Sort And Filter Range With Protected Cells

Nov 9, 2008

Is there any way to allow autofiltering and sorting even with locked cells within the range to be sorted? I've conditionally locked some cells based on user input, and at the end of my vb code I have allowsorting and allowfiltering. But I want to sort cells that are locked even after that. Does anyone know if that's even possible with VB?

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Sort / Filter Rows: Sort A Range Of Row

Nov 26, 2008

I would like to ask if it is possible to sort a range of row? What I mean is, if I sort like Row 1, the entire block of row 1 will move as well? Like if i have column A to F, then row 1 of column A to F will move together at the same time.

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Sort Protected Worksheet Excluding Blank Cells

Apr 11, 2005

I need to protect my worksheet and only allow users to edit certain ranges. I am allowing the use of autofilter which I can select when I apply protection. However, I am now aware I cannot sort protected cells..which is essential. I basically need to be able to sort a column titled 'surname'. The worksheet is a record of pupils attainment in my class.

Now, I have a macro which seems to do the job: ....

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Sort And Filter Dynamic Range On Different Sheet

Apr 4, 2014

We have 2 dynamic ranges (input, output) on different sheets (sample data below).

Sheet1> Input
Dynamic range 5 columns

Sheet 2>Output
Dynamic range 4 columns
- Include only rows IN=1
- Sorted by LEVEL (BIG to SMALL) and BUY (SMALL to BIG)
- Keep duplicates

What formulas should I place on Sheet2 avoiding Pivot tables or VBA?

Sheet1> Input (16 data rows)
Level Buy Sell Firm IN
16620 4.00 null F1 OUT
16610 5.10 0.80 F1 OUT
16600 11.40 6.60 F1 1
16590 24.50 18.60 F1 1
16580 44.90 37.10 F1 1
16570 66.90 59.60 F1 1
16560 84.40 78.70 F1 1
16550 95.00 90.30 F1 1
16540 99.80 95.60 F1 OUT
16530 100.00 98.00 F1 OUT
16611 6.66 0.497 F2 OUT
16600 9.09 1.96 F2 OUT
16589.1 20 12.5 F2 1
16578.2 41.66 33.33 F2 1
16567.3 73.33 65.21 F2 1
16556.4 90.9 84.61 F2 1
16545 98.5 91.66 F2 OUT

Sheet2> output (10 data rows)
Level Buy Sell Firm
16600 11.4 6.6 F1
16590 24.5 18.6 F1
16589.1 20 12.5 F2
16580 44.9 37.1 F1
16578.2 41.66 33.33 F2
16570 66.9 59.6 F1
16567.3 73.33 65.21 F2
16560 84.4 78.7 F1
16556.4 90.9 84.61 F2
16550 95 90.3 F1

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Filter With Formula: FILTER A Range And Display The Unique Items, One Below The Other, WITHOUT Blank Cells

Feb 10, 2008

How can I FILTER a range and display the unique items, one below the other, WITHOUT blank cells - with only a FORMULA. What I came up with is shown in the attached WB. I would like to present the countries like in C11:C15.

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Paste Into Range But Skip Protected/Locked Cells

Feb 29, 2008

I've been trying to paste formula throughout a range of cells in the same column. Trouble is, I protect some sub- total cells and don't want the formula to paste over those sub-total formulas.

If I protect the sheet and paste the formula throughout the column including the protected cells, I would get an error message.

How can I paste the new formulas without getting into trouble of the protected cells?

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Filter Results Of Primary Filter Sort

Feb 11, 2008

I am in the process of making a database more efficient and am running into a problem with sorting data. I currently am trying to use AutoFilter to sort the data. When I want to then narrow the results further using the same column as the critical and there is nothing that matches the critical, I get everything from the entire database that matches that critical rather than what I want to see, which, in this case, would be nothing.

I have attached a sample file. In it, when All AF 1000 is run and then Selected MAC 2000 Wash is run, I want to see no results instead of seeing all MAC 2000 Washes from the original data set. I can do it using IF/THEN but I am looking for a faster way to do it.

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Dynamic Named Range Sort Including Cells Outside Defined Range

Apr 3, 2008

Im sorting a dynamic range as mentioned in this Sorting a Named Range. My range is called drWarningTypes and is defined as:

=OFFSET(DataSource!$A$2,0,0, COUNTA(DataSource!$A:$A)-1,1)

When there is only one cell in the range, then running the following sort function includes A1 also in the search (and also adjoining columns).....

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Unable To Sort With Protected Sheet?

Dec 30, 2013

I have a sheet protected and filters enabled. I use this code to enable sort and filters:

[Code] ........

Nevetherless, when I try to sort, I receive this message in excel: "The cell or chart you re trying to change is on a protected sheet.

