Showing Column With Today´s Date When Opening File
Feb 16, 2010
I have an infinite list of consecutives dates on a row like the one below. I want that everytime I open my file, the first column shown is the one containing today´s date. If today´s date is 16.Feb, then the first column must be the one containing 16.Feb and so on.
15. Aug.16. Aug.17. Aug.18. Aug.19. Aug.6060606060
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Feb 25, 2009
how can you automatic the date to today's date when you open the excel file?
Price Report For 02/25/09
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Aug 21, 2013
Im working on a document for work, its sort of a learning hobby tbh, something i want to learn. Im trying to do things myself from the books etc, vids from the net. This one i cant find the answer to so before i go ahead i would like to see if it can be done
Basically, we have a few documents that change every day. we get the raw data, and delete coloumns, change the size to autofit width etc...
(im creating a main macro to do that now)
But with that data i need to..
open a new book (but the book name is never the same... book1, book2 as you know)
paste the data
save it
.... the file name! needs to be something like this "Department 20130401" which i saved on 01/04/2013
if i did the document on 10th september.. it would be "Department 20131010"
I have Coloumn A with the dates 01/01/2013 etc
and Colounm B with Department 20130101 etc
Cell ("I1") has =Today() in it
could a macro change the filename from a vlookup result?
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Apr 16, 2014
I have the current code that opens our raw data file and copys it into my workbook. However it now turns out the file is saved everyday as a new file with todays date on the end. Here is my current code:
Sub CopyRaw()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets("PROD_SELECTION").Visible = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
[Code] .....
Todays file is now in the name "I:SalesSales and MarketingMarketing List Product Selection Details (20140416)"
I know i can do this somehow using the Date function but the closest I have got is using
To generate todays date like so: "20140416" but I dont know how to get that into my code correctly so i open the file with that on the end.
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Sep 21, 2009
if there's any sort of script which allows the file's last modified date to be shown in a worksheet?
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Sep 15, 2014
I managed to create some code that will connect to a workbook and take the data from there.
It is kind of SQL mixed with VBA. I just got this by finding it in google (I don't have the link handy now).
What the file does, is it will take 2 columns from a workbook called "Test.xls" and then take out 2 columns "Name" and "ID".
The only thing is, this is only a test and not the actual files I need to open. the files are always saved on the same folder, but the name is the day of the export of it. So when I export a file today, it will get 2014.09.10.xls. The sheet (only 1) will also get that name.
How could I change the below code that it will take that file based on today's date and read from the sheet with today's data?
Sub sbADO()
Dim sSQLQry As String
Dim ReturnArray
Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim mrs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim DBPath As String, sconnect As String
'DBPath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
[Code] ....
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Feb 17, 2009
I'd like a macro to have the workbook save as
Numbers as of "today's Date"
and then close that workbook.
I already tried the following...
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Dec 16, 2007
I have a line chart displaying monthly profits. Is there a way that I can just display the data up to todays date. As the days got on, I want the chart to grow. I currently have the whole month on the chart and I want to get rid of the straight line showing to the end of the month.
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Nov 11, 2008
I'm trying to create an excel worksheet as follows:
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
Date Time In Time Out Hours Worked Pay
I want to insert in the first column (Column1) dates starting from 01/01/2000 all the way up to today, 11/11/2008. So I would end up with a unique date on each row.
To accomplish this manually would be a daunting task. I'm a newbie to excel and don't know how to use any in-built functions.
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May 30, 2009
I'm trying to develop a macro to amalgamate some data on currency exchange rates that are stored in different files with the dates saved in the file's name. The code of the macro I recorded when opening an example of such a workbook is:
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Nov 20, 2006
I have created a spreadsheet and saved it as a template. when the staff open it to enter information they use save as and give it a name. They only need open and enter information once. I have put into this spreadsheet in cell A1 a formula to enter the days date. This all works fine. A few days later I need to access the spreadsheet to check the figures entered and obviously the date changes to the date when I open it up. Is there any way of stopping this happening without using macros. i.e. keep the date as the day they entered the information.
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Jun 7, 2007
I know that the below code goes some way to opening a text file that I'm importing. The thing is, I want it to do this every day and work out the filename itself.
This should be simple as the filename is based on the date.
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;c:docs oday_06062007.txt", Destination:=Range("A1"))
All I want to do is have the start of the filename: 'C:docs oday_' and add the date in the same format automatically...
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Jan 22, 2007
I have columns labeled with various dates.
How can I have excel go to the column with todays date when the sheet is opened?
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Aug 5, 2008
I have been working on this issue for some time, searches let me down paths to tell me of the color of the cell, but can't put all the pieces together. What I am trying to do, is upon Clicking Command Button 1 it will go row by row of column D (there are 2 headers so D3 would be the first fillable data) looking for dates that is past todays date, if past, it will color the cell red then copy it to the next available row in sheet2 then continue, date past due, color red, copy entire row to sheet 2 looping until the end is reached
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Jan 28, 2014
I have a cell using formula
Wherein I compare cell B1 containg a date value with current system date and if it is true i lookup a value from another sheet.
My problem is next day when i open the excel the previous days value is getting erased as my if logic is returning false.
