PlotBy:= _
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=WksName!R5C8:R643C8"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=WksName!R5C9:R643C9"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "=""Specular"""
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=WksName

End Sub

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Delete Rows With Specific Characters In A Specific Column

Dec 10, 2007

Currently I am using the Kickbutt VBA Find Function of Aaron, but I would like to have something that works more efficiently. What I currently do is (assuming all possible values for Column J are A - F):

Find_Range("A", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("B", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("C", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("D", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("E", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete

although I just want some code that says: delete all rows except those that have "F" as content in Column J. I already tried something like:

For Each cl In Range("J:J")
If cl.Text = "A" Or cl.Text = "B" Or cl.Text = "C" Or cl.Text = "D" Or cl.Text = "E" Then
End If

but it also takes much to long. The major problem I think, is that the number of records is variable so I search the entire worksheet...

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Using Only Specific Cell Either For Entry Or Formula

Apr 25, 2007

I have a problem to solve

I have 2 worksheets named 'Products' and 'Order'

At the 'Order' i use 3 cells


When i entered a code to the cell 'code', it reads the code from the sheet 'Products' and then transfers to the active sheet 'Order' some items.

What i want is:
Because the user has to enter the quantity either to the cell 'Pallets' or
'Cases' i want to be locked the empty cell each time and to be used for calculations.

1st Eg.
The "45870"
Pallets to order : 50
because the user used the pallets the cell "Cases" must be locked and it must calculate the 50 pallets*100 so
Cases : 5000

2nd Eg.
The "45870"
Pallets to order : null
Cases : 5000

because the user didnt use any pallets the cell "Pallets" must be locked and it must calculate the 5000 cases/100 so
Pallets to order : 50

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Bubble Graph Code: SeriesCollection.NewSeries

Sep 4, 2006

I'm trying to make a macro that generates a bubble graph from a defined range. I however can't seem to get the SeriesCollection.NewSeries to work.

Dim nr As Integer
Dim myChart As ChartObject
Set myChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=100, Width:=375, Top:=75, Height:=225)
myChart.Chart.SetSourceData Source:= Sheets("Sheet1").range("A2:D2"), PlotBy:= _
With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.Name = ActiveSheet.Cells(nr + 1, A)
.XValues = ActiveSheet.Cells(nr + 1, B)
.Values = ActiveSheet.Cells(nr + 1, C)
.BubbleSizes = ActiveSheet.Cells(nr + 1, D)
With .Interior
If Cells(nr + 1, G) >= 50 Then
.ColorIndex = 4
.ColorIndex = 10
End If
End With
End With
myChart.Chart.ChartType = xlBubble

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Delete The Fifth Entry In All Ranges

Dec 26, 2008

I have a series of ranges (over 26000) on a s/s and the top five rows in column I consist of:
1. number
2. text + number
3. formula
4. number
5. formula

I wish to delete the fifth entry in all ranges.
Ranges vary in row length from 5 to 30 deep.

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Matching Data Entry To A Specific List

Apr 28, 2009

I have made a spreadhseet that track what games an official referees (sheet 1), what games they are touch judge 1 for (Sheet 2) and what games they are touch judge 2 for (sheet 3).

Sheet 4 then adds all these up for me and tells me as an good approximate estimate how much each official should get paid in way of expenses.

Simple enough so far.

I have a list of 3 letter codes on sheet 4 for each official that I put in the matrix of games. It's using these 3 letter codes that it adds it all up. This works fine

How can I get it to tell me if any 3 letter codes entered into the matrix (Sheet 1!D4:CD82) Do not match my list (Sheet 4!A5:A71). (an error detection system if you like).

To make it more interesting I would like it to ignore blank cells (games not played yet).

I'm not bad on excel formulas, but I can't get my head around how to do this.

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Locking Cells Upon Entry Of Specific Data

May 14, 2009

I'm creating a spreadsheet for work, which for security reasons requires certain information to be locked except to administrators. However the cells need to be open for inputing information for everyone until the administrator enters specific data.

Completed Date Time W/R No. Acc. No. Priority? Vunerable? Comments Closed Date/Time Yes 14/04/09 11:30:00 1234567890 8890976 Yes Yes N/A 14/04/2009 11:30

What I am looking to happen is once an adminstrator selects 'Yes' from the drop down menu on the Completed column, for that row of data to be locked for editing, unless unlocked later by an adminstrator.