To make changes, click Unprotect Sheet in the Review tab (you might need a password)."

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Sort Data When Sheet Is Protected?

Apr 15, 2014

What settings should I use in order to allow a user to sort data in a table when some of the cells are locked?

When I protected the sheet I ticked the option to allow user to sort data but it doesn't work...

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Allow Sort, Sorting On Protected Worksheets

Aug 29, 2006

Is it possible to keep the sort icon available on a worksheet which is protected? I have issued a spreadsheet to colleagues which contains formulas so I have protected it, but I have now been informed that they need to be able to sort the data according to a ref number.

I thought of using code (which I'm not very good at) and used some from another excel document, but couldn't get it to work...the code was ....

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Sort Macro On Protected Worksheet

Jun 8, 2008

I'm not fond with macros, but this is what i need help with.

I need two macros one to sort ascending (Ctrl+A), and one to sort descending (Ctrl+D).

This is what the macro to do. Unprotect, sort selected column, protect.

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AutoFilter And Sort Not Working On Protected Sheet

Dec 20, 2012

When I either manually check the box for allowing sorting and autofiltering, or I do it through vba with:


With Sheets("Inventory")
.Protect Password:="###", AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUserInterface:=True
.EnableAutoFilter = True
End With

I still am unable to use the icons. The icons are clickable to filter or sort, but every time they say that the cells I am selecting are protected. I want them to be protected from editing the data, but want to allow them to be sorted or filtered.

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Allow Sorting: Protected Worksheet Doesn't Allow A Sort

Sep 11, 2006

I have a column containing 365 entries, one for each day of the year. This I intend to send out to Army bands, to have them fill in their forecast of engagements. I do not want them to be able to amend the original diary, but to scroll to the bottom of the list, add a new entry with the applicable date and then be able to 'sort' back to chronological order. This would then allow a separate entry for every engagement to allow me to interrogate the spreadsheet. As I have protected the sheet, the 'sort' facility does not function even though when protecting I ticked the box to allow users to 'sort'.

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Sort Data On Protected & Hidden Sheets

Sep 16, 2007

Is there a way I can sort multiple hidden protected worksheets with a password “Protect”
I have 12 worksheets “Jan”, “Feb”. Etc

“The Range on each worksheet is the same ("A11:CR200") ....

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Enable Auto Filter Even If The Sheet Is Protected

Nov 30, 2009

Is it possible to enable autofilter even if the sheet is protected. i have protected certain columns in a sheet as it contains formula but i need to filter the values based on auto filter. This is not working as the sheet is protected. is there any way to enable auotfilter.

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Auto Refresh Filter In Protected Sheet?

Jan 11, 2014

I have a summary sheet that pulls data from several worksheets. I have a filter on column I that hides all rows that have zero values in that column. Once I protect the sheet I cannot get the filter to update as the source data changes. I have tried other macros from forums but I cannot get them to work. I would like the filter to update every time that the workbook is calculated.

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Sort A Range Of Cells

Jun 18, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that I am tryng to sort. I am sorting a range of cells. I get my list sorted how I want but then I want to go one step further which is why I am seeking assistance. After my initial sort I want to select just a few specific cells and resort only them.

I am identifying the cells I want to sort by placing "zzzSort" in column V (V267 to V516) ("zzzSort" is placed in the desired cells automatically).

Is there a VBA code that I can place after my original sort code that would select the rows with "zzzSort" in Column V and then run only those ones through anouther sort.

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Error On Protected Sheet Even If Autofilter And Sort Boxes Are Ticked

Feb 4, 2012

If I protect a sheet but tick the boxes to allow sorting and autofilter I still get an erro when I try to use the sort buttons on the autofilter.

It allows me to use the filters but as soon as I sort I get told to unprotect the cells im trying to sort.

Is there a way around this where I can keep formulas from being touched but allow sorting of data through autofilter?

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Sort Range Of Cells On Each Worksheet

Jun 13, 2008

I have been trying to sort the cells in a worksheet, but am unable to properly select the range of cells I need

For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "MySheet" Then Goto nxt
If ws.Name = "MySheet" Then Worksheets("MySheet").Activate
Range("A1:F" & totval).Select
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("F1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
Next ws

the code mentioned above throws an error when it gets to the line. I cannot simply say

It keeps throwing error 1004.

Please ignore the "& totval" in above code. That was my attempt at specifying the last row number, which i specified in the totval variable

I dont know how exactly to specify the range of cells containing data in the activated worksheet above, and then select them for sorting.

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Filter Date Range Based On Cells

Jul 16, 2013

I would like to filter between a date range. the dates i need to filter between are in cells A1 and A2. this range contains the start and end of month. It is referenced from another sheet in the same workbook (='Job List'!C2).

i want to filter; greater than or equal to A1 and less than or equal to A2. How I can do it using the advanced filter method. My data range is C2:C9.