Is there any way to freeze my previous days value while opening the excel the next day
day 27 i have this value
day 28 when i open the excel it shows'
I want to freeze the value under date 27-01-2014
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May 14, 2009
I have a worksheet with a range of dates in column E. What I would like is a formula that states If any of those dates is less than or equal to 10 (days) from today and column H text is not "Yes" then show text "Email outstanding Actions" else show nothing?
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Jan 20, 2014
I have a spread sheet for equipment that gets loaned out on a regular basis. Cells B4 - B25 have combo boxes in them, with the options to select "On Loan", "In Stock Room" etc in them. What I would like to do is create something so that as the combo box is changed, i.e. from "In Stock" to "On Loan", a date changes adjacent to each combo box.
For example, combo box in B10 has been changed from "In Stock" to "On Loan". The adjacent cell records the date automatically that the combo box was changed.
Combo box date example.jpg
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Jan 17, 2013
I'd like all Cells in column AC (e.g. AC$3$:AC$517$) to be filled with yellow fill if the cell value is any date greater than or equal to today. Any past dates can be left blank (for now)
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Apr 4, 2008
how to make the data look like a table with three columns. Other than the date, it is space delimited. I have a tracking spreadsheet where Column A is populated with dates for the year. Column C contains daily values.
I don't always start entering daily values on the first day of the year, e.g., this year the first value in Column C corresponds to March 9. All values in Column C are contiguous - there are no blank cells until the value in Column A is greater than today's date code. I would like to use a formula (rather than VBA) to look down Column C and find the first non-blank entry where the value in Column A is less than or equal to today(). In this case, the formula should return the value for March 9, 2008.
March 1, 2008Saturday
March 2, 2008Sunday
March 3, 2008Monday
March 4, 2008Tuesday
March 5, 2008Wednesday ...................
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Nov 20, 2009
I have designed a spreadsheet and i want a seperate worksheet (sheet3 for arguments sake) to retrieve customer data from worksheet 2 - The data I required is the customer data currently contained on columns A - H and there are around 50 rows. (A2 - I51). I want the seperate sheet to identify entries that have today's date in column I and then list them in Worksheet 3.
Im having difficulties with the syntax for retrieving the data from a seperate worksheet. There may be several entries for the same date and I want to the seperate sheet to report all customer data in worksheet 3? Also, if the date falls on a weekend I would like to retrieve any data for the weekend on the Monday so all cases can be reviewed.
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Apr 17, 2007
I have a need to open a file from my companies intranet. My current method was to open said file via the method that the recorder gave me. However, I would like ot be able to open a said file without having to start open another workbook.
This is the path:
So the command is this:
Workbooks.Open [url]
Links are not actual links
So what I need to know. Is how can I open this file without opening a workbook. I haven't been able to use the VB "Open Statement" to open a file and I don't believe that I've been successfull using the Filesystem object either.
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Nov 12, 2013
I would like to know how to use a VBA code to insert today's date into a specific cell (B9) when any cell in column B (B2:B8) has changed.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have data going in to a small table which has some empty rows as that data is not yet available... My problem is, I need to sort this table in date order but with the date nearest to today's date at the top...
The sort function puts oldest at the top or oldest at the bottom which is no good for what I need...
I use xl 2003.
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May 31, 2013
loop and range function to apply in the below code through which I can avoid writing code for all the rows.
I am trying to open excel files located in single folder from files name (along with the path) in single worksheet (Column B and Row 1 to 500).
I have created follwing code which opens the file and then runs a macro in it.
a Sub Test()
Dim strFName As String
strFName = Sheet1.Range("B2").Value
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Jan 29, 2014
I have a file that I save with a new version number each time I make major changes. The file name currently is: "Telephony Equipment Inventory v26 (Summary).xlsm". The "26" is the variable number. give me the vba code to ensure I open the file with the highest version number?
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May 29, 2014
I have a workbook that I'm using to tracking staffing patterns within a mental health agency. When the workbook opens the user is asked to pick a date range and an office location. I've placed code into the userform that pre-fills the "start date" with today's date and the "end date" 7 days from today's date. I would like the user to be able to enter a unique date range should they wish but I have yet to figure out the coding to accomplish my goal.
[Code] .....
Attached File : Staffing Report 1.90.xlsm‎
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Apr 8, 2009
I am trying to get the results of the number of days between today and a future date. I am using ="cell containing futuredate"-today() and it gets me the correct number of days. The problem comes in when I have yet to populate the future dates. I am getting -39991 (numeric value between today and jan 01 01) and because I am also using conditional formatting this is even more of a problem. Is there a way get excel to display nothing if it is a negative number? or to give a specified resut if the number becomes negative such as Expired or something of that nature?
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May 19, 2009
I need a formula that will calculate the number of days from a date entered into cell A1 to today's date. Whether it's before or after todays date. Example:
5/10/2009 to today is -9
5/22/2009 to today is 3
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Mar 20, 2014
Trying to do a linkback from another post located here but not having much luck doing it: [URL]
I'm working with 2 date columns and trying to filter a view to only include projects with dates within 3 months of today's date.
I've attached a current working file of the data and the end result i'm hoping to achieve via a macro of some sort.
I've manually got it to work via formula by inserting 2 additional columns (highlighted yellow) which determine if the dates "YES" fall in this 3 month time frame of "" blank if not.
create a macro which does all of this automatically without modifying any columns if this is possible
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Sep 18, 2008
I have a worksheet that has a sent date and expected delivery date I need create a macro that will alert me if today's date is within 5 days of expected delivery date.
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