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Delete A Row If It Has A Specific Text In A Specific Column

Jun 21, 2006

I need a code that will delete a row if it has a specific text in a specific column.

In this case in column W if there is anything that starts with '>TC' I need that entire row deleted that its in.

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Macro That Allow Users To Delete An Entry

Jan 4, 2009

I am in need of a macro that will allow users to delete an entry in a named range as well as delete a range named the same. I would like the macro to open a list showing the contents of a range named "Locations". Once opened the users may select a name from the list and click on a button to remove that item from the named range. the macro can then delete the cell that name is in and shift the remaining cells up, changing the range. Second the macro should delete a named range that matches the one the user selects. once delete I would like to have a pop say "Location Removed Sucessfully".

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With Each New Entry In 2 Cells I Would Like A Running Balance In A Specific Cell

Jun 5, 2007

I have a cell B6 which I would like the amount to change with each entry I make. I have B4 which has constant amount, B8-B40 will have new entries and D8-D40 new entries. I had a function that had number 1 B8:B40 number 2 -D8:40 number 3 +B4. the function total in grey box is correct but when I press enter the cell in B6 says value and doesn't change to correct amount. Basically I have a balance in B6 that I want to change auomaticlly when I enter data in B8,D8 one day, then the next day, which B9, D9, etc..

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Priority Queue - Ability To Delete Row / Entry?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm trying to get one more feature added to this priority queue tool that a forum member created. Essentially, this attached spreadsheet is a dynamic task/priority list that will change on the fly. See the original thread here: [URL]

The only missing feature is the ability to delete an entry and have all other entries below it change up a rank.

The attached spreadsheet is the almost completed solution


Item D - 1
Item B - 2
Item E - 3
Item A - 4
Item C - 5

Remove item B
Item D - 1
Item E - 2
Item A - 3
Item C - 4

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Delete Rows :: Where The Corresponding Entry In Column Is Blank

Oct 7, 2008

I have data input in a particular column, say Column C.

I would like to have a macro that deletes the rows where the corresponding entry in Column C are blank.

In addition, there are multiple worksheets with the same data format in the same spreadsheet, but the number of row varies. It would be great if the macro can delete the row with blank cell in that column across all worksheet.

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Copy Information Between Worksheets Based On Specific Column Entry

Oct 29, 2008

My workbook contains several worksheets each recording the results of equipment tests - one sheet for each piece of equipment. Rather than open each worksheet to check the date of the last test, other 'overview' worksheets pick up and display the last test date from each equipment record using the formula =MAX('sheetref'!A15:A500). Is there a better formula to do this?

Some items of equipment are tested at more than one frequency, ie Monthly, Yearly, etc. Therefore, the entry on row 15 of an equipment record may be column A 28/10/08 column D 'M' and row 16 column A 29/10/08 column D 'Y'. The above formula will only display the last test date, irrespective of frequency. There is a seperate overview sheet for each test frequency therefore, I need to modify the formula so that the date it copies from the equipment record worksheet to the overview worksheet is the date of the last test for the specified frequency.

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Zero Showing In Cell With Reference When Entry Is Deleted With Delete Key?

Jul 1, 2014

When I use a reference to populate a cell in anothe worksheet and I use the delete key to remove the entry, a zero shows up in the cell of the worksheet wit the cell reference. For example if I use =AM!A3 and use the delete key to delete the entry in cell A3 of worksheet AM, the worksheet with the reference =AM!A3 shows a zero. Is there some way to prevent the zero from appearing in the cell with the reference?

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Macro To Delete An Entire Row If A Duplicate Entry Appears Only In A Certain Column.

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a macro to delete an entire row if a duplicate entry appears only in a certain column.

1. Look for the column header with the name "File Number"
2. Anytime the same number under the "File Number" column appears more than once in that column, keep the row that contains first occurrence of that number buy delete the entire row anytime that number is repeated in another row in that same column.

This is regardless of what is contained in the other columns. For example..let's say these cells contained this data...

B1 - UTE00225
B2 - UTE00546
B3 - UTE65513
B4 - UTE00225
B5 - UTE00225

In this case, I would want to keep rows 1, 2, and 3. But, I would want to delete rows 4 & 5 because the number "UTE00225" has already appeared first in B1. I'm using Excel 2003.

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Getting Entry In One Cell To Cause Entry In Another Based On Entry In 3rd

Mar 20, 2014

I have a percentage in R3.