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Advanced Filter Table Top Cells (rows) Across Range Of Categories?

Dec 6, 2013

I would like to only view (or otherwise mark) the highest value cells (in column g) for each category (column c),

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Make The Auto-filter Range Bigger Than 1000 Cells

Apr 5, 2009

Is there any way witch i can use to make the auto-filter range bigger than 1000 cells?

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Can't Sort Or Filter

Apr 5, 2010

I have a worksheet of 10 Columns and over 5000 rows. The worksheet has the word {Group} in brackets after the file name. When I pasted this worksheet into an old file I have been using for a long time it added the word {Group} to this file also.

I am unable to use sort or filter on this worksheet as they are both grayed out.

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With Sort And/or Filter

Jan 23, 2010

I have two columns of numbers. The first column is numbers of customers seeking specific products. The second column is of total competitors for the products. I am wanting to find a sort or filter that will show me the "sweet spot" where I can "weight" the best products that have greatest seekers but lowest competition.

Here are a few examples of what I am working with:

Product a - People seeking product: 167 / Competitors providing product: 5740
Product b - People seeking product: 111 / Competitors providing product: 133000
Product c - People seeking product: 74 / Competitors providing product: 105000
Product d - People seeking product: 60 / Competitors providing product: 109000
Product e - People seeking product: 33 / Competitors providing product: 22200

(I have many more products than this, this is only a small example)

So what my goal is is to run through all my data and find the most ideal products (the "sweet spot") that have greatest number of seekers/potential customers with the least competition.

Is there a way to sort this? Or do I use a filter of some type. My knowledge of Excel is pretty minimal.

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Auto Filter Won't Sort

Mar 18, 2007

For some reason I have a worksheet that won't sort stuff by Autofilter any more. I built it as a customer database but for some reason today I just can't get the names to ascend or descend. there is something simple I can check for, I can post an empety sheet if needed but right now I can't really post a list of all my customers info.

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VBA Macro To Filter And Sort

Aug 6, 2008

I'm tryin to set up a macro to filter and sort and when I record the macro correctly it does not run properly.

I have detailed info below:

I created a sheet "Met Logbook" which contains all links to the source "Master Logbook". This master logbook has a lot of info added daily and we add info at the top of the sheet (we insert new rows every time at the top for different reasons). So what happens is the master logbook always changes its cells (when inserting new rows at the top, all the cells change row number). So I have just linked all the cells and more that we may be using in the Met logbook. This is why I need to filter and then sort the Met logbook (since there will be so many blanks, unuseful info and in the wrong order). (It will be in the wrong order because the "master logbook" has newer info at the top and I have more than one sheet of info for the master logbook) (so my links in the met logbook are somewhat out of order).

So what I need is to have code to filter column B with:
and column H with "Blanks", then I need to sort column A (rec'd) in descending order (so that newer info will be at the top). I will post my Met Logbook sheet on my second post since its a little large.

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Sort And Advanced Filter

Jul 13, 2006

I am trying to perform a function that searches through the first column for any active "A" account and then copies the corresponding rows information into another worksheet. I think I need to use the advanced filter function however I can't seem to figure it out.

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Automatic Sort After Filter ...

Mar 21, 2007

I'm trying to write one macro that filters a set of data based on 2 criteria and then automatically sorts the filtered data by date. The filter works fine but when I then try to write code that handles the automatic sort, I get the following message when I run the macro: "Run-Time Error 1004: the sort reference is not valid. Make sure that it's within the data you want to sort, and the first Sort By box isn't the same or blank."

I realize it would only take one or two more clicks to sort this data manully after the macro is run, but the lazy person in me is trying to eliminate this step. Does anybody have any suggestions as to why the sort is not working? I parsed basic sorting code, but it hasn't worked. The other part of this that is causing me trouble is that the number of filtered rows will vary, so I'm only needing to sort the visible range.

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Advanced Filter Code - Criteria Range More Than 1 Row Breaks Filter

May 1, 2014

I found a great bit of Advanced Filter code that works great, and fixed a problem of clearing a cell breaking the filter.

But if I want to increase the criteria from 1 row to 2, so you can start to include And , Or operations, it breaks the filter. Even an attempt at a manual one fails, until you put the criteria range back down to one row, then it's fine again.

I've tried changing the Target Row to >2 but that didn't work. how to make the criteria range bigger, and no problems of breakage if you clear the cells? It makes for a very useful automated Advanced Filter.

Here's the code :

[Code] .....

Database = the named area of raw data.
DATA is the name of the raw data worksheet
The criteria range should be AZ1:BC3, but of course royally breaks it...

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