If I make an entry in D13 then I want the R3 to be duplicated into C27 otherwise C27 should be 0.

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How To Keep Date Entry TODAY Frozen On That Specific Date

Mar 6, 2014

I am working on a spreadsheet to create a school 'tracking' system based on excel. What I need is that as soon as a box in column B is ticked, a date (TODAY() is entered in column A. That is not so difficult, and I have used the formula in cells in column A:

=IF(ISBLANK(Bx);"";TODAY()), where x is the specific row.

So, keep cell A clear untill something is written in cell B. This works fine.

But, for the purpose I need to keep the TODAY() date fixed after entry. And it need to be erased again if the tickbox in cell B is emptied again. It need then to re-enter a new date after cell B is re-used.

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Make Userform Show Data From Spreadsheet And Add Delete Or Make New Entry

Jan 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet on sheet 1 with a list of customers and their information. So on column A I have the customer number (i.e. k968, e37, p528,...), on column B i have the customer's name, on column C the street's name, on Column D the house number, on column E the zip code and finally the city on column F.

Right now there are around 600 customers in this list.

I have made a userform with a combobox in which I want to select an existing customer (pulled from the spreadsheet). On the same userform I have textboxes (customer number, name, street, number, zip, city). When I select a customer in the combobox, I want this customer's info to show up in the textboxes. I want to be able to change the info and hit Next to store the changes in the spreadsheet. When I do not select a customer from the combobox, I want to add new info in the textboxes and hit Next to store this info as a new customer. The userform also has a delete button. Then I select a customer in the combobox, this customer (and it's info) should be deleted from the spreadsheet when i hit Delete. So the spreadsheet is variable in length.

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Delete Rows With Specific Value

Jul 27, 2012

I created the following macro to remove all rows that contain the value 'Shutdown" in column F


Sub DeleteUniqueValues()
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = LR To 3 Step -1
With Range("F" & i)
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns("F"), .Value) = Shutdown Then .EntireRow.Delete
End With
Next i
End Sub

The macro runs without error, but when I checked the spreadsheet, rows matching this criteria were not deleted.

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Delete The Specific Data

Aug 29, 2007

I am looking for a macro or someway that I can delete data out of a workbook that dont contain specific data. On the example shown below, if in column E it dont say one of the following Nhampton, euston, tring, bletchley, Nhamp Emd, Nhamp NJ, Nhamptn RS, Watford Jn, Bltchly MD, Bedford, Bletch CS or M keynes I need the row totally deleted.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA4=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Delete Specific Rows

Sep 13, 2007

is there a code to chose certain rows using there numbers (Row number 3 to row number 9) to be deleted? yes, there is a code to delete the selected rows, but what i am after is a code to chose rows by thier numbers like delete from row3 to row9?

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Delete Rows Which Contain Any Specific Identifier?

Jul 29, 2012

I'm looking for a code where all those rows which contain some identifier be deleted.

Eg, If any row contains identifiers like "----" , "PROG:" , etc shall be deleted.

NOTE: The identifiers are found on the A Column of any row.

All rows which do not contain the above identifiers shall remain untouched.

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To Delete All Rows Without Specific Text

May 7, 2013

I need a macro in excel which work like that "To delete all rows without specific text". and following macro for this;

What I need in this is that i have more than one values (highlighted with red in formula) so how i will do in this?

Sub DeleteRows()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lLastRow As Long

'Change "A" to suit
lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

[Code] .....

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Macro To Delete Buttons In Specific Row

Aug 8, 2013

I need to have my macro select all buttons in the current row (including the button I clicked on and delete them. There are many rows with buttons. Each row needs to have this button. So I need it to be row specific.

I know that this is how to select the row that the button is in:

VB : sh1.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row

But I do not know how to select the buttons in that row. It needs to be included in this:

Sub move()
Dim shname As String, sh1 As Worksheet, lc As Long, rw As Long
Set sh1 = ActiveSheet
lc = sh1.Cells.Find("*", , , , 2, 2).Column
rw = sh1.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row

[Code] .....

After many attempts and alot of research, I have some more code for this problem: This deletes all buttons in the sheet:

Sub DeleteShapes()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim myVar As Shapes

[Code] .....

And this deletes the current button only:

Sub pressbuttons()
With ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller)
End With
End Sub

Any way to either limit the first code to just a particular row, or expand the second one to the entire row.

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